Now You See it, Now You Don’t: The “Supposed” Bin Laden Kill-Raid to Remain Secret Forever

Osama Bin-Laden, Lies, Classified Videos, Deleted Files, Black-Holes & Cover Ups
How can you prove something that doesn’t exist? Let’s pose this in other words: How can you disprove something that doesn’t exist? Now let’s go ahead and answer this question, pretending you are the government of the United States: Well, you just classify it and make it top-secret; forever, and ever. See, it is not that difficult, ey.
The simple process of secret-making and classifying, and doing so as the sole authority not accountable to any one or power, gives our executive branch the power to claim anything, including the existence of the nonexistent. Now that’s some power! They can come out and say they have proved that the earth is a cube, but all the evidence and proof has been stamped classified and secret forever. Done. What do you do or say to that? If you are an American: nothing. After all, the US government’s simple word (claim) is perceived as good as or even better than gold.
Here is an excellent recent example of this American reality:
Pentagon DELETES Files About Osama bin Laden Raid After Transferring Them to CIA Where They Can’t Be Made Public
Military files about the Navy SEAL raid on Osama bin Laden’s hideout have been purged from Pentagon computers and sent to the CIA, where they are less likely to ever be seen by the American public. The secret move, ordered by the nation’s top special operations commander and described briefly in a draft report by the defense department’s inspector general, appears to have sidestepped federal rules and perhaps also the Freedom of Information Act.
The acknowledgement by Admiral William McRaven of his actions was quietly removed from the final version of an inspector general’s report published weeks ago. A spokesman for the admiral declined to comment.

Secretly moving the records allowed the Pentagon to tell the Associated Press that it couldn’t find any documents inside the defense department that AP had requested more than two years ago, and could represent a new strategy for the U.S. government to shield even its most sensitive activities from public scrutiny.

McRaven’s directive sent the only copies of the military’s records about its daring raid to the CIA, which has special authority to prevent the release of ‘operational files’ in ways that can’t effectively be challenged in federal court. The defense department can prevent the release of its own military files, too, citing risks to national security. But that can be contested in court, and a judge can compel the Pentagon to turn over non-sensitive portions of records.

And here is a summary:

Military files about the Navy SEAL raid on Osama bin Laden’s hideout have been purged (Deleted) from Pentagon computers
Associated Press requested information on the raid some 20 times in 2011, but requests were rejected
A line in an inspector general’s draft report states the files were purged from the defense department to another government department to prevent certain information about the raid being made public
The sentence was removed from the final report released weeks ago

Please recall all the contradictory and ever-changing Bin-Laden Kill stories:

The President and his entourage were watching the entire raid live at the White House; but later, there was no coverage of the raid. Obama, Clinton and the rest were sitting there, staring at a blank screen, and posing for photographers who mysteriously were picked and brought there to take portrait shots of a very secret mission.
The government claimed heroic action to take out Bin-Laden who was armed with several machine guns fiercely defending himself. Then they claimed Bin-Laden was hiding behind one of his many wives – wetting and shitting his pants -the coward. And then they said Bin-Laden was unarmed, and that there was no hiding-behind-wife business.
The government claimed that the main objective was to capture Bin-Laden alive. Then the government said that the objective was to capture him dead or alive, and that killing him was the last resort. Then we were told our government went there to kill the bastard.
The government told us they had to kill him, and then bury the body immediately (no one said why). After that, the government said they had decided not to bury the body where it could ever be dug up and examined, so they threw it in the ocean to make sure the supposed body became a shark feast. But of course, they had a mini religious ceremony on board the ship: A sort of Luau a la DOD.
And let’s not forget that SEAL Team 6, the unit that supposedly killed Osama bin Laden, died in a helicopter crash right after the raid; and there went the majority of the government’s handful of witnesses.
Later, the Presidents’ men ruled to classify the supposed gruesome pictures of the supposed Bin-Laden raid and Bin-Laden corpse; “forever” goes unsaid but understood in the ruling

…and now, we are told all the documents (e-mails, reports … everything) have been deleted and purged from the defense department, and placed in a black-hole called CIA Archives to remain secret; that is, forever.
Can anyone show you any video, pictures, reports or documents of any kind that proves there ever was a raid on Bin-Laden? Can anyone present you with any proof proving that Bin Laden lived in that Abbottabad house and got killed on that date?
Hey, no reason to worry. The government said it, and when the government says something it is “so.” They don’t have to prove something that doesn’t exist. All they have to do: say it, and make it secret and classified. End of story. If you think or claim otherwise: join the conspiracy club of millions, and I am with you.
And here is a brilliant video from my partner that sums it up in less than 5 minutes: 9/11- A Conspiracy Theory

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Sibel Edmonds is the Publisher & Editor of Boiling Frogs Post and the author of the Memoir Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story. She is the recipient of the 2006 PEN Newman’s Own First Amendment Award for her “commitment to preserving the free flow of information in the United States in a time of growing international isolation and increasing government secrecy” Ms. Edmonds has a MA in Public Policy and International Commerce from George Mason University, a BA in Criminal Justice and Psychology from George Washington University.

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