Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, September 29th, 2013

Sunday... And time again for my usual weekly rant....First and foremost, I have received some very unusual comments the last few days, especially about my post and my calling out the fact that the Kenyan "massacre" is a complete scam and hoax... There has been the usual "anonymous" trolls that have come out calling me every name under the sun and a few other superlatives... I do NOT put up comments at this site that contain any types of slurs or insults, and usually I have pegged the many Anonymous trolls for the true JIDF scum they really are, and do not post their comments period... I have stated many times over the years that if you do not like what you see, then stop wasting my time with ridiculous comments, and you can leave anytime you want. When the Kenyan Mall "massacre" happened last week, I looked at the many photos and I saw so many inconsistencies right off the bat.... Then when the Max Malone video came out and showed clearly that this was a scam, due to the fact that the cameramen who just happened to be in absolutely the right places at the right time in this shopping mall seemed absolutely indestructible, and seemed to never be shot at by the supposed "gunmen" even though in many of the fine pictures that they were able to take were not under cover and were easy targets.... This and the victims in the pictures themselves, many with very suspect and unusual "wounds" sold me right away that this was another set up just as Sandy Hook, and the Boston Marathon bombing, were also frauds.....  Absolutely NOTHING since this "massacre" has sold me otherwise.... And now we see more reports coming out that this was indeed a setup just to vilify Muslims again for the fraudulent "war on terror".....I am wondering what the psychopaths behind the Kenyan Mall shooting fraud have to gain by this latest action?  There has been so much speculation that this is another setup to not only vilify Muslims, but to somehow blame Iran, due to the fact that the "terrorist group" that has been selected this time as the boogeyman for this operation we are told is funded by Iran itself!    Then I heard and read about the Chinese financial trading clearing house for the Yuan that was just opened in Kenya TWO DAYS before this "massacre" occurred, and I wonder if this is one of many multiple pieces to this puzzle.....  I for one am waiting for reports on what the Kenyan government itself will be doing about this "massacre" and who will finally take the blame.....I see that the Jewish run UN just "signed off" on the deal for the removal of Syria's chemical weapons stockpile.... But I am puzzled.... If the Syrian government has been forced now to surrender and destroy its chemical weapons, then what about the chemical weapons that are in the hands of the murderous mercenary rebels?   Should these criminal rebels be forced to give up their chemical weapons as well?  And.. If Syria is obliged now to surrender their weapons, then what about the massive stockpile of chemical, biological, and NUCLEAR weapons that the criminal state of Israel has in its own possession?    Is it not supreme hypocrisy that one party has to surrender its weapons, while its enemies are allowed to keep theirs?Of course, while the Syrian government continues to play by the rules and obey UN demands.. Their mortal enemy and the real enemy of the Syrian people, the mercenary murderous rebels are continuing to receive massive arms shipments from the US and other NATO scumbag allies..... Luckily, al-Assad's forces are continuing to have the upper hand on these brutal criminal invaders of their country, but for how long?  I stated in many previous rants that the US and Israel are sore losers, and will absolutely not give up on this fight against Syria until they have gained the upper hand.....It does not surprise me that right on cue, all of the rhetoric for war in the Middle East has again swung over to the vilification of Iran..... We have seen again this last week how the United States and its criminal President have now started their false accusations against Iran, especially when it comes to Iran's non-existent nuclear weapons program.... Of course we also have Israel with its false claims that Iran is "months away" from building a nuclear bomb... But of course the hypocrisy in all this is the fact that we have Israel itself sitting there with a massive arsenal of some 300-400 nuclear weapons, while the world vilifies Iran for not having one at all..... Does anyone else see the problem here?I also see that the criminal Israeli Prime Minister, Satan..errr.. Benyamin Miliewkowsky (Netanyahu) is going to visit the United States this coming week to meet with Barry Soetoro/Davis/Obama to "discuss" the situation concerning Iran.... It will be more like Miliewkowsky doing his usual demands that his American slave President obey his Jewish masters' orders and attack Iran immediately......Watch for a new Israeli Mossad false flag everyone, most probably a new attack on an American target, to be blamed on Iran.  It is coming, and we must all be ready to blame the real perpetrators of the crime immediately.I took the time earlier this week to take a close look at the criminal President of the United States' speech to the UN General Assembly, and then placed an article where I basically tore it to shreds... I stand behind everything that I have placed in that article, because to me a liar is a liar....What the President said was nothing more than the usual attacks on Syria and Iran and him trying to find excuses to have these peaceful nations invaded and destroyed..... He talked of peace, but his idea of peace is nothing more than a call for these nations to surrender or face death and destruction....Such is the way of "peace" these days for the United States.....I also took the time to look at the speech made by the Iranian President, Rouhani, to the UN General Assembly, and honestly, what I read was nothing but the truth.   This man called for in his speech for dialogue and peaceful settlement of differences between his nation and other nations, especially the United States and even Israel..... But of course, the US Media has not reported the truth about Rouhani's speech, and even went as far in a subsequent session with a CNN correspondent to twist his words, just as they twisted the previous Iranian President Ahmadenijad's words, to make him look like a "holocaust denier"... It was surprising to myself that the CNN correspondent even brought up the "holocaust" at all, considering it has NOTHING to do with the present situation in the Middle East.  It is amazing to me how these Israeli butt kissers right on cue try to vilify anyone by using their sick ploy of bringing up the unprovable Jewish Holocaust, but it shows who controls all the media networks....Yes, I have seen the newest UN IPCC report on "Global Warming" and how they are still sticking to the LIE that mankind is "95%" responsible for "Global Warming"..... I looked at the wording of the release of the report online, and it honestly made me sick... It is so full of holes and lies, that I am surprised that anyone now believes anything that comes out of the IPCC itself... It also proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the IPCC itself has sold its soul to the devil, and is abiding by the wishes of the criminals who want their man made "Global Warming" scam to continue in their pursuit of their sick one world government....The IPCC report states much the same lies that the Global Warming scam artists have been saying for years now, and even tries to hide the fact that the world has NOT shown any signs of warming at all for at least the last 15 years, and all indications that the world is actually cooling.....This latest report absolutely does not take any real science into consideration and refuses to acknowledge all evidence that Global Warming is a fraud.....It is my hope that our governments look at this fraud report, and the real facts elsewhere, and realize that the IPCC is now nothing more than Yes men for criminals, and refuse to force their citizens to absorb any more fraudulent Carbon Taxes......I need not go into great detail here to again show the facts that this planet is absolutely not heating up at all, but is entering a long phase of global cooling.... This cooling is part of a natural cycle that is again driven by our Yellow Dwarf Star, Sol, and has been going on for billions of years now.... Mankind's effect on our environment is minimal at best, and will do nothing to alter this natural cycle.   People should be preparing for a very long planet wide cold spell instead of listening to liars claiming that the world is about to "overheat".Last week in my rant I put my views on "multiculturalism" and "multiracialism" on the line, and again, I am absolutely sticking to my words..... I don't give a damn that some may suddenly label me as a "racist" or that I am not going far enough when I look at the true problems of racial differences.... I do not side with the so called "white nationalists" or other "extremists" as some may call them.  To me, they do have some valid arguments when it comes to this fight between the different races, but they must stay focused on the fact that this racial "war" has always been created and fuelled by Jewish interests.... Solve the Jewish problem FIRST and their push for this fraud of multiculturalism and the other problems can be easily sorted out.... I just do not want to see this fight turn into a bloody struggle, because that is exactly what the Jews want so that they can bring in their martial law and stripping of our freedoms more easily....Yes, I have again been covering the fraud of the NASA Mars missions, because I do call a spade a spade... Recently someone said to me that what I am stating about NASA's claims is basically speculation on my part.  Honestly I do hate the terms "Speculation" or even "Postulation".... I try to base my information on scientific principles, and reasoning... However, there is a chance that it is indeed speculation, simply because nobody has actually stood on the Martian surface to prove that the sky is "black", or "blue" or "pink".   But the reasoning for the lack of sky color is based upon logical scientific deduction through what is observed in the atmosphere above this planet. There is of course one other factor that I have thought about when it comes to NASA, and that is the strong possibility that what they are saying to the public about Mars and other planets is complete lies... There is a chance that Mars' atmospheric pressure is well above what they tell the public, and therefore parachute landings are possible as well as the sky having color.  But again, if this scenario was true, this would again lead to the fact that NASA is indeed lying again to the public.....  The bottom line about NASA and its so called space missions is that they do have a lot of explaining to do.....Well...I do think that is enough for now, but again I will close with my usual last minute tidbits..... I see that the US Government is threatening to shut down this coming week if they do not get their sick Obamacare bill and other budgetary requests passed in Congress.  Heck, why not shut down the US Government immediately so that  we can start to celebrate!..... The situation at Fukushima Japan is still not improving (I doubt if it ever will), and there is now the rising risk that the spent fuel pool above reactor #4 is going to collapse very soon.   What is troubling for me again is that the entire world is so focused on the situation in the Middle East while this truly life or death situation is going on in Japan!  Again, what Israel wants, Israel gets.....I saw reports this week about the criminal "social network" called "Facebook" has been caught working hand in hand with the criminal NSA on sharing personal information on its members. How many times have I warned people to close their "Facebook" accounts immediately?  But does anyone listen??.......Yes, I saw the report by Seymour Hersh that shows that the entire "Osama bin Laden" operation of 2010 was a complete lie.  When the hell will people understand that bin Laden died of natural causes way back in 2001?  Get with the program, people...... I am about to write the examination for this course for my work.  Once it is completed, I should be back to my "normal" amount of articles for this blog.......And finally, the real news that everyone has been waiting for; my weekly Kardashian report!  I see the mega-skank, Kim and her husband Kanye are now in Europe, while their newborn is left in the United States.  It seems that the animal rights group, PETA, is up in arms about Kim's furs that she is wearing while in France.   First, I was hoping that the group PETA would have better things to do than give a damn about what this skank wears. Such a waste of time and energy.  Second, to me, being a meat lover and absolutely not a vegetarian, the letters P E T A stands for "People for the Eating of Tasty Animals".  But honestly, I do love animals and I do believe that there should absolutely be some ethics in their treatment.  And I can state clearly that no animals were harmed in the writing of this blog article.....More to comeNTS