Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, November 6th, 2016

 Sunday... First Sunday in the month of November, and time again for my weekly rant...First and foremost... I am a most honest individual and one that would never try to deceive or put up false material here at this blog... I have no need for personal wealth, seek no personal gain or glory from what I write here, and have always been putting up articles here based on truth and my own perspective... I rarely do fall for lies or scams, but when I do I have always either yanked the report or article that has the errors and I will put up an apology to my readers.....Now in saying that, I have had several people come out over the last few days to warn me that the reports that I filed over the last few days showing how the US election "fix" is in are wrong and most probably "red herrings" or "disinformation" thrown out there to mislead people.... I will state it here that if that material does prove to be false, I will definitely put up a follow up report stating that the reports were indeed in error.... BUT as of yet, I have found NOTHING to show these two previous reports at this blog to be in any way false, and until I do they are remaining here......OK, WHAT else can I say about the absolutely ridiculous US Presidential campaign?   It indeed has turned the United States into the laughing stock of the entire planet, and yet shows how much the American republic is indeed so utterly fragile that it can be easily manipulated and controlled by such evil criminals...... I for one as a Canadian looking at it from the outside am so disgusted and yet so worried about what will result with this "vote" occurring this Tuesday!Lets face the facts here, and I really do hate to parrot this constantly.... Donald Drumpf is NOT the answer for America at all, period... People so quickly forget about how he has made his billions off the backs of hard working Americans, and has been involved in so many shady deals over the last few decades that it could take thousands of articles here to cover them all.... He is also heavily linked to big JEWISH money and big JEWISH criminals that have indeed supported him and have given him so much financial backing...... With that, it should be perfectly clear that IF he is able to actually win this campaign and become the next US President, he will be as big a JEWISH butt kisser as all previous US Presidents over the last century have been!   So once again, for those who are pinning their hopes on Donald and his "Make America Great Again" message, do not hold your breath, for we saw the same thing with Barry Soetoro's 2008 campaign.... And I hope people do not have such short attention spans that they forget about Barry's promises and how quickly they were flushed down the toilet.....BUT, and I will state that with a huge BUT.. Hillary "Killary" Clinton is such a psychotic bitch and a monster, that I can not even fathom the idea of this foul creature being selected by the Jews as the next puppet President of the United States this Tuesday.... With the fix being so blatant and the American people now so stupid to stop the corruption, it does appear that come this Tuesday night, all of the fraud Jew spew media outlets will indeed be proclaiming this monster as the new US President!   It will be astounding and show again how truly fragile the American republic has become...I therefore have stated very logically all this time at this blog that there is NO alternative for the American people other than to get out there on Tuesday, put on a RED SHIRT or RED DRESS, and absolutely overwhelm the polling stations with a landslide vote for Donald Drumpf.... And excuse me for those who say that the better alternative is to NOT vote... That option is no option, for to "not to vote" simply has NO effect on the corruption, for it is still the actual "votes" that count!   Yes, the facts are absolutely that to NOT vote for either of these 'candidates' is the best option, but the majority of the American people still believe that their election process counts for something, and therefore they are stuck with this two party system and the President will still be from one of the two! I stated it clearly that the American election system is so broken and should have been overhauled years back, but it is now too late to change the system and therefore with no chance for a dramatic change the general public is stuck between two parties.... Therefore there is indeed no option left with only days to go other than to vote.... And with Killary so evil and so corrupt, the other candidate Drumpf is the only choice left.....Honestly, I for the life of me still can not figure out WHY Killary Clinton is not in a cold jail cell?  Her crimes are so overwhelming and so evil, that in a just and proper society she would indeed be serving at least life for her crimes, or better yet hanging from a gallows... BUT thanks to the evil and corruption of the American political system and how the criminals control the whole mess, here we have this psycho about to be anointed as the next US President!   I sure hope the fools that actually think this criminal should be President are ready for what they wish....The war in Syria is still going strong with news this last week that the last ditch efforts by the criminal US mercenaries and criminals to break the siege of Aleppo has failed miserably.... And it does appear that the Russians are indeed putting an end to their 'halt' in air raids and strikes against the criminal fraud "terrorists" holed up in eastern Aleppo, and about to launch deadly strikes shortly to finally put an end to these frauds and free the city itself.... When I read that the Russians and Syrians are about to resume these strikes I said "Its about freaking time!"....There was indeed a  report that came out earlier this last week showing proof that the US was indeed arming these fraud "Al Nusra" "terrorists" with chemical weapons, and that these "terrorists" were launching chemical weapon attacks mostly on Syrian civilians in the western part of the city of Aleppo.... And I have indeed been searching all of the Jew spew media these last few days to see if those liars would be doing the right thing and reporting this atrocity... BUT as expected, there has been absolutely NO reports at all from these liars!  Talk about bias!  We only need to look a few weeks back where the Jew spew media was screaming everywhere about "Bashar al-Assad gassing his own people" and those reports were proven to be entirely false... And yet, here we now have the US led fraud "terrorists" launching chemical attacks, and the silence from the Jew spew media is deafening...  And of course the hypocrisy of it all is also astounding...But beyond the bullshit that the US is still trying desperately to portray to somehow sway public opinion, their attempts to have Syria destroyed have been failing miserably... There was a report this last week showing how the Syrians along with their Russian and Arabic allies have now liberated some 4500 square miles (12000 square kilometres) of Syrian territory from the US fraud "terrorists" over the last year alone... That alone shows again that the Syrians are indeed winning their nation back....I cannot help but laugh when I see all the reports about this "liberation" of the Iraqi city of Mosul... To me this is such utter bullshit and I am truly shocked that so many people simply just do not get it... This liberation is nothing more than pure US propaganda at its worse, and I will briefly explain here why:Two years ago, we were led to believe that this ragtag force of some 1500 "ISIS" fighters were able to attack and conquer the city of Mosul with its estimated 1.8 MILLION inhabitants... When I first saw the reports, I thought "oh come on now" simply because it is clearly impossible for some "1500" to conquer a city of that size and actually maintain that occupation for the last two years.... We only need to look at the daily needs for a civilian population of 1.8 million to see that such an occupation is impossible... To feed and keep 1.8 million alive under an occupation requires logistics and a constant influx of supplies... I only need to ask where these "ISIS" fighters, said to number only in the thousands, were able to get the food and other essentials necessary for the survival of those inhabitants for 2 full years to say that the "occupation" is a farce and a sham...Therefore, I am not fooled at all, and will outright say that this "occupation" was a scam and that this "liberation" now is also a scam.... This "liberation" is all for show and to again justify the entire US fraud "war on terror" and fool the American public into the false belief that it is all legitimate....I am still perplexed by the constant rhetoric and lies coming out of the Jew spew media these days aimed directly at the Russian Federation.... It seems that we are constantly being subjected to this falsehood that ALL of the evil on this planet is now being caused by the "big bad Russians" when in reality the Russians are not the evil, when the US itself outside of Israel is the true evil on the planet today....  It does seem that the liars in our governments and the Jewish controlled media are wanting to pump this propaganda of the "evil Russians" into the minds of gullible people to not only cause a new cold war but possibly give the false pretext for an attack on Russia itself..... But why Russia and why now?  First, we must realize that the US economy these days is almost entirely fuelled by their massive military industrial complex, and that complex's existence for the production of weapons is based upon threat assessments.  And right now with no real enemy other than the ones created through the fraud "war on terror" they do indeed need to constantly create the false idea of a foreign nation being a "threat" to the US itself.  And what better a false threat than the Russian Federation itself.... Second, all throughout history, wars have indeed been used as the springboard for "economic recovery" after ruinous depressions... We only need to look at history and how the second World War was indeed created to not only destroy the German nation, but was used to get the US and much of the western nations out of the Great Depression... With the US economy a complete shambles, the criminals in Washington do indeed want a full blown war to not only save the nation from economic ruination but to save their own necks from the American people.. And they do not care that such a war with Russia will indeed quickly go nuclear with the possible annihilation of hundreds of millions of innocent people in the process....  Yes, have millions of people die just so the criminals in charge can basically maintain the status quo and keep their own personal outrageous wealth intact....Well,  there has indeed been so much happening this last week....And with so much focus on the circus in America that will indeed come to a climax this coming Tuesday, much of what happens elsewhere around the world is always missed... Hopefully I can cover many of those important issues here in my usual last minute tidbits.......First, while so much attention has been focused elsewhere, many people are not aware that the bullshit UN Climate Change fraud bill was passed into law this last week, and with that so many of our nations will now begin the process of bilking their own citizens through phoney Carbon Taxes.  Be ready, for the fleecing is about to begin very soon........Some readers have noticed that I have not reported on the situation in Fukushima Japan recently.  But what is there to say other than the disaster is still going strong, and the Pacific Ocean is being murdered.  And what are nations doing about this world threatening disaster? Nothing!   And will that change when the next President is selected this week?  Absolutely not!   Depressing? Yes indeed.........So let me get this straight.  The US just committed a massive cyber-attack these last few days on the Russian Federation's national power grid and the US government expects the Russians to do nothing about this atrocity?  The US government had the gall to state that if Russia did such an act it would be an outright declaration of war, and yet they just committed the same act against the Russians?  I just love the smell of hypocrisy here............And speaking of hypocrisy, the US is refusing to lift the economic sanctions against Iran that were supposed to be lifted as part of the Iranian nuclear deal signed off on over a year ago.  Again, why is the US government continuing to piss off the Iranians who have done nothing to deserve these criminal acts?  I smell the criminal state of Israel here once again dictating US foreign policy............I have been shocked to see that most of my fellow Canadians are not even aware that the criminal Trudeau regime has signed off on the fraud CETA trade deal with the Rothschild controlled European Union, and are even more unaware that this "deal" will take away many Canadian citizens' rights and freedoms.  But again, just like the TPP and other fraud "deals" apparently our governments are not listening to the will of their own people.......Earthquakes in Italy these last few weeks, and we find the criminal state of Israel claiming responsibility for those quakes as "revenge" for the Italians supporting the cause of the Palestinians.  I have looked at some of the facts, and the idea that such evil could generate earthquakes is astounding but not outside the realm of possibility.  We already are aware of how HAARP can control and shift climate around the planet, and therefore the concept of an 'earthquake machine' is indeed intriguing.  And of course leave it to the criminal Israelis to come up with such an evil concept........Has anyone else noticed how all of these "terrorist" attacks have strangely not happened during these last few months of the fraud US Presidential campaign?  Honestly, watch what happens IF Drumpf does win this coming Tuesday, for I can guarantee that within a few days there may indeed be one or even a multitude of new 'false flags' happening around the planet!  We can thank the US and Israel once again when they do happen.......Someone asked me to comment about this North Dakota "Standing Rock" incident, especially with the Aboriginals there fighting to stop a pipeline being built across their ancestral lands.  I only need to point out the fiasco with the Bundy Ranch and other heinous acts by the US government that show how the rights of people are being destroyed by criminals within the US government itself.......Has anyone else noticed how the criminal Clinton fraud foundation has now parachuted BILLIONS of dollars into the foreign nation of Qatar over these last few weeks?  Apparently, the criminal Clintons are indeed preparing to flee from America if Killary fails to become the  US President on Tuesday and are going to Qatar where they can not be extradited back to the US!    And the American people are still willing to select that monster as the next US President?...........OK, big game today between Arsenal and their long time rival, Tottenham Hotspur.  IF the Gunners do win, then they will leapfrog over Manchester City and into first place in the Premiere League.  I am of course crossing my fingers.........And finally, I will indeed close this rant with my usual look at the Kardashians and their sick hold on America.  Apparently my favourite skank, Kim, is now "out of hiding" from her fraudulent "attack" and "theft" in that hotel in Paris last month.    I again look at that theft as being a set up and a scam and one that was created to create "sympathy" for this waste of flesh.  And apparently it worked, for supposedly Americans are more enamoured by these skanks than ever before.   Yes, while America is going to hell, and stupid Americans will indeed vote for Killary, they just love these pieces of scum.......More to comeNTS