Oregon School Shooting Is A Fraud: RedsilverJ Video Shows Clear Evidence Of Another Fake Shooting, And Other Evidence Of The Fraud

OK, just the other day the Jew spew news turned from its attacks on Russia for the Russian Federation taking action against the American fraud known as "ISIS" to turn its attention to a brand spanking new "shooting" in Oregon..... I was alerted to this "shooting" yesterday morning and indeed have been following all the reports coming from the liars in our media, and of course from reports coming through the alternative media as well... From the very beginning of this latest "shooting" I smelled a rat, and lo and behold after looking over so much data, I am firmly believing this to be an absolute 100% bona fide hoax....To help understand the strange circumstances behind this latest fraud shooting, I want to turn to a most excellent video that comes from Youtube user "RedsilverJ".... This video that I have right here for all to see for themselves, definitely shows that we are dealing with another fraud for the same purpose of all the other fraud shootings... To create shock and horror in the American public to the point that they will gladly surrender their last defense against their own criminal government, their guns... First here is that important video, and I do have follow up information, thoughts, and comments to follow: NTS Notes: There have been some peculiar happenings since the Oregon "shooting" yesterday that makes no sense.. First of all, here is a link to an article that states that the local police that first attended that "shooting" had the gall to confiscate ALL of the cell phones from college students on site!  Here is that link to an article from the Rumor Mills forum website explaining this peculiar action by Oregon Police:http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=29182 Now WHY in the hell would they confiscate smart phones? There can be absolutely no other logical reason other than to make sure that no pictures, or videos were captured by the students that were not involved in the hoax that may suddenly reach both the social media and the internet and expose the fraud for the world to see!  If anyone has a logical reason otherwise, I am all ears...Next we find evidence that the school where this "shooting" occurred just had a shooting drill conducted the week before this incident (Surprise.. Surprise..) which seems to always occur before each of the previous school "shootings" that have all been proven to be hoaxes as well... Here is a video explaining the recent "drill" conducted at that school: NTS Notes:  Honestly, nothing surprises me any more... We have seen how quickly after this latest "shooting" the criminal US President, Barry Soetoro, was making the media rounds calling for immediate action on gun control in America.... That alone made me smell a rat and everything so far points to this being another criminal action on the gullible American people!I will continue to monitor and report any new findings about this "shooting" here.. And again, I call on my readers to do their own due dilligence and drum up any evidence themselves that shows this to be another nefarious act on the American people... I will gladly post their findings here at this blog for everyone to see for themselves....Stay tuned, for there definitely is...More to comeNTS