Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, October 2nd, 2016

  Sunday... First Sunday of this October... And time once again for my weekly rant...First, I have received some emails and comments over the last few days asking why I have concentrated so much of my recent articles on the "civil war" in Syria... Honestly, are these people kidding me?  This fight for Syria is absolutely paramount right now, and what we are seeing happening in Syria right now could be the lead in to a new world war.....Yes, the Syrian war to free itself from the evil US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal has indeed taken a turn for the worse for the United States and Israel's sick and twisted plans to have it destroyed and/or dismembered.... These criminals have failed in every single evil action over the last while, and the good guys, the Syrian government forces and their allies, have launched brand new offences across the entire nation to finally defeat the so called "rebels" and "terrorists"... Those new offensive strikes by the Syrian forces are exactly the reasons why we see all this rhetoric coming out of the US government and especially from that snake in the grass the US Secretary of State John Kohn about the need to impose a new "no fly zone" over Syria....The insane US Secretary of State made some very interesting comments over the last week, especially about how the Russians and Syrians were "guilty" for that strike against the "Humanitarian aid" convoy, even when all of the evidence now shows clearly that it was the US itself that conducted that false flag operation to try to once again vilify both Russia and Syria....  Evidence clearly shows that during the time that the convoy was attacked, there was an American Predator drone present flying over this convoy.  We now find videos and other evidence that have now surfaced that show clearly that this drone fired a Hellfire missile into that convoy causing its destruction.  And other evidence clearly indicates that there were NO Russian or Syrian fighter aircraft in the area during the time of the attack as well.... Therefore clearly what we have here is the US once again up to its own dirty tricks!And over the last week, the Syrian forces, along with their allies, have finally broken through the lines in eastern Aleppo and have been making rapid gains towards finally putting an end to the US fraud "terrorists" and "rebels" holed up in that city... The US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal knows full well that Aleppo has always been the key to the entire war on Syria, and with its imminent fall, their plans for Syria's destruction will have indeed failed....I for one can hardly wait to hear that Aleppo has fallen, for it will signal a major victory against these criminals!Lets be clear here... The US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal is definitely losing the war for Syria, and rather than accept defeat they are indeed going to a "Plan B" and actually attempting to escalate the battle into a full blown war against Russia itself... The US has even gone as far as to actually "embed" many of their own Special Forces within the fraud "moderate rebels" and those Special Forces are fighting alongside these fraud 'rebels' against Syrian and Russian forces..... It will only be a matter of time before we have US and Russian forces in direct battle against each other, and that indeed could signal an escalation to a war between the US and the Russian Federation....I for one do not like the prospects of a third world war... But the lunatics in the American Pentagram (Pentagon) are not only preparing for such a war, but they actually do believe that they can win this war against the combined might of the Russian Federation, and of course Russia's primary ally, China!  I however am not fooled by this rhetoric, for I see such a war as absolutely a NO WIN situation for the US.....Let us be logical here...Yes, the United States was indeed the primary factor in winning the second world war, with its massive industrial might and it truly being the "arsenal of democracy" as the crooked criminal President of the day, the Jew Franklin Delano Roosevelt stated...And at the close of the second world war in 1945 with so many nations ruined, the US produced roughly 50-55% of all the goods on planet Earth... Therefore it is safe to say that at that time the US did control the planet and it also was the only possessor of nuclear weapons to boot....But times have changed, and since 1945 the US had at first and then more steadily lost that control over the planet, and by the 1980's its dominance in both manufacturing was beginning to be lost to third world nations.... It was the 1990's when the real slide in American manufacturing took place with the introduction of fraudulent "free trade deals" that allowed US manufacturing to be "off shored" at an astronomical pace.... And with that offshoring, the US was left with nothing to be proud of in terms of industry and especially in manufacturing capabilities other than its massive military industrial complex of guns and weaponry.....What it all means is that today the US is a shell of its former self in terms of industrial might... It does not even come close to having its own self sustainable manufacturing capabilities to fight a world war and win it like it did in World War II.... Therefore if the lunatics in the US Pentagram start a world war, they will find within a few days that they are going to lose that conflict.... It will be at that time that these nut jobs will indeed consider a further escalation of the conflict to a nuclear one, and once that happens it will be all over for everyone....And what about the American people in all this?  Surely many of them can figure out that what their own crooked government is doing is leading their entire nation to its destruction?  Sadly, most Americans are now too ignorant and too brainwashed by the lies coming out of the Jew spew media outlets to know the reality of this situation....Yes, there are many out there in the alternative media across the United States that are working diligently to try to awaken the masses, but the brainwashing is so intense that many are just a lost cause..... And sadly again if and when the US starts a shooting war with Russia, many of these dumbed down Americans will blindly support their crooked government as they send their sons and daughters off to fight and die for what truly is a lost cause....OK, while the American government is gearing up for a no win global conflict, what we find once again filling the Jew spew media everywhere is the circus of the American Presidential race... And of course the laughable and ridiculous battle between two JEW CONTROLLED candidates,  Hillary "Killary" Rodham Clinton and Donald Drumpf......There has been too much of both the Jew spew and the alternative media time taken up this last week analyzing and over-analyzing the ridiculous "debate" between these two clowns, and to me that time would have been better used to focus on the criminal US government gearing up for a full blown world war instead..... THAT is why I refused to put up any more articles at this blog "analyzing" that debate and what Killary and Donald have been doing since..... I again must state clearly that the entire US election campaign is not only a ridiculous circus, but it does not matter which of these two criminals gets "elected" for the only winners in the United States come November will be the Jews once again.....The one thing that I will state about the political circus in the US is this... I do believe that what we may be watching is the politically corrupt "power elite" that controls the US now becoming "scared" of a Donald Drumpf victory come November... It is possible that in spite of all their shenanigans and their massive voting fraud, that they will not be able to "swing" all the votes necessary to have their evil witch Killary win..... Therefore there is a strong possibility that all this push for war with Russia now is due to their fears of Donald Drumpf becoming the next President, and they indeed want to saddle Donald with a full blown world war once he assumes office....Many have asked me what I thought of this scenario, and I will state here that considering the madness of the US military now in pushing for war, it does not make sense when you consider that the Jews absolutely control Donald as much as they control Killary... There is something else going on here, and when I do find the answers I will put them up here at this blog for everyone to see.....Well, I guess that is enough for now... As usual I cannot give my thoughts on everything that has been going on around our sick world over this last week, but hopefully I will touch on many of them here in my usual "last minute tidbits"..........Yes indeed I have been looking over all the new "evidence" that the criminal US government has put forward to try to vilify Russia for the MH17 "shoot down" of over two years ago over Ukraine.  Lets just say that the US is once again lying its ass off here, and they are once again trying to blame Russia for their own failed false flag attempt.  The truth will eventually come out for everyone that MH17 was indeed the final flight of that long missing MH370 aircraft........Of course the war in Yemen is kept out of the Jew spew media, and purposely.  If the American people ever did know the truth that their crooked government has sent billions of dollars in weapons to Saudi Arabia only to have it all thrown away in their debacle in Yemen, there may be hell to pay.... And speaking of Yemen itself, the war is still going badly for the Saudis as the Yemeni forces are continuing to not only hold their own against the Saudi invasion of their nation, but have indeed seized a lot of territory in Saudi Arabia itself.   The facts are that Saudi Arabia has indeed lost this war to conquer Yemen, and the Jew spew media is once again covering up that reality!........Shimon Peres, the mass murdering freak of nature in that psychotic state of Israel has finally died and it does make me sick to see the Jew spew media fawn over this bastard as being a "man of peace" when he absolutely was NOT.  As far as I am concerned, this sick bastard is finally in hell where he belongs for his crimes against humanity.......The Global Economic situation is once again at crisis level with reports of a major German bank, Deutsche Bank, failing.   Of course the reality is that the entire fraud world wide financial system is like a house of cards and is now about to totally fail.  Yes, the Jewish fraud financial "fractional reserve" system always fails as history shows, and the best thing that can happen shortly is a massive "reset" and of course all odious debts canceled.  But fat chance of that, for the Jewish power elite would rather see everyone dying in a new world war than give up their criminal enterprise........India and Pakistan are now having border clashes in the Kashmir region, and there is danger of a major escalation to a full blown war.  Many people should be aware that both of these nations not only hate each other's guts, but they both  possess nuclear weapons.  Let us hope that there is no further escalation and cooler heads do prevail.....Yes, I saw the reports about the US government now blocking any attempts to sue Saudi Arabia for their "part" in the Israeli Mossad attacks on America aka 9-11.   It makes sense in that the Saudis had no direct part in the entire 9-11 attacks, and that possibly these suits had to be blocked for if the Saudis were actually sued, they may spill the beans on the Israelis who did actually did the attacks.  Yes, 15+ years after Israel attacks America, the American people still do not get it, and these freaks continue to get away with murder... I was in the local pharmacy the other day and I could not help but notice all the signs posted about "getting your flu shot".  Honestly, I hope more people are finally aware of the reality that vaccines do NOT work and do more damage to the body than fighting the diseases they are designed to do.  But there are indeed gullible people out there, and I will be watching as many line up like dumb ass sheep to have these deadly vaccines injected into their bodies.......Justin Trudeau is still at it in trying to sell the Canadian people on the idea that they should accept a "carbon tax" to save the planet from the fraud of "Global Warming".   I for one hope the Canadian people are truly not that stupid and see what this "carbon tax" is, which is nothing more than another tax on the already taxed to death populace!.......Wait a minute.  There was a "World Cup of Hockey" tournament here in Canada and I as a Canadian that supposedly "loves hockey" missed it?  Can you say snooze fest and a ridiculous tournament that nobody actually cared about?.... But hey, Soccer has always been my sport, and right now my favourite Premiere League team, Arsenal, is playing the Burnley Clarets.   Again hoping for a Gunner victory with bigger games yet to come against powerhouses such as Manchester City and Manchester United after this upcoming "off week"........ And finally, I saw this last week how my favourite skank, Kim Kardashian, was modelling a new outfit while in Paris that has NO underwear and it showed.  Honestly, what would you expect from a two bit porn star?  But once again while the world is now on the brink of world war the Jew spew media continues to pollute the minds of Americans with these useless pieces of trash, and sadly Americans do gobble it up!More to comeNTS