Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, September 14th, 2014

It is Sunday, September 14th, 2014, and according to the criminal US Government, "ISIS" is out to get you!!Yes, I am truly sickened by all the fraud Jew spew media reports that have been constantly bombarding the gullible saps living in the once free United States of America with all the bullshit lies about how "ISIS" or "ISIL", or what ever phoney baloney acronym they can come up with next, is this great threat…. I cannot  help but laugh at the ridiculous notions concocted to make this absolutely fraud "terrorist" group look so evil…. Sadly, the vast majority of Americans are swallowing this crap and like gullible stupid sheep will blindly follow their criminals who run their government into another meaningless and useless war of aggression…Before I again go into detail about this ISIS, or ISIL, and its ridiculous "threat" that everyone is suddenly believing actually exists, I do have one very important question for all those fools that still think this is a legitimate "terrorist group"… Have you ever seen this "ISIS" group of supposedly mad "Islamic Extremists" ever threaten Israel?   Lets be blunt here.. If this is an all powerful Islamic group that threatens so much of the Middle East and even the United States, then WHY has it not come out with any "videos" where it threatened harm to the ultimate enemy of Islam itself and the true poison facing all of mankind,  which of course is Israel?    The fact that there has been absolutely no threats by this group against the true evil on the planet, namely Israel itself, is the absolute dead giveaway that we are indeed dealing with a fraud… If nothing else that I and others have stated that exposes this ISIS group as a hoax has not convinced any of you, then the fact that it has never, ever, threatened or done any damage to the Israeli state rests our case…..Ok, again back to this ISIS laughable fraud and its real target which is Syria…. I put up an article just a few days ago where I absolutely tore that idiot President of the United States' so called "address" to the American nation about this ISIS "threat" apart…. The fact is that speech was so full of hogwash and lies that I found it impossible to find one ounce of truth in any of it… Ripping it apart and exposing the lies that it contained was so easy, and after doing that, I paused and thought to myself about how the fools living in the United States cannot see them for themselves…. I actually felt ashamed for the American people, because here we have their LIAR in Chief trying to sell an illegal and despotic war against another innocent nation, namely Syria, and the majority of American citizens will blindly support that war that indeed could quickly escalate into a regional conflict and potentially a world war against both Russia and China.What is truly astounding to me about the criminal President of the United States is the fact that he has the gall to openly call for war without the full support of the American people… I can guarantee that most American citizens are sick of war and having lived through the messes in both Iraq and Afghanistan, many absolutely would quickly vote against another war footing… But here we have Barry the warmonger going forward and calling for war without both Congressional approval and the approval of the American public…. Sad is an understatement, because the hawks in Washington DC along with their masters in Tel Aviv are just licking their chops about the prospects of another war of aggression.. Many of these criminals do not care if there is another innocent nation destroyed, and even if that war costs the lives of thousands of American soldiers.. Most are in it for profit as well as pleasing their Jewish masters in having another "threat" to Israeli hegemony over the entire Middle East eliminated…. We have seen over the last several years how the US and Israel have used their proxy forces in Syria unsuccessfully to destroy the popular Bashar al-Assad government there.. We saw the lies of the "chemical weapons" used by Assad being a laugher, and of course the lies that Assad was killing his own people and "terrorizing them"… The Jew spew media propaganda machine tried in vain to vilify Assad and the truth became known that Assad was in fact loved by his people (still is) and many Syrians saw the reality that the so called "Syrian freedom fighters" were absolutely nothing more than hired American/Israeli mercenaries… These people were not fools, and even went to the last general election in Syria back in June and voted overwhelmingly in support of Assad himself… This failure by the criminals in the US and Israel to have Syria destroyed put them back a few months, but now they have their "Plan B" in motion which of course is to use the newest US/Israeli proxy "ISIS" to get Syria invaded and destroyed through the "back door"…..One thing that did catch my eye the other day and should be the dead giveaway (again) that this ISIS is a fraud is the fact that this fraud US/Israeli funded and directed ISIS just signed a "nonaggression" treaty with the fraud US/Israeli funded and directed "Syrian rebels"…. THIS should have been the dead giveaway (like so many others) that this ISIS is a phoney… This agreement makes sense if you finally put two and two together and realize that BOTH of these groups are run by the CIA and Mossad, and therefore it does not make any sense that they shoot at each other… BOTH groups have the planned aim at overthrowing Assad in Syria and now the Israelis and Americans will coordinate their combined forces in Syria itself….. Wake the hell up people!!What also pisses me off about this fraud ISIS crisis is the fact that not only is the United States gearing up for a regional war, but the gullible and idiotic Jew stooges here in Canada have gone ahead and sent over a small contingency force into Iraq to counter this fraud "threat" as well… Yes, that idiotically stupid Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, went ahead and sent some 500 Canadian soldiers to Iraq while claiming to the Canadian public that they are there on a "support" basis.. Yeah right… The fact is clear that this is only the beginning of that so called "coalition" of nations that President Barry called for in his Wednesday address to the American people… Sadly, most Canadians were not even aware of this move by the criminals in Ottawa, and what is truly sad is that most of these Canadian soldiers being shipped over to Iraq will be used for the planned invasion of Syria in which many will die for the glory of Israel!  I have always thought Americans are bad, but the Canadian people are equally as stupid….I could swallow up this entire rant with just talking about this laughable and ridiculous "ISIS threat" but there are other issues around the world to take shots at….. One major headache that seems to suddenly be out of the picture (at least for the moment) is the crisis in Ukraine…. Just last week Kiev, Moscow, and the so called "rebels" in eastern Ukraine called for a ceasefire and to seek a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine… I can guarantee that this much needed ceasefire does not sit well with Kiev's masters in the United States and Israel, and I am weary if this "ceasefire" will hold…..Again, the eastern Ukrainians have long had every right to vote for separation from Ukraine according to international law, and in spite of this lull in the fighting are continuing to strive for that independence… The US/Israel/EU group of criminals have also wanted for the longest time to use Ukraine for their much planned nice little war against Russia itself… But with the Kiev puppet regime doing what is right and seeking peace with Russia, the criminal plan for a global conflict via Ukraine has momentarily been put on hold… But I can guarantee this is just a lull and something diabolical planned by these criminals is on the horizon… A new false flag to blame Russia is not out of the question…It is now mid September, and it has been the coldest September in decades in this part of Canada, and much of the northern parts of the United States as well… The reality is that I and others have warned people for years that they should not be fooled by the imbeciles in the so called "Global Warming" or "Climate Change" camps that have been harping for years that the planet is somehow overheating… Now the reality is coming out that we are indeed entering a very long period of cooling due to reduced solar output from our star, Sol….. The temperatures will be brutal and we can expect very long winters for the next few years if not the next decade at least… It is so sad that nations have fallen prey to the Global Warming fraud and are now ill prepared for what is actually happening.. The citizens of those nations (the UK is a prime example) will suffer terribly for this folly.    Lets face the facts people again, Global Warming is a fraud, and a sham… It was created by nefarious individuals as a money making scheme to tax people via fraud "carbon taxation"….These individuals behind the Global Warming scare fraud are as far as I am concerned the scum of the earth and they should be in jail for their lies……I read an important article just the other day from the Investment Watch blog website that shows again definitive evidence that "Facebook" is indeed a scam and a horrific spy mechanism… It is sad that most Americans and others around the planet still use that laughable "social network" without realizing that they all have been played as suckers.. ."Facebook" or as I have long called it "Facecrook" is absolutely a spy program where gullible and stupid people have given their private and personal data away for free…. Sadly I find it deplorable that so many businesses and websites now everywhere want people to use "Facebook" for access and yet even they are willingly forcing people to give up personal information for free that can be used against them in the future…. I have never ever had a "Facebook" account, and I never will… My personal information is my own and I will never allow it to become part of the "Facebook" trap….. My recommendation stays exactly the same as it has always been; Never, ever have a "Facebook" account… If you do have one, close it immediately, and hope that the personal information that you have already surrendered to the criminals behind "Facebook" will not come back to haunt you!The information about the Ebola "outbreak" continues to be misleading in my opinion… I am now leaning on the strong possibility that this "outbreak" is and always  has been a scam… We see now more and more reports coming out about this Ebola being such a "threat" and that EVERYONE must be ready to take newly developed "vaccines" against this "threat"…. Why does this sound strangely like the "swine flu" pandemic of a few years ago?  We may be indeed be seeing another scam just like that fraud "pandemic" that will have gullible people line up and take dangerous and deadly "vaccines" into their bodies….. However, if there is a "threat" from Ebola, then my long time stance still remains that everyone should be upping their vitamin supplements to strengthen their immune systems, which includes making sure you all have a good supply of Vitamin C supplements handy if and when these criminals actually come out and call this Ebola scare a "pandemic".I got a few rude comments and a few weird ones concerning a previous post about Scotland's vote for Independence from the United Kingdom that will happen this coming Thursday, September 18th, 2014….  Yes, the Scots can be considered as "British" as per they occupy the island of Briton along with the English and the Welsh… But from their historical standpoint they are much different that these other groups… The ancestors of the Scots are of course the Picts that have long occupied the northern part of the island and have a long history of being strongly independent and very fierce warriors… The Scots fought so many battles with the English to prevent English domination of northern Briton, and prevailed for centuries before finally accepting union with the English and the Welsh some 307 years ago….. To me, it is again the right for any people to decide their future, and if the Scots finally have worn out their want for union with the rest of Britain, then they have that right to leave and go their own way…. Yes, the initial separation from the UK will be ugly, and the Scots have said that at least initially they will continue to have that freak on the British throne as their head of state, but given time they will indeed find their independent course from the rest of the UK…..The English in the south of Briton will have to accept and live with the result of the vote this Thursday….Last week's Turbulent Times radio show was a success, and as I have stated, Whitewraithe and I are getting better with time in the production of the shows… Charles Giuliani made for a fabulous guest on last Wednesday's show, and the topic about Religion was right up his alley….. We actually had a pretty good audience over at the chat room and we hope that with time more people will tune into our broadcasts…. Wraithe and I wanted to have a show last night to discuss the 9-11 13th anniversary, but we could not swing it in time due to personal issues…. We are still hoping to have more guests on our show and I am even opening up to readers at this column to suggest a few guests, and/or if they are part of the REAL truth seeking community then they themselves can be a guest on our show as well……Well, that appears to be enough for now…. As usual, I will close this rant with my usual "Last Minute Tidbits" to cover other important subjects of the day…..Yes, last Thursday was of course the 13th anniversary of the Israeli assault on America aka 9-11.  To me it is ludicrous that most people, especially those living in the United States, still are living with the pipe dream that the assault was conducted by crazy "Arabs".   It is either people are just too gullible, or the Jew spew media has worked so well over all these years.  I say it is a combination of both……..We find the so called "Palestinian Authority" at odds with the people of Palestine primarily over having Israel face war crimes for their murder of innocent people in Gaza.  I say to the Palestinians that if the PA cannot get their act together and go after these monsters for their genocide, then it is time to definitely dump the PA all together……China and Russia are now officially trading their goods and especially their oil in currency other than the US dollar.  Shockingly this has not made for major news around the world, but of course the Jews who run the news do not want their American slaves to know the truth that their economy is now officially done for.  These criminals want instead to keep the slaves in the dark until they are finished using them for their nice little wars in the Middle East for their glorious Israel.  Once that is done, they will implode the US economy and lay America to waste…….So very little news coming out these days about the still ongoing Fukushima disaster, which again I do find atrocious.  People still do not understand that disaster is still out of control over 3.5 years after the initial meltdowns and there is nothing planned for the immediate future to fix that mess.  But again, wars for Israel always come first and foremost……..Someone asked me to comment on the Ray Rice/NFL fiasco, and quite honestly, the man should have been in jail for assault and battery against his wife.  Yes, the NFL itself periodically turns into a circus thanks to these incidents, and I do wonder if they are there purposely as distractions for the American public as a whole…...A commentator finally gave me an answer to the question I asked about Aussie Rules Football and the point awarded for putting the ball outside the major scoring area.  Awarding points for failure is nothing new because the same thing happens with Canadian Football and the ridiculous "rouge".   The Grand Final in Aussie Football is next week and I will probably watch it.  I am taking a bit of a liking to that oddball sport…… Arsenal settled for a 2-2 draw with Manchester City yesterday thanks to a late goal by Man U in the 82nd minute.  The Gunners do look better this year than last, and we shall see how much better when they face Chelsea coming up soon.  Hey, I have always said that I do like BPL soccer……Report from NASA that their "Curiosity" probe on "Mars" (Arizona desert) has now reached its "goal" and will shortly start drilling in the "martian" soil to determine if life ever existed on "Mars".  Watch as they soon report that they have discovered "life on Mars" just to get further funding for their fraudulent future missions.  Hey, if anyone still thinks that their "Curiosity" probe is actually on Mars, then I have a few pyramids to sell to you suckers……And finally, what everyone always waits for, my usual shot at America's greatest family, the Kardashian clan of misfits and skanks.   I came across a report this last week that said that the show "Keeping up with the Kardashians" which shockingly is still going strong has raked in some 10+ million dollars for skank Kim alone over the last few years.   I do now wonder if these skanks and trollops are truly that stupid, or if they have always been shrew business women who know how the gullible American people will gladly pay to watch their slop.  Isn't America great?More to comeNTS