Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 15th, 2016

 Sunday again... It is time for my weekly rant, so lets get down to business....First and foremost.. Yes, my better half was involved in an automobile accident on Friday... She basically lost control of our vehicle and ended up crashing into a tree... Luckily she was not hurt badly and did not require any medical treatment... I spent most of yesterday and part of today attending to her needs as her neck and back have seized up on her since the accident and she has had a bit of pain in those areas.... And it does look like the vehicle itself is toast and I will be looking for a new or newer one shortly... Again, I am so glad that nobody was seriously hurt in this incident, and it shows how life issues do happen and they always have taken priority at all times....Family has always come first and foremost to me, and I again must state that when issues with family arise, my writings at this blog do get put on hold....Yes, the wildfires in Fort McMurray Alberta Canada have been on everyones' minds here this last week, and I have been troubled by both the cause and the catastrophe itself... I noted in several articles this last week alone that something strange has been going on with these fires, especially in the fact that the Alberta government in Edmonton and the Federal government in Ottawa have strangely turned down so many nations around the planet that have come forward and have been offering their assistance in fighting these blazes... It boggles the mind that even in Canada, when one of the largest water bombers was available to be used in combatting these fires, it was not even called upon!  Something strange indeed has been going on here, and I want to put out one thought that I had about this entire fiasco here....OK, lets look at the present situation here in Canada with its oil production from the "tar sands" just north of Fort McMurray.... What people need to understand, and I laid it out clearly some time ago in a previous rant, is the fact that Canada is presently screwed when it comes to its oil from these 'tar sands' and it is centred around the price of production compared to what the Canadian government can actually sell it for..... Lets look at the facts here.... "Syncrude" or "tar sand" petroleum is very expensive to extract... It costs approximately $75 a barrel (some say a bit lower in the $60-$65 range..) which is fine when the world price of Petroleum is hovering around the $120 a barrel mark of just over two years ago.. Therefore when the world price is around $30-$35 a barrel, then the production of "syncrude" oil is not profitable at all, but is being done at a tremendous loss....One other issue that so many people overlook is the issue of the US buying this "syncrude" oil from Alberta at the rate of some 2 Million barrels a day at WORLD PRICE....Yes, the Alberta and Ottawa governments negotiated a deal with the Americans that they would indeed sell them this oil at world price some 10 years ago, and at the time with the world price well over $100 a barrel it was indeed profitable to Alberta, and Canada as well.... However, and this is a big however, the deal was never rescinded or adjusted for the possibility that world price would collapse... No one in Canada at the time the deal was signed thought that the price of Petroleum would ever fall and they believed the "cash cow" would continue forever.....Therefore when we fast forward to now, the Americans have been getting their Alberta oil at the world price of around $30-$35 a barrel now, while it is still costing $75 a barrel to produce!    And the result is devastating, as the Canadian and Alberta governments are LOSING some $70-100 MILLION a day to keep their oil agreement to the Americans... Obviously this cannot go on, and something had to give....Now comes where I think there is a dastardly agenda behind this Alberta wildfires that were allowed to burn "out of control"...... The fires have basically shut down the "syncrude" production at Fort McMurray, and we are into a situation of "supply and demand" that has now been adjusting the world price of Petroleum upward due to "reduced supply"...... With the Fort McMurray production momentarily out of commission, the price of Petroleum has risen due to that lack of supply..... And we have news that the "full production" at Fort McMurray will take WEEKS if not MONTHS to achieve... In the meantime the price is up and the cost to Americans to get their oil from Alberta has risen which has reduced Canada's continuing financial loss from production.... OK, call me a pessimist, but I do believe that THIS more than anything else explains why the fires at Fort McMurray were allowed to burn out of control... The plan to me was to shut down the syncrude production facilities and therefore drive up the world price of Petroleum!   Some may say I am wrong for this hypothesis, but I say to them to take a look at what happened several years back when there was a major fire at one of the key refineries in the United States along the Texas Gulf Coast.  With that oil refinery fire and the subsequent shut down in its operation, the price of Petroleum rose sharply......It took months after the fire was out before the price fell back.... Many say that this "fire" was done purposely at the time to drive up prices via a downfall in supplies!Look, do not get me wrong... I do indeed feel badly for the people of Fort McMurray, for so many of them have lost their livelihood due to these wild fires... But again, something is terribly amiss when proper fire fighting equipment was available even before the fires threatened the city, and no moves were made to use them.....There is not much more to say about the situation in Syria right now... The US Government are liars and hypocrites as they continue to supply their fraud "terrorist" groups under the equally fraudulent 'ceasefire' agreements... The criminals in Washington have even had the gall to say that the Russians and Syrians have been killing civilians during this laughable "ceasefire" while their criminal ISIS and Al Nusra fraud groups have been killing and maiming thousands...... I have said that the entire "ceasefire" idea was drummed up by the Americans to save at the time what was left of their forces in and around Aleppo and to prevent the city from falling to the Syrian government forces... And guess what?  I was absolutely right!  Now these fraud terrorists are once again fully armed and causing havoc..... I truly am at a loss at trying to figure out the whole plan by the Syrians and the Russians in their fight to free Syria itself.... The facts are clear that over two months ago the Syrians were on the verge of finally eliminating these fraud US backed groups, but instead they are now in new pitched battles with these rearmed groups and it could take months if not ever to fully free Syria itself!Yes, while the world has been so focused once again (and on purpose) on the happenings in the Middle East, the US has now had another "successful coup" and has overthrown another peaceful nation's government...This time it so happens that the nation that has had its government overthrown is Brazil.   And it should be so obvious that the US has taken out the government in Brasilia due to the fact that the nation of Brazil itself is part of the BRICS nations that have been working as a trade block to end the US dollar hegemony over the planet.... It is my understanding that the criminal US government was looking at one of the 'weakest links' in the entire BRICS nations' makeup and they targeted Brazil for their plans to bust BRICS itself.... And at the moment it appears they have succeeded.....And of course the other South American nation on the US radar for overthrow and/or destruction is now Venezuela.... There has been almost NO reporting from the Jew spew media up here in Canada (no shock here) about the social and political disaster that is unfolding right now in what used to be the most prosperous nation in the western hemisphere, Venezuela...... The government in Caracas is a mess, and the people are now starving on the streets everywhere across that nation, thanks primarily to the actions of the US government with its "sanctions" as well as the part of the IMF and their actions in suffocating Venezuela financially...... This of course has all been part of the criminal US agenda to have Venezuela brutally destroyed and subverted... These criminals have always wanted to regain Venezuela's massive Petroleum reserves and it appears that very shortly the Caracas government will fall and a US puppet regime will take its place and turn over those oil reserves to US control..... The good people of Venezuela, who are presently suffering and on the verge of starvation and famine, will indeed suffer even more as a result.....Someone asked me about this "Brexit" vote that is coming next month that will give the good people of the United Kingdom their chance to break free of the suffocation called the European Union... I will say that the choice for the British is crystal clear here... Either freedom from the Rothschild empire of the failed EU, or a chance to be finally once again fully independent and possibly prosperous as a result.... I know from what I have seen and written already about the horrors and failings of the entire European Union and the fact that nations are better off not being part of that criminal group, that the choice is clear for the British to vote "Yes" to Brexit!   A "No" vote is basically slavery...... One thing that the British have to be careful about is the possibility of massive fraud in this upcoming Brexit vote... Many have to remember what happened in Scotland some two years ago when the Scots overwhelmingly voted for independence but had that vote and their very future stolen from them!I for the life of me cannot understand this bullshit "transgender rights" issue... Lets face reality here.. We were all born either a man or a woman... There is no fine line between the two except for in some strange and peculiar biological mixups...... But what we have here are those fraud 'politically correct' groups out there that are screaming for people, and even children, to have the "right" to choose their gender based upon what they think they are and not what they biologically are......And this has opened up an insane "can of worms" where these transgender individuals can choose which washrooms they want to use anywhere based upon their belief of gender and not what their gender actually is.... This is so retarded to me, and I again must say that I would be absolutely floored if I were a parent of a young girl who went into a girl's washroom followed by some creep man who thought he could use the same facility under the auspice that he believed he was a woman!   I again am stating clearly that if I was that father, then I would grab that creep and beat the living life out of him if he entered a woman's washroom... Or better yet, I would make sure I carried a knife and I would gladly cut the guy's balls off to save him the cost of the operation to change his gender!   Lets face it, for this "transgender rights" issue is a sham, and it is again being pushed by fraud "liberals" (mostly Jewish criminals) who want to destroy the idea of family.....It had no place in our society years ago, and it has no place now....Yes, this year sadly marks the 69th anniversary of the creation of the criminal and psychopathic "state" of Israel.... And the world has been a sorry place since that abomination was allowed on this planet..... Many have been asking me my opinion about that "state" and if I believe in its "right to exist"..... I keep telling them exactly the same thing this question arises... NO nation have ever the "right to exist" but exists through its creation and its people getting together to form that nation... This "right to exist" idea and statement is to me pure bullshit, and is still being thrust out there by the Jews occupying that land illegally to somehow give them some legality.... They have NO right to the land of Palestine, as that land itself has and always will be rightfully the land of the Palestinians.... AND if we consider the fact that Israel has NEVER kept true to its own statements of the rights of the Palestinians to return to their land from the time that nation was sadly created in November 1947, I would say that it absolutely has NO right to exist in its present and most evil form.....But again, it will continue to be the real parasite on planet Earth thanks to the slaves in America pumping it full of American dollars to keep it from failing....And as usual, before I get onto my "last minute tidbits", I want to give everyone an update on what has been happening with Whitewraithe..... Well, the good news is that she has just finished most of her training courses required for her new job, and this coming week she is heading to Memphis Tennessee for some further on the job training.... Everything is finally looking up for her and it is about time.... In the meantime she has been unable to do any articles over at her Pragmatic Witness website, and I must apologize to those who sent off any good luck wishes there that she has not read or replied to.... If anyone wants to wish her luck, you can forward the message to this site through the comment section and I will make sure she gets it..... And of course while she is out, our Turbulent Times shows will have to wait......Again, patience everyone.....Well, I figure I have rambled on long enough... There are of course so many other issues that I have missed, and I will try to touch on many of them right here in my usual "last minute tidbits"......I again cannot figure out why the American people still do not get it in regards to the political circus happening with their 2016 US Presidential campaign.  It does not matter whether you vote for the psychotic mass murdering freak of nature, Killary Clinton, or the businessman turned politician Donald Drumpf.  Either vote will just keep the Jewish power elite in control of America.  The only saving grace to a Drumpf vote in my opinion is that it will at least delay the US starting World War III........And speaking of course of the American push for a new world war, it is illogical for the US and of course NATO, which has been the Rothschild's personal hit squad, to continue to build up forces along the Russian Federation border.  This is pure provocation, and it is no wonder the Russians are building up their own forces as a reply.  Yes, the US is indeed pushing for a major war against Russia just to save its failing economic neck.......The same goes for the Americans trying to provoke a conflict with China over those small islands in the South China Sea.  Apparently the American psycho administration figures that the only way out of collapse is World War III........I see that the US had finally admitted and committed boots on the ground in Yemen.  As I stated previously, the Saudis could not beat the Yemeni people, so now they have called in their American "allies" to do the dirty work.  And sadly the Yemeni people that are already starving to death will suffer the most........I see that Greece is once again in economic turmoil and all that IMF "aid" that was given to the nation last year to prop it up from failing has turned into a disaster as I had predicted.  Yes, the Greek people failed last year to tell the IMF to go to hell and we now see the repercussions of that folly.......I saw the reports this week about young girls dying as a result of the horrific HPV vaccines.  It boggles the mind that any parent would be stupid enough to subject their daughters to this deadly vaccine and it proves again that vaccines do NOT work and absolutely do more harm than any good...... And I read that in Ontario Canada, many parents that have refused to have their children subjected to the horrors of "vaccination" have been demanded to take "reeducation" (!) classes.  More like brainwashing attempts by criminal health groups to try to convince parents that "vaccines are good".........I have not put up any articles in the last while about the Global Warming fraud.  I figured that just opening your doors and seeing how cold the weather is for the month of May is convincing enough that the planet is absolutely NOT warming.  The key now is to get people to refuse the new carbon tax legislation that is being promoted everywhere.......More Jewish "holocaust" ceremonies across the planet this last week to "commemorate" that "event".  I again cannot state whether that part of history was "real" or not.  All I can say is for people to judge for themselves and do their own research.  The truth is out there for anyone, and hopefully with enough people enlightened, all those phoney "hate crime" laws will finally be repealed........I saw the articles where the only good use for the crappy F35 fighter aircraft is for it to appear in air shows next to World War II vintage aircraft.  Yes, multi-billions of dollars wasted on this flying lemon and the best it can do now is to be sold to the public through air shows.  I am still hoping for the day this POS is finally abandoned by the US government and the billions still yet to be wasted on this failed project diverted to where it belongs, such as fixing the American health care system.....I see there are more reports about the failings of the "social media" program called "Facebook" with even more allegations of the program being used to censor information and sites that are considered "too conservative".  But again, I cannot figure out why anyone with two brain cells to rub together would ever have this spy program in their computers to start with?  Yes, there are indeed some 1.5 billion suckers out there on planet Earth using this Israeli spy program!.........Arsenal plays its last game of this BPL season today against relegated Austin Villa.  It has been a long season, and now I wonder what I will do without soccer on the Talmudvision.   I guess I could actually watch a few hockey playoff games to fill the void.......And finally, I guess I can take a break from attaching that psycho demon Killary Clinton and get back to the good old Kardashian clan bashing.  Apparently there were a few stories leaked this last week where that freak of nature, "Kaitlyn" Brucie Jenner, has now been considering becoming a man again.  Honestly, this is one truly fucked up guy who in my view needed some strong psychological treatment years ago.  But it just goes hand in hand with that circus called the "Kardashians" and sadly most Americans look at this crap rather than actually wanting to save their nation from ruination... And people wonder why I say America is truly screwed?More to comeNTS