OKC Bombing 19 years / WACO 21 years – Remembered

April 12th Meeting #224 What Really Happened at Waco and Why Will It Happen Again?
Stuart Nelson, (PhD Agnotology) and long time activist, researcher featured guest of several talk radio hosts, and member of the volunteer team that rebuilt the Branch Davidian church, will expose a very different view of the horrific siege we all saw unfold 21 years ago in Waco. Our so-called media reported government lies over and over again. Finally, Stuart will show how this kind of attack has happened and will happen again if we the people don’t stop those who deliberately shock the nation’s psyche in order to feed their obsession for power and wealth. We must never forget all the victims of April 19th,1993 in Waco Tx…. including you.

20 yr Anniversary of WACO – Massive Fertalizer plant bomb blows town to pieces
