In Oregon, score a victory for gun sanity

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence pays tribute to the people who made this victory for gun sanity possible."Make no mistake: what we accomplished in Oregon is monumental. We delivered a crushing blow to the corporate gun lobby, and we’re picking up steam and building momentum the likes of which this issue has not seen in decades!."-- Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaignto Prevent Gun Violenceby KenWe see all around us such widespread examples of the power of gun in-sanity that it's nice to be able to celebrate a victory for sanity on the subject, and the Brady Center folks want to make sure people know about it. And while I'm not much of a believer in afterlives, except in the sense of what lives on of us after we're gone, if Jim and Sarah Brady are anywhere now where they can look upon this, I'm sure they're smiling.Certainly in my sense of an afterlife -- what lives on of us after we're gone -- Jim and Sarah can count this a victory. They didn't experience a lot of them in their later years, facing off against the punishing power of the NRA and the streak of violence and insanity now apparently accepted as part of the American character. So score one for those of us who like to think that the "right" to kill and maim isn't any part of who we are.Here's what Brady Center President Dan Gross had to say in his e-mail yesterday:

Yesterday, I was on the ground in Oregon celebrating the latest victory in our campaign to expand Brady background checks to all gun sales.Because of your actions—calls, texts, emails, and meetings with legislators—SB 941 is now law—making Oregon the sixth state to expand Brady background checks to all gun sales since the Sandy Hook shooting.Across the country, 18 states now have expanded Brady background checks. But we’re not going to stop until we’ve expanded life-saving background checks to all gun sales! Can I count on your financial support to help bring our winning formula to even more states across the country?Make no mistake: what we accomplished in Oregon is monumental. We delivered a crushing blow to the corporate gun lobby, and we’re picking up steam and building momentum the likes of which this issue has not seen in decades! Next stop on our cross-country march is Nevada, where a ballot initiative to expand Brady background checks to all gun sales has already qualified for the November 2016 ballot.Join us in carrying our momentum forward to success in Nevada and across the country by making a contribution today!

So, like you said, Dan, on to Nevada!#