Northerntruthseeker Rant For Thursday, July 28th, 2016

 Yes today is Thursday, and NOT Sunday... But since I missed out the last two weekend rants and there is indeed so much happening around our sick world that I feel I need to put in my two cents worth, I figured it would be time for a "special" rant....What can I say that has not already been said by everyone with two brain cells to rub together about the most evil and wicked person on planet Earth, Hillary "Killary" Rodham Clinton that has not already been said?  This crypto Jewish freak of nature is now the US Democratic Party candidate to become the next President of the United States, and may God, if there is one, have mercy on the American people if they are actually STUPID ENOUGH to vote for this sick demonic freak!  Yes, the so called Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia that just ended (thank goodness) last night was a sham and a farce...It was so surprising to witness that other Jew, Bernie Sanders, throw in the towel and throw his support behind the freak Killary considering everyone knew that the US primaries were fixed and Killary was a long time ago selected to be the next President by the Jewish Elitist pigs that run America....Yes, Killary will most definitely be the next US President for the simple fact that the Jew spew media will LIE their asses off for the next few months leading up to the November vote stating that the "election" will be "too close to call" and that will signal the criminals that run the Diebold voting machines to switch over as many votes as possible to give Killary a "narrow" victory over Donald Drumpf.... It is a fact that most Americans are too brain dead now to actually do anything about it, and the fixed and stolen elections for this November will signal the beginning of a new Clinton crime family era in the White House with Killary in control as the new Empress of America... And again may any God (if there actually is one..) have mercy on the failure called the United States of America....I have watched and listened while on vacation as the Jew spew media has done their utmost to try to criminalize everything possible against Donald Drumpf who of course should be able to win the vote this November to be the next US President barring the Diebold voting machine fix.... I do agree with Buelahman's assessment of Drumpf as absolutely not the answer for America by a long shot... Drumpf is of course almost as much controlled by the Jewish elite as Killary with one exception.. Drumpf will not have the US launching World War III as quickly as Killary wants, and Drumpf will possibly actually try talking to the Russian Federation and the Iranians rather than Killary's want for war..... But of course again the fix is in and Drumpf will go down to defeat this November by outright cheating and the American people will once again be too stupid to do anything about it....Yes the two party system in America is a farce and sadly there is no third party candidate with an actual conscience to take America away from the criminal Jewish control and grip... And it does sadden me to watch and listen to the laughable rhetoric between the Democrats and Republicans knowing full well that they are just two sides of the same coin.... The criminal Jews will continue to maintain their control and sadly the only chance for Americans to break their evil grip is outright revolution....OK, I was right about the Nice France false flag attack being a fraud, and more and more the evidence is crystal clear that NOBODY died in that event and it was indeed a set up... I also saw the report while on vacation where the French government had the nerve to demand that all CCTV videos that may have captured what really happened during that "event" be destroyed!   Honestly, that should have raised a red flag immediately that the whole thing was a farce due to the fact that the French government itself was in on the charade and wanted to have evidence of the fakery destroyed....Then we have the case of the Mossad agent masquerading as a "reporter" named Richard Gutjahr who was at BOTH the Nice "trucking incident" as well as the more recent Munich "Mcshooting"... Honestly, that was a dead giveaway that BOTH incidents were indeed conceived and run by the Israeli Mossad to try to strike fear in the German and French public so that they would stupidly surrender their rights for the fraud of more "security".... I am also surprised that even the Midgetman from Idaho who runs the Ugly Troll website has picked up on this, considering that troll has blindly and stupidly called most of the other shooting false flag incidents in the past as being real... Honestly, if this fool cannot put two and two together and realize that ALL so called "shootings" and "bombings" and even "truck ramming" that we have seen over the last decade are absolutely false flags and phoney, then the fool is an idiot and should never be in this fight....Yes, the Munich "shooting" was absolutely 100% phoney and a set up... It involved a "hit squad" of at least 3 Mossad agents and of course the Mossad agent Gutjahr there to "film the event" (Yes, the Jews love to film their actions which again shows their sickness...).... But the shocking thing is that the German people are truly that stupid and are willing now to surrender their rights and freedoms for the fraud of "security" much like the French.... Honestly, are the Europeans now as gullible as the Americans and Canadians?Please do not get me started about the most recent "incident" in France where an agent of the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, or "ISIS" for short went out and "beheaded" a frail 84 year old priest in Normandy... The moment I heard that "ISIS" claimed responsibility for that fiasco, I knew it was another false flag to further stir up anger in the French... And of course thanks to the French Jew spew media whipping up the anger in the French due to this attack, it has worked like a charm with the French government calling for an "all out war" against ISIS..... How gullible indeed are the French?I have been very pleased to see the news in Syria get better and better by the day... Right now the good guys, the Syrian army and their allies, have the US financed mercenaries and killers aka the "rebels" all holed up in Aleppo with no escape routes left.. The good guys are now giving these mass murdering criminals a chance to surrender or else be slaughtered.. And with the reconquering of Aleppo by Assad's forces, the war to free Syria from the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal will have turned fully in favour of the good guys and any more talk of demanding Assad to leave will have been defeated... Yes, the fall of Aleppo could indeed signal the beginning of the end of the sick Israeli dream of having Syria cut up into small pieces to allow its sick dream of a greater Israel be demolished....When I heard that the US was indeed behind the "coup" attempt in Turkey, I thought to myself "what else is new?"... The criminal US government has for decades now stuck its nose in the affairs of other nations and has been behind dozens of coups in nations worldwide.... Now that the truth has surfaced, it is time for President Erdogan of Turkey to take his nation out of the American/Israeli sphere of influence and turn towards the Russian Federation for an alliance..... It would be also in Turkey's best interests to get the hell out of NATO and demand the US get the hell off their territory immediately... Lets face it, for the failed coup in Turkey has once again shown the criminality of the United States and should be a wake up call for all nations that they are better off by not being a patsy for the American empire....Greencrow, ( a great fellow Canadian truth seeker put out in this week's "Caw Rant" the astonishing fact that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has indeed "surrendered" to the criminals at Lougheed Martin and is willing to fork over billions of dollars now for the most useless F35 fighter POS (Stands for Piece Of Sh*t for those who have been wondering...) plane, due to the fact that Lougheed Martin did exactly as I predicted before and "threatened" to pull some 10000 jobs out of Canada if Canada did not accept their POS fighter!  Yes, this is indeed BLACKMAIL, and I am so surprised that Trudeau turned his back on the Canadian people and his own ethics (and of course his own election promise..) and agreed to surrender to Lougheed Martin!   Honestly, Trudeau should have let the Canadian public know exactly what Lougheed Martin was up to and pulled the F35 contract immediately... Considering the fact that the Canadian government is about to spend upwards of 100 BILLION dollars for the useless F35 "fighter", it would have been better that Canada pull out of the contract and take that 100 BILLION DOLLARS and use it to find work for those 10000 people that would have been out of a job once Lougheed Martin pulled out of Canada... Considering the much better F18 Super Hornet was a better fighter and much cheaper than the F35 POS, that 100 BILLION would have not only been able to give Canada easily several hundred F18's and still have plenty left over to find the best jobs for the people thrown out of work by Lougheed Martin as well!  And we could also consider the fact that Boeing, the company behind the F18 Super Hornet would have indeed with a Canadian contract be willing to give jobs to many of the people thrown out of work by Lougheed Martin as well..... Honestly, Justin Trudeau is an idiot for accepting blackmail and I am so surprised that the Jew spew media here in Canada has absolutely NOT reported at all on this fiasco.....I saw last week reports about this being the second anniversary of the MH17 fiasco over Ukraine that the US is still stupidly trying to blame the Russian Federation for their arrogant false flag attack.... And these reports are still calling the MH17 a "mystery" when it is no mystery at all... For those who still do not get it, the fateful flight of MH17 was in fact that final flight of the long "missing" MH370 that was flown out of Malaysia and secretly flown directly to the US military base at Diego Garcia.... From Diego Garcia, the now repainted and relabeled MH370 Boeing 777ER was flown with other military aircraft to the United States where it was decided to have it sent as a flying bomb to destroy the delegation gathered in March 2014 in The Hague Netherlands to discuss the Iranian "crisis" situation... Luckily the Dutch did indeed intercept this flying missile and it was diverted to a base in Europe.  It was then decided by the Jewish power elite that the MH370 aircraft would be used as a false flag attack to blame Russia and it was conveniently flown out as MH17 with the long dead bodies from the original MH370 flight taken out of cold storage and reloaded into the aircraft... But everything went awry with the MH17 flight and even after the Ukrainian airforce on cue blew this robotic aircraft out of the sky over Ukraine, every shred of evidence gathered from the wreckage including the already rotting bodies on board showed that it was indeed the last flight of MH370!   How anyone cannot see the link between MH370 and MH17 is beyond me..... There is no riddle at all, for MH17 does indeed equal MH370!Well, there you have it... I have indeed tried to cover as much of what I have missed over the last 11 days as possible... And for those issues that I may have not covered in full, I will touch on them here in what I usually call my "last minute tidbits"..... What the hell is the US trying to pull now in the South China Sea?  Poking China to try to get a nice little war going over some small islands that they have no business in what so ever, and now I see that even the French are getting involved?   Yes, the US is desperately trying to get a war going just to save itself from economic disaster.... I saw a report today that a US spy surveillance aircraft had to make an "emergency landing" in the Russian Federation?  Honestly, I do not know what Barry Soetoro is trying to do now, but this "landing" in Russia stinks to high heaven.....The daughter of Mossad agent Richard Gutjahr was ALSO in Munich during that phoney "Mac attack"?  How convenient is that?  And again is glaring evidence that this attack as well as Nice were indeed conceived and run by the Mossad.......Israel is now wanting to further seize more territory in southern Syria under the lie that they need it for "security"?  Bad enough they have illegally seized the Golan Heights, but it is so obvious now that since Assad is winning his war to gain his country back, Israel will now try to create their "Greater Israel" by other methods......Not sure about the "attack" in Japan, but that looks and stinks like a set up like all the other false flag attacks.  And yes these false flag events will continue until either the people stupidly surrender their guns and their freedoms or they wake the hell up!..... Let me get this straight: A busker and activist living in Jasper Alberta, Monika Shaefer, is being attacked by the Jewish pricks that control Canada for questioning their so called "Holocaust"?  I have many questions for these pricks including their numbers of deaths and their claims of "gassings" during that so called "Holocaust", but that could take up most of this rant, and I have not the time for their arrogance and stupidity.  Honestly, anyone with any logic can see the flaws in the "Holocaust" religion, but as usual Canadians are muzzled from questioning and even research thanks to the draconian and fraudulent "hate crimes" here.  Yes, truth never needs laws to support itself, only lies do........For those that want to know, Banff and Lake Louise are not cheap and most activities were absolutely ridiculously expensive.  Yes, I did go up the Sulfur Mountain Gondola ride in Banff, but that was $44 Canadian per person for the round trip ride to the top of the mountain!  A rip off by all accounts, but considering how many people in Banff were willing to fork over their money so willingly for the experience, I do wonder...... Someone asked if I saw any wild animals at all in Banff National Park, and honestly I saw NONE.  But again that makes sense when you consider that most wild animals will stay clear of any humans (they can smell us for miles...), and there were thousands of tourists everywhere I went in that park.....I see the criminal Rothschild empire private army called "NATO"'s build up in eastern Europe is still going on at a rapid pace.  It still shocks me that people are gullibly believing their government's and of course the Jew spew media's outright lies that the Russian Federation is somehow a "threat" and could "invade Poland" in an instant without actually looking at the facts.  The facts are simple in that Russia is not threatening anyone and the real pricks here are NATO themselves that are wanting this war with Russia for their Jewish masters to avoid economic disaster and the people turning on them.  It is my hope that people do wake up in time and stop this madness before World War III and the end of the world that we know it becomes a reality........ NO need here to put up anything about the Kardashians in this rant for Killary the Kackling, Killer, Kommie Kanckled, Krazy, Kooky, Kike, Kunt, Klinton, has done enough this week to make everyone with any intelligence sick to their stomachs.  The hard part to swallow is that there are still some 10% of the American people still gullible enough to actually vote for this satanic demonic creature?It is good to be back....... Too bad the world is as fucked up as ever.....More to comeNTS