Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 19th, 2013

It is Sunday... It is a long weekend here in Canada... And it is time for my weekly rant and my assessments of what is REALLY happening in our world...Yes, it is Victoria Day weekend here in Jewish occupied Canada, and I still cannot believe that this country that is supposed to be "independent" of the British crown (most people do not realize that we still are not),  celebrates a holiday one day a year for a Jewish fraud monarch who sat on the British throne well over a century ago...  If it were up to me, I would remove the "Victoria" out of Victoria day, and change it to honor someone who was Canadian, and who did great things for CANADA.It does trouble me these days being a Canadian... I used to have strong faith in this nation and how it used to stand for peace, and true freedom in the world.   However, the recent actions by the criminal Harper regime in Ottawa where it blatantly bows down, kisses Jewish butt, and swears its undying allegiance to the criminal state of Israel has made me sick..... To me, these officials who were elected by the Canadian people for the Canadian people should be thrown out of public office immediately and either put into jail, or given one way airplane tickets so that they can go and live in that glorious insane asylum called Israel.   Treasonous pricks should never be in charge of this nation!Lets face it, the recent criminal actions by the murderers in Israel should tell everyone what kind of lunacy we are dealing with... But again, here we have that Israel firster, Stephen Harper, pledging his undying loyalty to that criminal nation.   Warning flags for all Canadians should have went up immediately when Canada was one of the first nations to pledge their total support for the monsters in Israel after they launched those nuclear strikes against Syria.   But just like in the United States where the media is totally in Jewish hands, the same goes for Canada, where there were NO reports of that Israeli atrocity anywhere in the MSM...Yes, that strike by the murderers in Israel on Syria was definitely done using tactical nuclear weapons.   The examination of all the data collected afterwards showed all the signs of nuclear explosions.   It is so shocking that nobody in the Jewish run MSM has tried to file reports on this atrocious attack that killed thousands.  The total media blackout by these so called "news outlets" gives proof positive that we can not get any truth from these scoundrels.   It has turned to the alternative press as usual to get the facts out.....The facts are now becoming clearer as to what is actually happening in Syria right now... The Bashar Assad government forces which are fully supported by the Syrian people, are demolishing the so called rebel forces everywhere across Syria and it appears that without direct western intervention (invasion) of Syria itself by the criminals in the US/NATO/Israel, these mercenaries will be finally wiped out.   And honestly, rightfully so, for we have seen the true evidence through internet reports of the murders and violent atrocities committed by these so called "rebels" against Syrian civilians.   But again, we see none of these horrendous atrocities reported anywhere in the Jew media.... To me, knowing that the Assad government has gained the upper hand against these evil forces shows that there may still be hope for the entire world in this war against Jewish supremacists....BUT... The criminals who want Syria destroyed are still not giving up.... There have been more reports this last week of movement of US/NATO/Israeli forces to encircle Syria, and possibly attempt first to have a "no fly zone" in place over Syria as a prelude to open invasion of that peaceful nation.... However, the Russians are no fools and have seen what is happening... The Russians have moved warships now to ports in Syria, and have given the Syrians both sophisticated ship killing missiles, as well as batteries of advanced S300 anti aircraft missiles to prevent the criminals in NATO from putting in place their evil "no fly zone".... I say, good for the Russians that they are supporting the good people of Syria against these evil aggressors!One other note on Syria... It was laughable this last week as both the criminal US Secretary of State John Kohn (Kerry), and that maniac Israeli Prime Minister, Benyamin Miliekowsky (Netanyahu) went to Moscow to try to get Russian support for an invasion of Syria.    First, Kohn was left waiting for hours before he was able to see Vladimir Putin, only to be sternly told outright that Russia would NOT support US/NATO intervention into Syria, and then Miliekowsky was sternly rebuffed by the Russians as well later on in the week..... Again the Russians are no fools, and they basically slapped these two monsters down which I found to be both heartwarming and hysterical!While the Syrian situation was going on this week, few anywhere were made aware of what happened with the so called nuclear talks with Iran, the fraud "P5+1" meetings to decide the fate of Iran's peaceful nuclear power program.    These latest meetings reached a "deadlock" this past week as the Iranians rightfully refused to surrender in the face of the US/Israeli demands..... But honestly, what other choice did Iran have?  These meetings were a farce to begin with, where the P5+1 members basically told the Iranians that they had to surrender their peaceful nuclear power program, and give into ALL other insane American/Israeli demands, while in return they got nothing and had to continue to endure the American led sanctions on their nation... What a great and fair deal!    Anyone with any common sense here can see why the Iranians basically walked away from these meetings again.   But honestly, these meetings have been a sham from the beginning, because the Israelis and Americans have rigged them to fail.   They are hoping by having these meetings fail, they can go to the public and say: "See.. We have offered Iran a "peaceful" solution to their nuclear "weapons" program, and they have refused.... The nerve of the "evil" Iranians!!!"Of course while these sham talks with Iran have been going on, quietly the Americans and Israelis have been putting more pieces into place for their planned assault on that peaceful nation.  The criminals in Israel have been conducting "secret" negotiations with nations bordering Iran for access to their airspace for their planned assault on Iran's non-existent "nuclear weapons" facilities.....And we already know that they have their puppet in the US Government, Barry Soetoro, pledging his full support to his Jewish masters to commit US forces to an attack on Iran.... All we need now is an Israeli "False Flag" operation against an American target to be blamed on Iran to fool the American public into supporting such a horrendous war.....Reports a few months ago stated that the Americans would be at war with Iran by this summer, and the clock is now definitely ticking....I am troubled by one thing... Israel basically has just openly declared to the world that they are a nuclear weapons powerhouse with their use of tactical nuclear weapons on Syria, and yet nobody out of the American public has not gone forward and demanded their own government in Washington cut off all so called "aid" immediately to that criminal state in accordance with the terms of the 1977 Symington Amendment.....But we do not hear one peep by the Jewish butt kissers in Washington, and that should have every American both alarmed and up in arms....It shows that Jewish power in America is indeed supreme, and that the United States is fully a satellite nation of IsraHell.... Like I said before, these Jewish butt kissing criminals may as well get it over with, and rename the United States of America, the United States for Israel.....On to other matters..... I have seen alarming reports this last week as economies continue to crumble across the globe as we are indeed spiraling towards total world wide economic and financial failure.... One report that just came out was about the Hong Kong Mercantile Bank basically folding as they are unable to deliver on physical Gold demands... But this will only be the beginning as more people realize that they cannot get their hands on physical Gold, period.... This is because there is little to NO physical Gold anywhere across the globe.  When the hell will people finally wake the hell up and realize that ALL physical Gold bullion is not in the big vaults such as Fort Knox Kentucky as they have been told?  The fact is that almost all the physical Gold bullion is right now sitting in Jewish Rothschild banks, mostly located in Europe!   This has been by design, because these monsters are almost ready to pull the plug on the present world economic system, and then they will offer the "solution" by putting the world on a gold based currency where they will indeed be masters of all mankind because they will have ALL the physical gold that this new currency will be based on....  I have made this claim for over a decade now that this is what the Jews have in store for us, and I have not wavered....There have been few reports this last week about the continuing deteriorating situation in Europe with the failed European Union... Nations such as Spain and Greece are still economic train wrecks, and now there is growing economic uncertainty in the United Kingdom, France, and even Germany....It is so sad that few of these Rothschild enslaved nations have the guts to break away and re-established their independence, as well as throw the Jewish fraud bankers into prison for creating this horrendous mess in the first place.... One bright spot is Hungary, where one of the opposition parties has proclaimed openly that they would throw the Jewish fraudsters and criminals out of Hungary if they get elected...This shows again that there is still some hope in Europe after all....I see that a lot of people have picked up on my last article about a brave young lady in California that wrote a report that exposes the Jewish "Holocaust" of World War II for what it really was.... Her findings can be backed up through careful research that anyone can do in just a few hours via the internet..... I say honestly that an A was not good enough for her, and that she deserves a medal!    Sadly, I am waiting for reports of where the ADL, JDL, B'nai B'rith, AIPAC, and other criminal Jewish groups in America, come down hard on both this young lady and her teachers for this exposure of the truth..... Lets just say that they are coming...But the lack of noise from the Jew media on this has been deafening..... I can guarantee that the Jews will try to suppress this and destroy both the student and the teacher with little fanfare... They do not want this report to get too much exposure because it may actually get people to start thinking!!Some people have indeed noticed that my articles have been fewer and far between these days... I have been taking more time recently taking better care of myself through better diet and more exercise....I have long planned to lose a few additional pounds and try to get myself in top physical form, so I have been spending more time in a local gym..... I also have been spending more time taking care of other issues, especially with my own family.... It has been hard to do all this, hold down a full time job, have time to relax, and then sit down and compose material for this blog..... I do hope that everyone understands that I do not have the time that others have for full attention to this blog..... But fear not, I have not given up on this by a long shot... Sorry to tell all you naysayers and Jewish agents out there....Well, I guess that is plenty for the moment... But I will put in my usual last minute tidbits here.... First, I have absolutely NOT given up on my stance on the fraud of "man's greatest achievement", the fraudulent Apollo moon missions of 1968-1972.  Common sense should be in place for everyone by now with the realization that it was indeed a scam.  We still cannot put men on the moon today with our increased technological know-how, so everyone should be asking themselves this basic question: "If we cannot do it today with superior technology without killing the Astronauts in the process, then how in the HELL did we do it back then with inferior technology?"  But the problem always seems to be common sense in the majority of people.... Not much to talk about these days with the continuing dangerous situation at Fukushima Japan.  TEPCO is continuing to pour radioactive waste directly into the Pacific Ocean, and there are no solutions still to properly contain the failed reactor cores.  It still amazes me that fewer and fewer people seem to actually give a damn about this as time goes by....... Fewer and fewer reports from the Jew Mainstream media these days about the fraud of "Global Warming".   I wonder if they now know people are no longer fooled and that they hope the issue will quietly disappear?  It would also be nice if the main fraud proponent of the entire scam, Al Gore, would finally also disappear.... I did get some flack for my stance on the "White Supremacists" and Mike Delaney.  I will not back down on saying that these guys are being played as suckers by the Jews for stupidly turning this important fight against the criminal Jews into a "racial" war.  I will state it again: Clear up the problem of the Jew first and foremost, and problems of race can then be properly sorted out....And finally, I cannot close this rant without something from America's first family, the Kardashians!   It appears that Kim is showing off her pregnant body more and more these days and some news reports have compared her pregnancy to that of Kate Middleton's? Awwww.. Comparing a skank to fraud royalty, and just something more to make me throw up!More to comeNTS