Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, September 18th, 2016

  Sunday, and here we go with my weekly rant....I honestly do not know how to reach the average American in regards to the reality about that heinous diabolical demonic psychotic creature known as Hillary "Killary" Clinton...EVERYTHING about this  poor excuse for a woman shows that we are indeed dealing with pure evil, and yet we still find according to some "polls" that there are some 40% of the American electorate that will still consider casting their vote for this creature?  Honestly, are Americans truly this brain dead?Lets face it right now.. In terms of this upcoming November farcical vote for the next President of the United States, America is screwed.... Hillary is probably the most vile candidate in the history of American politics and yet here we are, no matter how sick physically and mentally this creature is, the US Democratic Party is still out there portraying this person as what is needed to run the United States for the next 4 years...It is also so outrageous to turn on the most vile Jew spew media out of America these days and to see those poor excuses for reporters and "political analysts" continue to push Killary as their only choice for the Presidency... Any talk of Donald Drumpf at all by the Jew spew media is constantly full of lies and falsehoods, while they portray Killary as almost a saint... It is so revolting and it does again prove the reports right that Americans are turning off their Talmudvisions, especially the Jew spew media spews its propaganda, and are seeking the real news and the real truth via alternative methods especially via the Internet......OK, what else is there to say about what happened to Killary last Sunday on the 15th anniversary of the Israeli Mossad attacks on America aka "9-11" other than to state that this witch is either already DEAD or is on life support somewhere in a hidden medical facility (Her daughter Chelsea's "apartment"?).   As I said in my last report about this witch, I am leaning more and more on the idea that Killary is already dead, and the Democratic party and Killary's "Handlers" are already working to get her "doubles" ready to take her place.... We saw on the day of her "collapse" their first attempt to see if they could sell the gullible American people on the falsehood of using a Killary "double" to take her place, and sadly most Americans have indeed swallowed their horse shit.....Yes, if Killary is indeed dead or incapacitated, the US Democratic party is in a panic mode... But they have probably been preparing for months, if not years, for such an occurrence and indeed have the doubles ready to step in and fool the stupid American people.... And of course thanks to the Jewish power over the media, the compliant media is of course in on this sick game, and we will probably see "Killary 2.0" ready to go for the upcoming Presidential debates against Donald Drumpf.... Or failing to get their clone/double ready in time for the debate, they will try to use other dirty tricks to make sure that Killary 2.0 never gets to the debate floor!Again, let me make it clear that I am and have never been a fan of Donald Drumpf... The man is a serious Jew butt kisser, and he has always been "successful" in business by making some of the most shady deals imaginable... His money and his power has long been derived through Jewish interests and big Jewish power brokers, and I can guarantee that if "The Donald" does become the next President, it will indeed be "business as usual" for the Jewish power elite and these criminal psychopaths will continue to both run and ruin what is left of America..... So again, for those who think that I am a supporter of Drumpf, they are deeply mistaken...   I have said that with the failings of the American political system that it has become a '2 party system' where BOTH parties are basically run by the same criminals, there is NO real voting in America and no choice for the American people... But in stating that, it should be obvious that there are differences between criminal A, Killary Clinton, and criminal B, Donald Drumpf, in that one is a psychopathic lying demon with blood on its hands, and the other is Drumpf.....One last thing about the American political circus... Many have asked why I continue to call Donald "Trump", Donald "Drumpf".   I am a seeker of the real truth, and the real truth is that Drumpf is absolutely Donald's real last name... His father changed the family name from "Drumpf" to "Trump" decades ago for reasons that have never been told (Possibly because Trump sounded more "American" than the German last name of "Drumpf"?  And considering the "Anti-German" sentiments that were floating around America after WWI, it made sense for business..) and the last name of "Trump" has been used by the family ever since... However, I stick to the real last name and will continue to do so.....Much like I call William Jefferson "Clinton" by his real last name of "Bligh".....OK, Onto what the hell is happening in Syria..... I again am not going to bullshit anyone here when I state the facts and the reality that the US has lied to the entire world when they proposed the most recent "ceasefire" in the fighting for that nation... The entire "ceasefire" agreement is and always has been a farce... There was NO WAY in hell that the US was ever to "abide" by the terms of that agreement, and they basically have played both the Russians and Syrians again as suckers and fools for falling for their sick game...The reality is of course that with the Russians and Syrians finally having the upper hand in Syria and only days away from finally beating the crap out of the bought and paid for "terrorists" (US mercenaries) holed up in the city of Aleppo, the US became desperate (again) much like they were back in March when they pleaded for a "ceasefire" then... That March "ceasefire" was a sham and was used for nothing more than allowing the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal to rush in more supplies and weapons to their beleaguered "terrorists", and then to allow the "ceasefire" to fall apart and have these mercenaries launch new attacks on both the Syrian civilians and the Syrian army itself.... And now we saw two weeks ago the criminal US Secretary of State, John Kohn, grinning ear to ear as he again suckered the Russians and Syrians into agreeing to another "ceasefire" to save these mercenaries yet again?  Again, I must state the famous phrase..."Fool me once, shame on you.. Fool me twice, shame on me!".... It is so obvious that the US has indeed played the game once again and the Russians and Syrians have been snookered!Yes, as I had expected, the "Ceasefire" in Syria has now fallen apart once again, especially with the US blatantly attacking and murdering Syrian soldiers just yesterday in an act of outright murder... I am sick of the American lies that this "incident" was an "accident" through their false claims that they did not know that they were attacking Syrian soldiers.  They absolutely knew exactly who they were bombing at Jebel Tharda outside of Deir al-Zor airport, and they absolutely launched that assault in full support of their "terrorist" mercenary "ISIS" forces that were in danger at the time of being annihilated.....There should be absolutely no shadow of a doubt with this assault in anyone's minds anymore that the US is ABSOLUTELY 'ISIS'!And now the war in Syria has started to escalate once again, and the Russian Federation and the Syrian government have every right to call the US to the UN Security Council in an emergency session to discuss their callous act of aggression and cold blooded murder.... There can be NO more ceasefires, NO more Russian-American "agreements" in Syria, and the Russians and Syrians should now go all out and finish the job and finish off these "terrorists" once and for all.....To hell with the US and its constant lies....And even as I write this rant, there are reports coming forward today that the situation in Syria is once again escalated with the news that the US is refusing to be part of the Security Council meeting to discuss their horrendous actions in Syria... And on top of that we find reports of 'bombings' going off in America (The Jews again trying to incite violence and blame it on "Muslims") as well as a fraud machete attack up here in Canada as well.... Yes, the Jewish power elite want a war, desperately, and they are now pushing hard to start that war now!Of course while the Jew spew media purposely distracts people with the American political circus and of course failing to tell the American public the truth about the reality of Syria, we have the criminal Israeli government pushing their American puppets to increase their "aid" to their sick and twisted state.... All that anyone has to do is just look at the deplorable state of most American cities, and how so many American citizens are out of work, destitute, and living in the streets of what is supposed to be the "richest" nation on the planet... And then ask yourselves how in the hell the American government can give even one red cent to that disgusting evil entity on the Mediterranean Sea when the billions of dollars sent as "aid" there is better needed at home?   I again must point out that every single politician sitting in the US Senate and Congress are absolutely TRAITORS to the American people in their undying love of the criminal state of Israel..... It astounds me that they have the nerve to sit in power in Washington DC when they absolutely do NOT support their own constituents that foolishly elected them in the first place!And speaking of the criminal and psychotic state of Israel... I have seen the recent reports where the criminally insane psychotic Prime Minister of that sick nation, Benyamin Miliekosky, has called off any more "peace conferences" to decide the fate of the people of Palestine, and instead has further accelerated the building of the illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank....But honestly, what did people expect?  I stated clearly for years now that there can be NO peace in Palestine, for the psychotic Jews want that land selfishly only for themselves and ridiculously use their fraud religion as their grounds for their "ownership" over that territory... These psychos believe that all of Palestine is theirs and theirs alone as "ordained" by their god, Satan aka "Yahweh", and in their twisted mentality, there is NO room what so ever for the Palestinians themselves... Their dream is of course to see the day that the Palestinians are either kicked out permanently from the entire region, or to have them all killed.... Yes, the Palestinians, the rightful people that have rights to that land, have no future at all in the Jewish sickness, and their only real hope is to fight for their very survival....It does indeed become a choice either to fight or to be genocided, and given those two choices only I know which one I would choose in a heartbeat.....One last thing before I get onto my "last minute tidbits".... I saw this week where the Russian Federation has BANNED some Internet websites that peddle the sickness of pornography from being shown in Russia.... I say good for the Russians, for all of these pornographic sites are run by the sick Jews who have always wanted to pervert and destroy societies through their immoral depravities..... I for one have always wanted to see all pornography banned everywhere, and this step by the Russians shows clearly that they are indeed not entirely controlled by "Jewish interests" as many are claiming.....OK, onto the last minute tidbits, and as usual I use them to cover many other topics that I may have missed that are on everyone's minds over the last week... I see that the criminals behind "Facebook" are working with several governments including the psycho one in Israel, to try to bring censorship to the Internet.  Obviously, the criminal Jews want this action for the Internet has indeed been the last bastion of truth against their criminal actions and they want the Gentiles to lose this venue of real truth!  Hopefully more people see what is going on here and stop any Internet censorship in its tracks......The Russians are indeed voting today for who is to hold power in their lower house called the Duma.  It is interesting that this Russian election is not discussed in light of the political circus in America, and that may be due to the fact that the Russian elections are fair and not tainted like the American ones are.........Let me get this straight.  The US military gave their ridiculously laughable F-35 fighter planes their "ready for combat" seal of approval a few weeks back, and now we find that the fighters are not only useless in real combat, but the very insulation in the engines is constantly disintegrating?  This trillion dollar boondoggle is an unmitigated disaster for the US, and yet they are still wanting to send pilots out to fly this POS.  The term "suicide" comes to mind for these brave men.....OK, while we were so focused on the laughable US elections, there was indeed a "terrorist" attack in Australia recently in a suburb of Sydney called Minto.  But this "terrorist" attack is proving to be a laughable joke and even worse than the fraudulent ones in America!  I would suggest that everyone take a look at the videos by "Peekay Truth" to see how the people of Australia are being played as suckers on this one.......Reports show that over 1/3 of the Saudi air strikes that have taken place in Yemen have hit hospitals and other medical facilities instead of "military" targets.  These are indeed acts of genocide and war crimes, and I will give you only one guess as to who is supplying the Saudis with their weapons to conduct these crimes.  If you said the US, you win the prize.........I saw a ridiculous report where the Jew spew media is crying the blues now that people are not only trusting the media but are outright mocking them.  I would say to these liars in the Jew spew media that if they do not want people laughing at them, try actually telling the truth for a change?..........I actually sat down and watched most of that movie called "Vaxxed" that is, unless the Jewish pricks have it yanked, still available for viewing via Youtube.  It may be a bit tedious to watch at times, but it shows glaring evidence that vaccines absolutely do NOT work and instead are detrimental to human health.  Yes, the evidence vindicates what I and others have been saying for years, which is to NEVER EVER get vaccinated, period........Starting to get very cold in these parts of central Canada, but this is expected as our Sun, Sol, gets deeper and deeper into its cold cycle with reduced solar radiation output.  Yes, this is reality, and shows again how much the "Global Warming" nuts are nothing but fools and idiots.  But watch out, for our own governments are still wanting their "carbon taxes" in place to fleece the public with another bullshit tax, and yes it is coming here to Canada as well.......Yes, the American economy is a shambles, and the people are tired, and destitute, and living in the streets of formerly great American cities.  But look out, as the criminal corporation called "Apple" unleashed their latest gizmo on the brain dead American public called the "iPhone 7".   And even up here in Canada, I watched this week at the local mall as dumbed down fools lined up to be some of the first to have this POS.  Honestly, I cannot understand some people and their brainwashed want to have the latest and silliest consumer goods..........Arsenal beat Hull City yesterday, by the score of 4-1, and the Gunners are sitting pretty good right now near the top of the table.  Hard fought matches soon to come though, especially against Manchester City and a rematch against Chelsea.......More people have of course asked me my opinion of the US national anthem "sit down" or "kneel down" conducted by some American athletes.  I look at this as just another distraction for the American people, and honestly if America is a free society, then these athletes can do what ever they want..........And finally, my look at that great American icon and symbol of "wholesomeness" in America, the great Kardashian family of trolls and idiots.  And this week I have a good one, as my fellow Canadian truth teller, Greencrow, sent me a most interesting link to an article where supposedly my favourite skank, Kim, has been using the social media site, "Snapchat", to send out some nude photos of herself.  Yes, supposedly "Snapchat" was indeed first created for the sole purpose of using it for nude "selfies", but has morphed into so much more these days.  Yes, Kim is of course always the media hound and now has a new platform to send her naked photos out to her 'fans'.   All I can say is: YIKES!  But this is expected by this trollop, and once again we have Kim giving her "fans" what they want.   I again am still trying to figure out with all the problems happening in America right now, why so many dumb asses south of the border continue their love affair for these brain dead idiots?More to comeNTS