Now You Know Why Nobody Gives A Damn About Trump Banging Porn Stars

by Bob LynchWell, Monday was certainly a big day for all the straight, white, Christian, men in this country and there is no doubt that Mother allowed Mike Pence an extra ‘Nilla Wafer before his 8:30 bedtime. But for the rest of us it was an existential crisis.I don’t mean that in the sense of the word that most pseudo intellectuals commonly associate with Sartre or Kierkegaard. I mean it in the literal sense in that it could means a potential end of existence for anyone that doesn’t check the aforementioned boxes.This is no longer a game or a joke or hyperbole folks. Eventually they are coming for You and the shameless hoax of a Justice, that was only added to a long since cultivated list of judges from the despicable Heritage Foundation and various evangelical groups that have been positioning for this very moment since the day after Roe v Wade was decided, was added and nominated for precisely one reason.He has been outspoken about the fact that a sitting president cannot be indicted at the obvious point in our country’s history where a sitting president absolutely needs to be indicted. Despite what noted condoner of sexual assault Jim Jordan, outright Nazi/whackjob Steve King, and DUI enthusiast Matt Gaetz will tell you about the Deep State, the real Deep State is every single member in the last 40 years of the GOP who sold their souls to make this moment happen and looked the other way...To say this is a national disgrace is an actual disgrace to the word disgrace. This is a threat to the very fabric of American Democracy, every level of civil rights, and basic human decency.We are now faced with a situation where we have a complicit Congress, a rubber stamp Senate and a Supreme Court that has now not only decided that the president can do whatever the fuck he wants under the guise of national security, but he also cannot be held accountable for any criminal liability. Even Erdoğan-- who just appointed his son-in-law finance minister-- had a tougher road to authoritarianism.This is how democracy dies. Right out in the open. Nobody gives a shit about the Constitution anymore in the GOP. They are just handing out lifetime achievement awards to the corporate and Evangelical donors they have been beholden to ever since Nixon came up with the Southern Strategy.But this time, they are gonna take us all down with them and not only do they not care, that’s the plan. Women’s rights? Bye. Gay rights? Ciao. Civil rights? Gone. Pre-existing condition? You’re on your own. Hablas Español? Adios. Environmental Regulations? Gutted. Assault Weapons as a fundamental “God Given” right? You betcha.Look up Kavanaugh’s record and then ask me again why I’m still up at 5:30 in the morning on a Monday night and then editing it Tuesday morning watching Kavanaugh walk up the steps with Mike Pence and I’m about to puke.There is no longer an outside chance that Trump just declares himself dictator or president for life, Congress goes along, and a Kavanaugh featured court decides it is ok for national security reasons. Who is gonna stop it? John Roberts? Samuel Alito who famously tried to deny that Citizen’s United wasn’t going to lead us to the exact position we’re in? Susan Collins? Chuck Fucking Schumer? Wake up people.This is not Civil War, this is Infinity War. Half of us might be gone before this thing is over.So much damage has already been done and the next stage will be exponentially worse. I say that only because I want people to be realistic, not disheartened.No matter who you are or where you live, someone you know and someone you love will have their life permanently altered by this decision even if you don’t realize it. Democracy is a team sport. There is only one option to even possibly put a stop to any of this, let alone roll it back. You have to vote Blue in every single race for any nominee for the House. People like Ted Lieu can actually make a difference if given a real chance to get into leadership positions. Meanwhile the GOP is wasting his time still talking about Hillary’s emails. Do not save your strength for the next battle. This is the ONLY battle.Oh and also, the government of Thailand is rescuing children, that don’t even know how to swim, from underwater caves, and we don’t know where 3,000 kids are???If we don’t win this one, no one should ever be proud to be an American ever again. Let’s just fold up the tents and go home. Change the name, declare bankruptcy. Wait, isn’t that exactly what Putin wanted in the first place??I’m going to watch the France World Cup game. At least those people still give a damn.