Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, October 18th, 2015

 It is Sunday....And again time for my weekly rant..I do get a lot of emails and comments periodically asking why I do not write on certain days and why I do not write more articles.... I have said before that with my increased work both at my employment and at home it has been difficult the last while to even put up ONE article a day let alone a multitude... I am doing my best and again I periodically have to play "catch up" on events that affect us all.... Hey, and I do sometimes hate to be blunt about this, I write this blog and if people do not like it, they can always go elsewhere!Yes, tomorrow is "selection" day here in the formerly free nation of Canuckleheadistan (What I tend to call "Canada" these days due to the numbskulls I come across on a daily basis...) and the choices are so clear to Canadians, even though many are just too stupid to see them for themselves.... It will be a vote for tyranny and oppression on one side, and a chance to remain a free nation on the other....Stephen Harper and his cronies that presently make up his Conservative party are the ones offering us another 4-5 years of oppression and tyranny.  His policies, so called "bills", and of course his continuing subservience to the criminal and apartheid state of Israel has turned this once free nation into a dictatorship..... I need not remind my Canadian readers about his passage earlier this year of the  right and freedom stripping Bill C51 that was formulated and created out of the 'fear' from last year's laughable and ridiculous Ottawa "shooting" incident..... This "bill" takes away every Canadian's rights to fair judgment, and basically has allowed our "police" forces here in Canada to arrest anyone that may be suspicious of being a "terrorist" or harbouring "terrorism" much like what has happened in America.... The other serious implications of that "bill" have yet to be felt, including the stripping of personal rights and freedom of speech... It will be only a matter of time before the Canadian "thought" police and their other hoodlums come down hard on all aspects of free speech including Internet writings... I personally will feel their wraith eventually and could face prison time for my own writings.... Therefore a vote for the "Conservative" party tomorrow will spell doom to freedoms in this once free nation, and I surely hope most Canadians are not this stupid.....That is bad enough, but most Canadians are still unaware that the criminal Harper signed off on the fraud Trans Pacific Partnership agreements while in this election campaign.... I for one cannot understand how such a horrendous bill as the TPP agreements could be passed while the Parliament in Ottawa is not in session and a national vote is taking place?   This again shows the utter disrespect that Harper has for this nation and how he is wielding dictatorial powers in allowing the horrendous right and freedom stripping TPP agreement to be passed... And when asked about the details of that agreement, Harper has claimed that the full details of the agreement will be "known" to the Canadian people AFTER the election tomorrow!   This above everything else should have had every Canucklehead in an uproar and should have everyone not voting for this criminal... However, sadly, there are indeed too many stupid people in this nation that will indeed go to the ballot boxes tomorrow and vote for Steve the dictator!Other choices then?  I used to think Thomas Mulcair was a better choice, but his getting into bed with the bullshit scam artists behind the Global Warming and "Climate Change" fraud is so ridiculous... Canada under a Mulcair government would sign off on the upcoming Paris "accords" on the fraud of "Climate Change" and we would see the rapid imposition of Carbon taxes on the Canadian public.. Need I remind everyone again that Global Warming and "Climate Change" are a fraud, and just another attempt at fleecing the public through "taxes"?  Yes, most people out there are still that gullible including so many Canuckleheads....The other issues that I have had with Mulcair stems behind his "firings" and "dismissals" of many of his candidates for their rightful expression of free speech through social media, blogs, and editorials... Heck, many of the writings and postings that many of the NDP candidates did that got them dismissed from the party happened many years ago, and I absolutely have seen nothing wrong with them or how they should ever affect that candidate running for office now.. However, in this "politically correct" nation, such writings even though perfectly free and legal are pictured as "taboo".... The NDP has been in bed with this fraud of "political correctness" for too long, and basically it has driven so many of their support away and just before tomorrow's vote....My major issue with Justin Trudeau is his waffling on some issues that he should be taking a firm stand against.... While Mulcair has actually come out in ads attacking the TPP agreements, Trudeau has said almost nothing about that horrendous "agreement" which should have always been a major election issue.... And Justin is not saying much about the fraud of Climate Change at all... These alone are such key issues and the Liberal party has strangely not said much leading up to tomorrow's key vote....But the one big thing that has caused me to not only question Justin Trudeau as a leader but his sanity as well is when he recently said that once elected, he would go and "tell off" Russian President, Vladimir Putin to "his face".... It boggles the mind that Trudeau can be so out of step with the reality of world events that he would consider making such an enormous error of judgment... Must I remind everyone here that Putin has done nothing wrong, is not the "aggressor" as the liars in the Jew spew media portray, and is in fact doing exactly what should have been done to the fraud known as "ISIS" in a few weeks that was not done in years, and that is to utterly destroy it?....   Basically Trudeau is so wrong here, and sadly with all of the troubles happening around the planet right now, we need firm but just leadership....Well, here we are my fellow Canadians.. Tomorrow is a critical vote for this nation, and many have indeed been asking who I would vote for....Considering the fact that Canada is still firmly under Jewish control and when Parliament does reconvene after Monday's vote, most members will still pledge their allegiance to the criminal and apartheid state of Israel above and beyond the people gullible enough to vote them into office, I would say to NOT vote at all.. However, with the fact that Harper has to go and go quickly otherwise he will indeed destroy this nation, I would say to vote 'strategically' in what ever riding you live in to absolutely make sure the Conservative candidate never gets into office.. A Conservative majority government after Monday would be the down fall of this nation and we must do what is necessary to prevent it by all means possible.....For that reason, I have to vote for the Liberal candidate in my own riding....Ok, I have said enough about the Canucklehead "election" tomorrow... It supposedly will be a "close call" if anyone believes the liars in the Jew spew media and the liars that put up "public opinion polls".... I will indeed be reporting after the "election" my own thoughts and what the future holds for Canada.... I am crossing my fingers....Russia is indeed doing exactly what is necessary in Syria to prevent the American/Israeli takeover and destruction of that innocent nation.... I for one simply cannot understand most people that they still do not get it?  The "terrorist" group called ISIS has always been a fraud and a massive hoax... It is entirely made up of Mossad and CIA agents and mercenaries and is funded and fully equipped by the gullible taxpayers living in America..... Everyone must see for themselves that Russia has been doing in less than three weeks what America could never do in the previous 3+ years and counting, and that is to destroy "ISIS" once and for all.... The Russian rapid destruction of "ISIS" clearly shows that the Americans and their NATO allies had no intention at all ever of actually destroying any "terrorists" in Syria..... The American/Israeli aim was always for the destruction of Syria and the removal of Bashar al-Assad from government and they have now been fully exposed in their using of this "ISIS threat" as a key weapon for such purpose....Yes, I have been watching all of the videos showing the Russian air force attacking actual ISIS positions and killing ISIS 'terrorists' in the process...  Russia has now fully equipped the Syrian army with some of its latest and greatest weapons and the Syrians along with Hezbollah and Iranian forces are rapidly seizing previous ISIS held territories in rapid succession... It is also so amazing that while Russia actually attacks ISIS, the criminal American government is continuing with their own "bombing campaign" that is NOT aimed at ISIS at all, but at Syrian infrastructure... The best example came earlier last week where American bombers attacked two power plants located in the key northern Syrian city of Aleppo.... People should be asking about the sanity of the Americans in their want to avoid "ISIS" forces around Aleppo and instead attacking power stations!  THAT should have again awakened so many people, and especially those living in America, to the fraud of ISIS and the reality of exactly what America has been doing in Syria for the last two years alone....OK, while the world has had its "media" attention so focused on Syria, we have the criminal and psychotic state of Israel again brutalizing the rightful people of the region, the Palestinians... Yes, I have been reading and watching as the Israelis have been "cracking down" on Palestinians that are now in a serious uprising (Intifada) against Israeli brutal control and domination... The full extent of the Israeli onslaught is still not known, but estimates are that some 1400 (I would say a number much higher) Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been murdered in this latest Israeli genocide....Yes, the truth is that Israel has always waited for the world's attention to be focused elsewhere and then attacked the Palestinian people.... And as usual, what few reports that actually surface from the Jew spew media are portraying the Palestinians as the guilty party in this Israeli genocide and claiming that Israel is somehow innocent in this newest "Intifada".......It is also interesting that with this latest Israeli assault on the Palestinians, the criminal Jews in Israel are now saying that they have the right to remove the Muslim mosque that sits on their 'most holy' temple mount in Jerusalem... But I have news for these criminals in that the so called "temple mount" is a massive fraud and a hoax (much like their entire fraud religion of Judaism itself...) and there was never any "Solomon's temple" that ever existed on that small mountain... In fact researchers and archeologists decades ago discovered the "temple mount" was actually the site of an ancient Roman soldiers' outpost... They found not one shred of any evidence to show any "temple" ever being there in their diggings....... The bottom line here is that the "temple mount" is a fraud and the psycho Jews are again trying to claim their right to "rebuild their holy temple" based on lies and the frauds of their so called 'religion'......Sadly they could indeed incite a full scale war just to have their fraud temple "rebuilt"....Is it not amazing that with America's standing in the world today thanks to their criminal actions against other nations and their insane support for the genocidal nation of Israel, they are again pushing the fraud of "Russia blew MH17 out of the sky" on the gullible people?   Yes, the Dutch investigative report into the MH17 fiasco was released and the liars in the Jew spew media have been harping constantly since the release that Russia "shot down" Malaysian flight MH17... But those who have carefully done their own research, including myself, have long concluded that MH17 was indeed a false flag attack that went all wrong for the Americans and the Ukrainians involved.... These criminals can spin their tales all they want, but the truth is right there for all to see....I for one am not swayed by all the bullshit and am standing behind my own research that shows that MH17 was indeed the last flight of the long lost MH370 that "disappeared" back in March of 2014... MH17 was to be the perfect way for these criminals to dispose of not only the Boeing 777 that was stolen in the MH370 incident, but also to dispose of the corpses of the passengers of MH370.... Yes, basically the criminals planned for the robotically controlled MH17 flight loaded with the long dead bodies of MH370 to be "deviated" over Ukrainian airspace, and then be blown out of the sky by an Ukrainian fighter jet, and of course blamed on Russia....  The bodies pulled from the wreckage that were already long dead and the pictures of the wreckage confirming the plane to actually be the aircraft from MH370 should be proof enough for everyone... I have said that if anyone finds anything to the contrary here, I am all ears.....Well, I guess that is enough for now with the major topics that are on my mind right now... I will of course touch on so many other issues right here in my usual "last minute tidbits".......Interesting economic news came out saying that when the economy turns 'sour' major banks will have to 'access" personal savings accounts to keep themselves alive.  Yes, I have said for a long time that this has always been their plan, which is to fleece and steal the money from savings accounts when their ponzi money scheme causes them to collapse. Be weary everyone, for it is coming.....A mathematician in Australia has proven the "Global warming" scaremongering to be a fraud, and yet the criminals behind the scam are still going to push for Carbon taxation with the upcoming Paris accords.  When the hell will people wake up and stop the madness before they truly get fleeced?.........Is it not amazing that with all the criminal and treasonous activities that scoundrel Jewess Hillary Rodham Clinton has done on the American nation, many "Democrats" are still hailing her to be the best choice for their candidacy for President.  Honestly, has the American nation truly gone that insane to actually want to vote for this monster?.......I see that Donald Trump has come under fire for his firm support of what Russia is doing against the fraud of "ISIS" in Syria.   Yes,  Donald does talk the good talk and it appears that the Jew spew media is still trying their damn worse at trying to vilify him.  But the truth is that Trump is still under Jewish control and if he is 'elected' to the office of President, he will still do exactly what his Jewish masters command.......I have seen the latest videos about the "refugees" in Europe turning many nations upside down.  BUT this is by design, and we see the proof this last week as so called experts are saying that the refugee crisis in Europe is "proof" that nationalism and "national borders" are "history".  People need to wake up and understand that the removal of national borders and melting of nations into one big mess has always been the goal of the Jew world order..........And of course we must not forget that the majority of the so called "refugees" are actually illegal migrant workers who were paid (does George Soros and his criminal goals of destroying Europe come to mind?) to come to Europe to stir up trouble and create the "crisis" we are witnessing.........Commercial infrastructure destroyed in southern Syria that are not part of the fraud of "ISIS"?  Further proof again that the US/NATO intentions in their "bombing campaigns" in Syria were never aimed at ISIS at all but for the destruction of Syria itself.........Fukushima is still going strong, and this last week we find reports of birds found on the American west coast starving to death.  Fukushima radiation has indeed devastated the fish in the north Pacific Ocean and we are seeing the result in the removal of a major food source for birds..... More evidence came out this week that the TPP is in fact the "worse trade deal ever" and is it not shocking that most people still are unaware of that heinous agreement?  And it will shock them even more when they find out our own governments passed this "agreement" in total secrecy!  Yes, we do live in a world of dictatorships.........Yes, Israel "discovered" a massive Petroleum deposit in the occupied Golan Heights and I do wonder if that discovery was actually made many years ago.  It does answer the big question as to why Israel is so desperate to have Syria destroyed, and that is so they can keep their discovery for themselves.......Arsenal won yesterday against Watford and are now sitting in second place behind Manchester City in the BPL table.  The Gunners are looking good right now, but the real test will be when they play Manchester City head to head soon........Many people have been asking what has happened to Whitewraithe.  I have told her contact me when she is over her depression and wanting to talk, and I am still waiting.....I said I would give everyone an update from time to time on my using "Adsense" for this blog.  According to Adsense, I presently have some $140 sitting in my "account", but as of yet Google has not forwarded any 'payments' to myself.  I have said that I would use that money, minus Canadian "taxes" imposed, for paying for and restarting the Turbulent Times show over Blogtalk radio, and I am a man of my word. Hopefully by that point Whitewraithe will be back on board as well.  As I have said before, I am not in this for any profit......My head hurts, but I will again close this rant with my look at what has warped American minds for years which is of course the fabulous Kardashian family.   Yes, I saw the sad news this last week where former NBA star Lamar Odom was hospitalized and in a coma this week after a supposed drug overdose, but now is recovering.  With all the strange happenings associated with the entire twisted lot, including of course Bruce Jenner turning himself into a woman, what has happened to Odom does not surprise me at all.  To me this entire "family" is nuts.  And yet still strangely America has a love affair with their Kardashians....More to comeNTS