Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, March 9th, 2014

Sunday... And after taking yesterday off to take care of personal and family business, it is time to do my weekly rant....First, I am sitting here typing away with one heck of a throbbing headache.  It seems that I am again coming down with my annual bout of sinus infection, and no matter how much Vitamin C and Vitamin D that I have been pumping into my system, the symptoms are not going away.  Lets face it, I have terrible sinuses that I inherited from my mother, and it seems that nothing short of a major operation to clear them up will fix this problem.  Please bear with me while the medicine kicks in.....The Ukraine... Yes, I feel that I have neglected that important subject for too long, with much of the concentration these last few weeks on exposing the fraud artists and disinformation clowns that have ruined our efforts (including mine) in exposing the truths about the worse "school shooting" in US history at Sandy Hook as being a massive fraud and lie....Therefore I will spend the next while talking about exactly what is going on in that country...Lets first face the facts... The Ukrainian "uprising" or "revolution" was absolutely nothing of the sort.. It was an American led coup to overthrow a government that was fully and legitimately elected by the people of Ukraine.   The truth has been coming out now that the US was fomenting that uprising for as long as 5 years, and now they have moved to have their people in charge of that country.  The  government under US puppet Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk (I hope I have the spellings right) that replaced Mykola Azarov as Washington, and the criminal EU's choice to lead that once proud nation into financial ruination... The United States has also installed another puppet, Oleksandr Turchynov, as the new President of the Ukraine to replace President Victor Yanukovych.   The fact is readers, that these men are US/EU stooges and Yatsenyuk himself being not only Jewish, but already begging for money from the Rothschild controlled International Monetary Fund, the IMF.... Yes, the fact is that this "revolution" in the Ukraine is absolutely not a popular one by the people of Ukraine as the Jewish run media continues to portray, but was a carefully planned operation to overthrow a government to bring another nation into the clutches of Jewish criminal Usury banking.. Even while the nation sits in turmoil, the criminal sleezy Jewish bankers have already moved ahead with giving Ukraine "loans" to help rebuild and "stabilize" the nation's faltering economy... But the net result will be the fleecing of Ukraine's wealth, and indebtedness to the criminal IMF and Rothschild banks forever... The looting and fleecing has already started considering the Pension Funds of the people of the Ukraine have already been cut in half, and any bank withdrawals have been severely limited.. What we see here is the start of infamous "bail ins" imposed on the people of Ukraine to prop up the failing Jewish controlled banks.What most people, especially in the United States, need to understand is that the so called "media" is putting out nothing but lies about the Ukraine right now (no surprise here) and hiding the fact that this coup was orchestrated by the United States government themselves.   We learned this last week about the planning of this operation was carefully conceived by a most evil tribe member, Victoria Nuland, who made sure the IMF's man, Yatsenyuk, was put into the office of Ukrainian Prime Minister to do the IMF's bidding and to begin the fleecing of the nation's wealth... This woman, Nuland, is as evil as they come, married to ultimate "neocon" Kagan, and of course being a dual citizen Jewish scumbag, has no allegiance to the United States at all and is doing everything possible for the good of her tribe.... It is sad that the American public still does nothing to stop this total control of their own government by these vile creatures...And of course we have John Kohn (Kerry) who is fooling the American people into the belief that he is trying to broker "peace" in the Ukraine, when in actuality being a full tribe member is trying to make sure that Russia stays out of the picture...But instead he is coming out as being an inept buffoon who is making ridiculous statements that could only lead to open war between Russia and the United States over this crisis.  He also just offered the Ukraine $1 Billion in "aid" from the US to help "stabilize" the puppet regime, which to me is astounding considering that money could be used to help the poor and homeless in the United States itself..  Kohn being a tribe member is doing his part for his tribe obviously to make sure they do not lose their grip on Ukraine.Again as I said in my previous rant the real lynch pin in this entire Ukrainian fiasco is Russia.  The Russians are not fooled by the phony rhetoric by the US and the Jewish controlled European Union.  They have much to lose if Ukraine falls under criminal Rothschild control, considering the fact that the Rothschild police force, NATO, has always eyed Ukraine as a forward base to be used potentially against Russia itself.   The Russians also know that with the new US led puppet government in Kiev, the very large Russian speaking population of Ukraine has suddenly come under fire and that regime has even demanded removal of Russian as one of Ukraine's official languages, and the move towards limiting the Russian minority's rights in that nation.  Yes, there has been centuries of animosity between Ukrainians and Russians, especially in the last century considering the Holomodor and almost 80 years of Soviet control, but for the last 2 decades they have lived in mostly a harmonious relationship.   But the new puppet government of Ukraine is stupidly trying to alienate its own Russian speaking populace and therefore fracture the nation even further.  The Russian government has already protested such a move by Kiev, and will not stand by and watch fellow Russians suffer as a result of their folly. The crisis these last few weeks has focused of course on the Crimea that contains mostly Russian speaking citizens.  The fact is that Ukraine has not always had ownership over that region, and that Crimea has always been a semi-autonomous part of Ukraine considering its Russian majority.  With the coup in Kiev, and the move of the US puppet regime against the Russian minority in Ukraine proper, the Crimean people have rightfully moved to having a peaceful referendum to decide their future.  It is a fact that the majority of the people of Crimea will indeed vote for secession from Ukraine to be made part of Russia, and the US and EU cannot admit to this reality and instead of supporting the rights of the Crimean people have rejected such a referendum and have also threatened "war" over such action.   This is a ridiculous and ludicrous move by these governments considering that they have "supported" such action in the past, Kosovo being a prime example.   But again, what is good for the Jewish run EU, US, and the Rothschilds, is what matters the most and not the rights of people.I for one have not been fooled by this "crisis" in Ukraine, and have known from the very beginning that the criminal Jewish scumbag elite have always eyed Ukraine as being part of their fraud "European Union" so as to fleece that once proud nation and turn it into another puppet slave of Jewish control.   Russia is not the bad guys either in this fight, in spite of the incessant lies from the Jewish controlled media.  It is my hope that people are not fooled and understand that it is the US/EU that is screaming and calling for war against Russia over this US led coup.   The people everywhere need to wake up now and stop these maniacs and lunatics in our governments from pushing the world to the brink of nuclear destruction immediately.OK, enough of Ukraine for now... So much has happened elsewhere while the world has been focused by the liars in the Jewish controlled media.... Especially what has been going on in the Middle East right now. We see the continuing push of course for war in Syria against the good guys, the Bashar Al Assad government and his forces who have been winning their war against the so called "rebels".   The fact is that the rebels are now more desperate than ever in trying to maintain their grip on what few areas of Syria they still control.  But they are losing battles against the Syrian government forces everywhere and are screaming for help from their main benefactors, the US and Israel.   This is why again the criminals in the US government are trying to create another false flag to be blamed on Assad so that they can first bring about their much needed "no fly zone" over Syria as a prelude to open invasion of that peaceful nation.  But the world is no longer fooled by these criminals considering their "chemical weapons" fiasco of last year.   This is why the media has gone quiet over Syria.  They are hoping that over time and considering the short memory spans of most Americans, that they can again try another false flag soon, and that then they will get their nice little war against Syria going again...And of course while the world is enthralled by the "crisis" in Ukraine, little news has been paid to the increasing criminal Israeli moves against neighboring Lebanon.   The fact is that the Israelis are again gearing towards another invasion of that peaceful nation under the false premise of destroying "Hezbollah".   The Israelis have always wanted southern Lebanon simply to satisfy their thirst for the waters of the Litani River.  They desperately need that water to alleviate the critical water shortages in Israel itself, and rather than actually make deals to gain access to that water with the Lebanese government, they will go to war to seize it instead.  Of course these criminals will have another phony "rocket attack" in northern Israel happen as their pretext for war, and I can guarantee that is coming.....One last point about the Middle East... The Israeli arch criminal and psychopathic Prime Minister, Miliewkowsky (Netanyahu) is again trying to scream wolf over Iran's non-existent nuclear weapons program, but few in the world are now listening.  He tried again to raise the specter of Iran in last week's AIPAC "policy meeting" in Washington DC, but even those Jew butt kissers who attended that fraud were no longer listening.   Is the world finally waking up to the truth that Iran is not a threat, but Israel truly is, to peace in the Middle East?  I doubt it....Yes, so much news everywhere around the planet to talk about, and here I spent an entire rant without talking about Sandy Hook.   I will leave that fraud to more articles that I will put up this coming week.  And in the meantime, it is time for my closing "Last minute tidbits"...... Israel last week announces ANOTHER 1400 new illegal settlement homes in the occupied West Bank last week and the media conveniently avoids this announcement.  When will people finally learn that there cannot be any peace in Palestine because the psychotic Jews want the land all for their selfish selves?......Fukushima is going strong, with no end in sight.  The 3rd anniversary of that initial disaster of March, 2011 is coming this week, and they still, after 3 years, have no solutions to fixing the mess.  The fact is that there is no way to solve the problem with present techonology and this crisis will go on for possibly decades to come.....Almost 4 feet of snow on the ground here in central Canada, and we see the fraudsters behind the Global Warming scam still out there screaming their lies.   But they need this scam to continue to fleece the public out of money through phony Carbon taxes and will not stop until people finally wake the hell up.......This week's first show of "Turbulent Times" did not go well.  Wraithe and I had delay after delay due to personal issues, and the recordings were not what we wanted.  In fact they were terrible.  We are not giving up though, and crossing our fingers that we will have the first show up very soon....My team, Arsenal, has not been doing too well and has slipped a bit in the Premier League standings.  Still 9 games to go, and I am crossing my fingers that they turn it around and make a run to the top.......Anyone notice the picture at the top of this rant?  Wraithe suggested the "rant" picture, and I figured I would try it for a while and get everyone's opinion.  I like it personally and I hope everyone does.......And finally, what everyone has always waited for, my weekly look at America's sweethearts, the fabulous Kardashians.  It seems that Kanye West is wanting to take control of the prime skank, Kim, and have her decline all "appearances" without his approval first, considering her recent antics at a bizarre function in Vienna Austria.  The real sad part is that someone actually paid that skank $500,000 to attend that function!  Yes, what a sick and twisted world we truly live in......Honestly, maybe it is time to give up on the Kardashians for a while.  I see that Canadian Justin Beiber has been up to some crazy behavior recently.  Maybe I should switch the focus to that spoiled brat instead?  I will leave it up to readers to let me know....More to comeNTS