Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 17th, 2015

Yes, it is Sunday, and time again for my weekly rant...This is Victoria Day holiday weekend here in Jew occupied Canada... Tomorrow is officially the day that we in Canada honor that fraud Jewess that sat on the British throne for most of the 19th century until her death in 1901.  Again, I am troubled that this nation continues to pledge its allegiance to those phonies occupying the throne in a foreign land... Honestly, it is about time the criminal government in Ottawa does the right thing and renames this holiday for someone who was actually CANADIAN.....Yes, Canada has begun the slippery slope into tyranny thanks to the criminal Harper regime in Ottawa passing its much hated bill "C51" that is supposed to give Canadians more 'security' from the fraud of terrorism by demanding the Canadian people give up some of their freedoms... The Harper regime is now definitely mirroring the criminal Soetoro adminstration in Washington DC by turning this nation into a surveillance police state.  Few Canadians even are aware that this horrendous bill "C51" will give the criminal CIA equivalent organization known as CSIS the power to basically label any Canadian now as a "terrorist" and subsequently throw them into jail without even a trial....And of course the Harper regime can use that bill to now turn any of their opponents and their critics into said "terrorists" and also have them falsely arrested...Coincidentally with the passage of bill "C51" here in Canuckleheadistan (what I sometimes call Canada with all the brain dead knuckleheads that I constantly encounter) the Harper regime is also now going after anyone who criticizes the most evil and horrific state of Israel.  His 'government' wants to bring forward a new law in Canada that will label any rightful criticisms of Israel as being "antisemitic" and therefore part of Canada's long standing hate laws... I honestly cannot believe that this criminal would suggest such a law, considering the evil and murderous  actions of Israel does not even equate with dislike of Jews and Judaism.  If a nation commits outright murder and slaughter of civilians that the entire world can see, there should absolutely be no law to suppress criticisms of that nation.  It is obvious the Jewish controllers of Harper and his minions want these new laws put into place to turn Canada into a full Jew loving puppet regime that will do anything their Jewish masters demand...I honestly do not know what to make of America anymore... The Sandy Hook fraud shooting where absolutely nobody died was bad enough, but now the fraud Boston Bombing where nobody died as well is back in the major headlines as we see the patsy that was set up for that "bombing" Dzhokhar Tsarnaev now found guilty for that fraud crime and he is now to be executed by lethal injection for a crime that he absolutely did not commit.  The real astonishing thing about this fiasco is the absolute lack of outrage and outcry from the general American public for this travesty of justice... It shows again how dumbed down the American people have truly become that nobody is out there demanding an overturn of that wrongful verdict.... The evidence is staring everyone in their faces that the Boston Bombing was indeed an operation and a drill with the apparent usage of crisis actors for the aftermath and the shock effect on the American people, and yet few people are out there decrying this travesty..... As I stated in many previous articles, it appears now it is too late for America and their entire justice system is now a facade and a farce.... Basically American rightful justice and the concept of America being righteous has now officially died..... I do feel so sorry now for all of my American friends and colleagues that they truly are living in a prison and police state....Is it just me? Or are we also seeing a lack of outcry about nations now rapidly passing laws to make vaccinations mandatory for all children.... I am so astonished again that there is little public revolt against our governments forcing parents to have their children subjected to outright poisoning of their bodies and destruction of their minds... Lets be perfectly clear right here and right now.. Vaccines absolutely do NOT work and in fact do horrendous damage to our immune systems and our minds... It is so shocking to read over the alternative media these days more and more reports about young people being injured or killed after being subjected to horrendous amounts of vaccines.... There have been reported cases of newborn babies being given 9-10 vaccines and then suffering irreparable brain damage or death due to the horrendous poisonous chemicals and Mercury in the vaccines themselves, and yet there is so little outcry from most of the parents involved.  Many of these reports have of course been suppressed from the general public due to the Jewish control over the media and the media's own complicity in pushing the fraud message about the "necessity" of mandatory vaccinations as well.... I know that if I were a father and a hospital or a clinic recommended that my children receive their 'recommended dosages' of vaccines as made mandatory by our crooked governments, I would resist even if it means jail time... No children should ever be subjected to vaccinations, period..... Again, people everywhere must be told the truth about vaccines especially about the facts again they do NOT work and are now being used as a weapon by the Jewish elite to turn all of our children into mindless drones who's brains have been destroyed and their immune systems permanently ruptured or compromised.... We must do our utmost to save our children and our future...I am still shocked when I read reports coming from the Global Warming fraudsters and the hucksters in the Jew spew media continuing to spew the lie that the planet is overheating.. I saw some reports that came out claiming that the Arctic and Antarctic ice shelves are now almost 'gone' due to heating of the polar regions, and I do wonder where these clowns are getting these reports from?  I have done my own research again and again and I can safely tell everyone that the ice shelves are NOT melting at all, and in fact have grown dramatically over the last few years.... The facts are simple again that the planet is cooling and not about to overheat.... This is due again to Sol's diminished solar radiation output as part of its natural cycles that have been going on for billions of years.... The present trend is definitely towards a cooling trend that will last on Earth for the next decade at least.... After that point Sol's output should naturally increase once more and the planet will warm as a result..... We all know by now that this Global Warming fear mongering is being done purposely as both a method of control towards a Global Government but also for our crooked governments to impose fraud "carbon taxation" laws on their gullible citizens.... Honestly, if there are fools out there that are still harping the Global Warming lie, then they truly are a lost cause and should be ignored.....More and more people are finally waking the hell up about the truth about so called 'terrorism' and how it has always been used as a psychological weapon of fear by manipulative governments on their own people.  Like I just said, the fraud of "terrorism" has already done its damage here in Canada, but evil crooked governments all over the world are seeing how it can also be used to subdue and enslave their own citizens.  Lets face it, the US and Israel have been the masters of the 'terrorism' game for decades, as they skillfully take their well trained CIA and Mossad operatives and place them in strategic nations all across the planet.  Right now, we have the fraud "ISIS" weave its magic in the Middle Eastern nation of Syria as a  pretext for having that nation destroyed.   Again as I stated before, the previous fraud "terrorist" group known as "Al Qaeda" could not get the job done, so the US and Israel have taken these CIA/Mossad agents, gave them more and better weapons, relabeled them as 'ISIS' and gave them new orders to raise havoc and lay the ground work for a full invasion of Syria itself.   BUT it appears that the planned invasion of Syria is still not attainable so they have decided to ramp up the fraud "ISIS" threat by claiming that group now has agents all across America and these agents will shortly launch a new and even more "deadly" 9-11 style attack.  Yes, the gullible public is being subjected big time by the psychology of fear and I do not doubt for one single instant that the US government and their Israeli controllers will indeed conduct a new deadly "false flag" attack on America, blame it on "ISIS" (or even Iran) and demand that Syria be destroyed to wipe out the "terrorist threat".....I have not reported this last week on that Seymour Hersh report claiming that the US assault on Pakistan in May 2011 was not "exactly right" and that President Soetoro lied about the circumstances behind the assault, because I thought why bother... Anyone with any common sense should know by now that Osama bin Laden was a CIA operative that was trained in the US in the 1980's under the name of "Tim Osman".  Osama bin Laden also was NOT responsible for the September 11th, 2001 attacks on America at all, and that he died due to complications from his kidney problems in mid December, 2001, almost 9 and 1/2 years before the fraud US attack on that "Pakistani compound" where the US falsely claims they finally killed him!    Hersh is a liar himself and is absolutely not even dismissing the May 1st, 2011 attack as a total sham.  Hersh is in fact supporting the falsehood that bin Laden was indeed killed in that fraud assault and claiming in his fraud report that the US government is lying about the circumstances behind the assault and the circumstances about Osama bin Laden's death... To me, Hersh is purposely distorting a lie with another lie just to cover the simple fact that bin Laden was already long dead and was absolutely NOT in Pakistan when the US assaulted that compound....  The bottom line here is this: It appears that with people finally waking up to the fact that the entire US compound assault of May 1, 2011, was a charade and a lie, the lying Jew spew media has turned this lying POS Seymour Hersh spin doctor loose with a falsified report to cover for the government's mistakes and to perpetuate the lies..... The problem is again that most Americans are too stupid and will again fall for these lies....Before I go onto my usual closing "last minute tidbits", I figure I would take a quick look at that Amtrak rail crash that just happened last week in the US where some 10 people died and many others injured.. Something just does not make sense about this crash when it comes to a train traveling at least twice the recommended speed of 50 mph for a curve in the rail line.  There is a strong possibility that we are dealing with ineptitude of the Amtrak operator on the train itself or blatant human error.....There have of course been some reports off of the alternative media with claims that the train was indeed sabotaged, even the possibility of the usage of the infamous 'stuxnet virus' to ruin the train's onboard systems and causing it to crash....And there are new reports coming out about the possibility that the Amtrak train had its windshield shot at just before it crashed..... But to me this begs the question.. "For what purpose would anyone purposely sabotage or take shots at of all things... An Amtrak commuter train?  What is there to gain?"......As of now I am leaning towards human error as the primary cause of that horrendous crash until evidence comes forward showing otherwise...Well, I guess that is enough for the major issues of the week, but again, I will touch upon those other important happenings in my usual "last minute tidbits".......No one needs to tell me that the economy is worsening and real inflation is now taking hold when I go into a supermarket and pay almost DOUBLE what I paid less than a year ago for some butcher meat products.  Most consumers do not even realize that the worse is yet to come as the cost of food skyrockets......Yes, I saw the reports about how McDonald's restaurants are now losing money and many of their restaurants across Canada and the US are in danger of closing.  To me, McDonald's missed the boat years ago when they sacrificed making actual food for consumers and instead concentrated on profits.   Now they are paying the price for their folly and ignorance......With the changes to the criminal Netanyahu government makeup in the psycho state of Israel, many reports are now labeling that government as now the most evil and crooked on the planet. Honestly, what has changed then?.......And speaking of that psycho state, I saw the reports about the Israeli government considering another war against Lebanon based again on their usual lies and falsehoods.  I guess Israel is still wanting the Litani River to satisfy its desperate water needs and is looking for another excuse to invade Lebanon to seize that river.  They care not that they will slaughter thousands of innocent civilians in the process..... Again, I truly have to ask why that insane Jewess, Pamela Gellar, is not in jail for inciting hatred especially with her complicity in the recent Garland Texas "terrorist" fiasco?  But again, it appears that there are two laws in America; one for Jews and one for everyone else.......Greece is heading for default on its "austerity" payments to the IMF?  I still wonder why they have not purposely defaulted already and told the IMF to take their fraud debt and stick it up their asses?  No nation should ever attempt to force odious debt on their own citizens, period..... I see the Jew spew media has finally been caught in their own lies with their constant false reporting that Russia has somehow "invaded" Ukraine.  The facts are that Russia has absolutely not nor has any intentions of ever invading Ukraine.  They know that with time the Ukrainian regime will collapse on its own accord due to their own stupidity and no Russian forces need to be involved to hasten that collapse......Meanwhile, the "ceasefire" in eastern Ukraine is still in place, for now.  Ukraine is still in preparation for an all out offensive against the "rebels" and that assault may come very soon.......Nothing new to report about the Fukushima nuclear disaster.  It is still going strong and wrecking the planet as I type this report.  According to our lying governments and media, it is the usual case of: Nothing to see here, move along, move along.......Nations now pushing for the banning of all cash transactions.  Lets be honest here in that the crooked Jewish bankers want cash banned so that they can impose their electronic only banking system and perpetuate their fraud debt system for a while longer.  That and the banning of cash will place everyone under their control and surveillance system and if anyone rebels against their control, they will simply remove them from the electronic banking network forcing that person into submission.  Sadly, most people are too stupid to stop this push to end cash without realizing the dire consequences of that folly........Interesting report came out last week where it appears that MSNBC has only some 25000 viewers for its network shows.  This shows again how people do hate being lied to and they are turning away from the Jew spew media in droves........Arsenal loses a must win game against Swansea City last week and right now as I am filing this report they are playing another must win game against arch rival Manchester United at Old Trafford.   The Gunners may not be able to hold on to third place let alone second if they cannot get past the Red Devils.  Crossing my fingers on this one...... New Turbulent Times show with Whitewraithe in the works and I will let everyone know when it happens, hopefully with enough notice!  Stay tuned.... I am taking a break from Kardashian news for this week.  I found that many of my reports caused my brain to melt and it took me days to recover.   Maybe that explains the American infatuation with that family of hasbeens, skanks, and trollops.....More to comeNTS