Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, March 8th, 2015

Sunday again, and as usual time for my weekly rant...Yes, today is the 8th of March, and this marks exactly one full year since that Malaysian flight 370 took off from Kuala Lumpur airport in Malaysia on its planned flight to China.... Shortly after takeoff, things went terribly wrong and mysteriously flight MH370 disappeared after veering off its flight path and suddenly vectoring towards the Indian Ocean....Yes, there has been a lot of reports recently that have stated that there is now "evidence" that the flight was accidentally blown out of the sky by the US military that was doing some exercises nearby... The problems that I have with these reports is the simple fact that if the plane was blown out of the sky, there would have most probably been witnesses to the explosion due to the time of day when the aircraft disappeared.. That and there has been no wreckage from that supposed explosion and no bodies of the victims...This to me tells me that this new "theory" that the plane was blown out of the sky by the US military is just some more hear say and just more clouding of the truth about where that plane actually went..Which of course was to the American military base at Diego Garcia in the British Indian Ocean Territories...Yes, one year after that plane went missing and everyone still has been so led astray as to what ever happened to that aircraft... I feel that again I must put into an article, even it if means taking up part of this rant to explain again exactly where MH370 went....After MH370 disappeared from Malaysian radar, it was flown with help by radar blinding technology used by an American EC radar aircraft and flown directly across the Indian Ocean towards Diego Garcia... Yes, some people on the southern part of the Indian Ocean Maldives Islands did see the aircraft as it flew near their horizon (see here), and the plane did make a successful landing at Diego Garcia... Shortly after the landing, the passengers were off loaded and the plane was most probably hidden away into a hangar for a quick repaint job.. The passengers were of course exterminated (One, Phillip Wood, was able to fire off one last 'selfie' on his hidden cell phone before he too was exterminated (see my article here)) which makes the US responsible for the murder of all 239 passengers on board....The plane was quickly repainted to remove its Malaysian airliner markings, and after several days was sent off disguised as an American military transport aircraft with other transports to be flown all the way to the United States....Now comes the real purpose of the stealing of a Boeing 777-ER aircraft.... Because of its range, well over 5000 miles, it makes a perfect flying bomb to be used for a fraud 'terrorist' attack..... After about two weeks at least in America, the plan was concocted to use this aircraft for an attack on the delegations that were to meet in The Netherlands during the last week of March, 2014 to discuss Iran and its nuclear power program... The plan was to attack this "summit" and have it blamed on Iran....Yes, we are indeed dealing with psychotic and insane individuals that run our governments indeed...On March 24th, 2014, the remarked Malaysian MH370 took off from the United States to be used as a flying bomb to hit the Iranian summit in The Hague, Netherlands... LUCKILY we all avoided a possible World War III that day due to the quick actions by the Dutch Air Force that forced this "mysterious Boeing 777" out of Dutch airspace (see article here).... The criminals were indeed stopped in this, their plan "A" for a new terrorist attack... This aircraft obviously landed somewhere in a US controlled military base in Europe and the diabolical lunatics that wanted their nice little war were stopped.. At least for the moment....Now several months later, and the Rothschild Empire/American war for the conquest of Ukraine was becoming a failure for these criminals...Worse, the criminal Jew spew media and their controlled governments were losing the war for peoples' minds, and their plans to escalate the war to a full blown war against Russia was seriously behind schedule.... They needed something new to have Russia vilified and the sheep everywhere somehow galvanized to support their conquest of Ukraine, and especially the idea of an attack on Russia itself... This is where their think tanks came up with their MH17 scam.....On the morning of July 17th, 2014, Malaysian flight MH17 was "scheduled" to take off from Amsterdam, for its long trip to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.... Its supposed flight path would have taken it over the southern part of Ukraine and well away from the fighting that was taking place in the eastern provinces.. What I discovered a few months really puzzled me, for this report (here) indicates that MH17 was actually "canceled"  and never took off from Amsterdam... Some may dismiss this as nonsense, but it would make sense because the real aircraft that flew that supposed flight path of "MH17" was none other than the long "missing" MH370 aircraft..... The aircraft that was tracked flying the MH17 flight path was the MH370 aircraft that took off from a nearby US military base.. Before that last fateful flight by MH370 as MH17, the long dead passengers of MH370 were taken out of "cold storage" and reloaded into the new flying bomb....The sick plan by these criminals was indeed to have MH17 (MH370) flown by remote control, to be blown out of the sky over Ukraine, and of course conveniently blamed on Russia itself... The remote controlled controlled aircraft, once it flew over Ukrainian was purposely diverted away from its regular flight path by almost 300+ miles so that it would cross over the disputed eastern provinces.. Once it entered that airspace, the Ukrainian military and the Ukrainian air force, that were part of this false flag operation, shot down that aircraft..... Some say it was an Ukrainian BUK ground missile or an air to air missile from an Ukrainian fighter plane... It does not matter which method was used for shooting down the aircraft, for the deed was done, and MH17 (MH370) was indeed blown out of the sky and it crashed in the eastern provinces of Ukraine as planned.. But from that point the plans went awry....The US and Ukraine failed to win the hearts and minds of people with the lies that it was the Russians that did the deed and their false flag plan fell apart ....Ever since that shoot down they have been constantly forced to back peddle and are still trying to spin their lies of Russian involvement....The strongest evidence that MH17 was indeed the long "missing" MH370 comes from the first responders to the crash site in eastern Ukraine.. Many of these responders and doctors on the scene complained deeply and bitterly about the rotting smell of the bodies that were pulled from the debris which of course shows that the passengers were LONG DEAD (see article here)... NOT possible if these were live victims that had just taken off from Amsterdam some 6 hours earlier....Bodies do NOT decompose that quickly, and gives proof that these were already dead bodies loaded onto the plane!.....THIS alone shows that the MH17 flight was indeed part of a very sick "false flag" operation... One to both dispose of both the victims and the plane of MH370 and of course to blame Russia for the "shoot down".... The other evidence comes from the first photos of the aircraft debris on the ground, and especially the window configuration in and around one of the aircraft doors.. Evidence shows that the window configuration was that of MH370 and NOT MH17  (see here).....  It is also amazing that to this date, the Ukrainian criminal regime has constantly refused any full investigation and analysis of the crash site, the debris, etc.. The coverup of their deception continues in fact to this day...The criminals responsible for MH17 tried desperately for months after this false flag attack to blame Russia for the "shootdown" and failed miserably... Their sick plan for World War III had been avoided, but for the moment... The fact that these monsters killed all the passengers on MH370, and then reloaded their bodies onto a new flying bomb called MH17 should tell everyone what kind of sickness we are dealing with....Yes, my full report on the truth about MH370/MH17 has taken up a lot of this rant, but I am not one for speculation and lies, and therefore the truth must be told!Need I go any further in exposing the truth about the fraud known as "ISIS", AND the entire equally fraudulent "war on terror"?   I do feel that it is a constant up hill battle in trying to reach so many people with the truth that all of this "terrorism" is pure and utter bullshit....I for the life of me cannot understand why people cannot wrap it around their brains that these frauds are being used as psychological weapons on peoples' minds so that they are stupid enough to surrender their freedoms for the illusion of security.. And yes, it is an illusion, for it has long been said and be very truthful that if any nation is stupid enough to surrender their freedoms for "security", then their citizens will wake up one day in a country where they will have neither!  Sadly, my own country, Canada, is about to enter that realm with the impending passage of that ridiculous freedom stripping "Bill C51"......I do have some sad news before I get onto my last minute tidbits... My good friend, Whitewraithe, has again lost her job... This time however the circumstances were quite disturbing... It appears that the company that hired her months ago suddenly got scared by the fact that she recently experienced some problems that required a chiropractor to fix and decided to let her go..... The tough part is that she continued to work at the job and never missed any time in spite of the pain and refused worker's compensation...In return for her wanting to show her willingness to work, they unceremoniously released her just a few days ago....Honestly, have things really become this bad in the United States??? ... I hope that everyone that comes in here does go over to her Pragmatic Witness site, at and send her some well wishes.. She really can use some right now...Well, that is it for my primary subject that I wanted to cover in this rant for this week... I will close this rant with my usual last minute tidbits that will cover hopefully all other subjects that I may have missed... My honest opinion of psychopathic Israel's psychopathic Prime Minister, Benyamin Miliewkosky (Netanyahu) is this:  The man is a raving lunatic and a very dangerous one.  Knowing his days as the Prime Minister of that lunatic asylum are now numbered, he may yet launch an attack on Iran alone and thus drag his minions in the US and even here in Canada into a new world war.......So let me get this straight: An innocent man is about to go in front of an American Kangaroo Court for his part in the fraud Boston Bombing, and the American public has been brainwashed by the Jew spew media into the false belief that he is somehow guilty?  Yes, America has indeed fallen under tyranny.....Someone asked me about my opinion of the recent criminal acts of that Jewess, Hillary the Killer Clinton.  This is the same blood thirsty lunatic that cackled loudly when Muhammar Gadaffi got murdered by US forces, right? Need I say more?  Thank goodness her chances of becoming the next US President just went out the door.......I saw some recent articles that revealed that the lunatics behind vaccines have been tainting their poison with human embryo bits created by stem cells since 1995 at least (!).  And yet we find people still stupidly rolling up their arms to take these horrific concoctions into their bodies?  Yes, people truly are that gullible.......Coldest first week of March across most of North America in almost 100 years, and still no sign of Al Gore in all this.  Has someone finally tied him up and buried him in one of those massive New England snow piles?  Yes, this is wishful thinking.......Why is the Jew spew media still promoting the lie that Russia annexed Crimea last year?  A bold faced lie and obviously desperation on the cusp of madness just to somehow warrant a full blown war with Russia itself......Yes, I saw the reports of parents finally revolting against that horrific "Common Core" bullshit curriculum that has ruined the American education system.  My response is this:  It is about freakin' time!......Harrison Ford crashes a world war II vintage aircraft on a golf course and walks away. Either great flying skills or the force is definitely with Han Solo.......Arsenal getting ready for its next game against Manchester United at Old Trafford tomorrow.  This game will show if either the Gunners are contenders or pretenders.  I am of course hoping for the former.......Someone asked me recently my opinion of feminism and the entire feminist movement.  I could spend entire articles going over that fraud, and needless to say all that anyone needs to see how diabolical it really is, is to look at who are the "feminist leaders" themselves. They are all Jews, and are doing exactly what the Protocols have dictated in using feminism to destroy the family and thus weaken the Jew's opposition to world domination.  If some do not like that response, too bad, for "feminism" has ruined too many lives of women already......Whitewraithe and I will try again tonight with another Turbulent Times show at 7PM Central DAYLIGHT time. There is so much to talk about and the show will be good for Whitewraithe considering all the hell she has gone through these last few days......And finally, what everyone has been waiting for, my usual shot at the great American icon, the Kardashian clan of trollops, skanks, and wastes of people's minds.  My favorite skank, Kim, has supposedly posed nude again, this time for promoting the first episode of the upcoming season of "Keeping Up With The Kardashians".  One word: Yikes!  This figures considering how this trollop wants all the media attention, and shows how truly dumbed down America has become that so many brain dead Americans will gobble this all up.  But again, America just loves their Kardashians...More to comeNTS