Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, September 1st, 2013

It is Sunday, the start of the month of September, and again time for my weekly rant....First, Many have again wondered why I do not do daily posts like I used to.... I have been busy the last while with doing a course upgrade for my job, as well as taking care of some family business.... It has been hard to keep up with this blog at times, so bear with me.... I am still here, and very much alive and kicking..Of course, most of this week's rant will indeed be about Syria....And the absolutely horrendous actions by the criminals in the United States and Israel who care not about people, but want to again satisfy their blood thirsty habit by having another innocent nation destroyed.I really have to ask this question.... WHAT has Syria ever done to deserve this?   Honestly... Syria has not attacked anyone, and it has no need for wars of aggression against any of its neighbors....Even against the horrific terrorist state of Israel!  From what I have observed, its citizens absolutely support their government, and only want to live in peace and harmony.   Syria is no threat to the United States, and has never attacked any American interests, period... But for some reason there is a massively ridiculous notion promoted through the Jewish controlled media that absolutely vilifies Syria and its government continuously around the clock.I have said over the last week that I am one supremely pissed off blogger.... I have followed the absolutely laughable BS reports spewing out of the Jewish controlled Mainstream media about the lies of Syria's government launching "Chemical Weapons" attacks on its own people, and I wonder if everyones' brains have suddenly gone out to lunch.... Common sense should have automatically been the order of the day when the first reports came in about these "chemical weapons" attacks.... The major question should have been obvious... WHY would Bashar al-Assad gas his own people, when his people have given him their full support in his attempts to free his nation from the outside invaders known as the "rebels"?   To me, the answer should have been obvious.... He did not!    But amazingly, the Jewish mainstream media right on cue avoided this hard question and instead attempted to ram into the gullible American people the lies that Assad did it without explaining why. I am proud to say that in the face of all the BS coming out of the liars in the media and government about Syria, that most people are no longer fooled.... It especially showed a few days ago when the British Parliament, in spite of its overwhelming control by Jewish criminals, has rejected the Jewish prime minister, Cameron's push to have Britain support America in a direct attack on Syria.   This has indeed been a slap in the face to the blood thirsty Cameron, and to the Jews who want nothing more than another war of aggression.   But there has been backlash of course against Britain itself, with the Jew press vilifying Britain for its stance and refusal to obey its Jewish masters.    I for one am proud of the British people for standing up for what is right and saying "NO"!Now with the entire world against him, the criminal Jewish controlled US President has decided another trick to get his war for his Jewish masters going.... Obama/Soetoro/Davis has asked for the US Congress to vote this Tuesday for their support in his war effort.   Lets not kid ourselves here.... The US Congress is completely controlled by Jewish interests, and I can guarantee that they will indeed vote OVERWHELMINGLY for war on Syria in a few days.....Here is the truth about the so called "elected" US Congress: Anyone that votes against the call for war against Syria in the US Congress knows that they will be committing career suicide,because a NO vote will mean that the Jewish power brokers in America will have them either destroyed, or make sure that they will never be re-elected.    Therefore what we have here is a sick ploy by the criminal US President to fool the American public into the belief that Congress voted for war, which will get him off the hook for being the real aggressor and advocate for Syria's destruction!What I see happening, and very soon, is the approval for war against Syria by the US Congress, and the missiles flying as early as Wednesday.    The criminal US President has called for this to be a "limited" strike against targets in Syria.... But any "limited" strike will cost hundreds of innocent casualties, especially Syrian civilians....And the lunatics who want war are somehow thinking that Assad will not respond to an attack on his nation?  If I was Assad, I would respond with EVERYTHING I have got, and make the Americans pay dearly for an assault on his sovereign nation.   What I have long suspected is that this is exactly what the Jewish criminals want... They want this war to escalate and to have Syria's ally, Iran, come to Syria's aid when the missiles do indeed fly.   That way they can finally have their long cherished war against Iran itself... Sadly, most Americans have been kept purposely in the dark about this horrible scenario....War with Iran where thousands of Americans will be fighting and dying for their Jewish masters and the glorious state of Israel....And what about my nation, Canada, in all of this?  I for one am disgusted by the Harper regime and its call for "support" of the United States in any conflict against Syria.    Just as I have said above about the United States... What has Syria ever done to warrant war with Canada?  I do not recall ever seeing or hearing anywhere that there has been an attack by Syria against Canadian interests anywhere in the world.... It should be obvious to any Canadian that the Jews are in full control of this once free nation, and that the so called "elected" officials in Ottawa are nothing more than puppets for Jewish interests.With the possibility now almost a reality that the US cruise missiles will be flying against Syria as early as this Wednesday, I have again been wondering where is the outcry from the American people?   Yes, there were some protests yesterday in cities in the United States, and around the world, against this push for attack on Syria, but of course it has not been enough.   Sadly, what I see happening is that the American public has now been fully lobotomized and turned into zombies through the effects of their Jewish controlled brainwashing media and their poisoned food supply.  Most have now had their brains turned into mush, and will do NOTHING to stop the madness of their own government. The people of the United States could have averted this conflict by going after these criminals to stop them in their tracks, but instead did nothing... Now after this upcoming missile assault, they could be watching things rapidly deteriorate into World War III against both Russia and China, and with that the collapse of the United States itself.   It seems that only then will most suddenly ask... What the hell just happened?Ok, Enough about Syria.    On to other matters..... With almost all the Jew media attention on Syria, there has been news coming out of Europe that the fraud European Union, in spite of all the efforts by the Jewish Rothschilds to maintain this first attempt at a one world government, is finally falling to pieces..  Greece, in spite of the so called "austerity" measures, which I had predicated would fail, has now again declared bankruptcy and is in danger of collapse.  I for one knew that these "Austerity" measures that basically further enslaved the Greek people into horrendous debt usury would never work, and that the Greek people would have been better off to just say "NO" to these criminals just as Iceland did.... But the Greek government is fully under the grip of the Jewish bankers, and we now see the price paid for their folly...... Greece is a ticking time bomb that could explode any time now and herald the full collapse of the EU itself....  But when will people learn?  Throughout history, any nation that has adopted a Jewish Usury system of debt for their finances has always collapsed.   Jewish usury debt is completely unsustainable in any society, and we are now seeing the result with nations everywhere in complete ruination.   To me the solution in Europe is obvious.... End the EU, and have every nation follow the Icelandic model by by say NO to the IMF and criminal Rothschild banking.And of course while the Jewish run media focuses in on Syria, in neighboring Israel the criminal government is continuing their accelerated swallowing up what is left of the Palestinian west bank.   It is amazing that while this crisis in Syria has the world's full attention, the Israelis have ok'ed the building of more illegal settlements in the occupied territory.    This again makes the so called "Peace Process" a complete joke.   It also proves that I have been right along in stating that the Palestinian people have no choice for their very survival... It is now either fight against the Israeli aggressors, or be annihilated.   With those two being the only choices, I know which one I would take in a heartbeat...I have again come under some criticism for my naming the criminals, the Jews.... But I need to ask those who criticize exactly who controls the media, our governments, our corporations, and who has their own blueprint for world domination that they have been following almost to the letter?   It is not the Vatican.. Nor the Jesuits... Nor the Muslims....Nor some German "Death Cult".. But the Jews.    I for one am sick of those who call them "money junkies" instead of calling them what they are.    When someone says "money junkies" or "bankers", I simply ask them ..... WHO exactly are these "money junkies" or "bankers"?   Take a look at these bankers or money junkies, and you find that overwhelmingly they are Jews, and the few that are not answer solely to their Jewish masters..... The same goes for the control of the media and government, for when you take a close look and dig into who is at the top, you find this same criminal tribe of Jews in complete control..... It does sadden me that those who know better avoid the naming of the criminals and prefer to try to cloud the issue through the usage of false terms such as "money junkies"... They know better, and most of their audience does as well....And as far as the Protocols of the Learned Elders Of Zion go.... I have read them, and I am amazed as to how these criminal Jews are following them perfectly..... Many continue to say that the Protocols are not real, and that it was "proven" years ago that they are a "forgery".... But it seems that many have forgotten the definition of the word "forgery" itself in that a "forgery" is a falsified copy of an original!   That, and many forget that the Jews are indeed following what has been laid out in Protocols today.    Many ask me directly... Are the Protocols real?  I answer immediately and without hesitation.. ABSOLUTELY!   I ask those who continue to doubt to just read them again.....The answer is indeed staring them right in their faces...I have spent two years now going over the Fukushima disaster, and still somehow hope that the world would stop its insane push for war, and instead concentrate on fixing this planet threatening disaster.   Sadly, so little attention has paid to this horrific situation in Japan, and now the entire Pacific Ocean itself..... Much of the west coast of the United States and Canada has now been poisoned by Fukushima radiation, and we are seeing the results with much of the west coast fisheries destroyed and many more people now getting sick.... But sadly, little of this is reported in the Jew media, because their first concern is of course their glorious state of Israel and its push for wars of aggression.....Fukushima could still destroy this planet, but Jewish interests come first?  Does anyone else see the problem here?OK.... I have ranted long enough for today..... I have more course material to read over, and I am still crossing my fingers that people in the US will stop their criminal government in the nick of time.... In the meantime, I will close with my usual last minute tidbits......  I see that Charles Giuliani is back on air over at Waking America Radio Network, at his usual daily 7-9 CDT time slot.  Hopefully, they will get the audio issues cleared up shortly.........Still no word back from Deanna Spingola about my being on her show.   I did have time this coming week to be on, but no reply from her.   Still hoping for sometime in the near future, and I will indeed let everyone know when it happens......Had an interesting comment this week about my calling the Curiosity probe on Mars a fraud.  Basically agreed with my statements, especially about how I have shown that parachutes cannot operate on Mars as NASA claims.   I have yet to see anyone show how a parachute can work in a near vacuum, even the so called "supersonic" parachute that NASA claims is valid.   And of course we have the fraud "skycrane" and even the color of the martian sky to consider.  NASA does indeed stand for "Never A Straight Answer"........NO, I have not given up on showing that Project Apollo was also a huge NASA scam and fraud.  That should be obvious to even the most ardent supporters of NASA and their false claims of man on the moon by now!.....Many wonder why I continue to attack American reality shows, such as "Keeping Up With The Kardashians".  Is the answer not obvious?  These garbage "shows" are prime examples of the brainwashing of the American people and what is wrong with American society today as a whole!........ And speaking of the Kardashians, it is indeed time for my weekly swipe at that great and wholesome (cough, cough) American family.   It seems that Khloe is now slamming the American press for putting her and her marriage to Lamar Odom under a microscope.  Gee, Khloe, you, being one of the best attention grabbers and publicity hounds going did not mind until now that America was swallowing your garbage, but now that your world is crashing down, you suddenly cannot stand the media attention?  The word hypocrite is too good for you.  Just an example of America's #1 family at its best!More to comeNTS*Update Sept 1st, 2013:  It appears that I am a bit off on the time that the US Congress critters are to return to Congress... That is not due until September 9th, which means that the missiles cannot possibly fly until at least a week this Tuesday, the 10th of September.... Unless of course, the insane US President attacks without congressional approval....