Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 3rd, 2015

   Sunday.... It is the new month of May, 2015, and here is my weekly rant...I first want to answer the usual criticisms that I do receive at my comment section... One in particular was about last week's rant where I gave a "shout out" to those in the Jewish community that have had the courage to stand up against the evil machinations of their entire tribe....Lets get the facts straight here in that the entire push for Jewish world domination would most probably fall to pieces if members of the "tribe" woke the hell up and saw the truth about exactly what their religion, Judaism, was truly all about.  However, the brainwashing of the so called "chosen ones" from birth for them to believe falsely that they are somehow superior to the rest of mankind is so intense that most are beyond hope.. However, there are a few that have spoken out against their own tribe and they indeed have to be applauded for their efforts... Yes, many of them do not go far enough in giving up the sickness of Judaism, but at least they are a voice of dissent... I will not dismiss Jewish voices such as Gilad Atzmon, Henry Makow, Shlomo Sands, and even Benjamin Freedman, who have spoken out against Jewish tyranny, so easily.....I had a good laugh these last few weeks reading the reports coming out from the Jew spew media about how the US fall into Depression has been blamed on "Global Warming".... Is it just me, or have the Global Warming hoaxers now gone off the "deep end" with their wild assertions and claims... Heck, we have seen the plethora of so many causes of the fraud of Global Warming that the list would fill this entire rant alone.   These scumbags who continue to try to push fear mongering into peoples' minds that we must accept Carbon Taxation as a way of saving the planet from ourselves have even reached the low of demanding that Global Warming skeptics be 'executed' for their denial of the great Global Warming religion....I have presented the facts here for years that the planet is absolutely NOT overheating, and the real reason for the now Global COOLING is Sol's own solar output has been diminishing.   This is a natural cycle of some 44 years that Sol has gone through for billions of years... That cycle coupled with Sol's diminished sunspot activity means that we are going into a long cooling period that will be similar to what was indeed experienced several hundred years ago that was called the "mini ice age"..... I have stated clearly that with nations doing all the demanded preparations for Global "warming", they are now unprepared for this long cooling phase and it will be disastrous for their citizens....The United Kingdom is one such nation where its government has spent billions of Pounds on Global Warming preparations that will be proven to be a waste of time and money and will do little for when the UK's citizens freeze....I continue to see the reports coming out about how this planet faces a "methane" death due to methane gas escaping in the Arctic regions, especially in Siberia, due to the MELTING (?) caused by Global Warming!.... I have been reading these reports, and I am perplexed and shaking my head... I have been searching for reports coming from Russian sources, such as Russia Today, that can confirm the "melting" of the Arctic in Siberia, and there are none...I have seen reports of fires in Siberia, yes, but these fires occur naturally and seasonally, and can be linked to a wide variety of reasons, including dry conditions or even droughts.  I do wonder where these reports about the "melting" Arctic in Siberia causing methane gas release therefore come from?  One thing that I can state clearly is that I have done my own research into the CANADIAN Arctic to see if the Arctic here is melting, and guess what?  There are NONE... In fact, the reports show that the Canadian Arctic is absolutely NOT melting but is actually freezing.. Have the Methane Gas proponents overlooked the reports about how the Arctic Ice in the Canadian Arctic has been EXPANDING?   And what of my previous reports where I show that if the Arctic was indeed melting, then therefore the Permafrost line in northern Canada MUST be receding northward as a result... I showed that the Permafrost line has NOT moved northward, but in fact has been slowly creeping southward which is a sign of Global cooling!   One other note that is also overlooked is the fact that Methane itself cannot survive long in an Oxygen rich atmosphere (Earth's is of course 21% O2) and of course readily breaks apart under solar radiation... All these factors simply show that this "Methane scare" is a phantom and a sham.... But again, the proponents of the Global Warming hoax will reach for anything to scare people into accepting their fraud religion....One other most interesting comment that I received this last week was from a critic who said that I was wrong when it came to this "ISIS threat" and that the threat was real (!).... Honestly, I really have to laugh at such idiocy and I again and again have to ask these critics if they really have done their research and their own homework about this "ISIS" at all?    Need I remind them of how the predecessor of ISIS, which of course was and still is "Al Qaeda" has been PROVEN beyond any shadow of a doubt to be an American CIA/Israeli Mossad invention and fully financed and run by their agents?   Heck, the big bad "boogeyman" of Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden himself, was a CIA bought and paid for operative who even had his training in America in the 1980's under the name "Tim Osman".... The US then took their trained Al  Qaeda operatives and sent them into Afghanistan to stir up trouble against the Russians there... After the success of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in toppling the Russian occupation, the US and Israel began to send "Al Qaeda" everywhere to continue their world wide "terrorism" for the psychological effect of fear worldwide... Al Qaeda did its dirty work in Africa during the 1990's and even was used to be the fraud culprit in the USS Cole attack in Aden harbor in Yemen in 2000.   But the real success of "Al Qaeda" was of course the Israeli Mossad attacks on America on September 11th, 2001.  Thanks to the Jews killing some 3000 innocent Americans on 9-11, Al Qaeda became a household word in America and around the world..... But Al Qaeda has probably worn out its usage, has gotten a bit "stale" by this time, and has been non-effective in the American/Israeli campaign to have Syria destroyed... The US and Israeli decided a few years back to reinvent and rebrand their "terrorist" agents into their latest fraud called "ISIS".... The proof that ISIS is so phony is everywhere and I even showed some of the real laughers about this group when the US and Israel have been caught red handed in supplying this fraud with their own weapons....I therefore always have a good laugh at anyone who actually is so brainwashed into believing that this ISIS is real and always encourage everyone to do their best in simply telling everyone around them the truth that they are indeed being played as suckers....Some people have wondered why I have not discussed in more articles the recent Baltimore "riots" and all I can say to them is do not be played as fools... These "riots" in Baltimore Maryland are the Ferguson Missouri riots "part II", and indeed have been run by agent provocateurs to stir up trouble in Baltimore... It seems that last year's Ferguson project did not succeed as the criminal US government had hoped in spreading to other American cities and thus push for the demand of Martial law to crack down on the riots, and they decided to try again with Baltimore... The same premise from Ferguson has been repeated with this time the hoodlum not being a "Michael Brown" but a "Freddie Gray".... And just like in Ferguson with their Michael Brown hoodlum, we have the Baltimore police this time being blamed for injuring and killing this Freddie Gray hoodlum.... The real proof that Baltimore is a set up has already been shown, with the mayor of Baltimore herself stating clearly that she wanted to give the rioters safety so that they could riot, destroy, and loot... Then we have the usual agent provocateurs that are supposedly being financed by Dr. Evil himself, George Soros, being injected into the crowds to whip them into a frenzy of violence... Heck, we even had the two supposedly criminal black groups that have been labeled as being behind the violence get together in a video to show that they have nothing to do with the violence and showing unity in trying to stop the violence!.....OK, yes in America today the police forces are sometimes out of control and cause a lot of violence, but there is so much more to this Baltimore riot than meets the eye and I am calling it for what it is... A set up and being fueled purposely by agent provocateurs.....Someone said a while back that I had stopped talking about the Fukushima nuclear disaster and he/she wanted to know why?  I want to state that I have not forgotten about Fukushima, but the fact is that I and others have tried for years to get people to wake the #@%$ up about this still world life threatening disaster, and very few have even bothered to listen...  Even the most recent damning reports about the huge dead zone in the Pacific Ocean and the death of some 90+ % of fish being caught off the American west coast has caused little reaction from the Jew spew media or the population as a whole.... One thing that must be understood is that this disaster is still ongoing and is still basically out of control... NOBODY has come up with a solution for this crisis and no human or even robot can get close enough to the melted cores without dying a horrific death or having their circuit boards destroyed by the ionizing radiation... Scientists and researchers have been stuck with trying to find solutions and many have stated that any solution still has yet to be invented..... Several even said that this disaster will continue for centuries at least..... Tokyo Electric Power Corporation, TEPCO for short, continues to pour water over the melted reactors in a still frantic attempt to contain the radiation, and they have had no choice but to dump the resultant nuclear waste water directly into the Pacific Ocean, and thus contaminating the Pacific itself.....  I have said clearly that rather than concentrate on wars in the Middle East, more effort should be given into actually solving this world threatening crisis in Japan, but again wars for the criminally psychotic state of Israel always seem to come first and foremost....Speaking of the criminally psychotic state of Israel.. We have the Israelis pushing hard to have their slaves in the US Congress squash the UN brokered deal with Iran on Iran's non-existent nuclear weapons program.  It comes as no surprise to me that the US Congress is again showing its allegiance to the criminal state of Israel first and foremost and is working now to make the Iran deal unattainable by demanding that Iran accept and declare Israel as a "Jewish" state...  This to me is so ludicrous and laughable.. It would be like demanding the US be called a 'Christian" nation which the American people and nation should never accept, and neither should Iran... In doing so, the slaves in the US Government will definitely see the Iran deal go down in flames and of course the US Jew spew media will conveniently blame IRAN for the failure... Is it just me, or is a government supposed to actually support its own people who actually vote for them and not the government of a foreign nation?   Why is this action by the criminals in the US government not called treason?   The fact is that once the Iran deal fails, and I am stating it right here that Israel will not stop until it fails,  the world may finally wake up to the realization that America has been Israel's bitch all along....The situation in Ukraine is what can be called the calm before the storm... The criminal Kiev US controlled puppet regime is definitely gearing up for a massive new assault on the Donbas region and the ultimate destruction and slaughter of the civilian population there... I have long said that this regime definitely wants the war to escalate simply because the Ukrainian people themselves are sick and tired of their bullshit and in spite of the Jew spew media black out of the truth, seriously want them out..... Poroshenko himself had the nerve to come out this last week calling for the conquest of BOTH the Donbas region and even Crimea, in his upcoming campaign against these so called 'rebels'... The Donbas region that voted in a referendum last year to split from Ukraine and has been under constant attack by the Ukrainian army is bad enough, but Crimea?  Does this idiot who calls himself President not have an ounce of brains in him?   Crimea has always been part of Russia and they voted overwhelmingly last year in a fair and legal referendum to be rightfully returned to Russia... If this lunatic actually believes that Ukraine can "regain" Crimea by force, then he could indeed trigger a war against Russia itself and possibly World War III... Yes, Ukraine is a mess and the lunatics in charge are contemplating using war to get them out of the mess that they created....Yes, there is so much to talk about and so much that I have overlooked for being so busy these last few weeks... I hopefully have put forward my thoughts about some of the more critical issues that have inundated the news over the last week, and for others that I may have overlooked, I will again touch on them right here in my closing "Last minute tidbits"....... What else can be said about our failing economy? All that anyone has to do is to take a walk through their nearest retail mall and see the fact that people are 'tapped out' and no longer have the finances for spending to help fuel our economies. This is not a recession, but a full blown Depression, people!.....And yes, in spite of the failing economy and the crunch being felt by everyone, gullible people are forking over hundreds for the useless Apple "Watch" that I am calling an abomination.  Will someone please answer me again as to WHY this horrifically overpriced piece of junk needs biometric scanning of a person's blood for it to activate?   Honestly there is no need to unless it is to be used for nefarious reasons.....Situation in Greece I see has not changed with the government there still willing to give in to criminals that want to enslave the Greeks for eternity.  When will the Greek people finally revolt and throw these bums out of office? NO nation ever needs to accept odious debt and the criminals that try to force such debt should be told again to take their debt and shove it up their asses......Hillary Rodham the Killer Klinton running for US President is bad enough, but this Marco Rubio clown takes this week's honor for lunacy.  This clown has had the nerve to say that the Iran nuclear deal if signed will see Iran "bombing American cities" as a result.  This moron is so stupid and does not understand both Geography and the fact that Iran is not capable of hitting the US with bombers, period.  And yes, this lunatic wants to be US President?.........What else is there to say about Yemen?  Another nation that the US/Israel cabal wants destroyed and thousands of civilians slaughtered or starved to death.  Nothing new for the criminal US regime and the lunatics in Israel there......The Dzhokhar Tsaenaev circus trial in the US continues, and this innocent man will of course be found guilty for the fraud Boston Bombing.  Isn't the American Justice system great.... And speaking of frauds, lo and behold one of the biggest proponents of the Sandy Hook fraud shooting being somehow being real has come out with a book that she published about the fraud and she is of course using the book to promote her claim that Sandy Hook was "real".  I said it before that many who have been lying about Sandy Hook being real were in it for the money, and I am proven correct again.... Yesterday was Whitewraithe's birthday, and I hope that some who read this rant will take the time to go over to Pragmatic Witness and wish her the best.  She is still in recovery from her back injury and we are working on getting another Turbulent Times show going shortly. Stay tuned for that.....Arsenal plays Hull City tomorrow, but it will be all for naught with Chelsea beating Crystal Palace today and securing the Premiere League title.  Better luck next year for the Gunners......Sorry to disappoint everyone, but I have nothing here to say this week about my favorite skanks, trollops, and hoes, known as the Kardashians.  Hopefully they will not disappoint this coming week and allow me to tear them to shreds in my next rant.  Yes, the world is going to heck, but most brain dead Americans truly care only about their beloved Kardashians!More to comeNTS