Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, November 22nd, 2015

 Yes, it is Sunday... And again with the world going to heck, here comes my usual rant...Gosh darn that Climate Change..err..Global Warming... Just a few days ago this region of central Canada went through the first major winter storm of the season and we had some 10-15cm of snow fall... And the average daytime high temperature is well below normal for this time of year as well.. Yes, Saint Al of the Gore stated a few years back that man caused Global Warming was real and some of his cronies had the nerve to say that snowfall would be a "thing of the past".... I guess all that white stuff lying around on the ground must be Al Gore's dandruff then?Yes, while the world has been so focused in on the fraud called ISIS/ISIL/Daesh, or what ever the real criminals behind the scam want to come up next, our governments are about to meet this coming week in Paris to sign off on "Climate Change" protocols, meaning of course the fleecing of every one of us through the fraud of Carbon taxation....It is a travesty and with Paris now on "high alert" due to the coincidental timing of the recent "terrorist" attacks, there will be little or no public outcry or even any protests allowed... I truly do feel so sorry for everyone as the shysters behind the Global Warming/Climate Change hoax will have won this battle and many of these conmen, including the king of the con himself, Al Gore, will become ultra rich overnight thanks to fraudulent new taxes.....Honestly, by this time over a week since the fraud Paris "terrorist" attacks, I would have thought by now that more people would have awoken to the reality that those attacks were indeed a false flag... But again it has been so hard to reach the more gullible and brainwashed, and again just like in my last rant I must state that many of these suckers are now a lost cause and definitely beyond any hope...Our criminal governments and the Jew spew media have indeed done their work too well....I must applaud the work of Jim Stone over at for exposing some real factual evidence of the fraudulence of the Paris attacks.. His work especially in exposing the fraud of the attack on the Bataclan Theatre is especially revealing... Everyone by now that has wanted to research for themselves the facts behind the Paris attacks has seen the infamous picture from inside that theatre with the dead bodies strewn out over the concrete floor of the theatre... There is where the fraud is exposed in all of its glory, for in reality even two hours after the supposed attack when that picture was taken, there should have been Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) all over the victims on the floor for starters... Then the fact that the floor was concrete does not make sense, for supposedly that floor is usually covered with some type of carpeting to cover that concrete surface.. I have to ask the question then... Where is that carpeting?  It does not make sense that they would have removed the blood soaked carpet unless this entire picture was a set up and the carpet was previously removed for this photo-op!  And then there is the bigger question.. Supposedly there were some 100+ "victims" in that theatre, and all I could count was about 20-25 bodies.. So where are the other victims?  Why would they leave these 20-25 there if not for the photo-op!   And finally the bodies look like they were specifically moved and dragged into position for that photo-op, due to the drag marks and lack of massive amounts of blood around these bodies.. People forget that the human body does contain some 5 litres of blood and that concrete surface should have been basically almost totally red with blood!  Therefore I am calling this for what it is.. A staged photo-op, and therefore a tell tale sign of a false flag event....One other factor that is missing from the Bataclan Theatre operation.. One Mexican young lady, Nohemi Gonzalez, was actually alive right after the initial "attack" and her own boyfriend was interviewed right after that "attack" stating that both he and her were alive... Then shortly after that interview it was revealed that Nohemi had "died" from the "terrorist" attack!  THIS more than anything else blows the Bataclan Theatre attack to hell and shows that someone wanted this young lady dead as part of the planned "victims" of that attack!  So the big question becomes.. WHO killed Nohemi Gonzalez?  This alone shows that in the case of this Paris false flag, the criminals behind the operation really wanted dead people this time and Nohemi was selected to be one of the victims!Lets face the facts here... The Paris attacks were indeed a false flag operation for the further vilification of Muslims and of course to implicate the fraud known as "ISIS"... The result of that "attack" was to give the French government their green light to impose martial law on the people of France thus stripping away their personal rights and freedoms much like  the American Patriot Act did to Americans and Bill C51 did to Canadians.... It was indeed a set up and put France into a full war footing against the fraud of "ISIS".... And who benefits?  The French Military Industrial Complex for one with their sudden windfall in new orders for weapons for the French Military..The French government who have always wanted to impose their will on their own people and strip them of their personal rights and freedoms... And of course the United States, Israel, and even NATO, benefit due to their new push to have Syria destroyed all in the fraud of wanting 'ISIS' destroyed......I cannot help but laugh at those that are so gullible to believe that we are at "war" with ISIS/Daesh.  It boggles the mind that people still do not get it that ISIS is and always has been a fraud... ISIS IS OUR OWN GOVERNMENTS!  ISIS is for the sole purpose of destroying innocent nations in the Middle East for the "Greater Israel" dream, and the target for destruction is of course Syria....I can understand the reasons now for the accelerated push by our crooked governments to save their ISIS fraud... For right now the Russian/Syrian/Hezbollah/Iran/Lebanon coalition of forces has the fraud 'terrorist' on the run in Syria... Almost all of western Syria has now been cleared of the 'rebels' and "terrorists" and the coalition has begun operations in the far north of the country as well as in the eastern parts.. Russian aircraft has begun plastering ISIS held oil fields and refineries and has even attacked those long convoys of American made tanker trucks that have been stealing Syria's oil and transporting it in mile long convoys back to the Iraqi border.... Obviously the Americans and Israelis will do anything now to try to stop these attacks, but are they out of options other than direct confrontation with Russia itself?  Such confrontation would result in a world war against the Russian Federation, and yes, the mental cases running the Pentagon are actually considering that option!Yes, while the world again has been so focused in on the ISIS FRAUD... There has been so much happening elsewhere... It should be so obvious to everyone by now that the so called 'refugee' crisis in Europe is also a fraud and a set up for destruction of European nations... I stated before and I have yet to be proven wrong in saying that the entire "refugee crisis" has been staged and run by none other than that criminal Hungarian Jew George Soro's organizations..... It has taken a lot of money to finance the movement and shipment of these MIGRANT workers into Europe and many migrant workers have in fact been interviewed recently stating that they are "not happy" with what they have discovered once they got to these European nations... And many have stated that the conditions that they have encountered was not what they "were told" they would encounter.. Now who would have falsely filled their heads with the idea that they would be both welcome and have a better life in Europe?  That is the million dollar question, and again it points towards Soros and his evil plans to destabilize Europe through the flooding of European nations with these "refugees"!It is bad enough that Europe is flooded with these phoney "refugees" but now we have my own country Canada wanting to so willingly open its doors to these phoneys..... Yes, Canada is so willing to add more of these people to our overburdened welfare system, and they will bring their own social problems, diseases, etc to Canadian cities very soon... It is a travesty as far as I am concerned.....And of course we have the outcry in the United States right now about the Federal government so willing to bring in these 'refugees'... Many American states are up in arms about these illegals and many have the right of refusal to accept them.... But the criminal US President is hell bent to allow these new illegals into the United States who will not find work, will most  probably create social unrest, and will be nothing more than a burden on the already overburdened American welfare system.....But will most Americans, that are already so chemicalized and dumbed down by the brainwashing of their own media and the poisoned food in their diets actually do anything about it?  What is happening in Europe, Canada, and America right now is so reminiscent of when Ancient Rome allowed so many barbarians into their failing empire back in the 3rd-4th centuries AD, and look at how well the Roman Empire did afterwards!The biggest joke of all about this fraud "refugee crisis" is how the criminal and psychotic state of Israel has absolutely refused to allow any of these "refugees" within its own borders... The Israeli government has been so quick to claim that "tiny Israel" cannot absorb these 'refugees" within its own borders, and yet the Jews are so quick to demand that other nations allow them within theirs?.....I am indeed troubled that nobody can see the big picture here in that these criminal Jews are so quick to want to pollute nations with misfits from other nations and yet demand that their own tribe remain "pure".....The hypocrisy here stinks so badly indeed....Christmas season is fast approaching, and I am troubled by what I am witnessing in terms of the economic outlook for businesses that use this time of year for them to 'make or break".... I have been watching the local malls here in Central Canada start very early with their "Christmas sales" and even this last week many major retailers have had "pre-Black Friday" sales events.... But the real shocker is when I have talked to many of these retailers and they have said to me flat out that nobody is buying.... Yes, the Jewish banking and financial control mechanisms have indeed ruined our economies and NOBODY has any real money in their pockets to spend for this season.... The outlook therefore for this Christmas for retail stores is dismal, and once the final tallies are added up come this January, many will have failed and we will again see more business go bust..... To me, it is remarkable that the big economic collapse that has been long expected has been delayed for so long... But again the Jewish banking scoundrels responsible for the mess can no longer hide their failures and they will indeed pull the plug and let the whole thing come crashing down soon....I have talked with Whitewraithe this last week, and we are again discussing relaunching our Turbulent Times show over the Blogtalk radio podcast network.... There will be some changes, for it looks like I will be financing the entire project (Thankfully through this site's Adsense revenues) and the target date is still for the beginning of December... We are discussing the format and hopefully I will have Skype even open at my end for people to call into the show.... Stay tuned, for I will keep everyone posted as to when the first show gets on the air!Well, I guess that pretty much covers the major issues that I have had on my mind over the last week... But again, I will be closing this rant with my usual last minute "tidbits" to touch on other subjects and issues.........First and foremost, I again have had to close these articles to any comments made "anonymously".  It had to be done due to the massive amount of hateful comments and ridiculous "anonymous" comments that were nothing more than people trying to use this blog as a platform for their personal financial gain.  I will see how things go, and eventually I may reopen these articles to anonymous comments in the near future...........I again have to ask the sane Americans out there this question: WHY is Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton) NOT in jail?  That creature who passes herself off as a 'woman' is so vile and disgusting.  She is a traitor to the American people, a mass murdering freak, and a liar.  And yet, she could still get the nomination for the Democratic ticket to be the next US President?  Honestly, are Americans truly that braindead?........... OK, I have received some comments before I shut down "anonymous" ones about my stance on Donald Trump.  I again am stating clearly here that Donald Trump is just as much a Jew butt kisser as that freak queer sitting in the Oval Office right now.  Trump knows exactly who his masters are and will not be a "saviour" for America.  I have always said that if Americans wanted America saved, they need to save the nation themselves!........Fukushima disaster is still going strong with no end in sight.  It is still so amazing to me that this Earth threatening disaster is so ignored while wars for Israel get front page attention.  Sort of already answers the big question as to who our media caters to, doesn't it?..........Arthur Topham is still awaiting his sentence for his 'guilty' verdict in that stupid kangaroo court in BC Canada.  It has amazed me that Arthur's trial for the rights of Canadians to truly have real free speech in this country has been so ignored by the Jew spew media.  But again, the Jews that control Canada do not want their slaves to be free...........More reports came out this week about the failings of that "flying lemon" called the Lougheed Martin F35 "Lightning II" fighter aircraft.  It cannot fly in the rain, or at night.  It cannot maneuver and is a sitting duck in aerial dogfighting.  It is too slow, too heavy, and has an engine that gobbles fuel at a phenomenal rate.  And its 'stealth' is the biggest fraud of all.  And yet our nations are still wanting to actually fly this hunk of junk?  Lougheed Martin is definitely making out like a bandit and making an aircraft that will leave America's military weakened for decades to come.........Soccer is back this week, and I am not a happy man.  Arsenal lost their game to West Bromwich Albion Baggies yesterday by the score of 2-1 on an own goal by Mikel Arteta.  The Gunners had their chances and blew their opportunities and have now slipped down to 4th place in the table.  Their next opponent will be Norwich City next Sunday.  Again, did I mention that I do love Soccer?..........And finally, what everyone waits for.  My expose on what Americans care more about than that fraud "terrorist" group, ISIS.  The lovable Kardashians.  It appears that the paparazzi has gone gaga this last week with reports that my favorite skank target, Kim, actually hates pregnancy and wants a $1Million trinket, a diamond choker, from Kanye for her 9 month effort.   Honestly, a "push present" for this trollop!  Yes, this is what makes news in America these days and shows again how truly psycho this band of misfits is.  But again, while the world goes to heck, Americans strangely do love their Kardashians!More to comeNTS