Obama Gets ‘Executive Power Czar’ (OLD NWO / Soros front man, “Mr Fix it” Podesta – that’s change?)

This FAKE (planted) protestor is another in the long line begging Obama to supersede the (separated) Constitutional powers of the White House. Will he get his wish with this latest Czar appointment? Anything to keep Democrat voters happen in an (s)Election year right?

With this appointment you can see that Obama is trying to gain further power in his tyrannical rule.
Check it out:
Specializes in bypassing Congress to enact ‘progressive change’
A senior progressive strategist and former chief of staff for President Bill Clinton who specializes in the use of executive authority to bypass Congress is reportedly joining the White House.
The New York Times is reporting John Podesta, founder of the Center for American Progress, has agreed to serve as counselor to President Obama for a year.
Podesta last month announced the establishment of a new group, the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, that will work within his Center for American Progress. The new center bills itself as a research and grant-making organization founded to accelerate the closing of what it calls the income gap in the U.S. by fighting so-called income inequality.
The Times reported Podesta will help the White House on “matters related to the health care law, administration organization and executive actions,” with particular focus on so-called climate change issues, according to a person familiar with the plans.

John Podesta, Former Clinton Chief Of Staff, To Join Obama

MUST READ: Soros Moves To Salvage White House Investment – Brings On ‘Project Podesta”

*In 1988, Podesta founded with his brother, Tony, Podesta Associates, Inc., a Washington, D.C., “government relations and public affairs” lobbying firm. Now known as the Podesta Group, the firm “has close ties to the Democratic Party and the Obama administration [and] has been retained by some of the biggest corporations in the country, including Wal-Mart, BP and Lockheed Martin.”
*He also oversaw Clinton’s pardons in the last days of his administration
* (allegedly – cause this guy’s primary job is to STOP LEAKS – likely the REAL reason he is being employed by the Obama admin…)Podesta has supported efforts from the UFO research community to pressure the United States government to release files to the public that could bring light on the simmering allegations of conspiracies and cover-up of the issue. At a 2002 news conference organized by Coalition for Freedom of Information Podesta stated that, “It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon
* Currently, John Podesta is the U.S. representative to the UN High-Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (Agenda 21)
* Podesta’s work with the CFR HERE
*Obama is using an extremist left-wing ‘think tanks’ to set his agenda. The Center for American Progress is a George Soros funded group of radicals that have been setting Obama’s presidential policies from day one. Soros was a Hillary supporter and funneled untold millions into CAP. Once Hillary lost to Obama, Soros the felon, and his group embraced Obama and Obama has embraced them. They helped push for the ObamaCare bill and a host of other radical bills for Obama. John Podesta, who runs CAP, was the leader of Obama’s transitional team.
Now the anti-American, anti-2nd Amendment extremist have Obama’s ear and are pushing their anti-gun ideas.
From WaPo:
With President Obama readying an overhaul of the nation’s gun laws, a liberal think tank with singular influence throughout his administration is pushing for a sweeping agenda of strict new restrictions on and federal oversight of gun and ammunition sales.
The Center for American Progress is recommending 13 new gun policies to the White House — some of them executive actions that would not require the approval of Congress — in what amounts to the progressive community’s wish list.

