Northerntruthseeker/Whitewraithe Turbulent Times Show Is Finally On The Air!

Whitewraithe and I have long been working on our own project and our own show, called "Turbulent Times".   We FINALLY after months of delays and troubles, have the first show up and running... For those who want to listen to our premiere show, here is the audio link:… NTS Notes:  Yes, our first show was a little bit "rough around the edges" (I thought I sounded a bit terrible, honestly..But I can be my worst critic.) and we will work at making improvements as time goes on....  We hope to have some great guests in the near future, and eventually have this show go "live" at least once a week....One note in case anyone was wondering.. The theme song is "Bite On The Bullet" by the rock band, The Cult. I will do my best to alert everyone here when follow up shows are on the air, and will of course post the link to that show here for everyone to listen to....Thanks everyone for your patience... And as usual...More to comeNTS