Norway, Poland: NATO’s Warfare Centers On Russia’s Borders

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Transformation

April 30, 2015
Deputy Commander visits Joint Warfare Centre during “Trident Jaguar” Exercise

Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (DSACT), Italian Air Force General Mirco Zuliani hosted the Distinguished Visitors’ Day of the Trident Jaguar 2015 Exercise in Stavanger, Norway.
Trident Jaguar stems from the operational requirement to train and certify joint command capability in the NATO Force Structure (NFS). The scenario of Trident Jaguar 15 provides a high intensity, complex military and asymmetric ‘failing state’ environment, to allow the training audience to exercise a wide spectrum of operational effects. For this year’s exercise, the NFS Headquarters to be trained and certified were the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps (NRDC) Italy and the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC), and these HQs exercised consecutively.
General Zuliani said in his opening remarks: “Trident Jaguar 15 is on the mark for what our military leadership believes must be a priority, readiness […] We must have realistic exercises that test our soldiers and leaders’ combat readiness, and that prepare them”.
“A Process that started 18 Months ago”
The execution of Exercise Trident Jaguar represents only the visible part of a long but very dynamic process that started 18 months ago. Both Commands – NRDC Italy and ARCC – have been through a long training period.
Keystone of the Transformation Process
Exercises are NATO’s main tool to achieve interoperability, and Allied Command Transformation (ACT) is in charge of large and small, national and multinational, joint, air-land-sea and more.
The Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) in Stavanger, Norway is responsible for directing the exercise during implementation, and also while setting up the conditions. The centre plays a crucial role in providing scenario support and guide players during the various types of NATO Exercises.
JWC and the Joint Force Training Centre (JFTC) in Bydgoszcz, Poland now orient their support to provide high quality exercises, built on demanding new requirement levels. JWC has a lot of acquired knowledge from many years of running NATO exercises and is one of the keystones of the whole process of training and exercises in the Alliance.
