Obama Hasn't Fired John Brennan Yet-- Let Alone Had Him Arrested

We've been suggesting that it is past due to disband the CIA for many years. And that includes the NSA (which has illegally intercepted virtually every e-mail ever sent by every American citizen). Most senators don't care who the CIA spies on-- other than… senators. Then they get a little riled up. Yesterday the CIA finally admitted they had indeed hacked into Senate computers to spy on senators. Caught like a rat, John Brennan said... he is sorry.One senator who actually does care about unconstitutional domestic spying on Americans is Mark Udall (D-CO). He's a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee and he was the first out of the box suggesting Brennan be held accountable. Resignation or firing is a good first step.

"After being briefed on the CIA Inspector General report today, I have no choice but to call for the resignation of CIA Director John Brennan. The CIA unconstitutionally spied on Congress by hacking into Senate Intelligence Committee computers. This grave misconduct not only is illegal, but it violates the U.S. Constitution’s requirement of separation of powers. These offenses, along with other errors in judgment by some at the CIA, demonstrate a tremendous failure of leadership, and there must be consequences."The CIA needs to acknowledge its wrongdoing and correct the public record in a timely, forthright manner-- and that simply hasn't occurred under John Brennan's leadership. Such an acknowledgment is necessary, whether we're talking about spying on Senate computers or about correcting misleading and inaccurate information about the CIA's detention and interrogation program. An internal CIA accountability board review isn't enough."

You may recall that when senators first accused the CIA of spying on them in March, Brennan just lied right to their faces. It's good at it. "Nothing could be further from the truth," he told Dianne Feinstein, the chair of the committee and a huge backer of the National Security State. NOTHING! "We wouldn’t do that," he continued. Us? How could you even suggest it! My feelings are hurt. "That’s just beyond the scope of reason in terms of what we’d do." Obviously, Obama has to get rid of this clown. He can't be effective working with Congress again.But there's a far more important reason. If he isn't held accountable-- seriously accountable-- can you imagine what the next Republican CIA director will feel he can get away with? Or, just as bad, Hillary's CIA director? Brennan seriously broke the law. He should seriously pay for it with some serious prison time. By the end of the day, Harry Reid had chimed in with… a stern rebuke, a step in the right direction but he should be following Udall's lead on this.

The CIA Inspector General’s report describes actions by the CIA that are appalling and deeply threatening to our system of checks and balances. Congress has a constitutional responsibility to conduct oversight and the CIA’s actions were an attempt to undermine that responsibility.What is even more disturbing is that the unauthorized CIA actions come in the context of the Senate’s effort to complete a report of the CIA’s interrogation program. The deeply troubling CIA actions show to what lengths some in the CIA are willing to stoop in order to prevent the report’s release and to avoid accountability.The CIA is comprised of good men and women of integrity who sacrifice a great deal to protect our nation. The actions of a few risk tarnishing the work of many. The CIA’s leadership must take action to address these misdeeds, restore its trust with Congress and ensure that this episode will never, ever be repeated.

Anyone who isn't demanding Brennan be removed has to be looked at with suspicion. Martin Heinrich (D-NM), another member of the Intelligence Committee, noted yesterday that "I voted to approve John Brennan to lead the CIA, in the hope that he could help rebuild some of the trust between the agency and the Intelligence Committee. But that trust has only deteriorated during his tenure. I have lost all confidence in Director Brennan's leadership of the CIA and forthrightness in dealing with the Committee." That's a diplomatic way of telling Obama to get rid of him.