Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, November 29th, 2015

  Sunday... And of course it is time for my weekly rant...I had just got over a serious bout of sinusitis last week, and lo and behold my son catches Influenza from one of his coworkers and brings it home to spread to my better half and myself.... I have been coughing up a storm over the last few days and had a very high fever on Friday.... I am only now (hopefully) recovering and even though under the weather yesterday was even able to fire off that one very interesting article ... So, after popping a few headache pills this morning I figure I would sit down and write this rant.....Well, this makes sense now.... Turkey is indeed in bed with the fraud of ISIS and has been working with that phony "terrorist" group in stealing Syrian oil and most definitely shipping it off to the criminal state of Israel itself.... This does not surprise me one bit, simply because Turkey has for over a century by now been firmly under the grip of the Jewish power elite and is definitely working with the criminals in NATO, the US, and of course Israel, in the want to have Syria destroyed and Bashar al-Assad removed from power... It also came as no shock therefore when I read that Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan's own son was directly involved in this fraud "terrorist group" ISIS illegal oil shipping game....It therefore makes sense as to why the Turks took that shot at that Russian Su24M aircraft last week... It basically was revenge and a message for Russia who has been blasting all those ISIS oil convoys that have been shuttling petroleum out of Syria and into Turkey itself....Turkey is, as my fellow Canadian truth seeker, Penny ( a puppet of the evil Rothschild's personal empire called NATO for over 1/2 a century now, and indeed their leadership answers not to the Turkish people but to the criminals in the US government and of course the Jewish power elite that is in full control of their country..... It has been under Jewish control since the "Young Turks" took over the Ottoman Empire back in the 1910's.... Those "Young Turks" were indeed Jews and they have imposed their will and total control on the nation of Turkey since....It therefore was obvious that Turkish PM Erdogan knew exactly what he was doing when his military took that shot at the Russian aircraft for he is nothing more than a puppet of these interests and definitely obeys their every command....Yesterday's article that I posted here is key to the Syrian situation simply because it should have been a wake up call for all Americans that their own criminal administration is involved in the illegal theft of Syrian oil through Turkey.... Even as I typed my own summary of what I had read, I could not believe it... The real shocker is that the American public still does not get it and does not understand that it again shows that the war on "ISIS" is and always was a fraud.... The facts are that the US and of course the criminal organization called NATO, have always been involved in the war in Syria NOT for the removal and destruction of the "enemy terrorists" but to protect them and to make sure their oil continues unabated out of Syria itself....This is high treason and shows the true criminality of the US government and that ultra criminal President Barry Soetoro.....But as I stated.. .What will the American people actually do about this?  Most are just too badly brainwashed and doped up with chemicals now that they are unable to stop this insanity and actually charge their own government with crimes against their own nation and crimes against humanity... Heck, I have noticed while laid up the last few days fighting my illness that the Jew spew media has not said one single word about the illegal oil shipments out of Syria, but instead continues to attempt to vilify both Russia and the good guys; the Bashar al Assad government forces in Syria!Of course while all of the attention is so focused in on Syria and Turkey... The war in Ukraine for the destruction of the civilians in the breakaway eastern provinces is starting to finally heat up... I said in previous rants and posts that the criminal US controlled puppet regime in Kiev would use the lull in the fighting over the last few months to bring in heavy US made weapons (at US taxpayer expense of course) for them to launch an all out attack on the civilians and retake those provinces... And yes, I have been proven correct with reports of the Ukrainian army now reloaded and resupplied with heavy weapons now on the front lines and ready for the attack....The Ukrainian army has also purged itself of those soldiers, who saw what was really happening in the Donetsk region during last year's assaults and refused to fight and/or laid down their arms, and now has a new batch of soldiers brainwashed into believing that they are attacking armed rebels... There have already been reports of heavy shelling and some skirmishes along the Donetsk front and it will only be a matter of time before the Ukrainian army marches in... It will be a slaughter of the civilian population, and again we can thank the American taxpayers for providing the weapons for that slaughter!Of course the Ukrainians are trying to also stir up trouble for the Russian Crimean people.... Yes, this last week we saw how the main power lines that run from Ukraine to the Crimean peninsula were "blown up" by what the Kiev regime called "Cossack rebels"... The result has been a temporary cut off to Crimea's electrical power grid......The reality is that the US puppet regime in Kiev has never forgiven the Crimeans for voting overwhelmingly (97.2% in last year's referendum) to break away from Ukraine itself and have since been trying to figure out a new way to make their lives miserable... Almost certainly the US government told their puppet regime in Kiev to pull this stunt under the idea of somehow convincing Crimea that they should turn away from Russia and bow down to Kiev instead...... However this plan has backfired with Russia now threatening to cut off Ukraine's much needed natural gas shipments from Russia itself unless it restore's Crimea's power supplies....Yes, Ukraine, with its failed economy and disastrous wars against its own people thanks to their US controllers, continues to basically shoot itself in the foot!Yes, last Friday was "Black Friday" across Canada as well as the United States... And because I was laid up I did not partake in the "festivities" at the local malls.. All I can say is, thank goodness I did not!...... My better half and my son both had to work that day and they said it was indeed madness... I did take the time to view the Jew spew media about Black Friday across America and even looked at some alternative media sites for information about how well behaved (joke) consumers were that day... And yes, it came as no shock to see that there were riots across America as brain dead people fought over some items all for the almighty Jewish dollar..... To me it is so pathetic to see people act like animals just to fuel the failing economy.... And yes, the economy is still failing and the reports that have come out since Friday show that in spite of that one day of madness, it is not enough to save most retailers from having a dismal year.....Like I said before, the big crunch will occur shortly after this Christmas buying season ends, so be ready everyone for a very rocky January!This coming week the "leaders" of our nations are all meeting in Paris France for that "COP21" (Notice how this is strangely similar to the criminal "Agenda 21" program name?) conference on "Climate Change".... AND of course thanks to that recent false flag in Paris (No coincidence here, right?) there will be NO protests in the streets or NO opposition at all to these meetings that are to me a crime against humanity....Most of the world's leaders are either too brainwashed now by the fraud of "Global Warming" to stop the insanity that is about to unfold or are actually part of the game.... These meetings will result in nations passing new laws for the frauds of "cap and trade" and of course "greenhouse emissions" that will impose horrific carbon taxes on their own citizens....Sadly, Canada's own newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be at these conferences and will gladly put Canada's name on the dotted line for these fraud "initiatives" for "saving the planet" from ourselves...These initiatives are a scam and will only be used to make the con artists behind the entire "Global Warming" swindle rich....I for one have no illusion as to what will result from this criminal Paris "COP21" conference... Carbon taxation is in fact a fraud simply because Carbon Dioxide is absolutely NOT a "greenhouse gas", period.... Carbon Dioxide is in fact a life sustaining gas that is required by plant life on this planet to survive... It has also become fact that with higher amounts of CO2 in our atmosphere, plants do flourish.....And of course in spite of the fraudsters behind the Global Warming aka "Climate Change" making claims that CO2 has led to higher temperatures on Earth, the real evidence shows that there is no correlation between rising CO2 levels and actual world wide temperatures.... The reality is that world wide temperatures have indeed fallen over the last century at least in spite of higher CO2 levels in our atmosphere!   The truth is of course that this planet's temperatures are not affected by mankind at all but are driven almost exclusively by the solar radiation output of our Yellow Dwarf Star, Sol itself.....Of course very quietly while the world has been so focused elsewhere.. The ultra treasonous "dual citizen" Israeli super spy, Jonathan Pollard, was released from a US prison on November 20th after having spent some 30 years for his crimes of high treason against the United States...Honestly, for the crimes that this man did to America and the thousands of people who died as a result of his treason, he should have spent the rest of his life behind bars..Or even better yet, should have been rightfully executed as a traitor back in the 1980's... But again, there is always one law for the so called "chosen ones" and one law for everyone else... And now Pollard is a free man.... It will only be a matter of time before this most evil person is allowed to leave the United States and flies off to his "beloved" criminal state of Israel where he is hailed as a hero..... It is to me a severe travesty of true justice that this criminal is now a free man....And of course, speaking of travesty... A quick update on Arthur Topham, who was charged with one count of "inciting hate" in a Kangaroo court in a Quesnel British Columbia Canada...... Arthur has been awaiting his sentence and in the meantime has been continuing to write over at Radical Press (   Honestly, this entire trial was a sham, and again Arthur was going to be found guilty no matter what evidence of innocence he presented, simply because the criminal Jewish power elite that controls Canada was hell bent on having him put away for his want to restore true "free speech" to the Canadian people.... Canada has had its ridiculous and diabolical "hate crimes" imposed on its own citizens by criminal Jews since 1974 and these true criminals have used that "law" to make sure that nobody speaks out against their criminal actions, or the fraud "history" that they force on us....It is sad that in Canada anyone that questions or stands up to the criminality of the Jews can be slapped with the charge of "inciting hate" and can see themselves serve prison time!   I therefore applaud Arthur's efforts in trying to awaken Canadians to the dangers of this powerful Jewish elite.....Well, I guess that is enough for now... I will probably be spending the rest of the day still fighting off this head cold (hopefully it is not the flu).....I have been constantly trying to take better care of myself since my heart scare a few years back... But again colds and flu do happen....... In the meantime, here are my usual last minute "tid bits".....Insane Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Miliewkosky (Netanyahu) meets with US Secretary of State John Kohn (Kerry) and tells his fellow Jew that he will not put a halt to the continuing illegal building of new settlements in the occupied West Bank.  Yes, it was a slap in the face to the US government, but honestly what did anyone expect?  The Israelis want all of Palestine for themselves and they absolutely care not about the Palestinians themselves..  When will people finally get the message and the real truth about Israel?.........US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard launches a new bill in the Jewish occupied US Congress to stop the very illegal war against Bashar al-Assad in Syria.  Good luck, Gabbard, in trying to get those Jew butt kissers in Congress to stop their war against Syria for their Jewish masters.  Watch as this bill gets quickly squashed and Tulsi Gabbard herself gets the Cynthia McKinney treatment and is never "elected" to Congress again....Saw an amazing 5 minute video (link here) where US state department "spokespersons" are having to squirm when they are confronted by their own lies.  It is priceless and a must watch by everyone.......Temperatures across central Canada have been falling well below freezing the last few days. Gosh darn that "Global Warming". Yes, the planet is definitely cooling and yet our politicians are going to agree to "carbon taxes"?  Does the term "There is a sucker born every minute" come to mind?....Of course while the world is focused in on Syria, there is a bloody genocidal war going on in Yemen.  Yes, the Yemeni people are fighting for their very lives against the Saudi Arabian armed forces and in spite of terrible odds have been able to so far give the Saudis a very bloody nose.  Sadly, the civilians of Yemen still face mass genocide through starvation and very little humanitarian aid is getting through.  It is also pathetic that the Jew spew media has not reported on the crisis in Yemen, but as usual wars for Israel count first and foremost.....Once I am better this week I will contact Whitewraithe and hopefully launch the new Turbulent Times show over blogtalk radio.  These shows are long overdue and there is so much that we want to talk about.  I will let everyone know when the first show gets off the ground......And again, when I was at the local pharmacy picking up some head cold medicine for myself, my better half, and of course my son, I could not help but notice all the sheep lined up for their "seasonal flu shots".  Honestly, are people truly that ignorant and stupid to not understand what those "shots" actually do to their bodies?............Arsenal playing Norwich City right now while I type this report. This is a must win for the Gunners if they are ever hoping to keep pace with the leaders at the top of the table.   But as some have told me, the Gunners are like Jekyll and Hyde and you never know from week to week what type of team will hit the pitch.......And finally, my usual look at what strangely the American people care the most about, the ridiculous group of trolls, trollops, and skanks called the Kardashians.  It seems all of America is going gaga over the possibility that Kim may have gestational "diabetes".  OK, I do feel for the baby of this skank, but honestly THIS makes more news than the bombshell revelations about the American government illegally working with that "terrorist" group ISIS in their illegal Syrian oil thefts?  Yes, America is truly fucked up, but again nothing else matters to most brain dead Americans when it comes to "America's sweethearts".....Oh well, back to the medicine and some much needed sleep....More to comeNTS