Nuked at Nine

On March 22nd 1962 in Washington DC officials worked out details for an attack on the Soviet Union. The Special Group Augmented included Attorney General Robert Kennedy, the director the CIA, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. According to documents included in the recently released JFK Papers, Robert Kennedy or the CIA’s John McCone asked if it would be possible to manufacture Soviet aircraft. They wanted the aircraft for a false flag. This effort dovetailed with more than a decade of propaganda warning the American people the Soviets planned to nuke the United States at any moment. The Soviet Union’s sputnik satellite resulted in the Missile Gap lie. The media in the US propagandized the public with this lie. The Russian election meddling false flag is only the latest example. There’s a pile of evidence disputing the theory as a ludicrous fraud, and yet millions of Americans believe the Russians are after us—just like previous generations did in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. Our new war chief is taking the murder machine to the next level, killing hundreds in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He’s sending soldiers into Africa to chase down terrorists created by intelligence agencies. The national security state and its token figurehead president are pushing the envelope on total war.
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Show Notes
The Central Intelligence Agency: An Encyclopedia of Covert Ops, Intelligence Gathering, and Spies
JFK Files: US Contemplated Fake Soviet Attack To Provoke War
The CIA and the Media
Operation Northwoods
CIA Considered Bombing Miami and Killing Refugees to Blame Castro
Lee Harvey Oswald's killer Jack Ruby told FBI informant to 'watch the fireworks' hours before JFK's assasination