Open thread

by Judith Curry
It’s your turn to introduce topics for discussion.

From my twitter feed this past week:
Patrick Moore:  One must absolutely read this from the Spectator on Nigel Lawson banned from BBC on climate. Orwell rolling in grave
brad plumer: Insightful piece on how enviros quietly shaped the EPA’s carbon rules for power plants: Link
Alex Trembath: Could Consuming MORE Energy Help Humans Save Nature? link
David Spiegelhalter:  wow, a report on the future of statistical science!  link
Stian Westlake Do research metrics help? @SPRU’s submission to @HEFCE’s review is a superb, detailed response. Link
Nature Geoscience :The slow drowning of Miami  link
Helen Pallett: V interesting review + discussion in comments of Mike Hulme’s new (free) essay ‘Climate change & virtue’  Link
Kate Morant: On the history of the word “scientist”. Look at the institutions still refusing to use it 90 yrs after first coined! Link
peter gluckman: Interesting discussion on the dilemmas is association, causation & complex science & impact on policy formation – Link
Alice Bell:  Catching up. There are peer review rings now? FFS.  LinkFiled under: Open thread
