Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, September 10th, 2017

Sunday again.. And again time for my weekly rant..Tomorrow is of course the 16th anniversary of the Israeli attack on America known as "9-11"... I need not go into great details here about the hows and whys of that sophisticated and deliberate attack on the World Trade Centre in New York as well as the attack on the Pentagon in Washington, DC.... But suffice to say that the Israelis and their agents and helpful idiot minions in America were absolutely 100% behind the entire operation and had it planned for months if not years before given the go on September 11th, 2001...... I for one am actually still shocked to this day that people are that stupid that they cannot put 2 and 2 together and see that it was the Jews that killed 3000 Americans that day and how they have used their power over our governments and media to this day to cover for that act of cold blooded murder..... Sixteen years have now passed as of tomorrow and there is still NO justice or peace for the victims of that Jewish crime against humanity.....Well, I have come under a bit of fire for my recent articles on the sudden rash of hurricanes happening in the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, stating that to have FOUR major hurricanes (and a possible 5th behind "Jose" as well very possibly now forming in the mid Atlantic) hit in quick succession is not an "anomaly" simply because NOWHERE in recorded history have we ever seen 4 hurricanes form and hit the entire Caribbean region within such a narrow time frame.....The last time anything came close was back in 2010 when THREE hit in the region, and even at that time many called it a "fluke of nature"..... Yes, there are many out there that are once again calling this just 'random chance' with the water conditions in both the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic being just right at just this time to form these storms in quick succession...But since the odds of 4 and possibly 5 hurricanes happening all at once being something like a few BILLION to one, I am leaning on this not being a 'fluke' at all, but being done purposely through atmospheric manipulation... And I cannot help but to think of the real weather modification devices out there known as "HAARP"..... BUT I will make it clear that even though I do see this multitude of hurricanes to not be an anomaly but done purposely, I still am puzzled as to WHY the monsters behind weather modification would be doing this to the region at this time?.....OK, as of this morning, the THIRD major Hurricane (Lets not forget Katia off the coast of Mexico right now..) in the region, known as Irma may have been downgraded to a "level 3" hurricane, but it still is packing a wallop as it is presently bearing down on the southern Florida keys and Miami area...  Many say that even though Irma may be a bit weaker than Harvey, the devastation could be greater than Harvey due to the amount of damage to built up areas on both sides of the Florida peninsula possible if it storms right through the middle of the state..... I called it pretty close when I said that Harvey alone will cost the US some 180+ BILLION in damages, but Irma could cost a lot more if it continues to track as predicted....I also got into a bit of a tussle with a few commentators last week when I said that people should NOT be donating to the American Red Cross for disaster relief, due to their lack of actually sending the money that they collect to the victims of disasters involved... I am standing behind this claim and the evidence that the Red Cross should not receive one nickel is blatantly clear when anyone researches the Haitian Earthquake of 2011, and how less than 5% of any money collected through the Red Cross actually went to the victims of that disaster.... Someone should have been asking where the other 95% went, and yet to this day nobody has a clue..... I therefore again do not see a problem with sending money for the victims of Harvey and the possible victims of Irma as well, but ask that everyone be careful to ask and make sure that every cent of their money actually goes to those victims instead of some "administration" pockets!  AND, I found this article from Intellihub the other day that shows that indeed the "Red Cross" cannot be trusted at all, for some aid workers in Houston have now stated that when they needed their help, they were NO WHERE TO BE FOUND!  HERE is the link here to that article for those who still think the Red Cross is to be given their money!One thing about Hurricane Irma that I caught the other day, and I have to laugh is this... American "actress" Jennifer Lawrence came forward towards the end of last week and had the gall to state that Hurricane Irma was the result of Americans voting for President Donald Drumpf.... When I read this, I realized that Lawrence was as stupid as they come and had not a clue of what she was spewing.  But it shows again the failings of the American system when a retard such as this one comes out with such a stupid and idiotic comment.....Well, as I said last week it is indeed a celebratory time for the people of Syria as their SAA forces along with their Russian and Arabic allies have not only lifted the siege of Deir Ez-Zor, but have now shrunk the last vestiges of ISIS in that eastern Hama provincial pocket into near oblivion....It is also so remarkable to see the SAA on a constant and accelerated offensive eastward to retake all of Syria's territory that was grabbed years back by the US-ISIS criminal fraud "terrorist" forces...  Total victory appeared to be in hand for Bashar al-Assad, except for one major headache that has reared its ugly head and could lead to a full blown regional war after September 25th....Yes, I am deeply puzzled by the sheer stupidity of the Kurdish leadership in Syria that has now the balls thanks to the Americans propping up their forces, to want to carve out their own nation by stealing land from Syria in the process..... I have always been perplexed by the sheer gall of the Kurds and how they have basically backstabbed the Syrians who granted them full autonomy and a peaceful existence within the Syrian multicultural and multi-religious government in Damascus... Heck, few people are even aware that the Kurds not only had their freedom within the Syrian system and full parliamentary representation in Damascus itself, but were protected by the Syrian government forces themselves from any harm from both external and internal forces...... NOW, however, the Kurdish leadership is being pushed and brainwashed by the criminal US and Israelis into wanting their own nation with the belief that the US and Israel will "protect them".....What we have here is sheer stupidity by the Kurds who are stupid enough to do the US/Israeli bidding and wanting to carve out their nation in northern Syria... What they are doing is to stupidly and arrogantly lead their people into a war with not only Syria, but Turkey, Iraq, and Iran, as well... THIS is exactly what the US and Israel actually want, because their want to destroy Syria has obviously failed, so they are resorting to this "Plan B" which is to fragment Syria and have the entire region plunged into a full blown regional Middle Eastern war..... And who benefits from this upcoming bloody war that will cost thousands more lives and ruin so many nations?  Well, it should be obvious that while the Kurds and the Arabs duke it out with the US sending in weapons in support of the Kurds, the Israelis will gleefully stand by and watch their neighbours destroy each other.....Yes, the only winner in this bloodshed will be the goddamn Jews as usual!One other note on the 'war' in Syria, and I first mentioned it at this blog mid last week.. Yes, the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal are indeed such sore losers and have basically run out of new ideas to try to vilify Bashar al-Assad in their vain attempts to turn the tide in their defeat, that they have indeed tried to regurgitate the lies of the April 'gassings' in Idlib Province, by once again trying to falsely claim that Assad did those "gassings".... They even had their lackeys in the UN come forward with a "new report" claiming that they have 'evidence' that Assad did the deed.. But of course by the end of last week, more questions arose and more proof came up that shows that the UN reports themselves are so full of holes and lies, and that they cannot be trusted... And therefore, once again the stupidity of trying to say that Assad has "gassed" his own people has be proven to be a pathetic lie... But you do have to laugh when the Americans and Israelis continue to make themselves look so foolish....OK, Lets get the facts straight on North Korea and not the lies from the Jew spew media.... There is no real "threat" from North Korea, for any "attack" by Kim Jong-un in the region will have the retaliation turn his entire nation into green glowing radioactive glass.... It is foolhardy to think that even a supposed "nut job" like Kim would contemplate an attack on the US, and therefore I look at this threat as just more rhetoric by the US government to generate fear in the entire region so that they can sell more weapons to 'Allied' nations in the area!   And lo and behold, but I caught a look at several articles where the Japanese have been buying up American defensive weapons like crazy due to this "North Korean" threat, while South Korea has taken delivery of even more THAAD 'antimissile" defensive systems that do NOT work (and of course the radar systems aimed not at North Korea but at China).... Yes, the business of war and weapons is good and the manufacturers of the military hardware are indeed making booming business now thanks to this "Korean threat".....I was glad that I picked up on that article the other day concerning the Russian Federation now making agreements with the Tokyo government to work with the Japanese at trying to clean up and finally solve the Fukushima nuclear disaster dilemma...  I would say "it is about fucking time" that anyone actually took a step back from the business of war and looked at the still world threatening disaster that Fukushima entails, but for the longest time I wanted the idiots in the US government to step up to the plate and actually help to solve this issue that they created thanks to their US/Israeli Stuxnet virus..... But after 6 years of warning everyone that this disaster was still one of the biggest threats to all mankind, I was a bit shocked to see the Russians now come to the rescue!   But needless to say, the task at hand is not simple and will take years to even start... No equipment can get close enough still to the melted down reactor cores at Fukushima due to the intense radiation destroying computers and integrated circuit boards on the machinery involved... But at least the Russians will try to use some of their expertise from the Chernobyl disaster and apply it to the situation at Fukushima.... I for one am therefore glad that the Russians are stepping forward and I do want to applaud their efforts when other criminal nations have turned their backs on the Japanese.....Well, what else is there to say about the fraud of "Global Warming"... Saint Al of the Gore's laughable "An Inconvenient Sequel" was in fact so bad that it was taken out of movie theatres within a week and will probably be labeled as one of the worse movies in all motion picture history (including his first lies called "An Inconvenient Truth")..... And I saw how so many articles came forward over the last few weeks that absolutely ripped apart the fraud "science" that Gore tried to sell in that bullshit movie as well..... Apparently, most everyone now is no longer fooled by the lies of man caused "climate change" and Al and his minions are indeed back to square one with their snake oil business... HOWEVER, I must again make it painfully aware that even with all evidence being that this planet is not 'overheating' and "Climate Change" has nothing to do with CO2 levels in the atmosphere, the Federal Government here in Canada under that so called "Globalist" idiot Justin Trudeau is pushing full steam ahead with trying to ram their "carbon tax"on the Canadian people.... I for one sure wish my fellow Canadians would get their heads out of their asses and see this 'Carbon tax" for the bullshit it is and how it is nothing more than another fleecing of the Canadian people... Hopefully more will wake the fuck up before Justin forces this tax down their throats by early next year.....OK, It has indeed been a most interesting week, with so much going on that I have only scratched the surface... Hopefully I can cover what I have missed and put in my usual 2 cents worth right here in my "last minute tidbits"........I am happy to report that the Houthis in Yemen have launched new attacks and offensives against the Saudi-American insurgency in their nation and are right now giving those bastards a black eye.  But in spite of the Houthi success, the Yemen people are still being purposely starved to death by the genocidal actions of the Saudis and Americans in preventing any food supplies from reaching Yemen civilians.  I am still angry that much of the world does not take note of what is happening in Yemen and thanks to the liars in the Jew spew media are unaware and obvious to the reality there!.......I saw some articles where apparently Killary Clinton is still out there, and now has a ridiculous 'book tour" going on in America where she is still crying the blues that she "unfairly" lost the US presidential elections.  I wish that someone would give that murderous bitch a slap and tell her that she lost because she is pure evil and Americans are sick of her crimes against humanity!   And honestly, would anyone with any morals, scruples, or intelligence, actually want to buy this evil bitch's book?..........Some commentators have been sending me some "warnings" to be careful of Paul Craig Roberts and some of his articles that I have posted here at this site.  I will make it clear here that I have NO problems with Paul Craig Roberts at all other than the fact that he still stupidly refuses to call the enemy of all of mankind the Jews.  If and when he ever comes around to that reality, all the better.........Someone asked me about the Sephardic Jews, especially in regards to my article the other day concerning the evil of the Khazar or "Ashkenazi" Jews.  Lets just say that since both sects of "Judaism" worship pure evil and want to see the rest of mankind as their slaves, I would not ever trust 'Sephardic" Jews and look at them as just the flip side of the same evil coin.......I saw an article late last week where apparently the rag called "Newsweek" has come out and claimed that RUSSIA was behind the Boston Bombing (!).  When I see such garbage, I have to laugh and yet be annoyed at the American people at the same time.  Many Americans are still as dumb as dirt and unaware that the entire Boston Bombing was a set up and an operation drill that went live.  And of course the poor Tsarnaev brothers were made the patsies for the operation and do not deserve the vilification that they have received.  The "Newsweek" article therefore is nothing but pure rubbish......I grew up as a fan of "Star Trek" and have always liked many of the spin offs from the original series, especially "Enterprise" which I found most intriguing.  BUT now, the Jews behind Jewlywood have finally come out with a new spin off called "Discovery" and I am appalled that these liars are trying to tie in the political upheaval happening across America into this "series".  Therefore, when "Discovery" does debut shortly, I will not watch it for I am sick of this bullshit "political correctness" that has ruined so many nations and has infected our lives.........And speaking of new bullshit shows on Jew spew Talmudvision, there is a new series called "The Good Doctor" that is trying to sell to everyone the idea that "Autism" is a good thing!  Again, another "show" that I will not watch for it will only sell the idea that something that is terribly wrong to be "good"........Well, the criminals behind the fraud vaccine industry are starting their seasonal push for everyone to get their 'vaccines' and make sure that they have ALL of their 'shots'.   I again must implore people to NOT fall for all the fear mongering from these liars and absolutely do NOT roll up your sleeves to take their poisons. Vaccines do not work, period, and do more harm to the body than any good.... Arsenal won a big victory yesterday over AFC Bournemouth by a 3-0 score.  It was indeed a big turn around from their dismal showing two weeks ago against Liverpool, but I am still not sold on the direction the Gunners are going.   I still would love to see coach Wenger step down and allow a new fresh approach to take hold for the team and its future........ And finally, I did get a few comments from last week's rant concerning the question as to whether Taylor Swift is a psychopath or not, and many gave me some amazing links to some articles that show that she is indeed mentally unstable and very much psychotic.  I want to stay away from the Kardashians one more week and leave it open to anyone to give me their own opinion on whether Taylor is a nut job or not.  From what I have seen with her antics, her videos, and the new evidence coming forward, I am leaning on her being nuts!More to comeNTS