NSA director denies spying on Congress

Vermont senator notes that agency’s head failed to rule out collection of elected officials’ phone ‘metadata’

We’ve Known for Some Time that the NSA Is Spying On Congress

NSA Spying on Congress to Manipulate, Intimidate, Blackmail Top Government and Military Officials

Burlington Free Press
The National Security Agency’s director, responding to questions from Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, says the government is not spying on Congress.
But a two-page letter from Gen. Keith Alexander to the Vermont independent goes on to state that the agency can make no guarantee that representatives or senators have not had their “telephone metadata” caught up in broad government sweeps.
“Nothing NSA does can fairly be characterized as ‘spying on members of Congress or other American elected officials,’” Alexander wrote in the letter, dated Friday and released Tuesday.
Sanders responded Tuesday evening by noting that the NSA chief failed to rule out any snooping on elected officials.
“The NSA is collecting enormous amounts of information,” the senator said in a statement. “They know about the phone calls made by every person in this country, where they’re calling, who they’re calling and how long they’re on the phone. Let us not forget that a mere 40 years ago we had a president of the United States who completely disregarded the law in an effort to destroy his political opponents. In my view, the information collected by the NSA has the potential to give an unscrupulous administration enormous power over elected officials.”
Alexander referred in his letter to the NSA’s “unwavering commitment to conducting its mission in a manner consistent with the Constitution and laws,” and he noted that all court decisions but one have found the government’s spying tactics legal.
The agency’s broad snooping on the phone, email and Internet use of millions of Americans and others around the world was exposed this summer by former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, who leaked classified material to journalists. The government says the surveillance operations are necessary to protect America from terrorists; privacy advocates and others contend the spying goes too far and runs afoul of the Constitution.
Some of the government’s intelligence-gathering activities have targeted leaders of friendly foreign nations — a point Sanders highlighted when he first asked the NSA earlier this month whether the agency was spying on Congress.
“Clearly we must do everything we can to protect our country from the serious potential of another terrorist attack,” Sanders said in Tuesday’s statement, “but we can and must do so in a way that also protects the constitutional rights of the American people and maintains our free society.”
In the Alexander letter, the NSA’s leader wrote that the “telephone metadata program incorporates extraordinary controls to protect Americans’ privacy interests,” and one of those protections prevents the agency from searching the information except under specific circumstances.
“The NSA can query the metadata only based on phone numbers reasonably suspected to be associated with specific foreign terrorist groups,” Alexander wrote. “For that reason, NSA cannot lawfully search to determine if any records NSA has received under the program have included metadata of the phone calls of any member of Congress, other American elected officials, or any other American without that predicate.”
Alexander closed by offering to meet and discuss the issue further with Sanders — who has introduced legislation that would prevent the “wholesale collection” of phone records without the government’s obtaining a warrant.
U.S. courts oppose reform proposals for secret surveillance court
14 Jan 2014 – The U.S. federal court system objects to key proposals by a presidential review panel to reform the secret court that supervises the classified electronic eavesdropping activities of the U.S. National Security Agency, a former chief judge of that court said on Tuesday. Judge John Bates, the former head of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Court, sent the objections in a letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. He said he submitted it on behalf of the federal judicial system as a whole, through an entity called the Judicial Conference of the United States, of which he is secretary.

NSA phone collection does not prevent terrorism – report
13 Jan 2014 – A new analysis of 225 terrorism cases in the United States since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks indicates that the National Security Agency’s massive collection of phone records had a “minimal” on preventing acts of terrorism, according to a report released Monday by the New America Foundation, a Washington nonprofit group. Traditional law enforcement and investigative methods provided the evidence to begin most cases. The study makes similar conclusion as an advisory group appointed by President Barack Obama to examine the federal government’s vast surveillance programs.

