Northerntruthseeker Rant For (Sunday?) Monday, January 12th, 2015

   Yes, it is Monday... And you are not seeing a typo here... I am late this week in doing my rant, and I want to thank everyone for their patience..I came down late last Thursday with what I thought would be just a bit of a head cold.. BUT instead it got progressively worse and by Friday I knew I had a severe case of Influenza... I did everything, and I do mean everything this time around to try to prevent my catching "the Flu", including taking large amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and even Oil of Oregano... But no dice... I knew that when my son came down earlier last week with the Flu that I and my better half would be next... Sure enough I got it and it packed a wallop!Yesterday, I did roll over and grabbed my laptop and was going to do this rant, but I found myself feverish and having one heck of time even reading online material and typing... Yes, it seemed that this case of the Flu was going to keep me laid up for at least another day, and I decided to postpone this rant for the first (and hopefully the only time) in years.... Feeling a lot better, but still in no shape yet to go back to work, here I am now finally surfing the Internet and preparing this rant... There is indeed a lot of things that have been going on (Why does it seem the world always goes to hell while I am laid up or on vacation??)..... So here goes nothing....Lets go right to the point with this BULLSHIT "Charlie Hebdo shooting" in Paris France from last week... I smelled a rat early on, and it does seem without any shadow of a doubt now that we are indeed witness to the first "False Flag" operation on our minds of 2015. Everything, and I mean everything, about this "shooting" stinks to high heaven... Jim Stone over at has been again right on the money with this one with report after report showing definitive evidence of another fake shooting where nobody has died again....I will not go into deep detail with this rant, but needless to say, we are being suckered again, just like with the frauds of the Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, the Kenyan Mall Massacre, Ottawa Shooting, Sydney Massacre, etc,etc, where in this case the supposed gunmen were extremely highly trained (most definitely have all the earmarks of being Mossad) "hitmen" who shoot up the building and the staff of this "Charlie Hebdo" magazine, and yet in this case they made some serious errors.... One very serious error was the fact that there was NO BLOOD on the scene when there should have been plenty considering the fact that there were supposedly "12 victims" of this "shooting"....Also,we have all the gunfire, and yet very little bullet holes... Jim Stone is correct in his claim that they used primarily blanks for the operation with a few live shots that were being used for effect... And then the fact that there was an ISRAELI camera crew that just very conveniently happened to be at the scene of this shooting at just the time that the gunmen opened fire.  That alone strikes me as another case of the infamous 9-11 dancing Israelis who just happened to be conveniently filming the attacks on the WTC towers on September 11th, 2001 and later claimed they were there to "film the event"......NO, there cannot be any other conclusion for all this and a wide assortment of other evidence other than we are witness to a setup and a staged event... But for what purpose you may ask???It seems that there is a lot more to this "Charlie Hebdo" false flag BS attack than meets the eye....While I was laid up, I did listen periodically a bit of the lies from the Jew spew media, and what I heard just did not make sense... The liars from the Jew spew MSM kept spewing their garbage that this was "an attack on free speech", and yet I found more to the opposite... If we first look at the BS "Charlie Hebdo" cartoons and articles, I found nothing but real pure hate speech and propaganda!   The pictures that piece of crap publication was putting out have been attacks aimed at both Islam and Christianity, and yet I found absolutely nothing aimed at the true evil of Judaism.... THAT is "free speech"?   It also seems that this Charlie Hebdo piece of crap magazine actually fired several publishers a while back for "promoting Antisemitism".   And yet here we have the all mighty liars in the Jew spew MSM harping to the world that this attack on this crap, "Charlie Hebdo" is an "attack on Free Speech"?   I can smell the hypocrisy and it stinks to high heaven....Then we find the reports that this "Charlie Hebdo" magazine was actually going out of business with few people actually reading their trash, and this sudden "false flag" comes along at just the right time to promote their lies and hatred of Islam... Talk about timing... Now we have the French government going out and saying that the attackers were not only "crazed Islamic terrorists" but they are now willing to reverse all the measures that they have taken over the last few months to turn against Israel and their Jewish masters, including the recognition of the Palestinian state.  Again, the timing of this "attack" could not have been more perfect..... It seems that when that psychotic maniac in charge of Israel, Benyamin Miliewkowsky (Netanyahu) actually had the gall to threaten France a few months back for their support of Palestine, he knew that this operation was going to unfold to swing France back into their evil fold and have the French be used just like their American, British, Canadian, and Australian, slaves to do their fighting in the Middle East... I can just imagine the criminal Jews sitting back and popping champagne corks knowing they have pulled off a most successful operation again, and that they have succeeded beyond their wildest imaginations...Of course the real gem of this entire fraud "Charlie Hebdo operation" has been the psychological effect on the French people themselves... Not only have they been completely suckered in, with almost 1 million people taking to the streets of France just the other day in support of this BS "Charlie Hebdo and the attack on Free Speech" angle, but we find the French government now firmly committing itself to the equally fraudulent "war on terror".  I do suspect that what will happen next will be the passage of new BS "anti-terrorist" laws in France that will not only suppress freedoms of the French people, but actually curtail real "free speech".. On top of that, I suspect we will see the French government join in with the Americans and British in the fraudulent "war on terror" very soon, including fighting that fraud "ISIS/Daesh" in the Middle East... This has been a win win for the criminal Jews, and their psychotic state of Israel in the long run, indeed......Yes, this Charlie Hebdo fiasco took up all the lies coming out of the Jew spew media over most of the last week, but there is definitely other news that went on, including some very interesting news about the fraud war against "ISIS/Daesh" that should have finally awakened everyone to it being a scam.. I am talking about the fact that reports came out that showed proof positive that the US/Israel/ and even Saudi Arabia have been airdropping supplies to their "ISIS/Daesh" bullshit army....  The US got caught a few months ago when reports came out about US supplies being dropped directly over "ISIS/Daesh" held territory, and the US State department had the gall to lie to the American public by stating that the drops were done "by mistake".  However, with all the reports now confirming this last week that the drops were deliberate, there should be absolutely no doubt in anyone's minds that this "ISIS/Daesh" is exactly what I and others have said for the last year, a completely BS force made up of CIA/Mossad operatives.....Common sense should have told everyone that we are indeed dealing with a remake of the "Al Qaeda/Syrian rebels" scam for the purpose of the destruction of the innocent nation of Syria itself.... The US and Israel have indeed upped the stakes in their evil pursuit of Syria's destruction, and I do hope that enough people do wake the hell up in time to stop this madness from continuing..... Why am I not surprised by what is happening in Ukraine right now?  The criminal US puppet regime is losing its support by its own people and is trying to still use the false propaganda that they are fighting a "rebel" force in the eastern Provinces to somehow try to bolster its support by the Ukrainian people, but even the people have now had enough of the lies.... The Ukrainian people probably would have already taken to the streets again like they did early last year, if it was not for the brutality of the present Kiev regime that has now cracked down on its own people....To top that off, the Ukrainian economy has indeed collapsed and without the direct handouts from the criminals in the US government and the equally criminal IMF, the people of Ukraine would have already been in a new revolution... It does seem that the psychos in the US Government and the Ukrainian regime are on a war footing to have not only the eastern Ukrainian people destroyed, but to push the Russian Federation into a new war.....One last note about Ukraine and their failed regime in Kiev....I saw a report come out that the Ukrainian government will "again" launch an "investigation" into the whereabouts of all their "missing" Gold bullion that "mysteriously" disappeared shortly after the regime takeover back in early March.... This is so laughable, considering that I presented several articles here at this blog over the last year that shows clear evidence that shortly after the regime takeover, ALL of Ukraine's Gold Bullion reserves were purposely loaded into several large US cargo planes and flown out of that nation overnight... That Gold Bullion was stolen from the Ukrainian people and their evil regime took part in allowing it to happen, and yet we find these liars and hypocrites now calling for an "investigation" into that Gold's whereabouts?   This is so pathetic, and the smell of hypocrisy is horrific!It seems that liars behind the "Global Warming" fraud have again been caught in their own web of lies... I caught a report that completely contradicts the Jew spew media and the fraudsters behind the Global Warming con claims that 2014 was the "warmest year on record".   It seems that, and very reluctantly, they have had to back track on that lie and are now forced to admit that not only was 2014 NOT the "warmest year on record", but in fact over the last 15 years the trend has definitely been towards falling temperatures world wide.  This should be a wake up call for everyone and show that we have all been lied to about this "Global Warming" scam all along... The scam artists, the Jew spew media, and even our own governments, are indeed colluding together to get new "Carbon Taxation" introduced that will be nothing more than another fleecing of our own citizens.... Watch carefully, especially in the United States, as our leaders will now push hard, before everyone wakes the hell up, to get their fraud Carbon Taxes into place...One other note about this "Global Warming" fiasco, and one that has not been reported... The intense cold temperatures of this brutal winter has really hit the Middle East hard, and especially the already devastated Gaza Strip... Right now, people are dying in the streets of Gaza from exposure to the intense cold due to the lack of heat and shelter thanks to the destruction by the criminal Israelis..... Thousands of innocent people are now freezing to death while the world's lying Jew spew media looks the other way.....This to me is a real travesty and makes that fraud "Charlie Hebdo" fiasco in Paris pale in comparison....A few other things to clear up before I go onto my last minute tidbits... I want to thank Whitewraithe for her calling me and wanting to give me any support while I was ill... She had been suffering from intense depression over the last while, but with some much needed support from family and some wonderful news about a new job prospect, things are looking up for her... Hopefully we will FINALLY get the "Turbulent Times" shows relaunched shortly, and it has been a long time in coming!  I also do want to thank everyone for all the well wishes and comments that I have received... It is so nice to see that I have been missed.....Ok, I guess that is enough for this rant.. But of course I will close it with my usual "last minute" tidbits.....Someone did send me a comment that I could have avoided "the Flu" by having taken my "vaccine" shot.  I guess that person has not studied, and does not know that not only do vaccines NOT work, but they contain chemicals and adjutants that actually weaken the body's immune system.  Gee, I write article after article about this fact and people are still hooked on vaccinations?.......Greece is right now on the verge of total collapse and the ONLY way out of its mess, is for that nation to go the Icelandic way, and boot the criminal Jewish bankers out. Hopefully with the elections coming very soon, the Greek people will see that as their only choice......All that anyone needs to see as proof that our economies are failing is to simply go to the local shopping malls.  I was in the local mall last Wednesday and I was so alarmed by what I saw.  NOBODY was buying anything.  We are about to experience a massive collapse very soon and so many people are ill prepared for how their very lives will be changed, and probably forever.......I had several comments about my assertions about the fraudulent Curiosity probe on Mars being a fake stating that I was wrong because Mars' atmosphere is much thicker than NASA states.  But then these people who say that I was wrong still do not get it, because then they are stating the obvious that NASA has been LYING about Mars all along, which I and others have long stated since they lied about the fraud manned landings on the moon.  All they are doing is reaffirming my position about NASA in that "once a liar, always a liar"!.....I heard that Charles Giuliani is back on the air, over at "Renegade Broadcasting".  It is about time, and hopefully I will get in touch with Charlie very soon, and maybe, just maybe, be on his show as well.  I will let everyone know if that happens, of course.....I caught the Arsenal Gunners beating the Stoke City Potters 3-0 game yesterday morning, and for the first time in years actually watched a bit of both NFL games during the afternoon.  I have no comment on the "catch/no catch" fiasco that ended the Dallas Cowboys season, but after watching the Denver Broncos/Indianapolis Colts snoozefest, I knew Peyton Manning's career as a quarterback in Denver may be over.  Yes, Soccer is still my first love, but the NFL is intriguing especially come playoff time although I do find many of the games most definitely fixed.  People have been asking my prediction and I see a Patriots/Seahawks Superbowl XLIX game coming up.....Another year, and this will now be 4 years into the Fukushima disaster that is still going strong with no end in sight.  I am not surprised, because again as usual, the fraud war on terror and wars for Israel take precedence first and foremost.....I really did not want to talk about the Kardashians this week, but something got my ears burning. One commentator said that skank Kim was most definitely trying out to get a part on Jew run CBS's "Big Bang Theory" show.  I have watched so little of Jew spew shows, but from what I do know, Kim Kardashian would definitely fit in on that show by portraying a nuclear physicist.  Now that would be fitting, and definitely an insult to everyone's intelligence.  Hey, America is going to hell, but they do love their Kardashians!It is good to be back, and I will be doing my regular posts very soon.  There is so much to catch up on...More to comeNTS