Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, October 20th, 2019

Sunday... And time again for my weekend rant..I am still getting over what the heck hit me just over two days ago, and this one was a doozy.... I had a high fever Thursday evening and spent the night visiting the "porcelain god" letting go of a lot of material from my body (I will not go into further details, thank you..).... I have not been sick in quite sometime, so this one was very hard on my body especially at my "advanced" age of 59....Needless to say, I was laid up Friday trying to sleep it off, and at the same time making several more trips to the "john".... By late Friday evening I thought I had what ever hit me beaten, but the fever was still there along with one heck of a massive headache that stayed with me until mid day yesterday..... My better half had recommended that I stay in bed, and she was so annoyed that I even fired off one article at this blog last night.... I decided to follow her orders and sleep it off for one more night.....Needless to say, I am feeling a LOT better now... The fever broke overnight last night and this morning I tried to actually consume some solid food and a heck of a lot of liquids..... I figure that while I have the chance to sit down and fire off this rant...... And to those who will say that I need to take more Vitamin C and Vitamin D to combat any chances of getting sick, I have indeed been doing that for quite some time... Again, this bout of illness was something that I had not experienced in quite sometime and it is something that I do hope nobody else gets.....OK... I am playing a bit of catching up on the situation in Syria apparently.... Yes, I have been aware of the Turks accepting the US desire to call for a 120 hour "ceasefire"... But I will never ever trust the US on this one, for they have used these fraud "ceasefires" in the past to allow their criminal "terrorist" groups to be rearmed and shuffled off to other areas to raise havoc..... IMHO, Turkey was probably enticed by the Drumpf administration to accept this 'temporary' ceasefire under the notion that it would indeed be used to allow civilians and other noncombatants to escape the Turkish onslaught into northeastern Syria....  And of course there is the issue as to exactly what will happen when the "120 hours" are up.... I honestly will bet anything that the criminal Kurds will indeed use this respite to get rearmed and to be redistributed across northeastern Syria to somehow block or thwart the Turkish advances...And about the entire US fraudulent "withdrawal" from northeastern Syria?  I have already stated that this "withdrawal" is in itself a sham, as the US is basically abandoning useless forward 'bases' in the territory, while re-concentrating their forces to the key areas east of Deir Ez-zor around the two main oil and natural gas fields.... The facts are now plain for anyone to see that the US is NOT leaving northeastern Syria at all, but are shuffling their forces to that key area to deprive the nation of Syria from that vital oil that is necessary for the rebuilding of the nation.... The US is hell bent on still "destroying" Syria, and will basically keep the oil for themselves and thus leave Syria without the necessary economic profits from those key fields..... And of course without that essential oil for the nation, the US is bent on making sure that Syria continues to be without petroleum to drive its own manufacturing and transportation needs..... This is indeed quite diabolical and should show everyone the facts that the US is going to force Syria to its knees economically if it cannot do it militarily!And again, I cannot help but to state that I was RIGHT about the US presence in Syria overall, as they are not going to give up their strategic position around the key southern town of Al Tanf without a fight.... I have been asking readers to just look at any map of Syria and to see the US position at Al Tanf stick out like a dagger pointed into the heart of Syria..... For from Al Tanf, in any future conflict against Syria, the Americans will have a very powerful jumping off point from which they could send offensive forces deep into Syria towards the key central city of Palmyra which could basically cut Syria itself in half!   And from the Al Tanf position, they could race across the desert and attack both Damascus and Deir Ez-zor as well.... It is therefore no wonder that the criminal psychos in  Israel have demanded that their American puppets continue to hold onto Al Tanf, for those monsters may indeed sometime in the near future demand their American slaves to launch offensive operations from that position... .People need to understand that the Jewish freaks are still hell bent on having Syria dismembered as part of their sickening Greater Israel project for domination of the entire region, and will make sure that their American slaves are never going to get out of Syria at all to attain that sick goal.... The bottom line here is this; The American people are being played as fools if they actually do believe that their own government is ' withdrawing' from Syria, for the reality of American forces still operating deep inside Syria shows everyone otherwise...Well, the weather is "slightly" improving in these parts of central Canada... We finally got back over the freezing (0 celsius) mark this last week for a  few days at least, which has helped to actually melt the massive accumulation of snow that fell over these parts in that horrendous storm a week and a half ago....But the reality is that temperatures and the long term "forecast" for this region is for temperatures well below normal and more snow coming.... And yes, this is still basically the middle of October and we "normally" do not get this type of weather until mid-November at the earliest.... I continue to hammer home these facts in these rants as a wake up call for people to stop having their heads turned to mush by the liars behind the "climate change" fraud, and to realize that we do not have this bullshit of '12 years to live' as that is one of the worst cons ever pushed on gullible people.... Here is a reality check for those who have been suckered in by fools and idiots like that Greta Thunberg; we are definitely heading into a grand solar minimum where temperatures will plummet across the globe for the next decade at least... This minimum is a natural occurrence and is driven by solar radiation cycles from our Sun, Sol.... Sol has been going through these natural cycles for millions of years, which has always affected weather patterns across this planet..... The fraud artists behind the man caused 'climate change' bullshit are trying to get the most stupidest people imaginable to believe that WE as human beings are responsible for the changing weather on this planet, and are ignoring the reality that our Sun is and always has been the real driving force....And what about the fraud artists behind this 'climate change' bullshit?  I find their antics to be borderline schizophrenic, for they are now going to absolute extremes with their fraud rhetoric, where they have the audacity to actually call for the overthrow of governments to get their "climate change" insanity in place in our nations!   I watched last week where their insane 'Climate activist" groups were holding "rallies" in so many nations across the northern hemisphere (Notice that they target wealthy nations, while not even bothering running activism in poorer ones?..) that turned into violent protests.... It does indeed bother me that there are so many simple minded idiots out there that will fall for their crap so easily, without seeing the reality that the ring leaders behind the entire scam are well paid by the real criminals that want our governments overthrown, mostly by that most evil Jewish prick by the name of George Soros!....  To me, I see these "climate activists" as nothing more than borderline Communists that are now going beyond the calls for people to do something to save the environment to actually wanting to force a criminal "new world order"  of criminal insanity running our countries.....  People do need to wake up and wake up now to stop these fools before they are indeed able to get our very rights and freedoms removed from us all, under the lie of 'saving the planet', before it becomes too late....OK, Tomorrow is indeed 'D-Day' up here in the formerly free nation of Canuckleheadistan, as the brainwashed and idiots out there will express their freedom and their right to vote to either keep the criminal and mentally incompetent Justin Trudeau government in place to run and destroy this nation for the next 4+ years, or to choose from a gaggle of other idiots such as that heinous dual citizen (US/Canada) Andrew Scheer that will of course kiss Israel's ass and suck up to his Jewish masters like Steven Harper did so badly....Or that Singh character that is somehow "likeable" and yet has policies that will tax Canadians to death while sucking up to minorities... Or that insane Elizabeth May that is continuing to harp like a banshee about the fraud "climate crisis", making her a danger to our very livelihoods as Canadians...... To me, NONE of these four "leaders" deserve to be Canada's next Prime Minister for they all have some real hidden agendas that could ruin this nation.... But with these four impossible to vote for, is there an alternative?Yes, there is an alternative for Canadians, and one that the Jew spew media up here continues to avoid and try to sell to the gullible Canadian people as being a "fringe party"... I am of course speaking about the People's Party of Canada (PPC) and its leader Maxime Bernier.... This party has put forward a real platform that puts Canadians first and foremost... The PPC has stated that they will abolish the Carbon Tax which is set to rise under Trudeau's next regime (Scheer has been waffling on what he will really do if elected...), while the NDP and Greens are wanting to see it skyrocket to destroy our economy..... That is one good thing... And the PPC has stated and are the ONLY party that has stated that they will CLOSE our borders to these illegal migrant garbage that has invaded this nation for the last 4 years under the Trudeau regime... This nation does not need trash from third world shit holes to destroy our society, and the PPC has stated that they will enforce Canada's immigration laws that will only allow immigrants into Canada if they are properly "vetted" and will actually do some good in our society!   This is another good point for the PPC to get our votes.... And the PPC wants to end the fraud of Multiculturalism, that to me has always been a disaster for this nation and has caused so many to stop thinking of themselves as Canadians first and foremost.  This is another key issue and reason to vote PPC......And the PPC wants to FORCE this nation to end its horrific spending programs to balance its books and budget within the next 2  years... No other party is wanting to do that at all, and only to continue to spend and spend to drive this nation into perpetual debt servitude.....  I for one was not originally sold at all on the PPC as a viable alternative for Canadians, but from what I have seen and learned over the last 2 months has changed me into a believer that Canadians do need to change things up in Ottawa and look at this party as the real choice for Canada's future....OK, In all honestly, the PPC can NOT form the government in Ottawa tomorrow.... The facts are that the Jew spew media has purposely for the last 40 days of this political 'campaign' tried to avoid the PPC and its policies from getting out to Canadians.... These criminals have done instead their utmost to try to destroy the PPC and attack Maxime Bernier every chance they can..... And it is no wonder, for they are wanting to brainwash Canadians into the false belief that they must vote for the criminals in the other parties!  That alone definitely showed me that there was indeed something to the PPC platform that these criminals were "scared" about... Bernier and his party are definitely out there and wanting to stop the bullshit that has ruined this nation and to me that is why people do need to look at that party and its policies before they go to the polls tomorrow.....  The PPC may not get a chance to govern, but with a strong representation and even a few seats in Canada's next parliament, maybe more people will begin to notice them as a true alternative for a real future for this nation....OK, people want my honest opinion about tomorrow's election here in Canada, and I will put it straight: Take a real chance tomorrow, my fellow Canadians, and vote with your conscience and do NOT vote for another 4 years of Trudeau incompetencies.  Any of the other parties are better than what that numb skull has to offer .....AND If you truly want real change, then ignore the liars in the Jew spew media and do take a closer look at the PPC and its policies before you head to the polls!  But do vote, for voting is still a right and a privilege in this nation and Canada's voting system is not as corrupted (yet) and "fixed" like in so many other nations now...One last thing before I get onto my last minute tidbits... I have again been watching the political "circus" that continues unabated south of here in the formerly free United States of America, and I am deeply appalled at how easily the American public continues to be mesmerized by this entire sad charade and complete bullshit... The psychotic Liberals in America IMHO should all be arrested immediately and their leadership thrown into prison for their insane want to actually overthrow the United States government and impose their lunacy on the American people... Heck, it got so bad that mid week there was talk about having US President Drumpf assassinated and force the entire government into upheaval.... Luckily that did not happen, and honestly in spite of Drumpf himself being borderline looney, the Liberal freakazoids that run the formerly free Democratic party have turned to Communist ideologies and desires to enslave all Americans to their insanity if they ever grab the Presidency come 2020..... Again, why are the ring leaders in that  group of misfits not even in jail for their corruption and crimes against the American people? .... Sadly, these lunatics are even now  considering either that heinous and murderous Hillary "Killary" Clinton, or that sick freak transvestite Michelle (Michael Robinson) Obama to be their candidate for President come 2020.... I, as a Canadian, can only watch as an outside observer as America is basically going to hell in a hand basket!   And what especially troubles me is how the American public continues to put up with this garbage???Well... I guess that is enough for the moment.... I will continue to get some extra rest and try to fully recover from what ever the fuck hit me the other day.... In the meantime, here comes my usual last minute tidbits........I had honestly thought the troubles in Hong Kong would be put to rest as China and the US are now trying to hammer out real economic issues, but I was wrong.  The insane leaders of the controlled opposition in Hong Kong, paid for by the American CIA of course, should all be arrested and put into jail immediately for trying to stir up trouble and raise havoc in that enclave!......I see that the peaceful nation in Lebanon is now in turmoil with some riots taking place in key cities such as the capital of Beirut.  I cannot help but to think that the psychos in Israel and of course their puppets in the United States are behind this upheaval in Lebanon, and I could be right..........So let me get this straight; Some lunatic climate "extremists" actually climbed on board a train in the UK last week and the passengers had enough of their bullshit and basically threw them off?  Good for the passengers, and that should be a message to the other bullshit "extremists" out there that good people have had enough of their stupidity!.... And speaking of the UK, I see the final "brexit vote" to actually break away from the evil Jewish Rothschild controlled European Union was supposed to have taken place yesterday, but has once again been "delayed"?  When will the good people in the UK finally grab a brain and understand that the criminals in charge will delay the vote forever, for they do not want to see the UK ever escape the Rothschilds' evil clutches?  It is time for the Brits to finally stand up and force their own government to stop the madness and get the hell out of the EU! ........ Amazingly, the war in Yemen continues with the criminal Saudis still trying to somehow overcome the Houthi successes.  But the Saudis continue to fail miserably, and maybe its about time that they actually did admit that they have been defeated and seek a real peace that may somehow save their "honour"?  The facts are that Yemen has definitely turned into Saudi Arabia's own "Vietnam", and the Saudis do need to admit that they have been beaten and end their invasion that has killed millions (Yes, a few million at last count..) of innocent Yemen civilians......The fraud Sandy Hook "shootings" continues to destroy some real truth seekers, as Jim Fetzer was found guilty in a kangaroo court in the US of hurting that fraud "Lenny Pozner"'s feelings!  Yes, this fraudulent Pozner character made out like a bandit from his criminal involvement in the Sandy Hook fraud, and now he gets even more money from a fixed judgment against Fetzer for the bullshit of Fetzer 'hurting his feelings'!  And people wonder why America is so fucked up?.........I saw articles where some writers have had the audacity to claim that this "Tulsi Gabbard" is somehow the 'real deal' and I am appalled.  This Tulsi Gabbard would not even be in the  US Congress in the first place unless she agreed to suck Jew dick. And the idiots out there actually think she can make a difference for the Democratic rats come 2020 in the US?  Again, people wonder why America is so fucked up?...........Articles coming out now claiming that they found life on Mars in 1976 during the Viking I missions.  I have news for these fools, for Viking I never landed on Mars at all in 1976, due to the fact that its "parachute" landing in the ultra thin Martian atmosphere was complete bullshit and impossible.  If Viking I "discovered life", it is most definitely the life at its real landing site in northern Arizona!.........And I got one more "comment" from the stupidity of flat earth idiocy last week asking me how water can stay on the spinning Earth if the Earth spins at just over 1000mph.  Honestly, have those idiots not even heard of both gravity and inertia?  And they forget that the actual Earth "spin" is one revolution in almost 24 hours, meaning something like 0.0000115 revolutions a second, which is so agonizingly slow and therefore there will be almost ZERO movement at all from any water adhering to this planet's surface.  Yes, is not real science great as it destroys "flat earth" illogical nonsense?... I was informed this morning that a real truth seeker, Maurice Herman aka "Morris108" passed away the other day.  I became aware of "Morris108" a few years back when he put out Youtube videos that covered some of the messages put out through his videos by Syrian Girl Maram Susli.  He will be missed for his tremendous efforts in getting the real truths out to people....... Arsenal plays Sheffield United tomorrow in Premier League action, and sadly it will once again be yet another game I will miss thanks to the horrendous (and expensive) pay per view provider that it is only available on in these parts of central Canada.   Greed seems to definitely rule the day in terms of that league as they are driving away a lot of fans thanks to their pay per view demands........I just saw an article where apparently the insane Taylor Swift is admitting that she does not do well in long term relationships due to the fact that she needs the break ups to provide her with material for her songs (!).  Honestly this woman is indeed a head case and yes she is giving the Kardashians a run for their money..........And speaking of the Kardashians, someone told me last week that Kanye West was actually considering a run for the US Presidency.  Considering how his mind and well being has been so fucked up by the brain dead Kardashians (think Lamar Odom) , I do wonder if the man is suffering from insanity in considering actually running for President?   But hey, nothing surprises me any more when I see these skanks in action and again it shows how much America is truly fucked up when the American public thinks more about these fucked up misfits than the shape and well being of their own country!More to comeNTS