Odessa: Update on the fate of detained anti-fascists and relatives

The latest report from the Odessa native currently living in the Chicago area is that her friend and his son, the first the victim of smoke inhalation inside, the second bludgeoned by Right Sector and allied forces outside the trade union headquarters in Odessa, have been released from police detention, but have not returned home for fear of being pursued by the extremist bands that attacked them on May 2. They are being hidden by friends.
However, there is no indication that either ever received the medical attention they required.
Reports circulating on international Russian-language websites, chat rooms and e-mail groups include the fact that Odessa law enforcement officials, beholden to the city’s mayor, himself appointed by Kiev, released the names and addresses of those released to Right Sector and other neo-Nazi forces.
The total amount of detainees released – all apparently anti-junta, anti-fascist civilians and their relatives – is estimated to be 67, with a comparable amount still in police custody.
One report states that authorities have pressed or are planning to press charges against as many as 30 of those still detained for the alleged killing of one or more policeman, on the surface an unsubstantiated if not absurd accusation.
Written accounts, videos and photographs are circulating that assert and tend to verify that several people were killed by other means, including by gunshots, inside the Trade Unions House, perhaps “finished off” by right-wing gangs after they entered the building.
In the meantime, former prime minister and erstwhile darling of the Western press corps Yulia Tymoshenko has celebrated the carnage – “I want to thank all those who came to fight in Odessa for our Ukraine” – and has called for the junta’s U.S.- and NATO-interoperable military to attack and if needed decimate “any mass meeting of people.”
Also, appeals are being issued from Slavyansk, under assault from special forces, helicopters, armored vehicles and artillery, for first aid supplies as few are available and the Ukrainian Red Cross is refusing assistance.
What is occurring in Ukraine is not civil war, it is full-scale war waged by a Western-installed criminal regime against its own people.
