Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 25th, 2014

Sunday, and again time for my weekly rant.  So much to talk about with everything that has been going on this last week, and I will try to do my best at covering the real truths about some of those topics...Today is of course, Veterans Day in the once great United States of America.  I will not tarnish or put down the efforts of those veterans who went off and fought in wars for the United States.  Many were and are still under the assumption that they were doing some good for their country and all of mankind.  However, many need to understand that ALL wars are indeed "Jewish Bankers Wars" and in spite of the propaganda being fed to them that they were off fighting for a worthy cause, in the long run they were only making a few of these elite Jewish banking scum mega-rich, while actually making the world safe for the criminal Jews that have long hijacked their nation.  I can only ask everyone and especially those veterans that actually do read my articles to please take the time to do their own research via the Internet for the real truths about our history, and especially the horrific wars of the last century to see for themselves exactly what they have fought for.I have come under fire (nothing new here) for my recent rants and articles about the criminality of the Jews.  I have always asked those critics to please explain to me how that "tribe" has stolen land from people to build a criminal nation of their own, and has been outright murdering the rightful people that have long occupied that land for millenia, the Palestinians.  That is of course just the tip of the iceberg, because I for the life of me cannot understand how anyone can support the "tribe" after actually reading their most unholy Talmud.  I have posted many articles here about the psychotic statements in the Jewish Talmud, and especially its infamous statements about how it is "OK to have sex with children under the age of 9" and "Having sex with a child under the age of 3 is NOTHING", as well as the "Best of Gentiles are to be killed".(Yes, these are real Talmudic quotes... Look it up! Or just read some of them here).... To me, a book that promotes child molestation and having sex with children is beyond disgusting.   It also makes those who actually follow and worship such disgusting literature most evil...... I have covered the evil machinations of the Talmud and the equally disgusting Torah in previous articles and rants, but may have to do a full session of exposing such disgusting evil in a future rant.Today is the day for the laughable "election" in the US puppet regime controlled Ukraine, and to me it is a farce.  ALL of the so called "candidates" for this "election" are nothing more than hand picked cronies of the criminal regime itself.  This is not "democracy" at all, but a dictatorship.   It is shocking and a hypocrisy that the criminal US government has been promoting this "election" as legitimate, while at the same time calling the peaceful and truly legitimate referendums held in eastern Ukraine as being "illegitimate".    And of course after this "election" the criminal regime in Kiev will now appear to be legal, and will push all of the demands of the Jewish Rothschild led IMF on the people of Ukraine, turning them into Usury debt ridden slaves for all eternity.  What a great deal for the proud people of Ukraine indeed!Of course while that sham "election" takes place today in Ukraine, the illegitimate Ukrainian government has continued their lethal attacks on the people of eastern Ukraine that actually voted in legal referendums to break away from Ukraine itself and to decide shortly through another referendum if they want to join with the Russian Federation.   In every aspect of international law the people of eastern Ukraine have the rights to decide their future, and if it does not lie with Ukraine itself, then so be it.   However, the illegal regime in Kiev has had the audacity to call these people in eastern Ukraine "terrorists".   This false labeling has been done to somehow fool the entire world that these separatists are criminal, while giving the Kiev government some type of legitimacy in turning their army loose to outright murder eastern Ukrainian civilians.   We have also seen the result in the Jewish run media where those liars have indeed labeled these separatists as "terrorists" and "rebels".    This last week saw the beginning of the end for the US dollar as the world's only reserve currency.  China and Russia have made several deals that will see their international trade no longer in US dollars, but in both the Yuan and the Ruble.   The proverbial "writing is on the wall" now for the US dollar, because more and more nations will now begin signing off in deals with those nations and many others that will no longer be in US dollars.   We could indeed see a cascading effect where the US dollar is no longer used and much of those reserves held in foreign nations flooding back to the United States itself.   The result could be catastrophic for the US with massive hyper inflation and full American economic collapse happening very soon.  The US has long propped up its insane debt on the backs of other nations through their US dollar ponzi schemes, and now the world is no longer playing the game.....THIS is why the lunatics running the US Government are pushing for wars all around the globe.  In their twisted logic, they assume that they can force nations back onto the US dollar by attacking them even at the risk of escalation into a new world war.I have seen the reports coming out about the still "missing" Malaysian flight MH370 that have stated the possibility that the plane was "shot down" during a US-Thailand military exercise that supposedly was going on at the same time that flight was en-route to China.  Yes, these newest findings are indeed intriguing, but there are many inconsistencies with the "shot down" theory.... One is of course the fact that there is no debris to be found, and if the flight was shot down, there would be plenty.... Two is of course the lack of eye witnesses to any explosion in the sky that would have happened if the plane was shot down.  Considering that the region the plane was flying over is one of the most heavily populated regions on the planet, any tell tale blast from the plane being hit in the sky surely would have been seen or heard by someone.  But we have no such reports... Three is the findings of Jim Stone with the message fired off from Philip Wood from the American base at Diego Garcia that have yet to be shown to be a fraud.....There are plenty more to poke holes through the latest theory, and as it stands now some 75 days since that "disappearance" we are left with more riddles rather than facts..... Until some hard proof presents itself, I am sticking to the original evidence that the plane was hijacked by the US itself, flown to Diego Garcia, and all of the 239 passengers on board were murdered in cold blood..  I am sick of the "plane", "no plane" arguments that are still going on today some 13 years after the Israeli Mossad attacks of 9-11.   It is sad that many still argue over that ridiculous issue rather than focus on the criminals that pulled off the operation itself, the psychotic Israelis and their evil Mossad operatives that have been operating all over America with impunity.... Now we have the latest "mini nuke" versus "super-Thermite" debate that has arisen due to recent articles showing how the United States has been working with the criminal Israelis in selling nuclear weapons all over the planet and possibly allowing the psychotic Israelis to place these "mini nukes" in many buildings across America itself.   Those articles also put forward the theory that these same "mini nukes" were used to help fell the twin towers on 9-11.... This is only a theory, and like other theories about 9-11 should be kept in perspective and open to discussion and investigation.....What worries me is that this latest theory will further ruin the efforts of true legitimate 9-11 investigators by diverting attention away from what should be the real focus... The perpetrators of the entire attacks, the criminal Israelis themselves...The criminal state of Israel has now stated this last week that if their fraud "peace talks" with the Palestinians do fail, they will push for the full annexation of the entire West Bank region into Israel itself.    Lets get the facts straight... This has always been the plan by these evil monsters.  They have always wanted ALL of Palestine for their greedy selfish selves, and in their twisted thinking, there is absolutely no room at all for the Palestinian people, period.   This again shows that the entire "peace process" has been a sham and a fraud from the very beginning.... Israel does not want peace at all, because they only want territory.   It also justifies again what I have been saying all along... There can never be any peace at all for the Palestinian people as long as the Jews in Israel continue with their insane logic.  The only hope for the proud people of Palestine is to fight back against their oppressors.  It is fight or die, and given those two choices, the logic choice is the former......The push by the United States for intervention into Nigeria has escalated this last week with reports about the US putting more troops into nations surrounding Nigeria itself.... The US has sent some 200 soldiers into neighboring Chad as an example under the fraud storyline that those troops will be used to send drones into Nigeria itself to look for those phantom missing school girls.....Yes, in spite of my best efforts to explain that there are no abducted school girls and possibly never were, there are many that are still falling for that lie....And we have reports coming out from Nigeria itself about the latest and greatest US "terrorist group" creation, "Boko Haram" ( I still get a laugh about that phony name) killing innocent Nigerian civilians by setting off a string of bombing attacks all over Nigeria.  It is obvious that these bombings and the fraudulent schoolgirl abduction are being done to again convince the world that "intervention" (invasion) is a necessity in another African nation, just as "intervention" was a "necessity" in Uganda, Somalia, South Sudan, Congo, Mali, Central African Republic, Libya, etc, etc.....The US wants Nigeria's mineral and petroleum wealth, and rather than try to make actual trade deals, like the Chinese have done, their choice always seems to be military intervention.Reports came out this last week showing that the Fukushima disaster was far worse than what was reported (Why am I not surprised?).   It appears that right after the initial meltdown disaster, some 90% of the TEPCO workers at Fukushima ran for their lives rather than stick around and be exposed to deadly radiation from the melted cores..... And of course we find more reports that the reported levels of radiation released into the atmosphere from the initial explosions and meltdowns was far far worse than what we have been told (Again, why am I not surprised?).   I have long said that TEPCO and the Japanese government have conspired to keep the truth about the magnitude of the disaster away from the public eye.   And to top it all off, we find "new" reports about TEPCO having to dump radioactive water, from what has been poured over the melted cores in a futile effort to contain their radiation and keep them cool, directly into the Pacific Ocean.... I have stated from the very beginning that TEPCO could not possibly "store" all that contaminated water, and that from the very beginning they have been dumping that water directly into the Pacific Ocean.  This latest admission that they have indeed been "forced" into dumping waste water into the Pacific only backs my long standing claim..... The fact is that the Fukushima disaster is absolutely not under control, and now some 3 and a quarter years since the initial March 2011 meltdowns, the end is no where in sight.  We will pay dearly for decades to come from this disaster.The free election in Syria for the next President is just over a week away, and the criminals in the US and Israel are running out of time in getting Bashar al-Assad removed from power.   The facts are that the June 2nd election in Syria will indeed see Assad win by a huge landslide.  That landslide victory will not be ignored by everyone around the planet, and will call into question the entire push by the criminals in the US and Israel to have Assad removed from power.  It will also call into question the entire backing of the US and Israel for their mercenary rebel forces in Syria itself.    The criminals in the US and Israel know that they need something to happen very soon  (false flag attack) and this explains why this week the US/Israel, and Jordan are participating in new "war games"..... These "war games" are a sham and nothing more than a cover for moving forces into place for the invasion of Syria itself..... Something big is coming, and considering June 2nd is coming up fast, the newest false flag for the much needed excuse for a direct attack on Syria itself has to come this week... Watch for it, and be ready to put the blame for the attack where it rightfully belongs.Well, I guess that is it for now... I will close this rant with my usual last minute "tidbits" to hopefully cover the majority of other news events that I missed... Here goes.... News out this week that the Greeks have been forced to sell some of their own beaches to private investors. How do you like your criminal IMF imposed "austerity" now, Greece?........More shenanigans from the good people on Wall Street with reports of more market manipulation to make the stock market look great in spite of true economic turmoil.  The corruption of Wall Street is so blatant that the criminals running the entire sham no longer even hide their manipulation.  I say to anyone that still has stocks to get out now before it is too late......New report shows that "Facebook"'s "listening" tool can be used to spy on its own users.  Like I have long said, if you are that gullible and have a "Facebook" account, close the damn thing immediately!......China and Japan going to war over a few spits of islands in the western Pacific?  Absolutely childishness by both sides, but would be great for the Jewish bankers that would finance both sides in such a conflict.  The only solution should have both sides sit down and start negotiating instead of saber rattling......Important news came out that Canada was indeed "bailed out" by the US Federal Reserve during the 2008 world financial crisis, and few Canadians are getting angry about this travesty?  I thought the US was bad with its citizens turned into zombies by chemicals, but it looks like Canada is no better......People still asking why I do not tackle the Jewish "holocaust" issue in more articles.  I keep telling them that I live in Canada, where revelations that would expose the truth about that period of history would have me in jail for "holocaust denial".  I leave it up to everyone to research the "holocaust' for themselves and draw their own conclusions.......Still waiting for any new word on the new documentary by Fetzer/Halbig about their visit to Sandy Hook.   When it becomes available, I will definitely have it here.  But by now is there any doubt that Sandy Hook was indeed a fraud?.... Israeli troops murder two innocent Palestinians in cold blood, get caught doing the deed on video, and the world turns a blind eye.  And people still doubt that the Jews control governments and media?..... Same goes for the massive flooding taking place in Serbia.  Strangely with hundreds of people dead from these floods and thousands left homeless, that it has not made world media headlines.  But again, because it does not concern Jewish interests, or their precious Israel, it is not considered "news"......Startling news report came out in a video where one of the creators of the horrendous "Common Core" education standards in the US admitted that "Common Core" was created to bash white people.   Has anyone not bothered to see that this "Common Core" fiasco is indeed part of the plan to dumb down and destroy America?... And speaking of a dumbed down America, here is my weekly shot at that fabulous family that all Americans love so well, the Kardashians.  Supposedly, Kim and Kanye just married in a Florence, Italy, fortress.  Gosh darn, I am sorry that I did not make this important Kardashian news major headline news, but I have better things to worry about, such as watching paint dry.   Sadly, this has made all the latest "entertainment" news, and shows again how America is indeed on a sharp decline....More to comeNTS