Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, November 27th, 2016

 Sunday... Last Sunday in the month of November, and once again time for my weekly rant..As most readers are now aware, I have made some significant changes to the design and layout of this blog.... I basically had the same layout for almost 5+ years running and I periodically got some comments and emails saying that it had got a bit "stale" and was sometimes hard to read... Well, last weekend I started toying around with the settings and the configuration and lo and behold but I basically fucked up my entire blog!  It took me hours to figure out what I did wrong, but at that point the damage had been done and I basically could not go back to the old settings but had to proceed forward and take a shot with the settings you see now.... Believe it or not, but so many people are now saying that they like the new format now and that I should not change a thing!  I hope that everyone is satisfied with the present layout of this blog now and I will leave it as is.....OK, I was asked this week what my view was on this "Pizzagate" pedophilia exposure that was supposedly all over the alternative news sites... OK, from what I see, we may be dealing with a "red herring" here and may in fact be the Jew spew media fighting back against the alternative media by putting up this garbage to see if any of the real truth movement sites bite.... Some did, while others like myself smelled a rat and are basically waiting to see if more real truthful information surfaces before we put up our own comments and articles.... I am still waiting, and apparently I was indeed correct in not jumping into this story, for it indeed does not add up at all....Look, people by now must understand that Pedophilia and government officials goes hand in hand.. People so quickly forget that the US government has always been involved in pedophilia, especially with the evidence that some major US organizations such as "Boys Town" actually provided young children for US government officials to ruin for decades.... Child molestation also does not stop with our crooked governments and goes even higher with that Royal bitch fraud on the British Throne running her own child molestation and pedophilia ring for decades as well.....Therefore if "Pizzagate" is proven to be real, it is only the tip of the iceberg concerning Governments and their sick sexual perversions....Well, apparently the US "selection" is not over, for now we see that the so called "third party" representative, JEWESS Jill Stein has now very magically accumulated the necessary millions of dollars over the space of only a few days to call for a "recount" in some key US states that voted for Donald Drumpf and therefore have to have their Electoral Colleges cast their votes for Drumpf as well shortly.... THIS may be the last ditch attempt by Killary Clinton's sick and demented camp of fools to switch the entire US selection for her to be named President of the United States... There are two key issues that I found amazing about this, and one is the fact that Jewess Jill Stein would even support such a demon as Killary, but that makes sense considering the fact that the criminal Jewish tribe always supports their own...And second, the fact that this "recount" is only in states that voted for Drumpf.  What about all those states that "voted" for Killary?  I do not see anyone wanting a recount or a full analysis of the Clinton 'votes' in those states, for such investigations would indeed expose the fact that Killary's vote tallies were indeed fraudulent!   It is so amazing to see this happen now, and shows once again how crooked and corrupt the American electoral system truly is....And what about the new President-elect Donald Drumpf?  I seem to recall that Drumpf himself called for so many major changes to be made once he was selected as the next President, and these issues were indeed the reason why so many people actually voted for this criminal... But now we see the real Donald Drumpf come out for everyone to see where he is turning his back on his own campaign promises!   One in particular I find astounding, and that is Donald Drumpf no longer wanting to prosecute Killary Clinton for her crimes of high treason against the United States of America....For Donald Drumpf to no longer seek prosecution means that someone indeed got to him and warned him to not pursue criminal charges against Killary... I would assume that Donald was warned that if Killary was charged, she would indeed squeal and turn all of Washington DC upside down exposing every crooked politician in the US government....BUT this is indeed what is necessary to actually "drain the swamp" as Drumpf has always stated he would do as President!   Everyone who has voted for Drumpf absolutely wants to see him take charge in America and rid the republic of all the scoundrels, criminals, and especially the Jewish "neocons" that have done their damnest to destroy the nation, and indeed this is Donald's chance by first going after the worse criminal imaginable, Killary Clinton herself.... If Drumpf refuses and backs away from this, his major campaign platform, then he is indeed exposing himself as just another crooked politician... We will see.....The situation in Syria is quickly changing even as I write this rant.... The good guys, the Syrian government forces and their allies, have indeed made major headway in the battle for eastern Aleppo, especially with new reports that came out just yesterday that much of the "terrorist" resistance in the northern part of the pocket has now collapsed...Syrian government forces are now moving rapidly against reduced opposition and are about to split the pocket into at least two pieces.. Once that happens the city itself will fall to the Syrian government within days.... That will indeed be great news...What is troubling to me about the war for Syria is the sudden escalation of the conflict by Turkey itself... There were reports coming out late last week of Syrian forces clashing directly with Turkish forces in both Latakia and Aleppo provinces.... Most reports have shown that the Turks themselves have instigated these battles, and it does make one wonder what the hell Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is up to?  Erdogan has spent weeks trying to make peace with the Russians and has been avoiding all confrontation with the Syrian government forces until now...... This major confrontation and sudden escalation of the entire war does raise an interesting question in what will the Russians now do with the Turks in open conflict with their Syrian allies? One issue that was brought to my attention from a fellow Canadian blogger, Greencrow, was the fact that unbeknown to the majority of Americans is the fact that the criminals in the US Congress and Senate have indeed passed a new motion calling for a de facto "no fly zone" to be introduced over Syria itself.... Yes, we have not seen this criminal action by the US imposed yet over Syria as they are indeed searching for a way to have it implemented.... But the facts are that if the US is indeed stupid enough to try to put this "no fly zone" in place, they will almost instantly be at war with the Russian Federation itself...... The question becomes therefore, is this the final act of insanity by the Barry Soetoro regime by launching the US into an un-winnable war against Russia itself?   And we have the fact that incoming President-elect Drumpf is indeed NOT wanting a war with Russia, but wanting to do business, and therefore if Barry wants his war, he will indeed try to have it going within the next 50 days of his lame duck administration.... Hopefully the American people will see what is happening here, and will stop the insanity before it goes too far......And what about Mosul?   I did read some of the garbage coming out of the Jew spew media late last week where their "reports" were stating that the "battle for Mosul" was now down to street to street battles in the city itself against a somehow "reinforced" ISIS force!   When I read about this sudden change in the number of "ISIS combatants" in Mosul from initially some 5000 or less, to now over "15000", I had to laugh... People must understand that this jump in "ISIS forces" in Mosul exposes the entire operation as a fraud, for the question must be that everyone should be asking: HOW did ISIS suddenly reinforce their numbers in Mosul?.... The facts are that the only route available (supposedly) for any reinforcements for the "embattled ISIS forces" in that city had to come through a narrow corridor from the west over desert land that would be fully exposed to US airforce fighters and bombers (sort of reminiscent of the videos of brand newToyota trucks driven by ISIS not attacked by US helicopters).... Therefore this "reinforcement" is a sham for if it was true and these reinforcements did make it into Mosul, then the US itself allowed these forces in unmolested to any attacks!.....It also again shows how this entire "Mosul attack" is a sham and nothing more than pure US  bullshit propaganda being used to sell the equally bullshit "war on terror" to gullible saps and fools.....OK, why am I not in the least bit shocked by all of the reports about much colder temperatures and "polar vortexes" forming over the Northern Hemisphere?  The real laugher is how the criminals at NASA and the US national weather services are still calling this year, 2016, the 'warmest' year on record, when everything absolutely shows otherwise..... What we may yet see is indeed some of the coldest winters on record over the next few years as our Sun's solar radiation output continues to diminish on its way towards a new "solar minimum"...... And yet, here we are with so many of our governments, and especially the idiots up here in Canada in the Trudeau regime, now trying to find ways of imposing their new "carbon taxes" on their own citizens...... Some reports in fact here in Canada are stating that the new "tax" will fleece an additional 3-4 thousand dollars out of the average Canadian family of 4 annually, which in itself is not only a fleece but an outright robbery.... And yet, so many people have indeed swallowed the bullshit of Global Warming and Climate Change that they will be willing to hand over their hard earned money without any question..... The biggest crime is that this "carbon tax" in itself will NOT stop any form of "Global Warming" period, and will only go towards government coffers and more spending and waste.....I was indeed shocked a few days ago when I received an email from my friend and ally in this fight, Whitewraithe, stating that she was basically quitting, said "farewell" to me, and was turning over control of her Pragmatic Witness website to myself... I put out a few articles here and over at Pragmatic Witness just the other day stating that she was going on a "hiatus" and that I was now going to take over both sites and continue putting out articles... But lo and behold, but just today I received a new email from her stating that what had happened was basically a "false alarm", that she is ok, and that I need not worry about her!   I sent her a reply stating that she should take a bit of time off just to regroup and work out her issues and then come back to writing when she is ready.....  She has had an enormous amount of physical and emotional issues over the last while that have caused her great stress and this break would indeed do her good... In the meantime I will indeed do as I stated and try to post articles and updates at both sites.....  I never had any intention of ruining or modifying Pragmatic Witness, and that site will be hers once she is back....OK, I guess that is enough for the moment with some of the major "issues" of the last week... Of course I cannot cover everything in this rant but will indeed touch on other happenings from around the world right here in my usual "last minute tidbits".... As expected, all of those 'riots' in America that were indeed financed by George Soros and occurred right after the US Presidential "selection" have indeed died down.  But of course the criminals are changing their tactics now to get Queen Killary selected by having this scam "vote recount" take place.  Hopefully the American people are indeed onto this latest scam.......I see as expected the scoundrels over at Google, Apple, Facebook, and a few other criminal organizations are indeed launching their attempts to shut down the alternative media by falsely labeling it as "fake news".  But their attacks will be to no avail thanks to most people finally understanding that these scoundrels ARE in fact the fake news themselves!.....  I again must ask WHY anyone has a "Facebook" or even a "Twitter" account knowing that they are run by Jewish scoundrels and will do anything to censor the real truth in news?  It is indeed time to shut them down!........I see that Fidel Castro has died.  To me, this guy was neither a hero or a villain, but he did indeed stop Cuba from continuing to be a haven for American corruption once he took control of the island nation back in the 1950's and for the last 6 decades had Cuba be truly independent and not under criminal American influence.  That to me was a good thing.......  I saw a disturbing report this last week where supposedly the once great Royal Navy of the United Kingdom cannot even afford the missiles required for their own ships to operate and to fight with.  Supposedly and most ridiculously, with no missiles these ships are now supposed to use their guns for combat only, and therefore are now sitting ducks if they ever have to combat enemy ships armed with missiles.  My, how the mighty have truly fallen when you consider how the Royal Navy used to command the seas and now it is basically useless as a true fighting force........I see India and Pakistan are at it again by taking pot shots at each other's forces in the Kashmir region.  I do hope that cooler heads do prevail for both nations are of course well armed with nuclear weapons.........OK, the Kiev regime in Ukraine is really insane if they think they can hold live fire exercises over the Russian Federation territory of Crimea supposedly at the beginning of next month.  Apparently these US controlled fools are actually wanting a war with Russia, and I do wonder if this is a sick attempt to save their own collective asses for the economic mess they have turned Ukraine into?  Lets hope they are not that stupid, but we will see shortly........ Yes, apparently the illegal migrants that are flooding into Europe are carrying with them a wide variety of communicable diseases in their invasion.  I am again wondering if all of Europe has lost its collective minds in continuing to allow these criminals to come marching in and destroying their culture.  As I said before, send them all back to where they came from immediately!.....The war in Yemen continues unabated.  Nothing new here, other than the continuing spectre of a massive humanitarian crisis that could see thousands of Yemeni citizens starving to death.   And of course we can indeed blame the US for this fiasco in their vain support of the criminal Saudi regime.......Someone mentioned to me that the Canadian Football League's Grey Cup game is on today in Toronto.  Honestly, who cares?  The CFL is a bush league and especially when reports have come out of Toronto that the game is not only not a sell out and a disaster, but some pizza outlet in southern Ontario was giving away free Grey Cup tickets with a pizza order!  Bush league indeed..... Arsenal plays Bournemouth today in Premiere League soccer, and I am of course hoping for a Gunners win just to keep pace with league leading Chelsea.  I have my fingers crossed....... Well,  it appears the Kardashians are at it again, for apparently Khloe and my favourite skank Kim have the paparazzi ablaze by showing off their "fit" bodies for Kanye West's fashion line.  It just shows how a lot of plastic surgery and some liposuction works wonders for these trollops.  Yes, once again while America is still going down the economic toilet, the average American cannot help but go gaga over these idiots and misfits and their ridiculous antics.   I for one will never understand why....More to comeNTS