Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, October 11th, 2015

 Sunday... It is Thanksgiving weekend here in the formerly free nation called Canada, and time again for my weekly rant...Yes, I call it like it is, and Canada is no longer the free nation that so many other nations have wanted to emulate... The proof comes out crystal clear when you do your own research on how that disgusting criminal, that has the nerve to call himself Canada's Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, has turned this nation into basically a dictatorship..... All that anyone has to do is to look closely at that draconian Bill C-51 that this master criminal tabled to Canada's Parliament in Ottawa shortly after that laughable and ridiculous "terrorist attack" on Parliament Hill last October.... It is no shock to me at all that Bill C51 was already on the table well before that fraud "terrorist attack" (shades of the Patriot Act in the US that was ready to go well before the Israeli Mossad attacks of 9-11) and that criminal Harper used that fraud attack as his method of selling that freedom stripping bill to the Canadian public... Besides the passage of that freedom stripping Bill C51, that arch criminal has now the nerve to be running for 're-election' as Canada's Prime Minister on October 19th, which is two Mondays from now... And guess what? Thanks to the ineptitude of the so called Opposition Parties that are trying to unseat this criminal, it looks like he may be re-elected... Once this criminal gets back in to power in Canada for another 4-5 years as the Prime Minister, there may be no stopping him and his cronies from further reducing freedoms in this nation.... There is even talk that Harper will further kiss the asses of his Jewish masters by tabling further rights restrictions in Canada including making any articles and statements about the criminality of that psychotic state of Israel a criminal offense including jail time!   But it appears that the Canadian people are just too ignorant and gullible to even care as they sleepwalk their way to their enslavement....Yes, there have been many people asking me who I will vote for in the October 19th Federal "election" and I tell it to them straight... I have had several candidates come to my door already asking me for their "vote" and I ask them the simple question: "Do you support the actions of the Criminal and Apartheid state of Israel?".....Honestly, you should have seen the looks in their faces as they were taken aback by such a question, and several had a hard time answering it... But two came out and said "I support my party's stand on Israel..."  With that answer, I told them straight that they do not get my vote... I will not support any party or person that supports the evil and murderous actions of that truly criminal state.....And with all three major parties in Canada firmly committed to support for that psycho state, I guess I might just go to the ballot box and scribble in "none of the above".....Yes, Israel has been much outside of the news this last week, with so much being focused in on the"war" in Syria... The psychotic Israelis are definitely in a tantrum from their failed attempts to destroy Syria, and are taking out their 'frustration' on the Palestinians......And yes, their actions against the Palestinians this last week should be noted here.. We have seen the protests by the Palestinians just last week where there was clear evidence that Israeli Mossad agent provocateurs infiltrated the ranks of the protestors to stir up trouble.. And yes, they worked to turn the protests "violent" and the psychotic Israeli "Defense Forces" reacted (as usual) by shooting into the crowds killing several Palestinians in the process... People do need to understand that this has been the standard practice of the Israelis for decades.....And of course we have the usual bottle rockets being hurled by Israeli Mossad operatives from the open air prison camp of the Gaza Strip back into Israel.... Again I must point out that these so called "rockets" always hit open fields and never harm or injure anyone... I have to ask again everyone that claims that the Palestinians are 'raining rockets' on Israel to look at the facts about these so called "rocket attacks" and ask themselves why the Palestinians are such poor shots and why these rockets never ever hit anything?..... The answer is obvious in that the Israelis have always used these fraud rocket attacks as their method of operation in finding excuses to destroy the Palestinians...Is it not amazing that the criminal United States went and plastered a hospital in Kunduz province, Afghanistan last week, killing at least 22 people while maiming for life dozens more, and after trying desperately to find any excuses to warrant that unprovoked and genocidal attack they are finally using their PR people and spin doctors out there to say "We are sorry"?  Yeah right.. They are sorry alright.. They are sorry that they committed that act of cold blooded murder where they absolutely and purposely targeted that Hospital, again killing at least 22 people, and that they did not get away with it!   Yes, targeting a hospital is indeed a war crime, and I hope for those victims and those survivors of that American unwarranted massacre that the US Government does face a war crimes tribunal for their act of murder...  To me, sorry is not good enough and there should be hell to pay!Russia is indeed cleaning up the fraud "ISIS" mess that the US created in Syria right now... Again, I am absolutely applauding everything that the Russian Federation is doing right now, and I do hope that they do more.... People everywhere must finally wake the hell up and see the real truth about this scam of "ISIS" and exactly what the entire fraud "war on terror" is really all about... The US and Israel had laid out their evil plans for the entire subjugation of the Middle East decades ago with the innocent nation of Syria directly in their gun barrels' cross hairs..... But now, the Russians and very soon the Chinese as well are in the game.... The Russians have done in less than a week what the Americans and their NATO "allies" could not do (and had no plans to ever do) in years, and that is to have that scam of ISIS on the run for their very lives....I pointed out in a previous article about how far the Russians have come in their technological advancement and how they have indeed "closed the gap" between themselves and their American counterparts in terms of military hardware technology when it comes to cruise missiles... Just last week the world was given a severe wakeup call on Russia's capabilities when they successfully launched some 26 cruise missiles on ISIS targets in Syria from the astounding distance of over 1500 kilometers.... It was indeed a highly successful feat of modern warfare, and I can guarantee that it was indeed noticed by the lunatics in the American Pentagon.... As I said in my previous articles, the US maniacs who are planning a war against the Russian Federation are dumb as dirt when it comes to Russia's capabilities, and if they are indeed stupid enough to launch a war against the Russian Federation, they are in for a very rude awakening...Of course now that the Syrian debacle has turned into a rout against the US and Israel thanks to the the Russians, it does appear that they are trying desperately to further escalate the situation through the "back door" and lo and behold we have this latest "bombing" at a peaceful rally in Ankara Turkey that just took place yesterday...Preliminary reports say that some 97 peaceful demonstrators are dead, with hundreds more injured...The Turkish authorities are blaming the Kurdish militant group, the PKK, for this attack... I of course smell a rat here, and it stinks of being an Israeli Mossad operation to stir up trouble in Turkey and to have Turkish authorities purposely blame the Kurds for the attack... For what purpose you may ask?  Well, the Turks have been at war with the Kurdish separatists for decades and with the Kurds also embroiled in the civil war in northern Syria, this may be used as the excuse for Turkey moving forces into northern Syria to "go after the Kurds".... In doing so, the US/Israel may have their needed second front opened in their quest to have Bashar al-Assad removed from power and have the Syrian conflict further escalated....  It does appear that the timing of that Ankara bombing is just too perfect and almost right on cue... If anyone has a better reason for this "bombing", I am all ears....I actually spent yesterday evening with a close friend that I had not seen in years.. He went through not only a messy breakup with a woman after a 13 year long relationship, but suffered a stroke along the way as well that has left most of the right side of his body partially paralyzed...... It was indeed time to catch up on so many things, and during the 4 hours we spent together, the topics swayed all over the map and eventually circled onto current world events.. I was shocked that he had indeed swallowed the bullshit put out by the Jew spew media and I spent several hours at least getting him up to speed on exactly what has been going on in our sick world... Believe it or not, he did not challenge me on anything that I stated and in fact in some cases said that he has 'suspected' that what I was stating was the truth but after I gave it to him straight forward he now knows..... It is so amazing to see how many people are actually out there "on the fence" that know that there is something wrong with our world and the lies promoted by the Jew spew media, and all it takes is some straight forward rational conversations to have them see the light.....  I have always had so many people come to me and write me comments saying "Why bother? Nobody is listening" and what happened last night shows them to be wrong and that we can still reach so many people with the real truth...One last thing before I get onto my "last minute tidbits" and that is the alarming reports I have seen last week about how people that are living around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power station and its still ongoing disaster are now coming down with Cancer....  Yes, there can be no denying now that the March 2011 nuclear disaster at Fukushima is indeed affecting the Japanese people.. As I stated sometime ago the effects of the radiation alone on the populace would not be seen for years after the initial disaster, but now we are indeed seeing the result in the sudden explosion of Cancer cases in the local population.... It is to me so alarming that little effort is now being done in actually fixing the problem at Fukushima, and equally alarming that few people even understand that this disaster is still out of control with no hope in sight in actually stopping the onslaught of radiation pouring out from the melted down reactors....And now people are indeed dying as a result of that folly and the ignorance of nations in not wanting to put in proper efforts to stop it..... I have stated many times that world attention on this disaster that is still threatening the entire planet has been diverted elsewhere on purpose... Israel created that disaster by their introduction of their heinous Stuxnet virus into the Siemens safety systems at that plant, as possible punishment to Japan for the Japanese support of the Palestinian state... But now 4 and 1/2 years after that disaster that is still a disaster, the Jew spew media has purposely turned its back on Fukushima and has focused in on their love of Israel itself and its wars in the Middle East....  As I have always stated, who cares about Fukushima when according to our criminal governments and the equally criminal Jew spew media,  Israel always comes first!Well, I guess that is enough for the moment... As always there has been so much happening in our sick world over the last while, and I will cover many of those issues that I have missed so far here in my "last minute tidbits"..... I see that Donald Trump has come out and clearly said that he supports Russia's efforts in cleaning up the ISIS 'mess' in Syria.  OK, I will admit that this is actually very good for Donald, but again I must remind everyone that Donald Trump has always been in the Jew's pocket and if he actually makes it to the White House without getting a bullet to his head along the way, then he will still kiss Jewish ass....... And speaking of Jewish asses, we have that arch criminal Jewess, Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton) out there still "running" for President of the US on the Democratic ticket.  But of course there are even more revelations about here treasonous and scandalous emails that are now getting out to the public. Honestly, I wonder why in the hell this psychotic excuse for a human being is not in jail on charges of treason against the American state?  And yet she is out there attempting to be President?  Yes, America is indeed a crazy nation these days.......No need to go into further detail here about the fraud shootings in America, when the facts are laid out there for everyone in the US to see that they are being treated as fools by their own government.  These frauds will continue until either the US government finally takes away the citizens' guns and enslaves the entire nation, or people do finally wake the hell up and put an end to the madness.......Is it not amazing that now with Russia's success in Syria that other nations that had formerly been "liberated" by the US are turning to Russia to help them clean up the mess that America created in their own nations?  Yes, the world is now awakening to the power of Russia and what the US has truly been all about....The economical situation is still teetering on a full world wide collapse.  This is no shock to me simply because I have actually gone out there and witnessed the dismal economic situation by just watching the spending patterns of people here in local shopping centres and malls.  Nobody is buying anything simply because they have no money to spend or the products are way too expensive.  Yes, we are heading not for a 'recession' as the criminals that run our countries call it, but a full blown depression!......NASA continues to try to sell the world on the need for a new Mars mission due to their discovery of 'water' on the "Martian" surface.  But knowing the truth that their probes are absolutely not on Mars at all, I look at these reports and say it straight: NASA NEEDS MONEY, and will scam the world with their lies about Mars to sucker people once again to get their money!.........I have indeed been getting a lot of criticisms for calling this October's Breast Cancer awareness month campaign a scam, and I stand behind my assertions.  These Cancer treatment "foundations" are nothing more than money making schemes and there are so many people that have been played as fools.  Again, rather that go for the treatments that actually kill you, if you get Cancer seek out the natural remedies that actually cure the disease........ Yes, there are no BPL soccer games this weekend, and with Arsenal not playing this weekend, I am going through a Soccer withdrawal.  Someone said I should take a closer look at the NFL during these BPL mini breaks, and I figure I would oblige.  My favorite to win Super Bowl "L" (yes the roman numeral for 50) this year is the Green Bay Packers.  I have yet to see someone else that could challenge them at this point, but the season is still young.....And finally it is time again to take a look at the Kardashian clan of misfits, trollops, and scumbags.  WHY am I not surprised by the "news" coming out that none other than that poor excuse for a Canadian, Justin Bieber, is close friends with the entire group of Kardashian trolls?  It makes sense, considering that sorry excuse for human beings do attract other sorry excuses for human beings.  As I have always said, America is going to hell in a hand basket and yet they have this strange love for these sickos...More to comeNTS