Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, October 12th, 2014

Yes, it is Sunday again, and it is time for my usual weekly rant about what I see is really happening in the world today, and not the crap that the liars in our media and governments continue to promote...First, I should apologize for my absence over the last few days and not posting any new material at this blog.. I was very busy with work projects earlier in the week and family business.  I decided to actually take a few days to recharge my batteries, and get back to this blog as of today, Sunday... The only article that I decided to get through was the one that I put out the moment I heard that Kenny from Kennysideshow had passed away..Yes, Kenny died suddenly at what seems an early age of only 62.... I never had personal dealings with him, but I did get the odd comment from time to time at my blog which were always positive.. I sometimes returned the favor by commenting over at his site...  Kenny was one of the good ones, considering that there are too few real truth seekers out there, and indeed he will be missed....OK, now onto some of the real so called news at hand, and I figure I would start off with the information and misinformation that we are being subjected to about this "Ebola virus" scare.... I personally have been torn between this being a real scare and the strong possibility that we are indeed being conned..... I do not trust the so called "news" that Jew spew media outlets like that POS CNN is spewing about this Ebola outbreak, and I suspect that they are using the propaganda of fear on gullible and brain dead sheep... It has worked wonders, supposedly, with reports coming out from America that people are pleading with the criminals in the US Government to quickly come out with a "vaccine" against this new "virus"....The truth is, everyone, that if this is a real virus and not a false flag, then we are dealing with a manufactured bio-weapon that has long been in development by these criminal scumbags for a very diabolical plan of mass extermination.... People cannot forget that this so called new "strain" of Ebola magically appeared almost out of nowhere in west Africa.   All evidence points towards that so called "research" facility in Sierra Leone that has been financed by two very evil people, Bill Gates and that scumbag George Soros... For years these two have had their "foundations" at work to supposedly help people by creating cures for deadly diseases when in reality they have been heavily into research and development of sinister bio-weapons for the extermination of people enmass.....The one aspect of this new "Ebola" strain of super virus that has now made its way across the planet is the call for the development of a "vaccine" for a cure... However by this point everyone must be aware that vaccines absolutely do NOT work, and they do more harm to the body than the so called viruses that they are supposed to fight... To make matters worse, I do recall some important information that Jim Stone presented a while back about how the criminal Israelis (who else?) had been working on a deadly virus that attacks and destroys brain tissue.  The article is still there at, and it showed pictures of this Israeli super virus with a hexagon head and 6 legs.. (damn those "chosen ones" with their sickening love of the number "6").. And the article described how victims that had unknowingly allowed this super virus to be injected into their bodies in the form of vaccines complained about their heads being on fire as these sinister viruses attacked brain tissue!  OK, my view is clear here.. The criminal so called "elite" that are primarily Jews have had their bio-labs around the world work on development of this new super virus as a means of destroying the brains of the Gentiles by basically re-writing the DNA of the victims brain and potentially making them less intelligent.... The bottom line then is these monsters want people to be running scared to their doctors and pharmacists to have the "vaccine" for this new "Ebola" virus, not knowing that they will allow these super viruses put into their bodies that will damage their brains.....The criminals have long wanted either the herd "culled" or be made less intelligent and therefore more compliant slaves....I therefore need not remind everyone about the so called "swine flu" scare that we were subjected to several years back where our criminal governments had sounded the pandemic alarm and wanted to see everyone line up to take their deadly shots of "vaccine" that did more harm than good to everyones' immune systems.. Now with the rising fear from this "Ebola" outbreak, I can see clearly that we will have within the next few weeks our governments again declare a new "pandemic" and call on everyone to voluntarily line up and take the required "vaccine" against this bio-engineered virus....This time, the so called "vaccine" will not only have Mercury and other deadly adjutants in them, but may also now include the Israeli manufactured super virus that will both scramble and re-write the DNA in their brains....It is therefore imperative that everyone absolutely do NOT take any vaccines, period.Yes, the fear mongering over this Ebola virus outbreak has consumed the majority of the news around the world, but there are of course so much else happening... This last week the Canadian government voted to now commit Canada to the fraud war on terror and the battle against that phoney "ISIS/ISIL" threat.   To me, this is a travesty and shows again exactly who controls Canada... These criminal Jewish elite are now going to be using Canadian troops like cannon fodder for nothing more than Israeli expansionism... The target in the Middle East has never been this fraud called "ISIS" but in actuality the peaceful and innocent nation of Syria that the damn scumbags in Israel want destroyed..The criminal Jewish controlled Harper government in Ottawa has now again obeyed their Jewish masters, and just like in Afghanistan we will indeed be seeing Canadian men and women fighting and dying for nothing more that to see Syria, which has done absolutely nothing to Canada, destroyed.   The US was the first nation to obey their Jewish masters calling and had created a fraud "coalition" of nations to fight this phoney Mossad/CIA ISIS threat.  Then two weeks back the British Parliament also obeyed their Jewish masters and "voted" to join this fraud coalition.  Now it is Canada's turn, and very shortly I suspect Australia will do as told and shortly follow suit.I do feel like a broken record in stating for the longest time that this ISIS fraud is the so called "back door" to get the invasion of Syria going, and we see over the last few days the new reports that this fraud "ISIS" can not be eliminated by the fraud "airstrikes", but can only be removed by ground forces attacking Syria itself.  Yes, everything is going according to the sinister plans laid out by the US and Israel, and the gullible sheep are again falling for it.  The US and its fraud "coalition" has been quietly moving more and more forces into western Iraq and Turkey and will indeed call shortly first for the usual "no fly zone" over Syria which will be the prelude to a direct attack on Syria itself.  We saw exactly the same events just before the brutal attack and invasion of Libya, and history will shortly repeat itself when it comes to innocent Syria.And we cannot overlook what is happening in Ukraine where it appears the criminal US puppet government in Kiev is about to brutalize the Ukrainian people with drastic economic "measures" that will see many of them taxed into abject poverty that they can never get out of.   The criminal Rothschild controlled IMF has demanded these new brutal measures against the Ukrainian people as a pretext for them to "lend" more money, in the form of crippling "austerity" measures, to the corrupt Kiev government to prevent economic collapse.  The truth is the Ukrainian people never asked for these measures and many are now seeing the truth about how truly corrupt and evil their new US controlled government truly is.  Honestly, I need to ask the people of Ukraine how they like their "revolution" now?  We see reports over the alternative media (of course the Jew spew media paints a different picture) of the Ukrainian people in disgust over the corrupt government measures, and many are starting to revolt against the Kiev regime.  It is no wonder the Donets Basin region called for a referendum and has been fighting to secede from Ukraine itself.  There is no future for the Ukrainians if they continue to follow the demands of the corrupt US puppet Kiev regime, other than perpetual slavery...Well, Fukushima is back in the news this last week with reports of a new super-Typhoon that is making a bulls eye for the crippled Fukushima-Daichii nuclear power facility.  The fact is the Fukushima nuclear disaster is still going strong and is very much out of control in spite of the almost non-existent reporting from the liars in our media.  The crippled facilities still have those spent nuclear fuel rod pools hovering over several melted reactor cores, and there is a chance that this latest typhoon could further weaken the already weakened fuel pool support structures... In over 3 and 1/2 years now since the initial disaster there has been almost no work done to strengthen these fuel rod pools from collapse, primarily due to the fact that few workers can approach these facilities due to the high radiation....Therefore every subsequent storm that has hit that facility since the initial disaster of March 2011, has further weakened these structures... TEPCO and the Japanese governments continue to cross their fingers that the facility will withstand a pounding from typhoons, but sooner or later we may see a collapse that will cause a horrific release of radiation from the fuel rods... If that happens, it could still be good bye to Japan itself....  I have been saying for quite some time that the world should quit its petty and stupid fighting and instead turn its full attention to fixing this still world threatening disaster, but again wars for the Jews and their criminal state of Israel matter the most.... I received the usual weird comments this last week, which I absolutely refuse to print.. One of the so called commentators gave me a chuckle, by making the ludicrous assertion that I call the criminals "Zionists" rather than the entire Jewish criminal tribe... To me, these Hasbara/JIDF agents never quit and are trying different tactics all the time in trying to wreck my efforts against them and their cherished tribe of misfits and scumbags.... Then there was their ridiculous comment (again) that I was a "disinformation" agent.  Gee, I didn't even know that I suddenly was an agent working for Jewish interests.. Who would have thought that?  And by the way, where is my paycheck then???  Honestly, these clowns who are lower than clown college rejects just do not know when to quit and they are reaching with what ever ridiculous tactics they can.   Stupidity and ignorance are putting it mildly....Well, Whitewraithe is back, and we are trying to get our Turbulent Times shows going again... The 6PM (CDT) time slot on Mondays is out for the next while due to changes in my work schedule.... We are going to try to get a show going this Monday at 7PM (CDT), and will try to find another time slot for our weekly show dependent on my schedule and Whitewraithe's once she is able to obtain employment again..OK, that appears to be enough for now.  And as usual I will conclude this rant by doing my usual "last minute tidbits" to cover some subjects that I have missed.  So here it goes......I saw some reports this last week where reports from the so called media were asking the question: Did Israel commit genocide in Gaza during their "Operation Protective Edge" massacre of innocent lives in Gaza?   The answer is of course: Is it not obvious?   It seems the Jew spew media can no longer avoid the fact that Israel massacred tens of thousands of innocent lives in that open air concentration camp.......The US economy is collapsing and many are saying the US government may use this Ebola outbreak as their excuse for its collapse.  Again, is it not obvious?.....India and Pakistan about to go to war (again) over the Kashmir region.  With both nations stupidly hating each others' guts and both armed with nuclear weapons, this could get very ugly very quickly....Still no decent explanation for sending US combat troops to west Africa under the fraud excuse of fighting Ebola.  This leads to the idea that we are dealing with a fraud false flag, because common sense says you do not send combat troops to fight a virus, unless M16 rifle bullets kill viruses.  The real reason seems to be to use the Ebola "outbreak" as an excuse to invade nations to seize their resources.....Report came out that Russia has now moved nuclear missiles into Crimea.  First, this is utter BS because Russia has no need to move their missiles into that peninsula because its missiles can reach their intended targets just as easily from Russia itself.  Second, Crimea is Russian territory and if Russia wants to move those missiles there that is their own damn business.  You really have to love how the BS media reaches for anything now to vilify Russia!......Strange reports came out this last week about the MH17=MH370 flight that was indeed blown out of the sky over Ukraine by the Ukrainian government forces themselves.  The reports are misleading and again are being done to mislead people and to try to cover up the fact that this MH17 was indeed the ill fated and long missing MH370 flight that was reloaded with the dead victims from MH370 and then flown over Ukraine for a false flag operation to vilify Russia.  How long the US and Ukraine can continue to lie about that debacle depends on how long the people can continue to be played as suckers......North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has not been seen for about a month now, and honestly, who cares?......Cold weather and snow in the American mid west and yet the Global Warming clowns just don't get it.  Their scam is dying and they have lost to common sense.......More reports came out last week about that scam "Facebook" fraudulent "social network" has always been spying on its own users. Well, suckers, that was exactly what it was designed to do in the first place!........Yes, another report from the fraud Rita Katz Mossad run SITE group about more beheadings.  Gee, when will people finally get it and put that group out of its lying misery... And is it not amazing how the world is shocked by these "beheadings" while the Jewish run state of Saudi Arabia does beheadings all the time?.......Arsenal lost last week to Chelsea in Barkley's Premiere League soccer and has fallen to the middle of the table.  The season is still young, but if the Gunners do not get their act together soon, it will be a long one for them and their championship aspirations........And finally, my report on what Americans have their minds focused on.  No, it is not Ebola, but the weekly trials and tribulations of that great American icon, the Kardashians.  It seems that media hound Kim hit the tabloids this last week when she reportedly went "bra less" on a dinner date with her husband Kanye in West Hollywood and the paparazzi reported that she wore a see through top.  OK, bad enough that just looking at that skank's body makes me hurl, but honestly is this not obvious we are dealing with a trollop seeking attention?... Maybe it is time that I gave up on the Kardashians when other ridiculous so called "celebrities" are out there.  If anyone has a suggestion for a new weekly target, I am all ears....More to comeNTS