Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 31st, 2015

Yes, it is Sunday again.... I am back from a much needed rest for a few days, and time again for my rant...As I said on Friday's Turbulent Times show, the rest was indeed a time to recharge my batteries and catch up on so many things that I have neglected to do around here due to a very busy schedule at work.....I again have had to put this blog on the back burner from time to time to concentrate on family and my many other projects.....Last year in several of my rants I informed everyone of a colleague of mine from work suffering from Lymphoma which is one of the more serious forms of Cancer.... I had tried my best during my talks with him about absolutely not going for conventional 'treatments' for his Cancer, including the usual Chemotherapy and Radiation "treatments", but he of course was as stubborn as a mule and did exactly what the quack doctors prescribed.   The results were horrendous in that the radiation treatments damaged his body severely leaving him with massive "burns" all over his body and him suffering from tremendous pain.... That was bad enough, but the Chemotherapy was equally as devastating in that these "treatments" left him sick as a dog and had him laid up for weeks.  The horrendous Chemotherapy "treatments" also severely weakened his immune system and he suffered from a multitude of other diseases such as colds and even a bout of Influenza shortly after the end of these "treatments".....It was horrible to see him months after these fraud "treatments", where before he was around 200lbs and considering his age quite fit for a man of 60 years of age, now was a fragile individual of some 140lbs and seriously looking like death itself!   And yet after all that brutal subjection of his body to that garbage the best the "doctors" could state is that the Cancer has gone into "remission"....Well, the Cancer did return earlier this year as expected, and he again went for more of these "treatments".  However this time the damage was overwhelming and the Cancer actually spread all over his body.. It was only a matter of time that the "disease" would finally take over and take his life, and yes, he passed away last weekend on Saturday at around 2pm.    I was not informed of his passing until last Monday morning and it left me mad as hell..... I was constantly trying to reach him with the idea of seeking alternatives for his Cancer that could have actually cured him of the "disease" but he absolutely did not even bother to listen one iota.... He instead looked at me as being some kind of quack and clearly on one occasion said that I did not know what the heck I was talking about (!) and basically to mind my own business.... Yes, the brainwashing effect of our governments, media, and the lying sacks of shit that run our medical profession had themselves another sucker who would rather die than actually try to cure his Cancer!Lets face one fact here.. I do hate funerals.... The funeral for this man was last Wednesday at a local Catholic church and I of course went to pay my respects to himself and his family..... It was a very solemn affair, with the chapel being full of so many friends, family, and coworkers.... The service itself was a drawn out affair that lasted just under an hour (Catholic funerals are always very long drawn out boring affairs...) with the usual Catholic "praise the lord" and all that other bullshit.... But I endured out of respect, biting my tongue so many times during the ceremony knowing how religion in general is complete and utter bull crap.... After the ceremony I did my rounds and shook hands with his widow and his family, wished them the best, and took my leave....... Afterwards, I again contemplated the circumstances behind his death, knowing full well that he did not have to die if he had only tried to break the brainwashing, actually looked at alternatives, and really tried to cure his Cancer.....OK, now for some truths, again..... Cancer is NOT this horrendous 'disease' as we have been told by the liars in our governments, media, and medical quackery.... Cancer is of course the body's own cells trying to survive in an acidic hostile environment.... Basically Cancer is on the increase and prevalent today due to the processed and heavily chemical laden foods that we ingest on a daily basis.... Our bodies turn that crap into an acidic mess that lowers the natural pH level well below the 7 neutral level and into the acidic range... Once the body becomes acidic, natural metabolic processes using Oxygenation break down and with our cells not getting sufficient Oxygen for their own metabolism, they begin to die.... However, the human body cells are organisms like every  other living creature and they will do everything possible to survive... Therefore some of these cells trying to survive actually switch their oxygen metabolizing process over to a form of fermentation.   When that occurs these cells turn into "Cancer"!.......Once that process takes hold, surrounding cells usually follow suit and also switch their process of metabolism over to fermentation and turn into Cancer cells as well....Basically what we have been told about "Cancer" is nothing but a bunch of bullshit and horse crap..... People have been brainwashed for decades now into believing falsely that a diagnosis of Cancer is somehow a death knell.... The truth is far different as well as ways to actually cure themselves of the Cancer!    Rather than subject yourselves to all the ridiculous "treatments" as prescribed by the liars and quacks in our "medical profession" why not actually try to cure yourselves of this "disease"?    OK, I do not want to go into long detail here, but the obvious method of "curing" Cancer is to switch the body from the acid range of pH level over to an alkaloid pH level well above the 7 neutral mark...... Yes, the natural method does take time and includes a lot of exercise and a change in both lifestyle and eating habits, but THIS is far better than Chemotherapy and Radiation treatments that actually kill you by a long shot......And of course there are so many chemicals out there that can do their work in killing or reducing the  Cancer that is already in place... I have already stated in previous articles here at this blog ( I really do wish that people would actually read them!) that talk about the usage of the chemicals in Marijuana that destroys Cancer cells, and of course Dichloroacetate (DCA) that works in destroying Cancer cells while leaving surrounding tissue untouched....AND my good friend and colleague, Whitewraithe, has several articles up at her own website including a potion that can be quickly made up that actually cures Cancer!  (Again, why are people not reading these articles?).....One of the bitter truths about Cancer is that not only is it not this horrific "disease" as constantly proclaimed, but it is a money making machine for those involved in the frauds of "Cancer treatments"..... I have been on a constant warpath against the quackery of these "treatments" and the fact that Cancer is now the number one killer across North America, and rapidly becoming the number one "disease" that gets the most money from donations for its fight against..... The facts are simple in that "Cancer treatment" is a multi-billion dollar industry that employs tens of thousands of people alone here in Canada.... Hundreds of thousands in the United States.....The bottom line is simple in that there is NO money to be made in actually curing Cancer!  And therefore the constant lie of "Give so that Cancer can be beaten" is still going on because the fraud medical profession wants the money to keep pouring in.....Yes, to me these criminals are in it only for the money and want to keep people as sick as possible for profits and do not give a damn if people actually die..... This is exactly what our modern medical industry is all about......Pathetic and morbid is an understatement....OK, enough on Cancer...For if people do not get it by now, they indeed are hopeless.....There is so much happening right now in the war in Yemen, especially the troubling news that I saw over the last few days about the strong possibility that the criminal and psychotic state of Israel has used nuclear weapons against the innocent civilian population there.... Honestly, I have looked at the videos again and again that show clearly some of the trademarks of a nuclear strike, but there are a few things missing that do suggest that they were not actually nuclear weapons... One is the telltale massive burst of tremendous light that should have overwhelmed the camera lens of the video maker for starters.. Even if these were small scale nukes along the line of neutron bombs, the light in itself would have destroyed the camera imagery even from the distance the video maker was away from the blast... And of course there is the missing shock wave that should have clearly shown itself in the video.. Yes, there was the sound but the shock wave from the blast, if it was nuclear, is missing.....  And I have the gnawing skepticism due to the fact that I do not see the point of the psychos in Israel, no matter how psychotic they are, to commit to the usage of nuclear devices in a place such as Yemen.... Yes, these people are cold blooded psychopaths, but to kill civilians in of all places,Yemen, using nuclear neutron bombs just does not make sense.....  Yes, the videos are compelling, and we know how psychopathic the Israelis and Saudis truly are being bloodthirsty psycho Jews, but I am not going to be sold on a "nuclear strike" yet..... As more evidence does come forward, either way, I will put up that information in articles to follow.....What more is there to say about the complete and utter bull shit known as 'ISIS'?   I have read the reports coming out over the last few weeks about how that fraud was created by the US CIA (and of course the Israeli Mossad) for the sole purpose of undermining the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria and I do feel so vindicated in my own writings here... For well over a year now, I and others have been harping constantly to anyone that would actually listen and open their minds to common sense and critical thinking, that ISIS was a fraud from the get go... ISIS is indeed nothing more than that other fraud "Al Qaeda" reinvented with a brand new 'paint job' to make it look even more sinister and evil.... But its goals are much the same as its previous creations, which is to raise havoc, do as much damage as possible, and to strike fear into people through false propaganda... And of course ISIS has worked handsomely for our own criminal governments in creating so much fear that people have gladly surrendered their own freedoms for the illusion of security from a threat this is absolutely non-existent.... I for one have been so deeply troubled by the gullibility of people right here in Canada that they are so easily conned and deceived by this "terrorist" group that in actuality is nothing more than a phantom and a figment of our imagination....The propaganda used by our governments and our media have done their dirty work so well that I still cannot convince many that they are being played as suckers!   Again, I do have to ask why people cannot see that "terrorism" in itself in nothing more than a massive fraud and hoax?Much like Whitewraithe, I too am disturbed by the writings of someone else in this "truth movement" that we had put so much trust into over the last few years... That individual, whom most everyone knows by now as being what he claims, a "freelance journalist", has turned almost 180 degrees away from the truth, has begun attacks on many others, and has been putting out articles that honestly are pure bunk.... One being the ridiculous "Mayan head" on Mars bullshit that I still get a laugh out of to this very day knowing the NASA Mars missions are as phony as a three dollar bill... His refusing to see the reality of the frauds of NASA and their bullshit space missions is very revealing in itself....He came flat out recently and called anyone that sees, for example, the fraud of Project Apollo and their ridiculous man on the moon missions, "kooks and liars"... I for one have been appalled by his allegations due to the fact that he has thrown simple science and scientific investigation into the fraud of Project Apollo right out the door and he now appears to be another mouthpiece for that fraud of history.... I could into great detail about how much he is wrong for his assertions that Apollo "happened" as NASA claims, but that could take an entire rant in itself.... I instead ask again that everyone take a look at the facts in detail, and to look at many factual works on the fraud of Apollo including Dave McGowan's own "Wagging The Moondoggie" series of articles, that actually take a hard look at Apollo and tears it to shreds.... To me, this "freelance journalist" is doing exactly what a disinformation agent is paid well to do, put up some truth to reel in an audience and then yank them and leave them disillusioned by putting out complete and utter bullshit to lead them astray.....Well, there is so much happening everywhere around the world, and I am only scratching the surface here... I know that I have missed out on other important subjects over the last week, and I do ask that everyone take the time to read reports from friends and colleagues that I call "The best bloggers that I know" that I list in the left hand column of this blog.... For now, I will close this week's rant with my usual "last minute tidbits" of  my own thoughts on major events around the world.......And here we go.... What else is there to say about the ridiculous FIFA investigation that was demanded by the United States this last week?  The psychotic state of Israel was going to be banned by FIFA and the Israelis got their slaves in the US to demand this investigation as retaliation.  Yes, the investigation could show that FIFA is indeed corrupt, but are not all major organizations as well?  Hell, all we have to do is look at how a hot desert called Qatar gets awarded the 2018 World Cup as the best evidence of FIFA's corruption!.... Yes, Israel has indeed blackmailed the United States to the tune of some 1.9 billion dollars in military hardware so that they will "go along" with the signing of the Iranian nuclear deal.  But what is missing in this is the nature of that military hardware which includes bunker busting bombs and Hellfire missiles.  These are NOT defensive armaments and instead will just give that psycho state the hardware necessary to go right ahead and attack Iran if they want independently.  And of course we again have the US giving them all that weaponry at US taxpayer expense.  Yes, the American people are again being played as suckers here.......And speaking of Iran and its "nuclear deal".  It appears that the US and Israel are still attempting to stonewall any agreement by demanding that ALL of Iran's military installations be under inspection in the new 'deal'.  That demand is something that no nation should ever agree upon, and again it shows that the criminals want the Iranian deal destroyed so that they can have their excuse to attack and destroy that peaceful nation......Why am I not surprised that the recent coup attempt in Macedonia was set up, and bought and paid for, by none other than Dr. Evil himself, George Soros?  I do wonder WHY this arch criminal that has caused so much havoc around the world including the recent trouble in Ferguson Missouri (and possibly in Baltimore as well..) is not in a jail cell?  But again, there is one law for the criminal chosen ones and one law for everyone else.......Yes, I saw some of the reports about how truly evil and sinister Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton) truly is and how she and the rest of the Clinton crime family are so corrupt.  But hey, all will be forgotten when she is propelled into the White House, right?   Honestly, are Americans truly that brain dead that they cannot find one DECENT person to be the next US President?.......Fukushima is still a disaster.  Nothing new here, other than new and troubling reports that a new explosion at the failed nuclear facility could be imminent.   But hey, as I have always said, the Jew spew media is avoiding Fukushima like a plague while they continue to concentrate on what really matters, which is Israel and nothing else.........Women's FIFA World Cup starts next weekend here in Canada, and hopefully all goes well considering all the reports of corruption in FIFA itself.  Honestly I have not paid much attention to women's soccer at all, but I may take a look at a few games over the Talmudvision just out of curiosity........Banks wanting to turn us into a 'cashless' society, and to me this is disturbing indeed.  Criminal bankers want to remove cash as one of the last stumbling blocks for their total control over our society.  People need to understand that if cash is removed, then we are at the criminal Jewish banking institution's mercy, with everything becoming electronic and numbers on computers.  Cash was one way that we were able to control our own finances and with its removal, these criminals will finally achieve their long sought total control over our very lives!  Hopefully people will put a stop to that move before it becomes too late........Kardashian news for this week?  Honestly, I wanted to skip anything from that group of filthy skanks, misfits, and trollops for this report.  I actually tried again to watch one episode of "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" last week during my rest, but it caused me to feel like my head was going to explode.   Totally full of mindless drivel and nonsensical buffoonery.  But hey, Americans for some strange reason truly love these idiots....More to comeNTS