Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, September 11th, 2016

  It is Sunday...The 11th of September.. And time again for my weekly rant.Yes, today does indeed mark the 15th anniversary of the ISRAELI MOSSAD attack on the United States, known collectively as "9-11".... And of course I am still shocked to this day that the American people simply do not get it and are continuing to sleepwalk while the perpetrators of the greatest crime conducted against the American people have gotten away with the murder of some 3000 innocent people... And yes, it was absolutely without any shadow of a doubt a Jewish Israeli plot and operation conducted against America....I am constantly asked what I see actually happened that fateful day..... And quite honestly I do not care about the operation itself, for there is so much truth out there as well as so much disinformation, and as far as I am concerned, it does not matter how these criminals did it, but the fact remains that none of those responsible have been put on trial for their cold blooded act of calculated murder of American citizens.... But what the heck, for I figure I would answer some of the critics with the following list in point form as to the bitter truths about that fateful day:(1) It was NOT "19 A-rabbbbsssss" using laughably ridiculous "box cutters" that hijacked these aircraft and flew them into buildings.  It is a matter of fact that most of those supposed "hijackers" were indeed alive and well long after these attacks and many are in fact very much alive today......It should be obvious by now that the real perpetrators, the criminal Jews and the Israeli Mossad, want to continuously vilify the Arabs and falsely claim that they carried out this operation.(2) Boston Logan Airport's security was indeed run by an Israeli company and they were indeed part of the set up for the flights out of Logan that fateful morning...(Sadly, most Americans are not even aware that almost all of their airport "security" is run by Israeli firms as well!)(3) The flights out of Boston Logan were severely "passenger light" with all 3 flights having less than 1/2 (in two cases barely 1/3) of a full compliment of passengers onboard... Normal airlines would not have allowed such flights to even take off simply because they were not economically feasible to even fly!(4) The flight transponders were purposely turned off to prevent ground radar from seeing the "hijacked" aircrafts' elevations.... That was done purposely as the flights were all vectored and actually landed at the former Stewart airforce base in upstate New York... All three flights actually landed at Stewart and robotic flown passenger planes (drones) were flown out of Stewart to continue the planes' flight paths towards New York City.(5) It was indeed robotic drones with no passengers on board that hit the twin towers in NYC that fateful morning... I do not give a crap about those who still claim that there were "no planes" in the twin tower attacks, for that is pure rubbish....(6) High energy explosives planted by Israeli agents disguised as "building operations" and even "art students" were indeed planted in WTC1 and WTC2, and used to fell those buildings that fateful day.  The robotic drones hitting the buildings may have been window dressing to create the illusion sold that "planes" caused the buildings to collapse.... I do not give a frog's fanny for those who continuously try to claim there were "no planes" in New York that day, for all they are are nothing but disinformation clowns much like the flat earth idiots out there...(7) It was a missile that hit the Pentagon that morning as well... I do not give a flying crap as well to those who constantly want to claim that a 'plane hit the Pentagon' when the facts are that a plane could not have done the massive turn and then fly at such a low level into the Pentagon that morning...  Disinformation is the word to use here for those who are stuck on the "plane" idea....(8) The surviving passengers that were offloaded after landing at Stewart were either killed outright or were reloaded onto the one plane and flown to Cleveland that morning... At Cleveland that morning (and sadly not fully reported or even known to "investigators") there was a major incident and a possible "false flag bomb" warning that conveniently cleared part of the terminal... Once that area of the terminal was cleared, the flight from Stewart was landed there and then after a brief period of time, "flight 93" was airborne from Cleveland, and was headed towards its target which was absolutely WTC7.... The plan was always to have the twin towers destroyed first so that flight 93 would have a "clear shot" for taking out WTC7.. But something went awry that morning, and I would assume that the surviving passengers were indeed suddenly aware of their destined fate of being used for destruction and actually gained control of the aircraft.   Once the Israelis and their American puppets in the US government became aware that flight 93 had gone "rogue" the decision was quickly made to have it blown out of the sky by an A10 warthog. (9) Flight 93 was indeed blown out of the sky over Pennsylvania, and it did indeed crash near Shanksville.  However, the US government quickly decided to have one or two F16's flown out of a nearby airbase and have it fire two air to air missiles into the ground some 10 miles away from the actual crash site of flight 93.  Then they quickly had their subservient slaves in the media work to sell the story that the hole in the ground made by these air to air missiles was the "crash" of flight 93, while the real crash site of flight 93 was quickly cleared up over the next day or two some 10 miles away.... Local people in the area did indeed ask about that "other crash" but all news of that real crash was quickly suppressed, while the hole in the ground with no plane remains was "sold" to the gullible American people as being the "remains" of flight 93!(10) Once flight 93 failed to hit WTC7 as planned, the Israelis decided that since WTC7 was also wired with explosives (just like WTC1 and WTC2) to have it blown up, and to try to sell the story to the American people that WTC7 was "so weakened by fire and debris" from the collapse of WTC1 and WTC2 that it fell by itself the afternoon of 9-11!   It is remarkable to this day how most Americans are not even aware of the "collapse" of WTC7 that afternoon, and I again blame it on the combination of ignorance and the brainwashing power of the Jew spew media.....(11) The area that the missile the Pentagon that morning was absolutely the Naval Intelligence section, and the section that was gathering information about the "missing" 2.3 TRILLION dollars that Donald Rumsfeld mentioned on September 10th, 2001, the day before 9-11..... The plan always was to vector the missile into precisely that part of the Pentagon to destroy any incriminating evidence as to where the 2.3 trillion dollars disappeared to.... I would stake my own reputation that the missing money was definitely sent Israel's way..... After the attack on the Pentagon, 'miraculously' any further investigation into the missing 2.3 trillion dollars disappeared along with that money!(12) WTC7 was a prime target of 9-11 due to it, the Solomon Building, harbouring the major evidence of the ENRON scandal that had rocked America over the previous year... It is also a fact that there was probably enough evidence gathered in the Solomon Building to implicate the Bush crime family in their involvement in the ENRON affair, and therefore that 'evidence' most definitely had to be destroyed.  Flight 93 was to be the first weapon of choice, but when that failed, simply blowing up the building with all of its damning ENRON files was the next best thing....(13) Yes, the morning of 9-11 there were indeed simulated war games conducted (how convenient was that?) that totally befuddled the American air defence systems over the American north east.  Those simulations blinded the US military and allowed the criminal Israelis to carry out their dastardly deeds unscathed and with almost no interference....(14) Absolutely the Jewish businessmen that would have been at work at WTC1 and WTC2 that fateful morning were all warned to stay away from those buildings that day.  Look at the evidence for yourselves for on any given day those buildings would have had hundreds if not thousands of Jewish businessmen in them, but on that one day only one or two Jews suffered the fate of the thousands that were killed.... Warned in advance? Absolutely!(15) Note the prepositioning of "crisis actors" in New York City that morning to be ready when the fraud Jew spew media went around asking THEM exclusively what they saw... They were indeed used to sell the lies of the buildings felling due to the fires (especially the one crisis actor used with the New York ball cap and New York t-shirt!).....Selling the lies of 9-11 were part of the planning and the brainwashing has worked beyond the criminals' wildest dreams....(16) "Lucky" Larry Silverstein, the ultimate Jewish criminal, was part of the sick plot as he bought the twin towers (how convenient) about a year before the attacks, and had them "insured" against "terrorist attacks"(again how convenient)... On the morning of 9-11, he "conveniently" had to miss a meeting in the WTC complex as he had a "medical appointment".  How lucky is that?   And then after the preplanned collapse of WTC7, he had the nerve to appear in interviews and state clearly that he ok'ed the "pulling" of WTC7 where "pulling" is the term used in demolition lingo for having buildings blown up.   And yes, Silverstein the psychotic Jew criminal, made out like a bandit collecting BILLIONS in insurance costs for both towers falling that morning.....(17) US CIA operative Osama bin Laden was indeed preplanned to be the "fall guy" for this entire operation, and it is so remarkable about how quickly the Jew spew media and government "officials" quickly named him as the culprit.   It is a fact that Osama bin Laden had absolutely NOTHING to do with the 9-11 attacks, period.... But its just as amazing how gullible the American public truly is that they swallowed the US government's lies and the majority to this day still believe that "bin Laden" did 9-11.....Yes, the brainwashing has been that intense....(18) The phone calls made from the aircraft to the ground as reported by the media are pure unadulterated bullshit... There was very limited technology available in 2001 for cellular calls from aircraft to the ground for the simple reason that aircraft fly above the absolute limit of cellular range (maximum altitude in 2001 of about 10000 feet) and the only way the calls could be made is if there was an actual transceiver unit on board those aircraft.  None of those flights contained such technology and the airlines only started experimenting with cellular phone calls from aircraft in the mid 2000's, a few years AFTER the 9-11 attacks.... Therefore all those calls as reported as made from these flights were indeed false and part of the plan to fool the gullible American people....(19) George Bush was able to sit in that classroom in Florida even after the attacks knowing full well that the operation was indeed underway and was a success... If that had actually been a real terrorist attack on America, the President would have been whisked away out of that classroom immediately to protect his life from possible further attacks... The actions of that Jewish controlled idiot that morning shows that he KNEW full well about the operation and that he was in absolutely no danger....  And yet the American people cannot see this for themselves to this very day?(20) We can NOT forget the 5 pre-positioned Israel Mossad agents that were across the Hudson River on a rooftop with camera equipment to "film the event" as it happened.... We cannot forget that these same operatives then got into vans laden with explosives with instructions to plant those explosives in both bridges and tunnels to Manhattan in NYC... And we cannot forget how these criminal agents were arrested, held in jail for weeks, and then very quietly were allowed to go back to Israel where they went on Israeli television to talk about their exploits and especially how there were in New York to film 9-11 with pre-knowledge that the "event" was to occur!   This aspect above all others shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that 9-11 was indeed a Mossad operation conducted with the criminals in the US government itself...(21) Yes, the Jew spew media blew it the afternoon of 9-11 as the BBC reported that the "Solomon building" had just collapsed almost a full hour before it actually was felled by preplanned explosives. It is so remarkable that most people still do not see the BBC's magical "clairvoyance" as proof that the entire 9-11 attack was preplanned, and absolutely the Jew spew media has always been part of the operation to brainwash the gullible masses!OK, I have given 21 points of conjecture about what I saw happen that fateful day... The biggest problem that I have had since the 9-11 attacks is that the American people are still mostly too stupid for their own good to do anything about it... In fact I find it so shocking that now 15 years after the fact that most Americans have almost "forgotten" about the events of that day, and are once again ill prepared for any new massive operation of death and destruction that the Jews will definitely unleash on them soon..... And yes, I can guarantee that the next attack on America will indeed make 9-11 look  mild by comparison!Well, I have taken so much of this rant to give my thoughts on the 9-11 attacks that plunged America into the phoney 'War on terror' on behalf of their masters in Israel.... Yes, there are many that will not agree with what I have stated above, and they are either welcome to give their own two cents worth in comments, or they can go elsewhere.... I do make mistakes though, and even now some 15 years after the fact I am constantly tweaking the facts behind what exactly took place that fateful day...OK, to cover what else is happening around our sick world, I will touch on those issues here in my usual "last minute tidbits".......Some people have constantly been asking me about Hillary "Killary" Clinton's "health issues" and needless to say that beyond the fact that she is psychotic and mentally deranged to start with, I would say that she does indeed have some serious physical issues that absolutely make her ineligible to be the next US President.  The question becomes then, what are the American people going to do about it?........Yes, the Jew spew media is still somehow getting away with the lies that Killary and Donald Drumpf are "neck and neck" in terms of the polls in America.  I once again must ask who they are polling?  Is the media conducting polls exclusively in insane asylums, prisons, or better yet, the Clinton's own camp of followers? There still must be people with common sense in America, and common sense would tell them that Killary is indeed a freak and a demon.......I again must point out that Donald Drumpf is clearly not the best choice either for US President as he is indeed a Jew butt kisser and the people behind him running his campaign are all Jews.  But again with the failings of the 2 party system in America it becomes a choice between a demonic psychotic freak and Donald, and sadly yes the American people are stuck with the "lesser of two evils"........Lets face facts about this newest Syrian "ceasefire" right here.  It is doomed to failure from the start for the criminal Americans will just continue to harp their ridiculous demands that Bashar al-Assad must step down as Syrian President first.   There is no way in hell that the Syrian people need to put up with that ridiculous laughable demand, and therefore the "ceasefire" will fail once again like all previous ones before it....... And yes, the US will indeed use this newest "ceasefire" as a respite to rush in more arms and supplies to their embattled mercenaries holed up in Aleppo.  So again, WHY are the Syrians and Russians wanting to give the US this opportunity when they are so close to victory?  If I was in command of the Syrian forces right now, I would say absolutely NO ceasefire, and finish the job in destroying the US led mercenaries!.....Lets be straight forward here in regards to the situation with the Kurds in northern Syria.  They are so screwed!  They were indeed suckers to try to make deals with the evil Americans and Israelis, and now they are paying the price for that folly.   I remember an old saying that you can never make deals with the devil, for you always get burned in the end.  And yes, that saying does imply for the Kurds.......The Nice France "truck attack" has now fallen to pieces as the evidence is clearly out there that it was an absolute fraud and a massive hoax.  And yet, I still see the Jew spew media out there brainwashing gullible people with their lies that it and every other false flag bullshit operation before it (Orlando, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, Boston Bombing, Paris shooting, etc, etc..) are somehow real.   Honestly, are the American people (and the French as well) this stupid?......Notice while the Jew spew media has our attention elsewhere, little is being reported on how that bullshit TTIP "economic" agreement between North America and Europe has collapsed.  Hopefully people are also paying attention on how our criminal governments are also trying to ram the TPP fraud "economic agreement" down our throats quietly and with little fanfare?  All I can say is for people to wake up and wake up quick, for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)"agreement" is nothing but a right stealing, corporation empowering, swindle on the people living around the Pacific Ocean.....I see that North Korea has once again detonated another atomic bomb. The North Koreans have enough troubles with their economy and trying to even feed their own people, and here were have their imperious leader setting off nukes?  But I actually agree with Jim Stone's assessment on this one in that it sends a clear message to the entire world to leave North Korea alone and stop trying to meddle in its affairs......And speaking of the economy, I am still shocked to see all the bullshit coming out of the Jew spew media about how it is "recovering".  I would ask these idiots where this "recovery" is, when all I see is ever growing despair and more and more businesses even here in Canada going belly up. Recovery my ass!......Notice how the economy is failing and yet we have idiots out there lining up for the latest "IPhone" product.  Yes, the world can go to hell and we still have idiots that foolishly only care about bullshit consumer products.........Yes, I am indeed pissed off at those who constantly want to be "politically correct".  Honestly I have had enough of that fucking bullshit, and if I want to say words like "fuck" and other colorful metaphors, then so be it.  And again for those who do not like it, you can kiss my fucking white ass......Yes, Arsenal won a huge game yesterday against Southampton and are moving up the ladder.  But the big games are yet to come against teams like Manchester City, Manchester United, and of course the resurgent Chelsea.....And finally, I figure it was time to take another swipe at what I find are wastes of human flesh, the Kardashians and their idiocy.   More paparazzi bullshit coming out about Rob and his fiancee Black Chyna, especially about their own "reality show" together coming soon to further damage American minds.  Honestly, who cares?  But again, the American people do have this strange infatuation with these wastes of humanity, rather than where their own nation is heading.  And people wonder why I say America is a failed nation?Again, today is the 15th anniversary of the Israeli Mossad attacks on America that took the lives of some 3000 innocent Americans.   It is my hope that people do not forget this tragedy and make sure that the truth about exactly who is responsible for that act of cold blooded murder is told to everyone!More to comeNTS