Obama Stacks Audiences with Hecklers? Suspicions and red flags

We were suspicious of this event right out of the gate. How do these “polite” hecklers get seats on the stage? In past events team Obama has meticulously placed the chosen ones backing the POTUS. Yeah ALL politicians do it…. We get that part. So either one of the chosen fooled the vetting process, OR, this was the process to begin with. The most telling part of the “heckling” was that Team Obama didn’t remove the heckler, but instead received cheers from the partisan audience for “letting him talk”. (Because Cousin Barry believes in free speech) Horse-Hockey! ~ JB
SF Protesters to Obama: Please Be a Dictator!


President Obama has to cheat even at getting heckled.

Check it out:
The Health Care Stack just keeps growing and growing and growing. The Obama poll numbers continue to plummet, and now Wolf Blitzer is officially concerned at CNN, finally addressed the poll numbers. Obama is now stacking his personal appearances with hecklers. A lot of people are making a big deal about the heckler in San Francisco at Obama’s immigration rally or appearance. Somebody wrote the script for the heckler.
Here is the Theorem: “Yeah, I agree with you, I’m trying to fix it. I’m working with Congress, but, you know, I just can’t make law any time I want to.” (IE: I am not a dictator – cough – Even though I want to be one for you.)

Well, what’s stopping him all of a sudden? He’s been making law ever since you became president. The Health Care Stack includes a new discovery that the unions have been exempted from a bunch of Obamacare fees. It just keeps adding up. I mean, no matter what it just keeps piling on.
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Cousin George in a most candid moment(s):

