Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 24th, 2015

  Sunday... Memorial Day weekend in the United States (but not here in Canada) and again time for my weekly rant..I do feel that I do need to apologize to all of  my readers for my absence the last while and not posting as many articles as usual, but I do have a personal life and recently there has been increasing demands for myself in both my personal and business life... Therefore I have been forced to neglect this blog... But hey, it is my blog and I will post material when I can....Yes, it is Memorial Day in the once great United States of America, and this is supposed to be the weekend that most Americans honor their fallen soldiers from all of the wars that the US has been involved in... Lets be perfectly clear here that I in no way want to slur or slight the memory of those who gave their lives for what they believed to be a fight for freedom... But knowing now that almost ALL wars in our recorded history were not fought for "freedom" or "liberty" but were done for very nefarious reasons and to make some of the most heinous and evil creatures rich and powerful, I will not sway from my own duty to expose the truth about these conflicts... One alternative media writer put it best when he called all wars "bankers wars", but in reality every conflict over the last century at least have been "JEWISH banker wars".....Yes, it has been so sad to see our history filled with lies about wars, and especially the great World Wars of the last century.... Our nation's people have all been sold by our own crooked governments into the notion that they were going out and fighting these wars for "God and country" and for "good versus evil"... It is only now when we re-examine these conflicts that we finally understand how soldiers have been purposely brainwashed into fighting and killing their fellow human beings for nothing more than to kill Gentiles, destroy nations, and make Jewish banking scoundrels rich in the process..... Again, it is so important for this generation and future generations that they do understand exactly what "war" is truly all about and to make sure that we do not repeat the same mistakes in having another World War that truly could see the end of mankind itself...I received some most interesting comments the last little while that were obviously coming from some of the Hasbara agents that have been assigned to raise havoc with my site... I again look at them as laughable clowns and what I do call "my favorite fan club".... I do want to share with everyone right here one comment that was sent just last week on an article that I posted some 6 years ago about the fraud "Raid on Entebbe" from whom I will dub as "Hasbara agent #666" and it shows how truly ridiculous this group gets at times...Here is that comment:

Anonymous said...
yah and the Holocaust never happened,and the Munich Olympics never happened, and the Egyptians never enslaved the biblical Jews, and radicals from Hamas have not sent 11,000 rockets into Israel since 2005. Israel was never attacked in 1948, 1967, or 1973.Basically all suffering Jewish people ever endured were just political ploys to be pitied (note the sarcasm) You call Israel an "evil state", yet they are A. the ONLY democracy in the Middle East and B. the most ethical.

I had to read this twice just to make sure that I got this "anonymous" Hasbara 'Agent #666' right....  There was so many things wrong with this comment, starting with the sentence structure... I am sure that these Hasbara agents are well paid to be clowns, but could this one at least use a sentence and spelling checker?  I need not go into great detail about what was all wrong with what this clown was claiming.... Of course these agents try to get my ire by bringing up the "holocaust" of the second World War first and foremost... I again state that part of history is off limits for myself due to the fact that I do live in Canuckleheadistan where "hate crimes" are in place to make investigation of that "history" null and void.... I only need to ask people one basic thing..."If the Holocaust was so real, then why are the Jews pushing laws across the world blocking research and investigation into its factual history?  If it was real, then it should stand up to investigation and scrutiny!"     It again shows that something is indeed wrong with this "holocaust" because truth never needs laws to support itself, only LIES DO!...... And of course we have this clown saying the Munich Olympics "never happened" (!)... Either he is too stupid for words, or he is trying to link in the Munich Olympic "terrorist" attack which of course was run by Abu Nidal, famous Mossad bought and paid for agent who launched the attack to make sure some Jews were killed to garner sympathy for ALL Jews world wide.... The part about the Egypticans never enslaving "biblical" Jews is an oxymoron and a twist on the truth.  Most people that actually do some historical research that the enslavement was actually of the Egyptians by the forerunner of these "Jews" better known as the Hyksos.  It is so amazing how our history has been so distorted..... The part about Hamas sending "11000 rockets" into Israel since 2005 is a real laugher... Granted there were a few "rockets" hurled from the Gaza Strip and Lebanon into Israel since that time but they have been proven again and again to be done by Mossad operatives who set up small launching platforms to hurl some ridiculous bottle rockets back into Israel that absolutely never ever hit anything or anyone.  That lie is strangely still perpetuated though and has been used by our Jew run governments to claim that Israel has the right to "protect itself" from "rockets" by giving them the green light to slaughter civilians......The "Israel was never attacked in 1948, 1967, and 1973" is especially strange, considering Israel itself used the "wars" of 1948 and 1967 for expansion and Israel attacked and invaded nations in those wars.  The 1973 war was a bit different where Egypt and Syria  finally retaliated against Jewish aggression but were halted due to the threat of Israel unleashing its nuclear arsenal against those  nations... The sarcasm part is so laughable when the Jewish ploy has always been to label itself as the "victim" and the "sufferer" throughout history while they go about their business as nation wreckers....  And finally the "only democracy" in the Middle East part truly made me howl... Israel is absolutely NOT a democracy and is in fact a "theocracy" where only those who follow the corrupt and evil religion of Judaism have any rights and "freedoms"... Islamic and Christian people are criminalized, or even murdered, in that "only democracy" which also shows how truly "unethical" that psychotic state really is.... Sadly, most people around the world have been brainwashed by the Jew spew media lies about this "democracy", but they too can learn the real truth by just doing a small amount of research..Overall, this comment again is a real laugher and shows how truly insulting the Hasbara/JIDF agents have become... Honestly, if this is the best these clowns can do, then we are definitely winning the war for the truth...There were reports that came out this last week claiming that the Mossad/CIA run fraudulent "terrorist" group known as "ISIS" is now in control of over 1/2 of the innocent nation of Syria itself.... But has this not been the plan all along?   The criminal United States and Israel have both been gunning for years now for the removal of the good guy, Bashar al-Assad, from power in Syria and the destruction of the Syrian nation... They have been funding ALL of the so called "rebel" forces in Syria, both moderate, and "extreme" as is the case with "ISIS".   The fact that "ISIS" now controls some 1/2 of Syria and is marching on Assad's strongholds in the south and western parts of Syria is all according to their plans.....  And the real twist and irony in all this is that they can now claim that US and NATO forces may need to be on the ground in Syria itself to fight this fraud "ISIS" threat.    And if they do not get their boots on the ground that way, they will still continue to throw weapons and arms at the so called "moderate" rebel forces that are fighting in parallel with ISIS itself to have Syria conquered... Again, this shows how the US/Israel/NATO are funding and arming BOTH sides of the "rebel forces" in this conflict and thus turning it into a "win win" situation.....They also care not that their pursuit of the destruction of Syria will see the lives of thousands of innocent Syrian civilians exterminated....The subservience of the United States to Jewish power and the psychotic state of Israel showed itself clearly this last week when the UN resolution to try to make the Middle East a nuclear weapon free zone and to expose Israel as the real nuclear threat to that entire region was squashed in the United Nations security council... The Jews got their puppets in the United States government to basically veto this resolution and thus again protect the fact that Israel itself has a massive nuclear weapons arsenal.... It also keeps the truth about that arsenal from being exposed for the world to see.   In doing so, Israel can again keep itself out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) laws and prevent any scrutiny of its nuclear weapons... It also means that the US can continue to claim falsely that Israel does not have nukes and keep all the money flowing to that criminal nation in avoidance of the Symington-Glenn Agreements which was passed into law to prevent funding of any nation that is in violation of the NNPT itself........ But the real tragic result of the squashing of this UN resolution is that it again shows clearly for the world to see how the US is nothing more than a slave of Jewish power, and how the American public is again being kept in the dark, purposely, about that reality!While the Jew spew media around the world keeps its focus on the interests and glory of the psychotic state of Israel, a real tragedy is rearing its ugly head in Japan... Reports came out last week where sampling of drinking water in Japan has tested positive for Fukushima radiation across that entire nation!    Yes, at this point in time the Fukushima disaster is still very much out of control with no end in sight, and now we find traces of Cesium 131, and even Plutonium 239, being found in Japan's drinking water supplies.   This is a true tragedy for the Japanese nation, because those radioactive particles are now being consumed directly by the Japanese people which will result in potentially millions of deaths due to the resultant cancer and other radiation caused diseases.   What is also shows is the ignorance of the entire world to the plight of Japan and the fact that Fukushima is a disaster that is still affecting people world wide....  Sadly, as I have stated before, our own criminal governments and of course the Jew spew media are absolutely not reporting on this still ongoing disaster, and that is due to the fact that again the interests of the Jews and their psycho state of Israel come first and foremost.....I received some startling and sad news this week that one of the good guys out there in this real "truth movement", Dave McGowan, is now in a hospital in California suffering from Cancer.   Penny over at "Pennyforyourthoughts" forward to me the following email report from Dave himself:"o I guess I’ll just cut right to the chase and say that the prognosis is not good. I’ve been in the oncology ward of Glendale Adventist Hospital for several days now subjecting myself to various tests (X-Rays, a C-T Scan, an MRI, blood panels, a bone scan, and a biopsy). And the news has gotten progressively worse. As it stands now, I have small-cell cancer aggressively attacking my lungs, liver and bones, and the doctors fear it could soon invade my brain. The survival rate for this form of lung cancer is very low and beating the odds is a daunting challenge. I’m a fighter by nature, but this is going to require a hell of a fight. On the plus side, the staff here has been wonderfully supportive and they have done everything possible to keep me comfortable and to take the edge off the intense pain. Start my first round of chemotherapy this morning, which hopefully will go well" I have never known Dave McGowan personally, but all of his books and works are mostly available online, and are excellent reads, especially the material on the truth about "Laurel Canyon" and how that was used for US MK Ultra mind control experiments.   And of course his work on the exposure of the lies of the Apollo Moon landings in his "Wag The Moondoggie" reports available online and has always appealed to myself knowing what I do know about NASA and its continuing frauds and lies about space travel.   I had attempted years back to contact Dave and have him open for discussion with myself, but his email response was actually quite disturbing in that he dismissed me outright and refused to do any further correspondence.   At the time I thought that was a bit rude of him, and I have not attempted any correspondence since....One thing that I am truly surprised when it comes to Dave is how he is so willing to have himself subjected to "chemotherapy" treatments when he himself should have been brought up to speed about the truth that "chemotherapy" has never cured Cancer but in fact does weaken the body's immune system and actually leads to the Cancer spreading everywhere across the body..... I do wonder if anyone has bothered to approach him with alternative treatments for Cancer that actually cure the "disease" and may actually save himself from any damage to his body and actually save his life?Well, before I go onto my usual "Last Minute tidbits", I do want to touch on what has been happening with Whitewraithe and why she has decided to quit this fight as of July 1st..... Yes, she has been enduring a lot of hardship these last few months with no employment and almost zero money for herself and especially for the medicines she requires.... She also told me a while back about how she has had near zero readership over at Pragmatic Witness ( and has been asking me constantly "What is the point in trying to keep fighting?"..... She also has been worried about the suppression of the truth in America and the possibility that she could be arrested for her articles and views.... I can understand her plight in that regard due to the fact that up here in Canada with the passage of the horrendous bill "C51", I too could come under scrutiny and even be arrested for my own views....  Wraithe therefore has decided to pull the plug on her blog and will concentrate on getting herself both better and actually employed.... I have asked her to try to keep the archives at her site intact because they are indeed a wealth of knowledge and fact, and for her to think about my offer to post material freely here at this blog when she has the time or wants to have an outlet for her thoughts.. I truly hope that she will take up my offer, because in spite of her difficulties, she is one very bright young lady!Well, I guess that is enough for the moment... But of course I always close these rants with my usual "last minute tidbits" to cover other important subjects of the day....... I see President Soetoro is now saying that he wants to use the US military to fight the fraud of "Global Warming".  I need to ask how the US Military, which is in fact probably the biggest abuser of "Carbon emissions" on the planet,  is supposed to fight "climate change"?   Reminds me of how Roman Emperor Caligula when he tried to conquer Britain was stopped by the English Channel and then ridiculously commanded his troops to "attack" the channel itself with their swords and weapons.  I wonder if Soetoro is just as ignorant?............The fraud of ISIS is now on the march again in Iraq I see with the "conquest" of Ramadi and its march now on Baghdad (again).  I guess the US government is working hard now on using this fraud terrorist group as an excuse to re-invade Iraq itself.  Hopefully the American public will not be gullible enough to support Iraq War number 3.......What else is there to say about the failing economy?  All that anyone has to do is do what I have done and just take a walk through the nearest shopping mall and they will see for themselves that there is absolutely NO "economic recovery" and the worse is yet to come...... Greece to default on the IMF demands, finally, or are we not being told the truth here?   The Greek people truly do need to stop the criminal IMF and the entire European fraud Union in its tracks by telling these criminals to take their odious debt and again shove it up their asses.  Greece's future is not with a criminal EU but rests elsewhere.  I cannot personally understand why the Greeks are hesitant in not ending their fraud debt instantly and taking up Russia and the BRICS nations offer to join that group?........While the American economy collapses, most Americans are being kept out of the loop about how dire their financial future real is,  by constant reports about that Jewess, Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton), her ridiculous emails, and her run for the Presidency.   Honestly, if the only choices for that high office are this psychotic lunatic and that other lunatic, Jeb Bush who's brother Marvin was the man responsible for security at the World Trade Center before and during the Israeli Mossad attacks of 9-11 and of course is part of the Bush crime family of liars and thieves, then America is truly done for.......Reports coming out of the UK about how truly pro-Israel the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is and always has been.   Honestly, what else would the British people expect when their primary media outlet is controlled by Jews and always has been run by Jews?   I have a solution for the British people.  Turn off all media that is run by and promotes Jewish interests, period!.......Yes, while America rots and its people starve in the streets of American cities, the US government has just given the criminal state of Israel almost 2 BILLION dollars in military weapons, and equipment.  And for those who think these psychos will use those weapons for "defensive purposes" think again.  Israel wants the weapons to attack and destroy Iran and their slaves in the US government continue to hand them over.   When the hell will the American people ever wake up?........Now that the BPL has ended, I am going through soccer withdrawals.   I guess I could always follow Hockey for a while.   Go Tampa Bay Lightning!........And finally, my weekly look at the one thing ( or things) on most American minds, the fabulous tramps, trollops, and misfits, called the Kardashians.  It seems that skank Kim is now defending her "work" by saying that critics should try to step into her shoes and try being her and what she has to put up with.  Oh, the hardship of being a soft porn star that has no abilities, no skills, and is absolutely brain dead.  But hey, Americans do indeed love their Kardashians!  NO wonder America is going to hell....More to comeNTS