Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, March 6th, 2016

 It is Sunday, and again time for my weekly rant....I may be taking some time off very shortly for a well needed vacation...I have been very stressed out this last while with all the latest happenings with my job and with so much on my plate in my personal life, that a break from everything is so much needed.......If I do, I will alert everyone here as to when and when I will return... I will do my utmost during my time off to still write my weekly rants of course.....The temperatures here in central Canada are finally beginning to moderate towards normal... It has been a very brutal though very normal winter here, and absolutely NO signs of that much harped "Global Warming" or as they try to call it "Carbon Change" thingy at all..... I am not surprised, for I and others that are up to speed on the truth about that scam know that the entire scheme is a fraud for the sole purpose of introducing "Carbon Taxation" and therefore fleece the public again out of their hard earned monies.....Someone sent me a report where "scientists" are saying that "2015 was the warmest year on record" and all I can say is that these fools are NOT real scientists at all, but brainwashed idiots that are either too misinformed or lacking real data, or most probably on the bankrolls of the corporations that want this Carbon credit/taxation fraud imposed.... Real scientists are now seeing the scam and are finally coming forward calling the entire "Climate Change" fiasco the hoax it really is.....And of course this last week in Canuckleheadistan we have brainwashed Justin Trudeau having a conference with Provincial leaders trying to hammer out how they are going to impose their "Carbon Taxes" on the Canadian people.... But supposedly, Justin was not able to get a "consensus" and the Carbon Credit fleecing of the Canadian knuckleheads will have to wait a while longer to have their pockets raped...I continue to come under flack from the "Flat Earthers" out there, with the usual ridiculous comments sent my way that contain some equally ridiculous name calling and some of the strangest language that I have ever seen.... As usual, their comments are rightfully sent immediately to the recycle bin and/or I have now spammed them instantly...... I am not shocked at all by their antics and it should be no wonder to anyone that these trolls are there purposely to "poison the well" by attempting to associate us with both themselves and other nut jobs.... The facts are that this "Flat Earth" group has been created and injected into the alternative media to try to create the illusion that anyone that rightfully sees 9-11 as a Mossad operation, and of course the Apollo moon landings as one of the greatest hoaxes of all time, must also believe in this "Flat Earth" bullshit.... They hope that it will make people turn away from our efforts by having new open minded people who are finally coming into the alternative media suddenly think that we who know the truth, and they that are indeed "poisoning the well" are the same..... And in some aspects it has worked and some people are indeed labelling the "Apollo moon hoax" crowd as being also "Flat Earthers"..... But again, it only takes a bit of critical thinking to realize that we are absolutely not the same.....I therefore again dismiss the "Flat Earthers" as fools, idiots, and trolls... And yet you have to admire the professional look of their videos over Youtube, and the effort that they are putting into their scam... We are dealing with some very well paid trolls here and that is why I smell a rat and see them as indeed government operatives or very well paid trolls.....Well, this week marks the 2nd anniversary of the "disappearance" of that Malaysian flight MH370 that took off from Kuala Lumpur airport on a flight to China... Everyone by now knows that the plane mysteriously "disappeared" somewhere over the South China Sea as it magically and equally mysteriously suddenly changed its flightpath, as detected by ground radar, and started to make a bee line over the Eastern Indian Ocean....And never to be seen again.....  It is a "mystery" only because our crooked governments and media want it to be a mystery, and I will explain here what I have determined to be the real fate of this aircraft and its passengers....It should be no secret to anyone that has done their own investigation on the disappearance of Flight MH370 that there was indeed a multi faceted motivation for the theft of this aircraft and its crew... There were several passengers on board that aircraft that had developed some software/hardware for a computer surveillance program for a company called "Freescale Semiconductor" (see article here) that the criminal Rothschild family of thieves and murderers wanted their grubby hands on, and once these passengers "disappeared" the very company that they worked for and their development got handed directly into Rothschild hands (no shock here..)... That information has of course not been well known thanks to the Jewish control over the media!  (Again no shock here)....Then there is the obvious flight path taken by MH370 itself once it crossed over Sumatra Island and into the Indian Ocean... This aircraft being an EXTENDED RANGE Boeing 777 meant that it could travel up to 5000 miles (8000 kilometres) without refuelling, and it therefore had a multitude of different options for where it was to eventually land.... But with the fight path that the aircraft was now taking, there was only ONE possible landing spot for this aircraft and that was absolutely Diego Garcia military base in the British Indian Ocean Territories...... I became convinced of Diego Garcia being the target once the Jew spew media started rolling out their huge floor maps of the Indian Ocean with their newscasters standing on the map directly on the spot where Diego Garcia is and trying to point their audiences elsewhere as to where the plane possibly landed.... Yes, the Jew spew media was in on this scam disappearance from the start and purposely misled its viewing audiences....We now have the plane and passengers landing at Diego Garcia.... And further proof of that landing came in the form of that "selfie" video picture that was released by one of the passengers, Philip Wood, that was released over the internet and showed a point of origin being from Diego Garcia, within day of the plane's "disappearance".....Obviously the passengers were off loaded from the plane, and many being murdered while others were so doped up and brainwashed that even with their eventual release back into society their minds were now destroyed and made into mush....(What about this report here about MH370's pilot mysteriously turning up recently in Taiwan with his brain destroyed? The Jew spew media has tried to "debunk" this story, which means that there may be some truth here!)What happened to the aircraft after that point?  I would say the plane was taken into a hangar and repainted to look like a military transport airplane... Once that was done, the aircraft was flown out of Diego Garcia with other US military transport aircraft to eventually land in the continental United States..... Again, with this aircraft's tremendous range, it was the perfect "flying bomb" that could potentially be used in a "terrorist strike" somewhere on the planet... And it did not take the monsters responsible for the plane's theft to come up with one....As I have shown in previous reports, the answer to the riddle of MH370 is how it morphed into MH17.... For once that aircraft was in the United States it did not take long for the psychopaths that run our world to concoct a new scheme for its usage in a new "terrorist" attack... For at the end of March 2014, many of the world leaders were gathered in The Hague Netherlands, discussing the Iranian Nuclear situation and possible agreement.... The Jewish elite absolutely did not want these talks to succeed and it was decided to use the MH370 Boeing 777 aircraft in a "terrorist" operation to bomb those meetings in The Hague.Few people are even aware (no shock here) that on the morning of March 25th, 2014, the Dutch air force intercepted a most mysterious Boeing 777 aircraft that had intruded on their airspace... Luckily the Dutch scrambled their fighter aircraft and diverted this mysterious aircraft away from their airspace and had it land somewhere else in Europe (see my report on this mysterious aircraft here).   It would not be a far stretch here to speculate that the MH370 flying bomb was indeed heading towards The Hague only to have it intercepted and stopped before it could carry out its robotic operation..... But now the aircraft again "disappeared" somewhere into Europe, and the criminal Jewish elite still had their flying bomb ready for another "terrorist attack"... And of course we again did not have long to wait....On the morning of July 17th, 2014, Malaysian flight MH17 took off on a planned flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.  The aircraft was of course an extended range Boeing 777, and its flight path would take it over the nation of Ukraine.... I would speculate that this is where the switch was made, and MH17 was actually substituted for the long missing MH370 aircraft... Once MH17 started over Ukrainian airspace, many ground controllers noted how the aircraft had mysteriously changed its flight path which would take it directly over the eastern provinces of Ukraine that were under a state of civil war.... And of course we know about the shooting down of MH17 and how the US government and their Ukrainian puppet government have been quick to blame Russia for that shoot down......The evidence that MH17 was actually the long lost MH370 flight was made apparent from the initial investigators that were on the ground at the plane crash immediately after its downing... Many on the scene complained bitterly that the bodies that were pulled from the wreckage had an intense rotting smell (impossible if the plane had just been blown out of the sky because the human body does take time before beginning to rot!)....(See article here about the already dead corpses).... Simply because the bodies were already DEAD means that they were loaded into the aircraft already DEAD before MH17 took off!   That means that MH17 was most probably flown robotically with a payload of corpses........Those corpses were most probably the long dead MH370 passengers that were taken out of cold storage and loaded for this operation......Further investigation into the bodies themselves has always been stymied (purposely) by US and Dutch authorities and I would bet anything that if they were investigated thoroughly, it would be discovered that they were actually all from the ill-fated MH370 flight....And of course we have the initial pictures of the sides of the downed aircraft from those who first responded to the scene, and it was discovered quickly that the aircraft that "crashed" in Ukraine was NOT MH17 at all due to its window and door configurations.....It was indeed MH370!YES, MH17 was indeed the final flight of the long lost MH370 aircraft... The ghouls responsible for MH370 did indeed use the aircraft for the MH17 false flag operation for the purpose of vilifying the Russian Federation... Luckily to this day they have failed miserably and yet they continue to both cover up the MH17 operation and continue to prevent proper research into that event.  Obviously they have much to hide and they do not want the world to learn the bitter truth that MH17 = MH370....Yes, I have come under constant fire for my assertions about these flights and how diabolical and murderous these criminals are behind these false flag operations.  But fact is fact, and I am still waiting for anyone to come up with valid information that destroys my findings and shows otherwise.....Well, onto other matters... I for the life of me still cannot understand the insanity of the American people that they will actually anoint and select a mass murdering freak of nature, Hillary Rodham Bligh (again the real last name of "Clinton"... Look it up here!)  for the Democratic Party candidacy for the next President of the United States... The more I look into this foul creature and how she has been responsible for so much death and destruction including the destruction of the nation of Libya, as well as her treasonous acts as exposed in her internal "email" scandals, I  would say that she deserves to be in a jail cell for the rest of her life rather than having a real chance of achieving the highest office on the planet!   Honestly, are the American people truly this stupid and ignorant?  Can they not see that this creature is a filthy disgusting monster with definite psychosis?   But again, it is so apparent that no matter how vile and disgusting this creature is, the Jewish power elite has already selected her to be the next President, and when she does I hope that someone has mercy on the United States......And what about this increasing love affair with Donald Drumpf?   I still get so many emails and comments saying that I am "wrong" about Donald, and I always point out the facts that Drumpf did not achieve his power and standing as a "self made" Billionaire without kissing Jewish hind parts....That is fact..... Drumpf has even stated how much he loves Israel and will continue the policies of "protecting" Israel at all cost once he becomes President.  How can anyone therefore deny the fact that if this Billionaire does become the next President, that it will continue to be business as usual and the Jewish power elite will continue to bleed America to death?  I have found nothing that has changed that aspect about Drumpf, and all it shows again is that the Jews do indeed control both sides in any conflict or election.  It is written right in their own Protocols!   So again, Donald Drumpf has been anointed to be the next "hero" that will somehow "save" America, when in reality the next four years under his tenure will be no different from all the other Jew controlled fools before him.... If Americans so desperately wants to save their nation, then they should not be looking for these false "heroes" but actually get off their couches and save the nation themselves....Yes, this has been a long rant... And I barely scratched on anything happening elsewhere in our sick world... Hopefully I can touch on them here in my usual "last minute tidbits".....The US has now sent a naval task force to that "disputed" island group off of China.  A definite act of provocation, and stupidly risking a full blown war with China itself.  But again, with the US economy in a tailspin, the lunatics in Washington want a war, any war in fact, to try to save the nation from collapse.......And speaking of economic collapse; I am still shocked to see the reports from the Jew spew media that there may be a "recovery" coming.  Honestly, how can anyone even believe their crap any more when all anyone has to do is just take a walk through their local mall and see the "recovery" for themselves. .....The "ceasefire" in Syria is turning into a charade as I expected.  The US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal is indeed using this respite in fighting to resupply and rearm their fraud "terrorists".  And of course the fighting is still going on almost as strong as before this "ceasefire" which means the agreement to stop the fighting has indeed turned meaningless as I had expected.........Meanwhile over the border in Iraq we find the reports of the Iraqi forces being blocked from taking back the city of Mosul from the fraud "ISIS terrorists" by none other than American special forces themselves.  It should be apparent that the US is trying desperately to prevent their CIA/Mossad operatives bottled up in Mosul from being destroyed!  And yet the world still does not see what this "ISIS" is really all about by just looking at what is happening in Mosul?.........Again, I wonder how that nice little war against Yemen by the Saudis is going?  It is so apparent that the Yemeni people are indeed fighting back and are winning the battle against the criminal Saudis.  And yet while the war rages, there is still the thousands of civilians that are starving to death on a weekly basis that is so sadly overlooked by the Jew spew media.......This week marks the 5th anniversary of the Fukushima disaster that is still going strong to this very day.  I have said many times that there is no hope in hell with the present technology available to stop these melted down reactors from continuing to spew their poison into the atmosphere and the adjoining Pacific Ocean. New technologies will have to be invented just to stop the meltdowns, which will take years to develop.  In the meantime, Japan continues to have that healthy glow from the radioactivity, and the Pacific Ocean continues to die slowly from the radioactive nucleotides pouring into its waters..........Well, it is now two full years since the initial "Maidan uprising" that handed the nation of Ukraine over to American control, and we see the result of that coup these days with a nation fucked royally with a collapsed economy and basically turned into a third world nation.  Isn't American intervention great? .....My friend, Whitewraithe, is back. She informed me this week that she has secured a fantastic new job and is on her way to getting back on her feet.  Her computer is still on the fritz, and I told her that she should get a new laptop or desktop (with Windows 7 of course..None of this Windows 10 crap) when she gets enough funds available.  Once she does, we will finally get Turbulent Times relaunched and back on the air.  It has been a long time coming.......Arsenal has been a mess these last few weeks in BPL action, and was only able to get a tie against Tottenham Hotspur yesterday.  I have to face the facts that the Gunners are not that good this year and may have to settle for a spot in the Champions League again rather than the BPL championship.  Another year, another Gunner disappointment.....And finally, my look at the Kardashians.  I have been attacking skank Kim for a while, but other trolls in this group do periodically rear their ugly heads.  I see that Khloe made "news" this week with her photos and comments about her 'camel toe' shown in so many of her pictures (Article here).  Honestly, I cannot figure out the insanity of the paparazzi these days that a skank's "camel toe" makes news?   But again, it shows how mind warped the American public is that they would care about the anatomy of one of these skanks rather than care about their nation's financial implosion.  And people wonder why I say America is so screwed?More to comeNTS