Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, October 13th, 2013

Sunday, and it is Thanksgiving here in Canada.... Time for our annual turkey dinner and for my weekly rant where I talk turkey.....I have been watching over the last few weeks as this "Government Shutdown" continues in the United States, and I have been wondering when the HELL the American public would finally say enough is enough, and take some sort of action against their criminal government in Washington.... I was wondering when the American people would have the balls to finally decide to take their country back from the brink of oblivion, and it seems that thanks to the brainwashing of the Jew run media, the chemicals in their diets, the use of vaccines to weaken their minds and their immune systems, that now the once great United States has indeed become a nation of brain dead zombies... It is beyond sad to see the country that I had long believed was truly the beacon of justice and freedom in the world has now turned itself into a horrific police state where some 300 million people now occupy an open air concentration camp....As for this "shutdown"... I again say the best thing that could happen is for the US Government to stay shut down.. permanently! .... The entire US Government has turned itself into a criminal operation that does not adhere to the will of the American people.... It absolutely does not listen to the constituents that actually "elected" them to office......For the American republic to somehow be "restored" the only solution is for the present Government to be removed, all Usury debts canceled immediately, the Federal Reserve private JEWISH banking criminality disbanded, and all money issued by the US Government itself without the use of bonds, and absolutely debt free....The question again is do the US people have the guts to actually take this type of necessary action? Some action indeed is required to bring America back from the precipice of destruction... However, any armed rebellion by its citizens would only give the criminal Soetoro/Davis/Obama administration its long needed excuse to clamp down on the public, take away all freedoms and impose martial law in the entire country.    The solution is therefore for the American people to be both enlightened to the true criminals behind their demise and to simply not participate in any facets of the criminal system, period.....If enough people simply say NO to any government demands, then maybe... just maybe... there may be a chance that enough people will take a stand and force the Government to abide by the wishes of the people.... I know that this may be a pipe dream, but what other solution is there?   If anyone has ideas, I am all ears......One other issue that I have not covered here is of course the fraud that the US Government is trying to shove down the throats of the American people known as "Obamacare"..... I have looked at the aspects of this ridiculous "National Health program" and all I see honestly is another massive fraud theft of the wealth of the American people.....It is so surprising to see so many people try NOW with this Obamacare scam already made into law and forced in place to actually stop it in its tracks.... But the criminals in the US Government are now forcing every American citizen to pay hundreds of dollars a month on a "Federal Health Insurance Program" that simply DOES NOT WORK.....Some of the details that I have looked at when it comes to this "Obamacare" fraud are absolutely frightening... These sick criminals want every American family to pay HUNDREDS of dollars a month in "health insurance premiums" that most families can ill-afford, and then the real kicker is if anyone gets sick, according to this twisted program, they are being forced to pay some 5 THOUSAND dollars in deductibles just to cover their medical expenses.... This is atrocious and makes the this US national "health program" the worse of any nation that actually has a national program, including the one here in Canada.During my Skype call with John Kaminski just two evenings ago, I asked John what were his thoughts about this "Obamacare" program, and John stated to me that he believes that this scam is what the US Government wants to use to steal even more money from the American people that the existing Federal Reserve System, and the equally criminal "income tax" system has already stolen for over a century..... It does seem that the criminals in the Federal Reserve System were going to collapse the US economy and its entire financial system if they did not get this Obamacare scam passed as another form of "taxation" on the American people..... This shows the power of these criminals and how they are imposing their will on the US Government to force this corrupt and fraudulent "Health Care" system on the American people by threatening to collapse the entire corrupt system and take the entire country down with it....What we have here is basically a no-win situation for the American people... It was either accept Obamacare or have the nation fall to pieces.....If this proves to be true, then this is basically blackmail in my opinion.....One issue that I have long covered in this blog is indeed the subject of finance, and how the Jewish criminals through their horrific and very criminal Usury debt systems have brought almost all the world's nations' economies to their knees.... We are indeed watching a train wreck in slow motion that started long before the "crisis" of 2008 when the US Government was forced by these Jewish criminals to "bail out" the Jew banking criminals by handing over TRILLIONS of dollars to keep them afloat, or have them blackmail the American nation by threatening to collapse the entire economy.   What we have now is absolutely NO "recovery" that the liars and criminals in the Jew run media continue to promote and we are indeed watching the death-throws of the entire ponzi scheme......What is equally frightening that most people especially those in the United States are unaware of, is the simple fact that there are NO nations left to absorb any more Usury debt, especially the massive toxic debt created by the US itself..... The United States has been unable for a while now to sell any more treasury bonds to other nations, especially China..... The result will be a catastrophic collapse of the US dollar which will indeed happen very soon unless something new happens shortly that will re-energize the US economy....Sadly that "new" happening could be a major war of direct American involvement....Yes, I have long been watching the push for war by the insane criminals in the United States government as their method  of saving their nation and their own butts in the process..... This is why these lunatics have tried again and again to get their sick war against either Syria, Iran, or even North Korea, off and running....They care not that billions of innocent lives could be lost in an escalated conflict just as long as this new war keeps the Jewish Usury scam monetary ponzi scheme going......I have seen the evidence this past week that again shows the entire world that the Syrian government absolutely beyond any shadow of a doubt did NOT do the "chemical weapons" attack from several months back....Every piece of evidence now conclusively shows that this "attack" was most definitely a false flag conducted by the murderous mercenary rebel forces and further evidence now shows that the so called "victims" of that chemical attack that were shown by the rebels in videos as proof of Assad doing the deed were most probably already dead... killed by the rebels themselves before the "chemical weapons" attack... and paraded to the media as "proof" of Assad's involvement..... This to me shows how sick and demented these psychos truly are, and exactly what these murderous "rebels" are actually capable of..... Thank goodness the world did not fall for this scam, and that Assad's forces are still holding the upper hand over the rebels... At least for now....Of course over the last few weeks we have seen Mr. Looney-Tunes himself, Benyamin Miliekowsky (Netanyahu) continue his circus act in front of major national assemblies including the UN itself, in his desperate attempt to somehow convince the world that Iran must be "destroyed" for it (non-existent) nuclear weapons program.   To me, this man is both a buffoon, and someone who actually believes in his own vision of grandeur.... He shows all the classic symptoms of suffering from Tay Sachs Syndrome, with the associated signs of severe mental illness...... It is so frightening when everyone realizes that this lunatic is in control of some 300+ nuclear weapons in the criminal state of Israel's arsenal, and I would not put it past him to be using the threat of Israeli nukes to blackmail nations into adhering to his insane demands.....But we know by now that Iran does not have any nuclear weapons and has absolutely no desire to ever develop or build any nuclear arsenal... This is common sense, because the Iranian government knows full well that if they were to ever even build ONE such device, it would give the criminals in the US and Israel their much needed excuse to have their nation of Iran destroyed.... Therefore again, Iran is absolutely no threat to anyone, and all this rhetoric of phantom Iranian nukes is just that... Rhetoric to somehow convince a more skeptical world that Iran must be destroyed.....My focus in my writings over the last week have indeed not been on more wars for the lunatic asylum known as Israel, but to try to wake everyone up to the REAL life or death situation we are now facing thanks to the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Japan...... I have watched and read for over two years the constant flow of LIES coming from the Japanese Government and the officials at TEPCO..... I for one know that there is absolutely NO WAY with any of the present technology available that anyone can get close to the failed reactor cores to even try to alleviate the problem. To do so would be suicide due to the massive dose of radiation any person, who would be foolhardy enough to attempt to get close to the melted cores, would absorb...The other sick joke about Fukushima is the continuing LIE by TEPCO that they are storing the waste radioactive water, that they have been forced to pour constantly on the exposed cores to keep them cool, in large storage tanks... This is absolutely ludicrous, simply because several hundred tons of water are being poured on the reactors daily and there is no storage facility that can possibly hold that much water.... The fact is.... TEPCO has from day one been pouring the radioactve waste water directly into the Pacific Ocean.... But seriously, what other choice do they have?   We are now seeing the result of 2.5 years of continuous radioactive water being dumped into the Pacific Ocean by the reports of radioactive Tuna off of the California coast.. And a more recent equally frightening report about Starfish and other ocean life "mysteriously" dying off of the coast of British Columbia, Canada.... Fish and mollusks turning to mush, and nobody seems to want to link this mystery to radiation from Fukushima?I have spent the last 2.5 years asking people to go after their governments for turning a blind eye to Fukushima, and it still troubles me that little has been done by our governments to fix that truly life or death problem....Now while nations continue to want to do anything to please their masters in Israel, the entire world is in serious danger from Fukushima radiation which could result in the eventual deaths of millions....But as I have long said... What the damn Jews want, they seem to always get....Well... I do guess that is enough for now.. I do have a turkey to cook, and other dishes to prepare. (Few people know that I do cook!)..... I therefore will close with my usual "last minute tidbits"...... In spite of my last article showing that all the naysayers have been wrong about John Kaminski, I am still getting more of the same crap comments from these JIDF trolls.  They do not realize how they are making themselves out now to be nothing more than laughing stocks.....Someone says that I should be doing these rants over "Podcasts".  I will consider it, but in the meantime considering how bad I do sound on Sundays, I will continue with this old fashioned method for a while yet......I see that the clowns behind the Global Warming scam are still trying, but they must know by now that most people are not that stupid, and can see through their con.  It is so pathetic.......I am surprised that I got so few comments from my article about more exposure of the lies of the Jewish "race" from just the other day.  Either the CI crowd is slipping, or they must see the real con perpetrated by the Jews, FINALLY!......Again, is it just me, or has Charles Giuliani lost his touch?  The historical stuff over the WARN network by himself is fine and dandy, but he has always been at his best with his hard hitting shows about the Elite Jew Pigs........Yes, I did see where the Greek government is now going to consider going the Cyprus route of stealing money directly from the Greek citizens.  Shows again that "austerity" does NOT work, and nations should simply tell the Jewish banks to drop dead......I see that the Kenyan mall false flag did its dirty work with the US now launching raids into neighboring mineral rich Somalia to go after the non-existent perpetrators of the "crime".  Another false flag with the exact results the US has wanted.  When will people learn? ..... And finally, with this being Turkey day in Canada, I will close with my usual look at the real turkeys, the Kardashians.  My GF brought this week's Kardashian news to my attention with the story coming out about Kris Jenner and Bruce Jenner's separation that they kept "secret" from the Jew-spew media supposedly for over a year.  My first reaction was "who cares"? and then I had to ask.. Who the hell is Kris Jenner?.    Shows how much I actually do care about this sick twisted group of skanks, and trollops, and how I look at them as everyone should... As a circus act composed of clowns and misfits.More to comeNTS