Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 1st, 2016

 Yes it is Sunday again... May 1st and the start of a brand new month... And as usual, time for my weekly rant..Once a year, I always take a look at those "unusual subjects" that I periodically get asked to give my own opinion about... Many of these subjects are usually taboo to real researchers, since the material usually labels the writer as being a "quack" or a "kook".... But I do get a lot of comments about them, and I will oblige those commentators here....On the subject of extraterrestrial life..... I stated before and I will say it again... We are definitely NOT alone here in the Universe... Yes, many will argue that life on this planet is simply impossible to be by "chance", but considering how huge the Universe truly is and that life will find a way in even the most extreme environments (bacteria found in places on Earth that many would deem to be impossible is a prime example...), I would state that extraterrestrial life is a given...The big reason why contact with life from beyond has not found yet is primarily the position this planet is in terms of the Milky Way galaxy... Earth sits in a sparse region of one arm of the Milky Way called the "Orion Spur" which is actually between two of the main arms of the galaxy called the "Scutus Centaurus" and "Perseus" arms... This sparse region means that nearby stars are many light years away, and those that are candidates for extraterrestrial life are even further... Therefore "contact" with orbiting Earth like worlds around those distant stars has stymied astronomers so far due to the matter of distance and even time due to conventional radio signals taking decades to reach us from these distant stars....Therefore until all means of attempting contact are done and proven fruitless, I dismiss the idea that we are alone even in our own galaxy...On the subject of UFO's....... If there are Unidentified Flying Objects and "aliens" from other planets visiting this one, then it is my belief that many of them do follow a code of ethics to "not interfere" with human development on this planet.... Many would assert that we are already in contact with alien beings and that humans are being experimented on by these aliens... That is open to debate, and in many cases upon further examination has been proven to be false....However, logically one would have to ask what would be the purpose of alien contact with our race?  The facts are that if aliens are in contact with humans, then they are vastly superior to our own culture simply because of their technological achievement in even getting here across the vast distances required... That superiority would basically be akin to the superior European cultures coming across the Atlantic and coming across the more primitive North American aboriginals......And we have already seen what the invasion and interference of the Europeans upon aboriginal societies has done.........I therefore am sticking to the notion that if aliens are visiting this planet, they are mostly observing our societies to see if we can even survive ourselves and some of our evil groups that lust for greed and power......If humans survive and advance then at some point contact and full public disclosure can be possible....On the subject of "alien visitation in our distant past".... I was an avid reader of many of the so called research works put out in the 1970's on this subject, including Erik von Daniken's famous books about the "Chariots of the Gods" that gave so much speculation that we were indeed visited by alien creatures in our not so distant past.... It was indeed a most fascinating topic to read, and left more questions than answers about exactly what happened to our ancestors and if their cultures were influenced by aliens....  It is a fact that something did happen to our planet somewhere around 15000 years ago which would explain the "flood" stories that we see in most of our cultures and their ancient writings... And that cataclysm would have definitely wiped out so many previous cultures and the advanced sciences that they would have developed... Those civilization's advancements would account for many of the findings from those researchers that claim were done by space aliens...... I am not dismissing the idea that our distant ancestors were visited by advanced beings from other worlds, only that again those visitors would again be "observing" our primitive societies as they developed and not interfered....Which of course leads to the idea of the "Annunaki" and the idea that mankind was "designed" as a slave race placed on this planet by advanced aliens....  What fascinates me by this idea is simply the fact that our own DNA shows definitive signs of being manipulated! Biologists and scientists still cannot answer why some of our DNA strands show signs of being "fused" and manipulated, which absolutely does not occur in nature, as the prime example that many researchers point to us being the descendants of a race placed on this planet by aliens... Many also speculate that our race was designed as a slave race and was placed on this planet primarily for mining this planet's vast deposits of minerals, especially Gold.....I have read so many works recently on the "Annunaki" and the idea that mankind did not 'evolve' on Earth but was placed here, and at present I do keep an open mind on this subject... Until real proof does come forward, even in the alternative news realm, then speculation is still the order of the day here.....On the subject of this "flat earth" crap.... I have already looked at these groups as nothing more than pure bullshit, and being on the Internet to basically "poison the well"....Their job is to try to convince only suckers and those who are gullible enough to believe their lies.... Once that is done, then they can sell the notion that those who know that man never walked on the moon or that much of our history is nothing but lies, will be associated with believing that the "Earth is flat" and dismissed as quacks..... I have already warned so many not to fall into this trap and to simply ignore these "flat earth" scoundrels and agents...Science right here on Earth has already proven beyond the shadow of any doubt that the world is indeed round, and to believe otherwise is pure hokum...On the subject of "Sasquatch" and "Yeti"..... These are very touchy subjects and have ruined so many true researchers out there by having people falsely ridiculing their other research material because these researchers also believe that there are large hominids out there on this planet..... I am neutral on this subject simply because years back in my college days I read many reports and books on "Big foot" in North America and found the subject fascinating.... Many would say that it would be impossible for such large creatures to still exist, and yet there are indeed many large unexplored regions even right here in North America where these creatures can still hide out in this day and age....But what we are all waiting for is for researchers and even hunters to come up with plausible evidence in the form of actual skeletal remains or even skin tissue samples before many will accept their existence to be factual.....The same goes for the Yeti of the Himalayans and of course the large hominids said to occupy the Solomon Islands..... I am not getting on board with these creatures being real until factual evidence surfaces.....There are many other subjects that I do find fascinating, and I could spend this entire rant touching on them as well.. But already there will be critics out there that will suddenly say that NTS is a 'believer' in "space aliens", and "big foot", and will of course now try to destroy my own research through these labels... I only laugh at them for their ridiculousness and their close mindedness.... There are indeed so many mysteries out there that are unsolved and open to speculation, and I applaud those researchers who spend their time going out there to solve these puzzles....They should not be ridiculed at all in searching for the truth....Well... There you have it... My annual look at those touchy subjects that have labeled so many as being "quacks"....Now onto the present problems plaguing our planet....... On the subject of what is presently happening in Syria, I see that the "good guys" (yes, in this war against evil, these are the good guys..) the Syrian government forces and their allies have almost completed their conquest of Aleppo and are now moving on the fraud terrorist group "ISIS" stronghold in Raqqa.... Many critics have asked why it has taken the Syrian forces so long to control Aleppo, and I would state it is due to the size of Aleppo itself... Aleppo before the "civil war" was the largest city in Syria with some 3 million inhabitants and therefore covered a pretty large area... This ongoing battle to free Aleppo has been on an almost street to street fight between the Syrian Government forces against the US led and armed "Al Nusra" forces in the southern part of the city... But the Syrian forces have been making headway and hopefully within the next week can safely announce that Aleppo is cleared of these mercenaries and murderers.... Aleppo has always in my own estimations to be the key to the entire battle for Syria, and once that city is secured the vain attempts by the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal to have Syria itself destroyed and conquered will have been defeated....Which leads to the big question again as to WHY the US has sent in even more of their "special forces" into Syria under the guise of "fighting ISIS"?.... Many of the readers here will remember how the criminal US President, Barry Soetoro, emphatically stated many times over the last few years that there would be NO US forces aka "boots on the ground" in Syria.... This arch criminal said that same statement many times right in his own press conferences and many times in his public speakings... And yet here he is LYING his ass off to the American people and sending US forces directly into Syria itself.....Yes, those Special Forces are not welcome in Syria and were never invited in by the Bashar al Assad government... Therefore what we have is the US directly intervening in Syria to try to save their fraud terrorists from defeat... This is indeed an outright invasion of Syria itself and most definitely against all international laws..... And I can guarantee that we have not seen the last of these so called "special forces" committed to Syria by the US government, as this initial "300" will definitely grow into the thousands.....The big worry is at what point these US "Special Forces" come into contact with both Syrian government forces and their Russian allies. Once that point is reached, we could see the beginnings of full blown World War III!OK, while so much focus has been on the fighting in Syria, there has been so little attention spent to the ongoing buildup of US and allied forces in the Pacific facing mainland China... This ongoing issue between the US and China allegedly began over the Chinese rightfully asserting their control over a small island group in the South China Sea....This has led to the US, the Philippines, and even Japan, building up their forces and laying claim to the islands and the untapped mineral and oil rights under those islands as well..... Many would say this tussle is over these islands, but I would say that the real issue is China itself and its now very active Gold Yuan....It is not surprising to me that many in the US are in the dark about the fact that the Chinese are now trading with nations using their new Gold backed Yuan and that Yuan is NOT convertible into US dollars......What this means is catastrophe for the US dollar and its long hegemony across the planet as being most nations' reserve currency.. Now nations will no longer be at the mercy of the US dollar, can get rid of their worthless US dollars being held in reserve, and can trade in Chinese Gold backed Yuans instead.. The net result could be US dollars flooding back into the US forcing not only hyper inflation on the American public, but economic collapse of the United States itself!  This is why there has been an almost absolute Jew spew media blackout across America about this Gold Yuan and how it will shortly usurp US dollar hegemony across the planet....And this more than anything else explains the sudden sabre rattling that the US government has been conducting against China itself.... Yes, the US government is indeed insane enough to go to war with China just to try to save its own economic necks and the global dominance of the dollar....And of course we have the US doing its ridiculous "sabre rattling" with recent deployments of US and NATO forces to the eastern European nations bordering the Russian Federation... The Jew spew media has been out there promoting these deployments as NATO "countering Russian aggression".. And yet I need to ask exactly what Russia has done that can be labeled as being "aggressive"?  Russia has not attacked anyone or any nation, period... Russia has not made any "aggressive" moves against any nation on the planet, and yet here we have the US sending its forces everywhere and illegally invaded many nations to boot!   Yes, perception is the order of the day here, and of course we have the brainwashing of the general public going full steam with reports and articles talking about the "evil Russians" much like they did back in the days of the cold war... But all that anyone has to do is to do their own research and they will quickly discover that it is NOT Russia that is the 'aggressor', but the US and the criminal NATO cabal that most definitely are...... The facts are that with the US now in economic collapse and the Russians and the Chinese now trading with nations without the hindrance of US dollars, the maniacs in the US government are indeed contemplating World War III just to save their economic necks!   Yes, it seems the US could indeed go to war and kill billions of people just for the almighty US dollar.....Well, I guess that is enough for now for the subjects that are at the top of my thoughts.... But of course I will again touch on many of those other issues that are plaguing our sick world in my usual "last minute tidbits"......OK, Donald Drumpf does do some pretty good speeches, and his "America First" statements do hit home with so many Americans (and much to the supposed chagrin of his Jewish masters).  But again, Drumpf is mostly all talk, and if he does achieve the Presidency he will obey his marching orders as laid out by his Jewish controllers and once again America will NOT be free of the criminal tribe that has been destroying that once great nation..... And again we have that psychotic mass murdering freak of nature, Killary Klinton, out there on the "campaign trail" speaking in front of empty auditoriums and halls, "winning" the Democratic delegate "race".    If anyone really wants to see the corruption and deception of the entire circus called the American Presidential race, they only need to look no further than Killary's campaign.   Honestly if the American people are this stupid to "elect"this demonic creature to be their next President, then God, if there is one, help us all.....And again while Americans are being subjected to the Killary versus Donald circus, quietly the real danger to America, in the form of Mossad agent Bernie Sanders, is moving up in the "polls" and may be the Democratic candidate for President.   Yes, I am sticking to my assertion that the real Jew anointed candidate has been Zionist agent Bernie Sanders all along, and he could indeed be the first true Jewish criminal to be the US President.   What we have therefore in this Killary/Donald circus is indeed nothing more than a mind game on the American public to try to exasperate the American people so much that they will gladly vote for a "level headed" and "moderate candidate" such as Bernie Sanders!......The mess in Europe with the so called 'illegal immigrants' continues unabated, with more and more nations' people waking up to these criminals running hog wild across their countries.  And yet many of these criminal "immigrants" are definitely wanting to return home after finding out that life in Europe is not as great as they were told (Thank you, George Soros, for that).  I again say the only solution is to indeed expedite their want to return home by loading them onto boats and planes and definitely returning them to their nation of origin.  Sadly and stupidly we find so many European governments refusing to do so!  Again, Europe is no place for these "immigrants" and this entire European experiment was done purposely by the criminal Jewish elite to destroy European culture.  And the experiment has failed so miserably.........I see that the public outrage against the ridiculous "political correctness" bullshit of transgenders being allowed into any washroom of their choosing has escalated and is now blowing up in the faces of the LGBT idiots and morons.  Lets face it, for if I had a daughter and I saw some creep man follow her into a girls washroom, I would storm into that facility and haul that asshole out myself.   And if he claimed to be "transgender" then I would help him out by taking out a knife or machete and cutting off his genitals right there and then, thus saving him the cost of the expensive operation!  This transgender equal rights bullshit has gone on far enough and more people have to finally take a stand and reject it outright before it goes any further.......So let me get this straight.  Some 40 students at Harvard University right in America were "vaccinated" for the Mumps and yet almost all 40 have been reported to have contracted that disease in the last week?  This again proves the fact that vaccines and vaccination are complete bullshit and do more harm to the body than any good.  I have always said that everyone must refuse to be vaccinated, period, and this incident at Harvard only proves this to be correct........Yes, the Lougheed Martin F35 program in America is an abysmal failure and an unmitigated disaster, and yet the US military is going ahead with this TRILLION dollar program simply because they have nothing else to fall back on?  Lets face facts here that any pilot stupid enough to fly this piece of crap into combat had better have good life insurance because he would definitely be committing suicide........And let me get this straight as well.  The US government has authorizing the fleecing of billions of dollars from retirement savings accounts to finance and prop up Wall Street brokers?  It is shocking that the American public is not in arms over this outrage, but again these crooks just like the criminal Jewish banksters are able to operate above any laws........ My close associate, Whitewraithe, has started her new job and we both are working towards the relaunch of Turbulent Times shortly.  Stay tuned everyone.......Arsenal wins a close game against Norwich City yesterday 1-0 and is still in the hunt for a Champions League spot.  And I have noticed that the critics are now in full swing wanting a change in the coaching position stating that Arsene Wenger has been there too long and a change is necessary for the organization.  I would say that considering the talent that Arsenal has and the fact that the team has never played to their potential, that a change in coach may be indeed necessary..... And finally, I will close this rant with another look at that psychotic Killary Klinton (the Kardashians will have to wait...).   It does appear that with Killary's campaign now on the slide and her poll numbers falling, that she has turned to the 'woman card' in the US Presidential race saying that she should be the next President simply because she is a 'woman'!  Look, I have nothing against any woman, and if a woman is indeed qualified to be the US President then so be it.  But Killary is an insult to any woman due to her evil machinations and her pure demonic nature.  Therefore for her to scream the "woman card" is definitely an act of desperation on the part of a truly psychotic bitch.   America can do so much better than having this foul creature in the oval office, definitely!More to comeNTS