Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, October 4th, 2015

 Sunday, and again time for my rant and my way of pissing off my favorite fans over in JIDF/Hasbara lunacy land..Well, it does appear that I have gotten over my latest bout of illness and I surely do not wish what I came down with last week on anyone... Laid up for several days with a massive sinus infection and trying my best to basically sleep it off....  And yes, I kept pumping Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Oil of Oregano into my body to help speed recuperation....I appears I am finally back up to nearly 100% and there definitely is so much to talk about....First and foremost, we have the situation in Syria that seems to be getting hotter by the day... Lets face it, the Russians had enough of the American and Israeli sick game of trying to have their murderous mercenaries and Mossad/CIA operatives run amok slaughtering innocent civilians while trying to undermine the Bashar al-Assad government and are now telling the entire world what the fraud of ISIS is truly all about...The Russian air strikes on those ISIS strongholds north of Damascus and near the Syrian city of Homs have been so highly successful that we now have the "terrorists" screaming for aid from the west against the "Russian aggression"... Such hypocrisy and so ridiculous.... The Russians are doing right now in less than a few days than what the Americans have failed to do in 4 years.. They are actually killing "terrorists" and have them on the run!   But of course we all know by now what these "terrorists" are all about, and the American government is stuck and caught in a dilemna of their own making... It seems the best the spin doctors can do in America is falsely claim that the Russians are hitting the "good" Syrian rebels, and not the "bad" ISIS ones... Again, does anyone else see the blatant hypocrisy here?And to top it all off, we have the strange reports of civilian casualties that were actually put out on the Jew spew news wires BEFORE the Russians even launched their airstrikes against ISIS targets!  THAT is so reminiscent of when the BBC reported some 30 minutes before WTC7 fell on the afternoon of the Israeli Mossad attacks of 9-11 that WTC7 also known as the Solomon Building had collapsed... Everyone remembers the BBC news liars on the air saying that the "Solomon Building has collapsed" in their live report from New York City on the afternoon of September 11th, 2001 with the Solomon Building still clearly standing in the background!  Basically what has happened with the news sources "prematurely" reporting on casualties from the Russian strikes against ISIS is history repeating itself and clearly showing how badly our media outlets are controlled and full of shit!I personally am applauding what the Russian Federation is doing right now in Syria and it appears that the Americans and Israelis are basically having to shelve their entire plans for Syria's destruction at least for the moment....The initiative to clean up the "ISIS threat" is clearly now with the Russians.... And of course we have reports that the Syrian government is now wanting to take it one step further in having Russian troops on the ground fighting alongside the Syrian Army and its Hezbollah and Lebanese allies against the fraud of ISIS...  I truly hope for the day when these forces capture some of these fraud "terrorists" and have them shown to the world for exactly who they truly are, Mossad and CIA operatives....Is it not amazing that with Russia winning the war for Syria, the American government and the liars in the Jew spew media had to turn their American slaves' attention elsewhere very quickly and lo and behold we have another of these fraud "shootings" in a college in western Oregon state... Yes, I am firmly standing behind my statements that this is another fake shooting that basically is a "drill" that went live.. Very few people are even aware that a full week before this "shooting" of October 1st, there was indeed an active shooter drill at that same Umpqua College in Roseburg Oregon... And of course very few people are even aware that there was indeed an active shooter drill in Connecticut that took place before the fraud Sandy Hook shooting, and the bomb squad drill that was taking place the same day of the fraud Boston Bombing..... People need to wake up and see the connection!Yes, the Umpqua College "shooting" has so many holes and inconsistencies, including the Oregon police confiscating all smart phones from students right after the "shooting"... I have been waiting for an explanation as to why these students had to have their phones taken away from them, and the only rational explanation that I can personally come up with is that the criminals that were running this latest shooting fraud did not want any pictures or information that could have blown their entire scam wide open from getting out to the world... Again, there is no other logical explanation for the confiscation of cell phones....And of course we have the "shooter"... This strange individual with the name of 'Chris Harper Mercer' (Does anyone notice how these criminals behind these frauds love 3 full names in their shooters?  Remember "Dylan Storm Roof"?)... This "shooter" makes a picture of himself for the world, looking psychotic (Yes, must.... make..... gunman...... look evil...) to see of course holding a gun (Same as other fraud shooters).... And he supposedly has mental issues (Again same as all other "shooters") and this time is of "mixed race" (I guess the criminals tried their white on black in the fraud of Charleston, and the black on white in the fraud of Virginia, so now its time for something "in between")...  And of course the reports that he carried some 4 guns into the school (nobody noticed???) and was able to go into a classroom, line up the students (no really, you cannot make this stuff up!) and then starts asking each person in the line "what their religion was?" and when they answered "Christian", he shot them dead.....  Now I have a serious problem with this considering if he was able to kill the first person in the line up, what did the other students do? Stand there like robots waiting to be shot???  Does anyone else see a problem with this???   But of course after this Mercer character had supposedly killed some 9 students and wounded 9 others, he took his own life...  Yes, dead men tell no tales.....And of course the very afternoon of that "shooting" we have President Barry Soetoro making his prepared speech (never writes his own material and the speech was already prepared) calling for gun control in America.... And of course the Jew spew media as well going wild with their reports and interviews with obvious crisis actors who cannot even help themselves but to laugh in front of the cameras... No really! Some of them just had their friends and classmates supposedly blown away and they are standing there actually smiling and laughing to the cameras!   Honestly, you cannot make this stuff up!!!And of course I am staying on top of this latest fraud shooting, and have received the usual hate mail and hate comments about my stand.. I really have to ask the clowns that continue to somehow think this is real to justify their assertions considering that all other shootings that we have seen over the last few years, on top of the fraud Boston Bombing as well, have all turned out to be false flag operations on the American people... I really have to ask them straight forward: How is this one any different?The bottom line with this shooting in Oregon is that the American people are again being played as fools and suckers and are somehow now too gullible and ignorant to see how sloppy the criminals behind these fraud shootings have become... It appears that most Americans are now too stupid now to even care and will indeed allow the crooks and liars that run their country to strip them of not only their rights but their last line of defence against tyranny, which is of course their guns...Beyond the Oregon shooting fraud, we have the fiasco that just happened in New York City at the United Nations where the criminal US President himself went up to the podium last Tuesday in front of the General Assembly to spew a bunch of lies and bullshit about how great America is, and how evil both Russia and Syria are.. He had the gall to outright lie about the Syrian Bashar al-Assad government and even the nerve to call him a 'butcher'!   And of course he flat out lied about ISIS which of course is his own creation... It was so pathetic.... Luckily, the next day some semblance of reality came back to the General Assembly when Russian President Vladimir Putin went up to the podium and in true statesman fashion gave a truthful and honest assessment of what he sees for the entire planet... I give full kudos to Putin for telling basically the truth...My only drawback was when he spoke about the fraud of "climate change" an his support of the upcoming Paris conference on that fraud.  But it still was much better than the crap that Soetoro spewed the day before.....But of course the day after Putin spoke to the UN General Assembly, we had that megalomaniac and psychopath Benyamin Miliewkosky (Netanyahu) go to the podium and spend some 42 minutes spewing out pure evil and nothing but bullshit and lies... This nut case had the gall to try to still sell the world on the idea that Iran was somehow a "threat" to the entire planet while overlooking the obvious that his own criminal state of Israel is the real threat to the planet's stability... I was so shocked when I listened to this maniac spew and as I said in my article where I tore this nut's speech apart, I could feel the evil just dripping off for every word he spoke....Basically, what this mass murdering freak said makes even Soetoro's speech look fabulous in comparison....Well, before I get onto my last minute tidbits, someone asked me to give my assessment of the latest science fiction movie coming out of Jew controlled Hollywood called "The Martian" starring Matt Damon... I have looked at the reports on this "movie" and I look at it much like the other latest Hollywood fantasies about Mars as propaganda instruments to try to make that lying organization called "NASA" look good, as well as to sell the American public and in fact the entire world on the idea that manned missions to Mars should take place... And of course the release of "The Martian" just "coincides" with the sudden release of reports from NASA that its "probes" have discovered water on the surface of Mars....  As I have stated before, everyone must get the facts straight for the Curiosity probe on "Mars" is definitely NOT on Mars at all!  This is due to the fact that NASA lied its ass off years back in claiming that Curiosity was able to land on Mars using both conventional parachutes and a "miraculous" landing "sky crane"..... Neither was possible as I have clearly shown in so many previous articles and therefore the big question that everyone should be asking is.. Where exactly is Curiosity then?  And my answer is simple.. Curiosity is in a US government area most probably in the northern Arizona desert... It is NOT on Mars and I still dare anyone to prove me wrong here....Basically, the truth about all this sudden interest in Mars is NASA NEEDS MORE MONEY,  and they are preparing to fleece the American people of billions for more fraud missions and even a possible fraud manned mission to Mars.... Whitewraithe and I have had many discussions on our shows and even in personal conversations about the possibility of NASA getting to Mars using technology that most people are being kept in the dark about ... The so called "black ops projects"... But I question NASA then for their wanting to outright LIE to the American people and the entire world about not only their missions and their goals in reaching other worlds, but how they got there?  But we will never get a straight answer from "Never A Straight Answer".....OK, onto my last minute tidbits.. I know that I have pissed off a lot of people by this point with my straight forward statements on the fraud Oregon shooting, and all I can tell them is tough beans.  I am not going to sway from the truth and telling people that they are being played as suckers........The situation in Ukraine is still at a momentary stalemate.  I had wondered that with all of the world's attention diverted elsewhere whether or not the US puppet regime in Kiev would use it to their advantage and open up their long planned offensive against the breakaway eastern provinces, but it has not been the case. Yet......  More reports coming out that a severe "correction" is about to take place in the world's financial system and our economies.  The fact is that the criminal Jewish banking "elite" have created so much burden in countries with their unpayable debt that no nation can now ever repay that debt and their financial collapse is imminent.  I do still suspect that these criminals are preparing for that collapse by fleecing what they can out of nations before they allow the entire house of cards to come crashing down.......I see that the criminal Jewess Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign for her to become Empress of the United States has totally come unravelled with even more reports about how truly criminal and treasonous her emails have been.  I honestly again have to ask the question: WHY is this nut job not in jail for her crimes against the United States and all humanity? It does boggle the mind that she has the nerve to push on and continue her campaign!... Donald Trump was of course on the CBS Talmudvision show "60 Minutes" last week and I caught most of the stuff that the Jew spew media did not censor.  Honestly you do have to hand it to "The  Donald" for his straight forward and what appears to be honesty.  However I again must remind everyone that Trump got rich by kissing Jewish butt and if he ever becomes President, that will not change...... I see that someone that I have admired for years and has always been a true hero in this movement against the criminal Jewish element, John Kaminski, went onto that lying Deanna Spingola's show last week, and I have to ask John honestly why he would go into the lion's den knowing she is a consummate liar?  He knows that Spingola is still pushing the Sandy Hook fraud, and yet he went on her show?  I am still doing a 500 MPH head slap trying to figure out John's action...... Whitewraithe is actually doing quite well at her new job, but it has taken up so much of her time that she has been unable to do any new articles at her blog.  But cheer up, everyone, for Pragmatic Witness will be back soon and we are still planning future Turbulent Times shows as well.  Stay tuned.... Fukushima is still going strong.  Nothing new there.  But what has been really strange are recent reports of unusual sea creatures appearing and washing up on the shores of the US Pacific Ocean shores.  These definitely are from the high radiation in the Pacific Ocean that is destroying the animal life there.  But again, I am troubled by the continuing Jew spew media blackout?  Again, wars and news about their glorious state of Israel come first and foremost..... Arsenal is playing Manchester United right now and it appears it will be a close match.  The Gunners are sitting 4th over all in the table and with Chelsea being a dismal bust this year, it appears we will have a new BPL champion.........And of course finally to close this rant I want to again present my look at America's sweethearts, the lovable scumbags called the Kardashians.  I found a real laugher this week as the rag entertainment "news" put out a report that Kim Kardashian wanted to get a new "boob" job once she got a load of the rack on Brucey "Caitlin".  Honestly, I wonder how the hell they call this news?  But again we have these brain dead boobs talking openly about boobs.  Makes me laugh again about how much with America going to hell the American public has such a strange love affair with these trolls, misfits, and trollops...More to comeNTS