Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 18th, 2014

Sunday, and again time for my weekly rant....This is "Victoria Day" weekend here in Jewish occupied and controlled Canada.  This is an annual holiday to celebrate the reign of that ugly Jewess that sat on the British throne for about 70 years until the turn of the 20th century.  To me, it is ridiculous that Canada still has a national holiday dedicated to a long dead Queen of a foreign nation. I honestly cannot figure out in this modern age WHY this nation, Canada, still has the fraud sitting on the British throne as our "head of state".... It is bad enough that fraud is most probably responsible for the deaths of thousands of aboriginal children in this nation and rightfully should be investigated for their abductions and the subsequent murders of many of these victims... But the real kicker that few people know, especially those living in Canada, is that some 90% of Canadian territory is actually "crown land" and is under the full control and ownership of that fraud.   Canada does not need a fraud British head of state as our national leader and should abolish all links to the British crown, change itself from a "constitutional monarchy" to a form of republic, and nationalize all "crown lands" .... All links to Elizabeth May Battenberg (Yes, this technically is her real name) as our head of state should end immediately.What can I say about Ukraine that has not already been said?  That nation was illegally seized by the United States and the Rothschild controlled European Union in a coup back in March, and now that the Ukrainian people are finally waking up to the fact that coup has turned their nation into a nightmare, many are rightfully voting to get the hell out of the debacle.... Many have passed votes just this last week in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine and have overwhelmingly voted to secede from Ukraine and potentially join the Russian Federation.   Honestly, I cannot understand how people can even listen any more to any media lies that these referendums are somehow "illegal" when in fact every major political system, including the UN itself clearly states that EVERYONE is fully entitled to "self determination" and can vote for their futures in legal and binding referendums.   What we have here is simple... The people have spoken and the votes have not gone the way that the criminals in the US and the EU want, so the US/EU is having a temper tantrum and calling these referendums "illegal".   I can smell the hypocrisy here and the stench is overwhelming....We now see the US backed "regime" in Kiev starting to turn their army against the breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine and have indeed been shooting their fellow Ukrainians.  The US has of course had its puppet regime in Kiev, as well as the lying sacks of goo in the media, proclaim that these eastern Ukrainians are "terrorist organizations" and "rebels" to somehow fool the world into believing that these people are somehow in the wrong.   But the facts are that many of the so called "rebels" in eastern Ukraine have been unarmed peaceful civilians.   What we have here is outright murder, and I can guarantee neighboring Russia is almost at the breaking point now before they will rightfully intervene to end the senseless slaughter...I do believe that the US is purposely pushing their puppet government in Kiev to attack Russian speaking civilians in eastern Ukraine to push Russia into direct intervention in the region.  That way, the lunatics in the US Government will get their war on Russia that they so desperately want... They care not that once Russia enters the fray, escalation into a full blown global war will not be far behind....The fact is, readers, that the US is bankrupt economically... The Russians and the Chinese have all the pieces finally in place and will indeed very soon (some say this week) begin full international trading in currencies other than the US dollar... This is a disaster for the United States that has been able to continue to accumulate massively insane debt simply because the world until now has always been forced to do its international trade in US dollars exclusively.... With the movement of Russia and China, and very shortly other members of the BRICS led nations (Brazil, Russia, India, and China are the main members), towards trade in non-US dollars, the US dollar value will plummet and could become worthless within a period of weeks..... That would mean the end of the US economy and a crippling disaster for the US itself.... This is why the US is so desperate to keep all nations on their fraud US dollar, and will indeed go to war to keep it that way.... The lunatics do not care if a global war occurs that could cost the lives of billions of people, just as long as they keep their US dollar fraud ponzi scheme going for a while longer....The situation in Syria is now getting desperate for the criminals in the US and Israel... With the freeing of the city of Homs from mercenary "rebel" control, almost all of the key cities in Syria are back under the control of the good guys, Assad's Syrian government forces.   And of course the upcoming June 2nd election campaign in Syria is in full swing with Bashar al-Assad expeceted to rightfully get a landslide vote... That Bashar al-Assad victory would be a disaster for the US and Israel because it would expose THEM as the true criminals in this Syrian "civil war" for the entire world to see... That is why the US and Israel are indeed pushing more and more lies of "chemical weapons" attacks in Syria that are now proven to be outright lies.. The next step has always been a new false flag attack to be blamed on Assad, and with the election in Syria now two weeks away, they know their time is running short... The clock is ticking.....I did notice that with the attempt to get a war on Syria going, these arch criminals have again turned their attention to Iran and its non-existent "nuclear weapons" program.   The US and Israel have been working overtime in getting the latest P5+1 nuclear talks with Iran destroyed by trying to force Iran into insane concessions.... These criminals basically want Iran to surrender everything and not have to end their economic "sanctions" against that nation... The Iranians have of course never accepted these insane terms, and the US and Israel are working their media once again to promote the lie that Iran is "walking away" from these meetings.   The fact is that the US/Israel have always wanted Iran destroyed, and with their dismal failure in Syria, they are again turning towards Iran as their "plan B" for a new war.When will people wake the hell up and realize that the so called "school girl abduction" incident in Nigeria is nothing but a massive elaborate hoax?   I have already done some articles here showing the evidence of the fraud, and I am startled that few of those articles have gone viral and not reached enough people to wake them up to the facts behind the fraud...... Lets make it perfectly clear right here.... The so called "Boko Haram terrorist" group is a phoney.  That entire organization is another US CIA concocted organization for their phoney "war on terror".... Boko Haram was invented to stir up trouble in Nigeria and to help create the necessary conditions for direct US intervention into Nigeria itself.Nigeria has long been on the US's AFRICOM radar screen due to the fact that Nigeria has enormous mineral and petroleum wealth.  Then there is the fact that the Chinese have made very large and lucrative trade deals with Nigeria to obtain much of Nigeria's petroleum and minerals for their own economy.  The US has failed to make such deals for itself, and now wants to invade Nigeria, under the guise of a phony "humanitarian" mission to stop "Boko Haram", to not only block these deals with China, but to scoop up that mineral and petroleum wealth for themselves....We have seen this pattern before, especially with the US recently going into Uganda to "get Joseph Kony", who has been dead for about a decade at least, when in reality they went in to grab Uganda's massive petroleum wealth.....The fact is therefore that Nigeria is right now on the criminal US government's radar, and they are using the liars in the media to push the propaganda that an "intervention" in needed to free Boko Haram's captives who are in reality..non-existent!I noticed with this "abducted schoolgirl"  sham in Nigeria all over the media, all reports of Malaysian flight MH370 that was flown to the US base at Diego Garcia have been stopped by the Jew spew media.   Now 65 days after that act of piracy and outright murder, many of the criminals involved, especially in the US, are hoping that the attention span of people is short enough that they can close the book and make that flight and all reports officially disappear.  It is a truly sad statement about our world that they will get away with this....I did notice a few reports about how the Pope of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, is about to do an official tour of the criminal and psychotic state of Israel.   It is shocking that the full itinerary of his visit, down to the minute,  has been published well ahead of time, and that this pope is going to be touring around Isra-Hell in an open car with NO bullet proof shielding..... Talk about a set up.... I can see a new false flag happening where Mossad agents will shoot Pope Francis and conveniently have the Palestinians or some other "radical Islamic group" take the blame.  This way, the insane Jews could whip up their media into a frenzy over this "assassination", have all of the rising hatred of Israel and its crimes against the Palestinians suddenly come to an abrupt end, and have a nice little Christian/Islam war to boot!My last article in this blog was a real eye-opener for everyone about how truly horrific the American education system has become..... It is bad enough that the US government is promoting "Common Core" which to me is a travesty, but after watching the video of a laughable "debate" between two black groups from supposedly "prestigious" colleges in America, I was floored...... What we have here is a clear signal about how far the American education system has collapsed and  has allowed totally illiterate people to attend and even "graduate" from colleges.... I do really want everyone to just watch the short video of that "debate" and realize that it was no joke.....I have already received many comments that these "students" acted and performed more like wild animals, and sadly I would have to agree, and think that this was an insult to animals!.... The other fact is that the fraud FOX news actually had the gall to promote that debate and somehow honor and applaud the "winning" team.... Calling this a travesty may be actually putting it mildly...The liars behind the "Global Warming" scam are back at it, and now, as I have long warned, the US government is jumping on the bandwagon big time.... The facts are again that this planet is not about to "overheat" as the liars behind this scam continue to promote, but is very much entering a period of intense cooling.... We know that many "scientists" have been threatened by major political groups to continue to promote the fraud of "Global Warming" even now under threats of body harm or even death... But the evidence can no longer be hidden and the facts are crystal clear... This planet is cooling due to diminished solar activity and solar radiation output.    Our star, Sol, goes through these natural cycles, and the trend now is towards a "solar minimum" that will bring about very possibly a "mini ice age" much like what happened during the last "solar minimum" (Maunder Minimum) some 350 years ago..... Again, this cycle is natural, and after a period of some 30 years or so, solar output will naturally increase and this planet will begin to warm again.....In the meantime, we should put the Global Warming scam artists out of their misery, and prepare for the cold....Well, I guess that is enough for the major topics of the day.... But again, I will close this out with a few last minute "tidbits" to hopefully cover those subjects that I have missed..... TEPCO finally admitted this last week that they have been "forced" to dump radioactive water from the failed Fukushima reactors directly into the Pacific Ocean.  The fact is this is what they have been doing all along for the last 3 years.....The criminal AIPAC group supposedly released a "report" that says that some 25% of the world's population is "anti-Semitic".  With the facts that Judaism is a supremacist evil cult and that Israel continues to murder people, I am surprised that figure is that low........The 9-11 "memorial" in NYC is now open to the public. And lo and behold, it has an entire section, including some audio displays, that continue to promote the lies that the attacks were done by "19 A-rabs".  Nothing even comes close in its displays showing Israel's involvement in that atrocity.  My recommendation is to boycott that sham entirely......Saw the reports about Belgium buying US phoney "treasury bonds" this last week to somehow keep the failing US and EU economies from collapsing.  It does appear that the end of these economies is fast approaching, and that move was done out of desperation to keep the Usury debt fraud ponzi scheme going for just a bit longer......It seems that the people of Libya have had enough and are fighting back against their US and European masters in that country that at one time was free.  This is why the US and EU are now talking about another "intervention" in that nation.   Another situation that shows how well US/EU "humanitarian" missions work so well.......Russia is now threatening to cut off all flights by the US to the international space station that originate from their nation, and rightfully so.  The US has spent trillions on useless and wasteful wars and as a result no longer has the funding nor the means  to launch manned space missions from their own territory.  A sad statement to make about America as a whole.....I saw the reports this week about how the US government is actually pushing the need for a "license" to use the Internet.  I truly hope that this ends in its tracks, because obviously this is being done to try to shut down the last bastion of free speech left that the Jewish elite does not control......Wolfgang Halbig and Jim Fetzer are still at Sandy Hook working on their new documentary about the visit and their findings about that massive fraud.  When that documentary comes out, I will have it right here.......First we had the Ebola Virus scare a few weeks back, and now we have "MERS" as the latest disease outbreak making the  rounds.  Honestly, I smell a hoax here to try to scare the public, and just another distraction from events  happening elsewhere......The BPL is now finished for the year with Manchester City as its champ.  My soccer withdrawal symptoms will not last long because the World Cup is just a few weeks away in Brazil.  People have asked me who I am cheering for, and I will say that I am torn between Germany and Italy making it to the finals....... Yes, I read the reports about how robots are getting smarter, and that a dangerous "Skynet" system is indeed right around the corner.   It appears that artificial intelligence is becoming a reality, and it may indeed look upon us all as destructive and a plague on this planet.  With everything we see going on, sadly it may be right.......Charles Giuliani has left Waking America radio  (WARN) and is now on Delcroix's network over at Mami's Shit (   I hope he does get off the buy bull crap and gets onto more issues of today.  The good thing is that he is no longer censored and speaks his mind freely!......Even more reports coming out about how truly bad and a waste of money the entire US Lougheed Martin F35 program is.   Again, what is also shocking is how the government here in Canada is going ahead with their own program of purchasing these hunks of junk to replace their aging F18 fleet.....And finally, after one heck of a long list of "tidbits", what everyone is waiting  for breathlessly, my shot at brain dead America's number #1 family, the Kardashians.  It appears that all the "entertainment" (cough) news was aflutter with reports last week about glorious Kim pissing off the mega-Jew, Joan Rivers, by making sure that Rivers was not to sit next to her in an NBC affiliate studio.   Honestly, who cares about that filthy old piece of crap ( I was actually meaning Kim, but both fit the bill) and her antics?  Just more fluff while the world goes to hell....More to comeNTS