The Orlando False Flag Shooting: Even MORE Proof Of It Being A Massive Hoax!

I had to take yesterday as a day to do some personal business... Of course I was able to take a bit of time last night to surf the Internet for about an hour, and concentrate on the latest news about this Orlando Florida "shooting" that more and more is proving itself to be a massive operation to scare the crap out of the American people and have them willfully surrender their guns under the false pretext of "keeping them safe"...Once again, I want to present some more very interesting videos that come courtesy of my friend, Jody, who of course writes the excellent blog: "What They Don't Tell You" at These two videos show further proof that not only was this "shooting" a massive hoax, but once again with all the previous frauds, it employed the usage of very piss poor crisis actors.... Here is that article for my own readers to look over for themselves, and I do have my follow up thoughts and comments afterwards:

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


This is from New World Agenda: *** UPDATE ***I guess the shooter, Omar Mateen, was an actor, as well. Unbelievable. Posted by Jody Paulsonat 3:58 PMNTS Notes:  Again, I want to thank Jody for staying on top of this fraud....I for one am still amazed that the Jew spew media is out there and screaming to the dumbed down American people that this "shooting" was real, and that it was committed by a "lone gunman" crazed "Muslim".... But by just a bit of research and a bit of Internet surfing, anyone with even the slightest critical thinking skills can see that this Omar Mateen character is most probably a patsy to take the fall for this crime, and that this entire "shooting" is proving to be a massive hoax....There is still so much to be learned from this false flag that we have yet to discover... Again, as more evidence comes forward that exposes this fraud, I will present that evidence here for everyone to see for themselves... Stay tuned..More to comeNTS*One other note: I do again want to thank the readership for their comments about this fraud... I also want to thank them for presenting some great links to other articles that also expose this operation... All I can say to them is keep them coming, for we must do our due diligence to make sure the criminals involved do not get away with this lie!