Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, September 27th, 2015

Sunday.... And again it is time for my weekly rant..Honestly, I really do hate getting sick....I had hoped that what hit my son last weekend that laid him up for days would not affect me, but as usual I was wrong.... What ever this "bug" is hit me like a ton of bricks starting Wednesday and indeed has left me with a wicked head cold and inflamed sinuses.... I was able to fire off one article on this blog last Thursday, but much to the chagrin of my better half that recommended that I do not write but instead take the time to actually get some rest and fight off this illness... But everyone that knows me by now knows that I am a stubborn mule that refuses to listen to a lot of advise....Yes, I have tried every conceivable "medicine" out there over the years to fight off sinusitis... One thing that I will try to avoid at all cost is the usage of "antibiotics" to help alleviate my sinus pain... I instead have been taking a concoction of different chemicals including Oil of Oregano, natural Honey, Green Tea, and lots of Orange Juice...The only pain medicine that seems to help me is Advil Cold and Sinus, and some Nyquil Cold and Flu......But I take these chemicals sparingly, and mostly just to help me sleep... And yes, I have been sleeping an awful lot the last few days!I have missed so much happening around the world, and spent most of yesterday evening, after being loaded up with medicine to clear my head, surfing the Internet and reading some emails to catch up on some real news....And after having a bit of sleep, here I am sitting in front of my laptop typing this weekly report..... Well, here goes nothing.....First, I had received some emails asking why I have 'avoided' the recent "bombshells" by Rebekah Roth, who was a former airline stewardess and wrote several books about her perceptions of what happened during the Israeli attacks on America on September 11th, 2001.... Honestly, her reports do appear to have some substance and I am not avoiding her story, but wanting to read and watch further before I post up the material here at this blog.  I actually have seen the videos where she has been interviewed about her books "Methodical Illusion" and "Methodical Deception", and I too have been amazed by her insights... Much of what she has claimed I and others have been claiming for over the last decade.. Her thoughts about the planes being actually landed at a former Air Force base in Massachusetts called Otis falls in line with my reports showing that the planes were indeed landed at an Air Force base and drones taking off in their place.. My thoughts had been that the planes were landed at a base in upstate New York called Stewart, due to the flight paths of the three major aircraft used in the attacks all vectoring and merging over Stewart... But her report about Otis does make some sense and solves a bit of the puzzle as to why one of the Stewardesses on those ill fated flights was recorded saying that one of the "terrorists" going upstairs...There was no "upstairs" on any of the planes and drones used in the 9-11 attacks, and definitely shows that the stewardess (who was most probably killed after she did her recording) was leaving a clue that they were indeed on the ground and in a massive plane hangar.  In those hangars there can indeed be an "upstairs" as stated in the "official" recordings!   And of course Rebekah's statements about the Israeli bomb making squad posing as 'art students' falls perfectly in line with my statements as well as others about these "art students" being the ones who wired up the twin towers for demolition...They had free reign over all of the WTC complex for months before the towers came crashing down and this shows definitive Israeli Mossad involvement in the attacks.... The bottom line is that Rebekah Roth does have some great reports that fills in many of the pieces of the 9-11 puzzle and I will be keeping tabs on her reports from now on...OK, Onto the mess that the United States and the psychotic state of Israel have created in Syria....Yes, these two criminal governments are fully responsible for the Syrian refugee crisis that we see happening not only across the Middle East but into Europe itself.... And I look at the crisis as being done purposely simply because the so called "terrorists" that were created by the Mossad and CIA for the conquest of Syria has not worked at all.   The usage of the fraud known as "ISIS" and its forerunner fraud called 'Al Qaeda' to overthrow Bashar al-Assad as "Plan C" (After "Plan A" the initial usage of "Syrian rebels", and "Plan B" which was the failed and fraudulent "Assad chemical attack", both failed as I have shown in previous rants) has failed, so now the evil American and Israeli regimes are onto "Plan D" which is to create a horrific "humanitarian crisis" that will get the people around the world tear jerked enough that they will falsely believe that Syria must be "attacked" to stop this crisis and "save" Syria... But much like the previous failed attempts to have Syria attacked and destroyed, this latest ploy is failing miserably.... Thanks primarily to the Russians and now the Chinese that have had enough of the American sick game of having innocent nations destroyed for their masters in Israel and have directly intervened into Syria itself, on the request of the Bashar al-Assad government, to put an end to the madness....Lets get the facts straight for everyone to understand.. The Russians are no fools... They have known for years that the US and Israel have targeted their ally, Syria, for destruction and have until recently not directly intervened but called for diplomacy to solve the Syrian situation... The problem has always been the American/Israeli sick demand that Bashar al-Assad had to go and be replaced by a more "western" leadership, meaning an American-Israeli yes man, as the President of Syria... The people of Syria themselves have never wanted Assad removed and have shown the entire world that he indeed is not the "butcher" that the Jew spew media falsely portrays by voting some 98% in the last Syrian elections in support of Assad and his government!  It is so amazing that few people know about the Syrian vote, and the results of that vote have obviously that has been kept out of the public eye.....The truth is obvious.. Assad is NOT the "butcher" or "murderer" as the media stupidly claims but has the full love and support of the Syrian people.....The Russians know the real truth and are indeed now on the ground in Syria in full support of Assad against the US/Israel fraud known as "ISIS"...One thing that caught my eye late last week were the startling reports about "ISIS" fighters attacking the Russian base in Syria called Latakia using "satellite imagery" of the entire base compound.. The problem here is that "ISIS" does not have or control any of the spy satellites hovering over Syria at all, and THIS should be the absolute positive proof that the US/Israel are indeed the ringmasters behind the "ISIS" fraud... Obviously, The Americans and Israelis are indeed providing their proxy "ISIS" forces with the satellite photos for them to attack the Russians at Latakia, and this alone fully exposes the fraud of "ISIS" for what it really is... It should be obvious now that the Americans and Israelis are wanting the Russians out of Syria so that they can continue their assault on Assad's forces,and they are now guiding their agents on where to hit the Russians at Latakia.....This is a most dangerous escalation in the conflict in Syria for it means that the Americans and Israelis are now in direct conflict with Russian forces.... And the situation can only get worse with the Chinese now placing their own forces into Syria..... Are we seeing the prelude to a full escalated conflict between the US and Russia/China as a result?  I truly do hope not....What is not being told to everyone is the real truth about what has been happening in Syria... While the Jew spew media has been diverting everyone's attention elsewhere using their usual fluff and bullshit, the facts are that Assad's forces, now with the full support of Hezbollah, Lebanese fighters, and even Russian and Chinese arms and forces, have been pushing the fraud "ISIS" forces back on all fronts... The recent "ISIS" conquest of the ancient temples of Palmyra is now in jeopardy as well as Assad's forces have basically surrounded Palmyra and will force the surrender or annihilation of the "ISIS" forces trapped there very shortly... The truth is now apparent that Assad is indeed winning the ground war in Syria and the American/Israeli cabal will have to go back to the drawing board with a new "Plan E" if they still want Syria destroyed...One thing that I am standing firmly behind is the fact that the "Syrian Crisis" happening in Europe is absolutely not a "Syrian" crisis at all... What it is is a carefully planned out operation to have illegal migrants and immigrants flood Europe...I showed in previous articles that the vast majority of these "refugees" that are flooding Europe are actually illegal migrant workers from Africa and I stand behind that claim... All that anyone needs to look at are the 'refugees' themselves, for the majority are NOT Caucasian Syrians at all but are mostly sub-Saharan blacks!.... The aim behind this "crisis'  has always been to flood and undermine every European nation with these illegals, and in the process basically destroy both European and White culture within Europe itself along the way...  The facts are simple as I stated before.. These "immigrants" could not get to southern Europe without some major help... The ships alone to transport them into Europe do not come cheap and someone has definitely provided both the transport and the money for their transit into European ports... I stated in a previous article that I long suspected that most evil JEW named George Soros as being behind the entire "Immigrant crisis" that is right now ruining Europe, and from the reports that have been sent my way, it appears that both Soros and many others have been financing and running the entire operation... One other factor that of course is never stated is that the real Syrian "refugees" have all stated that once the crisis in Syria is over, the vast majority would indeed leave Europe and return to Syria.  I can bet dollars to doughnuts that the illegal migrant workers from Africa will never make such a statement about returning to Africa....Someone asked me to comment about the recent unfortunate "accident" in Saudi Arabia, where some 2000+ (absolutely NOT the "750" or so that the fraud media reports) Muslim pilgrims were crushed while making their pilgrimage to Mecca.  The facts are now coming out that the death toll from this travesty was entirely due to some Saudi Prince showing up, during the parade of people doing their walk in Mecca, with his private army of body guards.. The facts are simple.. The mere sight of all these armed forces in the parade caused a panic that escalated with many pilgrims rushing in a stampede towards what few exits were available during the march... Many of the 2000 victims of this tragedy were crushed due to many exit gates being blocked or locked down and the few openings were overwhelmed with the patrons trying to rush through.. The result was thousands being crushed and trampled with thousands dying as a result.... It is no shock to me that the criminal Saudi regime is covering up this major incident and is still trying to cover up the real truths behind what caused this horrific massacre... The Riyadh government is still calling this an "unfortunate accident" but the truth is very much different..... The bottom line is that the criminal Saudi regime is fully responsible for the death toll in Mecca, but because they are Jewish and the Jews still control the world's media, this terrible incident will continue to be portrayed as an 'accident'....One last part before I go onto my last minute tidbits... I have seen the reports about how Volkswagen has supposedly been "caught" in manipulating their automobiles "sensors" to give false emission readings, and I am puzzled... I have known for years that the automobiles used in both Canada and the United States have had their engines 'detuned' to make sure the vehicles have the poorest gasoline/diesel kilometers per liter efficiency possible... This has been done purposely to make sure that we are kept at the mercy of Oil corporations and Petroleum itself.....Yes profits due to high prices for fuel does play a major factor here.... And the facts have always been that automobiles in use in Europe and elsewhere have phenomenally greater fuel efficiency that those in North America, which should have many people asking 'why'?....Therefore what we are being told about Volkswagen is not the true story, and with some reading over the last few days I believe it has to do with the entire Global Warming/Carbon Tax scam... Basically non fuel efficient cars do pour out a lot more Carbon Dioxide than more fuel efficient cars and the fact that North America does make one heck of a huge "Carbon footprint" as a result does play into the Global Warming scam artists want to impose "Carbon Taxation" on gullible people in both Canada and the United States....Yes, Volkswagen got "caught" for circumventing the "emission controls" on their highly fuel efficient automobiles,  and therefore I do suspect there is far more to this than what we are being told....OK.. Onto my "last minute tidbits".......First some good news in that my friend Whitewraithe informed me that her new job is actually going quite well.  I do hope that this new job gives her some much needed confidence in herself.  She has also told me that once she gets some free time we may try again with future "Turbulent Times" shows.  Stay tuned......More revelations have come out about that murderous Jewess Hillary Rodham Clinton and her "email" scandal.  The facts are coming out that her emails contained some classified US information that she and most probably her husband Bill sold off to the highest bidders.  This is treason and as far as I am concerned the woman should be in jail on charges of espionage against America.  How in the hell then can the American people still be stupid enough to consider her as the next US President?.....I am still not sold on Donald Trump as the next US President as well.  Trump made his billions by kissing Jew ass and sucking Jew dick and he has not changed his ways.  He knows who his true masters are and if the American people actually consider him as their next President, it will be business as usual withe the Jews still in full control of America........Yes, the people of Greece have indeed 're-elected' the same criminal Syriza government fools that sold the nation out to the criminal IMF austerity measures that they voted NO to months back.  It is now business as usual in Greece as the Jewish criminal bankers basically impose their crushing debt on the Greek people and buy up Greek assets for a song.....Damn, I may have been "premature" in terms of last week Wednesday being "end of the world" day, for many are saying that today is that date with the Lunar eclipse, Yom Kippur, and other 'cycles" all coinciding.  Well, when everyone wakes up tomorrow morning and the world has not ended, what will the "end of the world nutters" come up with next?.....The Pope is in America making his rounds.  Honestly, I could not care less.  But of course the one troubling thing I have seen is how he is trying to sell the "new world order" and "global warming" lies where ever he goes.  I always said that politics and religion do not mix, but this guy definitely has an agenda!.....I saw where some 91 year old woman is now facing charges for being at Auschwitz "death camp" as a radio operator? Yes, the Jews are indeed now scraping the bottom of the barrel in searching for anyone left alive that had anything to do with their "holocaust".  I do wonder what they will do to keep their story alive once the last person from that time period finally dies?  I can guarantee they have something up their sleeves......After the debacle last week against Chelsea Blues, the Arsenal Gunners won a significant game yesterday against Leicester City Foxes by the score of 5-2.  The Gunners are now firmly in 4th place after 7 games and only 3 points behind the front running Manchester City Citizens.   Key games are coming up as the season is now in full swing.  Oh, by the way, did I mention before how much I enjoy Soccer?.........   And finally, what everyone always waits for, my weekly look at the skanks and trollops in the Kardashian brood.  After almost going blind last week looking briefly at what Brucey has done to himself by turning himself into "Caitlyn", I figured that with my suffering from Sinusitis, I would avoid any exposure to these misfits of society for one week or else just make myself even sicker.  That and strangely there has not been much out there at the moment concerning these media hounds and their antics.  But I guarantee it is coming.  And again, will someone please explain to me why with America going to hell in a hand basket, most Americans simply adore these clowns?  I sure could use an answer....More to comeNTS