Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, October 30th, 2016

 Sunday... Last Sunday of October... And once again time for my weekly rant...First, I am indeed feeling a whole lot better these days, and it does appear that the worse of my sinus infections and colds has now passed.... Again, these were not as severe as in past years and I would say that it is in part thanks to taking better care of myself and not subjecting myself to the chemicals from the quacks in big Pharma.....Well, I have indeed been reading all the reports coming over the alternative media these last few days concerning the new "charges" that Hillary Killary Clinton may now be charged with, and I would indeed say its about time... But I have long been troubled by one thing... Knowing the criminality of this mass murdering freak of nature, how did she ever get this far in terms of fooling the gullible American people into the false belief that she is even fit to be the next US President?  I mean, considering her crimes against humanity, how could anyone with two brain cells ever consider this creature as sane enough to run what is left of the American republic?  It boggles the mind!Let me state it clearly here about "Wikileaks" and their exposes of the horrific crimes conducted by the Clinton crime family.... I would say it is about flipping time!   But again, I am still holding my own judgment about the validity of "Wikileaks" itself due to the fact that NOWHERE in any of its "releases" does it ever implicate the true evil on planet Earth, the criminal Jewish elite and their psychotic state of Israel.... Therefore I again will hold off for now on giving this "Wikileaks" any real due credit for helping to get that horrific Killary Clinton thrown in a cold jail cell where she rightfully belongs...And of course ONLY now are we suddenly seeing the Jew spew media across America (and even up here in Canada) "suddenly" turning their backs on their love affair with Killary Clinton.... Yes, they are suddenly reporting about the "possible" criminal activities of that mass murdering freak after months of covering for her crimes!  Well, I would say to these criminals and liars in the Jew spew media that it is TOO LATE and no one should ever, ever, forgive them for their lies and falsehoods that they put out to the American people.... It is too late for the Jew spew media and my hopes are that after President Drumpf assumes office, that the Jew spew media gets what it deserves, which is to see the media outlets made bankrupt and out of commission.... The American people deserve so much better than to be subjected to lies and propaganda.... BUT will that actually happen?  Considering the power of the Jewish elite in America, I would not doubt that they will simply use the media to try to say "Sorry" to the American people for their "lack of proper judgment" and hope the American people will actually forgive them... I am saying to my readers in America this:  Never forgive, and never forget how these bastards constantly have lied... And remember, once a liar, always a liar!Yes, the voting fraud happening in America right now is so wide spread and so in the faces of every American, that even with the possible indictment of Killary Clinton for her crimes against humanity, it appears that murderous criminal may still win a few states in the upcoming November vote!  I am not shocked by this at all, when you consider the facts that the voting machines in these states are so tainted and so ridiculously flawed, that everyone is indeed noticing even now in advanced polls how when they have voted for the Republican candidates, that these machines switch the votes immediately to the Democratic candidates.... It is so in the faces of these advanced poll voters, that the criminals are not even trying to cover it up..... And yet we find once again the criminal US President Barry Soetoro and other cronies in Jew occupied Washington having the nerve to say that the American people should "trust" their election process?  And they have the nerve to also say that the voting machines are not "rigged"?   Honestly, what the hell is the matter with the American people that they actually put up with this garbage?OK, Let us say that Donald Drumpf does win the Presidency this November 8th..... If he truly is legitimate then he will absolutely be isolated as President for the simple fact that he will have a Congress and a Senate that is so Jew controlled that he will never be able to "Make America Great Again" as he has campaigned on..... The fact is that the US Republic right now is so controlled by these Jewish bastards that they will make sure that Drumpf is under their control, or he will indeed have a bullet to his brain soon, and then they can have their Jewish controlled lackey, Michael Pense, take control of the oval office....But honestly, I do not believe that the Jews have any fear of Drumpf at all... He has stated so many times already about his love of the Jewish people and Israel... People so quickly forget how months back he was at the AIPAC convention in Washington DC and he went up to the podium to bend over backwards for the Jews that control America... Drumpf has also repeatedly stated that he would always support the criminal state of Israel, and he has also said that as President he would tear up the Iranian deals and possibly push for more sanctions of Iran leading up to a war with Iran itself.... Drumpf therefore is just as bad as Killary Clinton and once he is President it will indeed continue to be business as usual for the criminal Jews that control the American Republic... Therefore I do find it so ridiculous and laughable when I continue to read all the alternative media sites that swoon about Drumpf....And one other thing about Drumpf that nobody seems to want to talk about.. His own people have stated that Drumpf not only supports Israel, but that he supports Israel's criminal and murderous actions against the Palestinian people.... Yes, apparently a Drumpf Presidency will also give the Israelis the continuing green light to destroy and murder the Palestinians and allow them to continue to build their illegal and illegitimate 'settlements' on Palestinian land.... Therefore once again the American people are being fooled, for Donald Drumpf clearly is NO friend of the rightful people of Palestine, the Palestinians themselves.....OK, Now I really have to ask a big question in regards to the situation in Syria.... WHAT THE HELL IS PUTIN DOING?   Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation before last week had the fraud "terrorists" on the ropes and they were in fact only a few days away from finally putting these US bought and paid for mercenaries out of their misery and have the city of Aleppo freed from their control... And what does Putin suddenly do?  He calls off the Russian airstrikes and bombardments of these criminals holed up in eastern Aleppo!   And what happens?  The criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal has used this "reprieve" to reinforce their "terrorists" in the Aleppo region and has now launched a new "counter offensive" to try to break the Syrian siege of eastern Aleppo itself!  This could not have happened if not for Putin suddenly putting the breaks on the airstrikes by the Russian air force that has been plastering these criminals!   I for one am shocked and dismayed by this change of events, and I once again am calling into question what Putin is really doing in Syria?  The facts are clear that the Russians and the Syrians could have easily finished the job and finally defeated the cabal's plans for Syria's destruction, but they left them off the hook?    Something here definitely stinks to high heaven, and I am now trying to find out exactly what kind of game Putin is now playing?OK, in spite of the sudden changes in the Aleppo region, elsewhere in Syria the good guys have been battering and beating the fraud "terrorists" everywhere, and more and more Syrian territory is falling back into the hands of the Syrian government forces.... And of course the US/Israel/NATO cabal is trying desperately to change the situation with just a few days ago again going to the UN to have Bashar al-Assad charged with "gassing his own people"... But that is now such a bad joke especially with all the evidence showing crystal clear that the only ones doing the gassings were the "terrorists" and "rebels" themselves.... Yes, this is indeed desperation, and sadly if this false claim about "gassings" that was dismissed as false several years back, is the best that the cabal can come up with, then their entire want for Syria's destruction is doomed... Unless of course the US is able to get a really good 'false flag' attack going that they can somehow pin on the Syrian government.....I have indeed been looking at all the propaganda coming in from the liars in the Jew spew media about this attack to "retake Mosul" and I am again calling it all a hoax.... The facts should be crystal clear by now that this "attack" is a fraud, and that the so called "ISIS terrorists" that are supposedly still in Mosul are absolutely not there at all... The facts are that the US did not attack Mosul months back, for they wanted the time to get transports into Mosul to allow them to high tail it across the desert and redeploy into Syria... That operation took place a few weeks ago now, and once the US operatives were safe and unarmed, only then did the criminal US government "announce" that their attacks on Mosul were to be launched!   And of course what we are witnessing is pure propaganda bullshit as the Jew spew media sends out videos constantly showing "triumphant" Iraqi and US forces as they now move into Mosul..... And the US government is indeed using this "victory" in Mosul as pure propaganda to once again sell to the American people the fraud that their own government is actually "fighting" ISIS... AND this fraud "victory" in Mosul will definitely be used to prop up the crooked and criminal Barry Soetoro government and sell to the American people the disgusting idea that this 'victory' is part of Soetoro's legacy!    I for one am hoping the American people will see the truth about this "attack" on Mosul for what it truly is... Pure propaganda and pure bullshit!Of course while the world is so focused on the American political circus and the Middle Eastern debacle, there is definitely now a huge humanitarian crisis unfolding in the southern Arabian country of Yemen... Yes, what is not told to the people around the world is that with the blockade of Yemen itself while the Saudi Arabian regime continues its unjust and murderous war to have Yemen destroyed, the people of Yemen and especially the children of Yemen are now in a state of famine... Many thousands of Yemeni people have already starved to death due to the criminal blockade of that nation, and many thousands more will die within the next few months unless something is done to alleviate the situation.. However, with the almost total media blackout and of course the inaction of the UN to stop the illegal and criminal war, those deaths will happen and go largely unnoticed....And of course we can all thank the United States itself for its support of the criminal Saudi regime and their taking part in imposing the blockade of that nation!   Again, when will the American people wake the hell up to this tragedy that their own government has created?Why am I not shocked at all by the recent reports stating that this winter will be MUCH COLDER than anyone has expected?  The "Farmer's Almanac" has been pretty accurate for over a century in their predictions about the weather conditions here in North America and they have stated that we are headed for one heck of a cold winter in these parts... But this is exactly as I have said before, as I know that our sun, Sol, has entered a reduced solar radiation output as part of its natural cycle... And combined with the fact that there has been a massive reduction in sunspots on Sol's surface, we are indeed entering a solar "minimum" that means much colder winters for at least the next decade to come... .Yes, this is very much a natural cycle, and I will say that after about another decade of colder winters, Sol's radiation output will indeed increase and we will see a warming period to follow.... And of course all this flies in the face of the Global Warming nut jobs out there that are still trying to falsify the Jew spew media news with reports of this being the "warmest year on record"..... But sadly there are indeed so many gullible people out there that will believe the lies and stupidly want to partake in the fraud of "carbon taxation"...  Again, as PT Barnum did say over a century ago.."There is a sucker born every minute!".....One last thing before I get onto my "last minute tidbits".... Of course while everyone has been mesmerized by the ridiculous US "election" campaign, over in the Philippines, the President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte,  has now turned his back entirely on the US and has indeed ended his alliances with the United States... Over the last week he even has gone as far as to invite the Chinese into Philippine territorial waters in the South China Sea to set up artificial islands and bases with the OK and blessing of the Philippines itself!   As I stated in last week's rant, and I will say it again here...Duterte had better watch his back now, for the criminal US government most definitely now has a big bullseye on his back and we may yet see over the next while an assassination attempt on his life... The US does not like the idea that any of their minion nations around the planet having their own free will, and they will do anything to maintain their empire, even if it means taking out nations' leaders....Well, I hope I have covered some major key issues once again.... But as usual, I cannot cover everything and that is why I hope to touch on what I have missed here in my usual last minute tidbits...... First and foremost, again while our attention has been so focused elsewhere, we are indeed watching a major war unfolding once again in Ukraine as the criminal US backed Kiev regime tries to brutally crush the Donbas breakaway republics.  There has been increasing bloodshed along the so called 'ceasefire' lines and I can guarantee the Ukrainian leadership will launch their long awaited offensive very soon.  I can also guarantee the Russian Federation will not sit idly by while civilians are being slaughtered, and we may see an escalation of that conflict very rapidly!.........Apparently many of the so called "non aligned" nations of the UN general assembly are going to have a vote shortly to try to ban all nuclear weapons on planet Earth.  I say, good luck to that and that this is wishful thinking.  Nations such as the criminal and psychotic state of Israel will NEVER surrender their nuclear stockpiles, and therefore this vote will mean nothing..........I was in the local mall again last week and I was shocked to see how many stores have their Christmas sales on now.  It used to be that these sales did not unfold until at least the end of next month, but apparently with the economy up here in Canada being as bad as it is in the United States, these retailers are now desperate for any sales.....  And I do need to laugh at anyone that says that the economy is somehow improving.  I really do want to know what these idiots and rejects from clown college are smoking?..........I have come under fire for my past statements that Michelle Obama is actually a man.  I say to the naysayers to simply google: "Michael LaVaughn Robinson" and read the sordid details for themselves.  Jewess Joan Rivers told the truth a few years back that the "First Lady was a tranny" and paid the ultimate price for her truthful statement!......I was in a local food store just the other day, and I could not help but notice the sign "Free flu shots" right at the front door.  I decided to take a quick look at the pharmacy and lo and behold there were indeed some 6 suckers lined up there wanting to allow criminals to inject poisons into their bodies.   But again, I refused to approach these people as I have come to the conclusion that you cannot help stupidity.......OK, I saw last week how the criminal and psychotic state of Israel is now trying to impose ridiculous water restrictions on the Palestinian people.  Honestly this is not only a crime against humanity but illegal under UN law.  But once again, these psychos will continue to get away with it as they continue to not only destroy the Palestinian people but illegally steal their land.......Yes I read over the last week how the European Space Agency's Schiaparelli Probe has "crashed" into Mars after failure of its "parachutes" to aid in its descent.  Honestly, I truly wonder how people can be this gullible, when you consider the fact that with Mars' atmosphere some 4/1000th's that of Earths, there is NO WAY IN HELL that a "parachute" could ever deploy or have any drag in that thin atmosphere! Did the European Space Agency blow it big time by not realizing that parachutes would not work at all?  Or is there something that they are not telling us?.......OK, let me get this straight.  Cliven Bundy and his friends were found not guilty this last week by a jury of their peers and yet the "judge" in that trial had the nerve to not only refuse the release of the Bundy family, but he had the gall to have the Bundy lawyer "tasered" by so called "law enforcement" for refusing to go along with having the Bundy's stay in jail illegally?   My, how the American justice system has indeed become so corrupt that true justice is no longer served!  I hope this is a wake up call for all Americans about how their republic is indeed being destroyed........Want to know how bad it is now in Germany with the illegal immigrants destroying that nation?  Students in a German school was told last week that they had to participate in Islamic chants in their classrooms including saying "Allah Akbar" or else face punishment!  Honestly, is this what this "immigration" has become?  And I will state it clearly here that this is all according to plan as clearly outlined in the evil Jewish Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion blueprint for world control.......Arsenal wins a huge game yesterday against soon to be relegated Sunderland and sits now second in the Premiere League behind only Manchester City.  Huge games coming up for the Gunners, and we will indeed see if they do indeed have the team this year to take the title........And finally, once again I figure I would end this rant with my look at the ridiculous Kardashian bunch of tramps, trollops, misfits, etc, etc.   Well, apparently while real news should be on the thoughts of most Americans, instead they are focused on Khloe and her wanting to get a fake boob job.  Yes, fake boobs for a really fake boob!  And apparently after weeks of waiting and everyone still crying the blues over Kim's (fake) robbery, the abysmal show "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" is coming back on air to melt American brains once again.  I can hardly wait, and I do have my vomit bucket ready!More to comeNTS