Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, November 23rd, 2014

Sunday again... It is very cold in this part of central Canada, and all I can say is "Gosh darn that Global Warming"....It has been an interesting week all over the planet.... And I could spend this entire rant just going over each major issue in fine detail... But for a change I will not focus so much on these issues in such fine detail, but will instead do a quick summary of each major issue here..-The planet is cooling and Global Warming is indeed a fraud... The crooked communist homosexual President of the United States is going to use the farce of "climate change" very shortly to bring in his much cherished "Carbon Taxation" on the dumbed down American people... Be ready, for it is coming..-The situation in Ferguson Missouri is definitely a set up to create racial wars all across America... I do believe this has long been planned by the criminals in the US Government to both bring about their much needed martial law so that they can confiscate the firearms of the American people...- The laughable fraud known as "ISIS" is still at it... A Mossad/CIA creation that has finally been revealed in the last few weeks as nothing more than a weapon aimed directly at Syria.  The US wants Bashar al-Assad removed to satisfy their masters in Israel.....- The situation in Ukraine is heating up again with the US Proxy government in Kiev now getting ready for all out war against the "rebels" in eastern Ukraine.  How far this will go before Russia gets involved is anyones' guess, but it does not look promising for the entire world...- Evidence came out this week that some 90-100% of all of Ukraine's gold "reserves" are missing.. Gee, why doesn't anyone believe myself and others when we stated months back that the first rule of business when the criminal US proxy government took over in Kiev was to gather all of Ukraine's gold reserves and quietly have them flown out of the country in cargo planes overnight when nobody was supposedly looking?- More nations are now making moves to stop their trading in US dollars and to get rid of all of their US dollars in their reserves.... This is of course a disaster for the US government and again is one of the reasons why they are pushing for war, and in fact any war, just to prop up the dollar.... Also one of the insane reasons why the criminals in the US government are actually contemplating war with both Russia and China....- Even more evidence this week that Sandy Hook was indeed a massive government operation using crisis actors.... Nothing new here, but I am still surprised that so many people cannot wrap their minds around the fact that it was a scam....- Israel is still blocking attempts to get independent investigators into the Gaza Strip to assess the damage and the carnage from their last genocide of innocent Palestinians... Nothing new here, for people would indeed be shocked to know that it was NOT "2100" Palestinians that were supposedly murdered by the maniacs in the IDF, but somewhere in the 100,000+ range....It indeed was a genocide,and Israel is desperate to cover up their actions....- Another fake "ISIS" beheading video brought to everyone by the ridiculous Jewish propaganda team "SITE" run by that criminal Jewess Rita Katz....It astonishes me how so many people are still such fools and suckers that they actually fall for this crap!- The US government and the Ukrainian government are still hiding the evidence of their wrongdoing in regards to the MH17 shootdown from July..  Nothing new here, for these criminals do not want the dumbed down people to discover that they have been lied to on their way to a planned war with Russia....I wish that people would see the definite link between MH17 and the "missing" MH30 flight of last March... And one other note here: Those supposed pictures of a Ukrainian fighter plane taking a shot at what is supposed to be Malaysian flight MH17 has been proven to be a fraud.   The picture is basically a collage of many different pictures taken at different time points and all put together for one image.  Again, as I stated before, the planes themselves are all the wrong sizes in respect to the ground below them for starters, and there are other glaring errors... Someone did a lot of work here using Photoshop, but they failed to take into account the sizes of the planes involved.... - The G20 "summit" in Brisbane Australia was for one purpose and one purpose only... To sign off on a criminal agreement to steal everyone's hard earned savings WHEN the Jewish controlled banking criminal system collapses.  The real joke was having those 20 criminal heads of state gather around and do some Russia bashing which was of course the cover for their real crime against humanity....As I stated many times, get all of your money out of your "savings" accounts NOW!- As a Canadian, I am still angry that criminal Prime Minister Stephen Harper would open up his fat mouth at the G20 "summit" and do his Jewish masters' bidding by going out of his way to try to attack Vladamir Putin for Russia's non-existent "involvement" in Ukraine.  I am not surprised that the Jew spew media here has only been singing "praise" for this man's idiocy, but there are a lot of Canadians that know the truth and are not fooled...-President Barry Soetoro/Davis/Obama goes in front of the US nation and lies his ass off about "immigration reform".... To me this is a travesty for the American people as that criminal in charge has the nerve to now allow some 5+ million illegal immigrants to stay in America and steal jobs away from American citizens....It is so sad that most Americans are too chemicalized and turned into zombies to actually stand up and stop this crime....- The shooting in Jerusalem where 5 people supposedly "died" has all the earmarks of being another false flag operation... The timing is just too perfect for the vilified and most evil Miliekowsky (Netanyahu's real name) government, which will definitely use that "attack" to not only attack and destroy more Palestinians, but will also use it to have the Jew spew media go world wide with the false propaganda of "Oh, those poor poor Jews" again.....- The Ebola "outbreak" has quieted down, and again I suspect we are dealing with another fraud along the "swine flu" pandemic of a few years back.... Another definite push for "vaccinations" of the general public through the propaganda of fear....- A Kenyan "bus attack" that killed some 28 people on board just the other day.... I smell another false flag attack and set up.  Notice how we have another "terrorist" group, this time called "al-Shabab" (You really have to love these names) that has claimed responsibility.   Just like the other fraud "Boko Harum" that is raising havoc in Nigeria, I smell a Mossad/CIA financed and run group.....- The P5+1 meetings are about to adjourn with a final agreement supposedly hammered out and ready for  signing.  Watch as that final 'agreement' that will 'curtail' Iran's non-existent nuclear weapons program gets scuttled thanks to the criminal state of Israel pulling the US's strings like a marionette.  The fact is again that Israel wants war against Iran and when that war comes they still want their American slaves to do all the fighting and dying for them....- The ESA's Rosetta comet probe has been both a success and failure according to the crooks over at NASA.  Knowing what I know about how much NASA lies, pardon me for being skeptical about that entire "space mission" and its findings.....Those are some of the major issues of the last week, and again I have spared everyone with not having to go into fine detail..... Only laid out what I see is what is really happening in each case...One point that I have always wanted to make and I periodically must repeat it here.. I do make mistakes, and I am only human..... For those who want to see just a few of my most glaring errors, I will recap here:-When I discovered the Jewish problem, I believed for such a long time that it was only the "Zionists" that were the real criminals and that not ALL Jews are that twisted and evil... But like others, there is a learning curve and now I can see that it is not "Zionism" but Judaism itself that is the problem.... We are dealing with a "religion" that teaches its followers from birth to absolutely hate the rest of humanity and to have themselves believe that they and only they are superior to everyone else... To me THAT is real "racism" and "hatred", and it is no wonder that through their control over media and government they promote the lie of "antisemitism" as "hate".....Is it not amazing that the REAL haters are the ones running around promoting the concept of hatred?... Yes, the problem is not "Zionism" but Judaism itself.....-For the longest time I thought that "vaccines" and "vaccinations" were actually good for human health.  But from research and the great works by others such as Dr. Rebekah Carley, I now know the truth and have been one of the biggest advocates for at least the last decade of everyone avoiding "vaccines" at all cost.  Sadly, until I understood the truth about vaccines, I subjected my own son to the vaccine regimen from his own birth until he was around 8 years old.... Now that I know better, he too has not had to endure any more of those poisons.....- When Sandy Hook first happened, I put out one article where I believed that there actually was a "shooter" and that he was on psychotropic drugs... But within days, I saw through the facade and realized that we were dealing with a massive fraud.... Yes, I made this mistake and I quickly changed my mind after sifting through the facts... Sadly, there are so many others that still are stuck with the lies and cannot even admit their own error of judgment..... Are these people so bull headed or are we indeed dealing with agent provocateurs?- For the longest time, I put so much trust in some others in the so called "truth movement", which was a mistake.... It has taken myself years to discover who is trust worthy and who are the good guys and gals in this effort, and I thank them for their efforts....Again, this shows that we are all human, and prone to error.... It indeed is a learning curve and one that I am most definitely still on!Well, I guess that is enough for now... I have already covered so much in the summary above that I almost left nothing to chance... But I will quickly cover a few others in my last minute tidbits here.... A young man gets suspended in school in America for pointing his finger at friends in an imaginary "ray gun" gesture?  What the hell is the matter with the American people that they allow that to happen in their education system?..... More evidence this last week that shows that the 'social media' platform called "Facebook" is a data mining operation.  Evidence revealed these last few weeks shows the American NSA and other spy groups have always been using "Facebook" to spy and gather personal information on people stupid enough to actually use that "social media".  My recommendation still stands that if you are stupid enough to have a "Facebook" account, close it immediately!.....The Hawaiian island of Maui votes clearly to outlaw GMO products on their island and the crooks at Monsanto are trying to block that action by filing lawsuits against Maui county.  When will America finally wake the hell up and put an end to the crooks over at Monsanto, and GMO in their food supplies, before it is too late and people are permanently poisoned by that crap?.....Jew spew media again putting out false reports about Russia 'invading' Ukraine again I see.  Yes, another piece of pure BS propaganda just to both vilify Russia and to push for a new world war.  Are people truly this gullible?....... 8 feet of snow in Buffalo, New York, USA, and now the weather forecast for the next while calls for a brief warming period with possible flooding in that region of eastern New York state.  Gosh darn that Global Warming again.......I saw the laughable report that some congress critters in Washington DC actually consider digging a "moat" around the White House to protect it from "attack".  Shades of medieval times when criminal Kings and Queens built moats around their castles to protect them from the peasants indeed.  Oh, how America has fallen........Whitewraithe is back and finally releasing new articles.  I want to thank those who have been kind enough to send her a bit of help through these troubling times.  The lady is indeed a warrior.......Yes, Arsenal got beaten yesterday by Manchester United 2-1 and they are sliding down the table.  Another year of disappointment for the Gunners, and there will be more rebuilding required before they can indeed challenge for the top of the table.....Yes, today marks the 51st anniversary of the planned assassination of the last great American President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, at Dealey Plaza in Dallas Texas.  Suffice to say that was the day that to me, the last hope for America against the criminals that have ruined that great nation, died........And finally, what everyone waits for, my parting shot at America's sweethearts, the trolls and trollops called the Kardashians. Supposedly there will not be a "Kardashian Christmas Card" this year.  I am so shocked and stunned, and have been hoping for another one along the lines of the fabulous one that they put out last year.  For those who missed it last year, look at it here.  Again, NOTHING says "Christmas" like the Kardashians!More to comeNTS