Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, March 20th, 2016

 Sunday, the first day of spring in 2016, and time again for my weekly rant...Yes, I am taking a vacation break...  I will be out and about for the next two weeks doing my utmost for some much needed rest and relaxation... Honestly, I need a break because I am a workaholic and the work load with my job as well as some pressure from family has worn me out... I have also not been in the best of health over the last while in spite of my constant exercising and trying to eat properly..... I just got over another bout of sinusitis (Yes, I did not inform any of my readers of that one...) and I quickly realized how run down and susceptible to even the smallest illnesses that I have become.... The rest will do me good and seriously give my body a chance to recharge....I am a fighter, and am not giving up this blog and my articles by a long shot.... I have come under constant attack these last few weeks from some known trolls and their associates, especially concerning my stand on the ignorance of the "Flat Earth" crowd and their sudden putting a bullseye on this blog...... Having endured many such attacks over these years, this is nothing new, and they will fail.... I have already sent many of their "comments" to the trash bin where they belong while others have instantly gone to the spam pile where they will never see the light of day..... I do not put up with bullshit that distorts real science, and again they will never be able to use this blog as a platform for their stupidity......OK, onto more serious matters......I again cannot for the life of me understand WHY a mentally deranged megalomaniacal psychopathic murderous creature such as Hillary Rodham Clinton is not in a prison outfit rotting in an American jail for her countless crimes against humanity?  Instead of properly wearing prison stripes, this vile psychopath is out there spewing her lies and dangerous rhetoric and apparently is the Jewish criminal elite's top choice for the next President of the United States!  Honestly, are the Democrats and their "party" that unbalanced that they would allow this slithering snake to be their choice for the top office in the United States?  And have the American public honestly lost their collective minds that they would contemplate casting a vote for this demon from hell?    Apparently, the answer is YES (!) and we could indeed see the closest thing to the "Anti-Christ" sitting in the American oval office and in charge of the American military......It honestly scares the living crap out of me that the United States could come this November be under the control of another Clinton, especially a truly psychotic one.... And here I am, sitting here in Canada, truly wondering if the United States has indeed finally gone insane.......Lets again be honest here.. All that anyone with even the simplest brain cells has to do is simply do some Google searches on Hillary Clinton and her criminal activities, and in less that 10 minutes guaranteed they will see for themselves the horrendous activities of her and the Clinton crime family... Her actions concerning the wars in Syria, and especially Libya, are tantamount to acts of treason..... Her emails are showing a trail of deception, espionage, and treason.....If the United States did actually still uphold the laws for acts of treason, then Hillary's actions would have her hanging by a rope until she was dead...And one other thing that I have noticed about Hillary is her eyes.  Yes, if anyone just watches her eyes when she talks, they can see how truly evil and demonic they are.......But again instead she is out there, and a danger to not only the US but to the whole human race... And do not give me this crap about my being against Hillary simply because she is a woman, for this vile creature is an insult to any woman, period.....I have received some emails and a few messages saying that I am a "hypocrite" for now "endorsing" Donald Drumpf to be the next US President, when in fact I am not a "hypocrite" nor have I "endorsed" Drumpf by a long shot... I simply have stated what is obviously flawed with the American political system in that there are ONLY TWO choices out there for the next President.... And given that Hillary aka "Killary" is that much a danger to all of humanity, then the ONLY choice left for the American people is of course Drumpf...... Yes, Drumpf is absolutely controlled by the Jewish power elite, and a Drumpf Presidency will not change the criminal Jewish control over America.  But with there being NO viable "third party" candidates out there in the United States right now, there is no other alternative than to vote for Drumpf to prevent a Killary Presidency..... If someone can show me differently here and show how this logic is "hypocritical" then I am all ears......It comes down to the choices for the US President being either pure despotic evil, or Drumpf.One other thing about the American political circus that has bugged me.... WHY is Dr Evil himself, George Soros, not in a jail cell as well for his funding groups across America that are causing so much incitement for violence?   It was recently revealed that this psychotic Jewish freak of nature fully funded the infamous Ferguson Missouri riots of last year, and has funded all of the groups that are presently out there stirring up all that trouble we see at Drumpf rallies across America...  This vile Hungarian Jew has stated so many times and has actually gloated about how he has destroyed so many nations in the past, and he is presently at work doing his utmost with his tens of millions pf dollars pouring into the United States directly into his "protest groups" to make sure that the US falls under the tyranny of a Hillary Clinton presidency.....And again it puzzles me that he is out there, scot-free, and has avoided being arrested by Interpol or other international police forces for his crimes against humanity.....  Yes, it does appear that when it comes to the Jews and especially an arch criminal such as Soros, there is one law for them in which they can get away with almost anything, and another for everyone else......Well enough of "politics".... I see that the talk about Russia 'withdrawing' from Syria is in reality a bit premature, in that yes the Russians have scaled back their direct military involvement and have pulled out some of their combat aircraft.. However, the Russians have replaced their bombers in Syria with their advanced helicopters and other tactical aircraft... And the Russian pull back has not stopped the Syrian advances against the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal run "terrorist" groups as the Syrian army's grip on Aleppo continues to tighten as well as news that other key towns such as Palmyra are now under Syrian government force control.....The reality is still the same as before in that without direct US/Israel/NATO intervention into Syria itself, their proxy forces of "rebels" and "terrorists" are being soundly beaten.... And yes, the criminal cabal is still working at finding their excuses for that intervention into Syria to not only save their "terrorists" but also to save the 'Greater Israel' project which is still a reality and calls for the breakup of Syria into smaller nations or "fiefdoms"......Everyone that has been watching and listening to the Jew spew media these days has been well aware of the recent rash of "bombings" that have been taking place in Turkey over the last while... It is so apparent that every single one of these attacks has indeed been a "false flag" operation to vilify both the Kurdish separatists in Turkey as well as other groups "based in Syria"... It does not take a rocket scientist to see that the Erdogan government is attempting to galvanize support from the more skeptical Turkish people for his want for more wars and especially an invasion of Syria itself... And with the recent rash of bombings in Ankara, it does not take much for anyone to see that they are indeed by design.....It is also amazing that there has not been any "false flag" attacks anywhere of any significance across the planet for months now....But as I have always stated, they are definitely coming, and we must all be prepared to finger the real culprits and not those promoted by the liars in our governments and the liars in the Jew spew media as well....Off on another topic, and something that has irked me for quite some time now; One thing that I have constantly been noticing with increasing disgust is how over the last few years people NO longer even talk to each other like they used to even 10 years ago... Everywhere I look, I see people with their heads planted into their smartphones and oblivious to the world around them...I have also noticed that when I spend my time at the local coffee shop and spend time with my usual circle of colleagues and friends... For example, just the other day I was sitting back and chatting with our regular group when I noticed at a booth across the aisle, there was a group of 4 school aged teenagers all sitting there quiet as could be and yet every single one of them had their heads firmly planted into their smartphones... Apparently they were all talking to each other, but not verbally, but over text messaging.... I had to turn to a colleague and say that we are indeed watching the decline and collapse of society simply because we no longer communicate with each other verbally, and he did not hesitate to agree...... Yes, I do have my own smartphone, but I use it only for actually calls and as a quick method of obtaining information.  I might seem old fashioned, but when I want to talk to someone I either look them in the eye and use verbal conversation, or if I need to talk to them over the phone, it is NOT by a "text message" but by actually talking into the phone!    Some may disagree with me on this, but I look at smartphones as a detriment to society simply because they are removing much of the interaction and communication skills that humans have honed for millions of years...... I have always believed that people should put their smartphones away once in a while and actually look up and actually enjoy the wonders of this world and the people around them!I want to let everyone know that my friend, Whitewraithe, is doing so much better, and is working hard at her new job... Yes, she has not been able to put up any new material over at her "Pragmatic Witness" website over this last while simply because her computer failed a few months back.  But she is planning to obtain a new computer or laptop once she has the money available.... Once that happens she will be back blogging, and we will be working at getting our Turbulent Times podcasts relaunched..... As I said in previous rants, patience everyone.......OK, I figure that is enough for the moment... Again, I will be taking a rest break and will only be doing my weekend rants unless the world goes to hell.... In the meantime, I will close this rant with my usual "last minute tidbits"......I see that the psychotic state of Israel is continuing their illegal land grab in the occupied West Bank in defiance of international law.  And this last week the fraud European Union sent out a strongly worded reply showing their displeasure of Israel's illegal seizures of stolen land.  Yes, "showing displeasure" instead of actually taking action against these criminals?  It shows how the world has done nothing while the Palestinians are being systematically annihilated......Yes, last week marked the 13th anniversary of the murder of Rachel Corrie by the criminal Israelis.   It is bad enough that young woman was crushed to death by an Israeli IDF armoured bulldozer, but the real travesty is how her family has never had justice served for that act of cold calculated murder by the Israelis......Again, let me get this straight; The United States has spent billions of dollars a month "fighting" their funded and created "terrorists" in Syria over the last 4-5 years, and coming no where near any "success".  And yet the Russians spend at most under $500 Million over the space of 5 months for their own intervention in Syria and they succeeded in crushing the so called "terrorists" during that time frame?  Yes, it makes perfect sense, does it not?...... I saw a report where the French government has the audacity to give their highest award, their "Legion d'Honneur" award to the criminal Saudi crown prince, and I wonder if the French have lost their minds?  It is bad enough that the French government is now ruthlessly clamping down on their own citizens' freedoms, but they have the nerve to give their highest award to criminal murderers and psychopaths as well?  I wonder why in the hell the French are suddenly sucking up to the Saudis?.....And apparently and very quietly the Saudis are beginning to withdraw from their debacle in Yemen.  Reports say that the battles for control of Yemen will now be turned over to the paid mercenary forces primarily coming out of the United States.  Yes, the truth is the Saudis lost their war in Yemen and are attempting to save face by having other nations take over the fighting...........Riots are breaking out in Brazil, and I do wonder if they are being fomented simply because the Brazilian government has defied the criminal US/Israeli Jewish cabal and has joined the BRICS economic group of countries.  We may indeed see the government in Brazil toppled and an American puppet regime put in its place shortly.  I sure hope the people of Brazil know what they are doing, and should look at the debacle in Ukraine as an example of what is in store for them.....Again, is it not amazing that ALL news about this "Zika virus epidemic" has so quickly disappeared?  I wish that people would get it and realize that this latest "epidemic" scare was as much a scam as all previous ones, and was done solely for the promotion of more dangerous and deadly vaccines for the fools out there to gullibly take into their bodies........The same news as usual coming out of Fukushima Japan.  Again, over 5 years now since those meltdowns of at least 3 nuclear reactors and absolutely NOTHING is being done to fix this disaster.  My guess is the criminal elite has decided that deadly radiation for their slaves is a good thing rather than actually fix this ongoing problem......Arsenal beat Everton yesterday by the score of 2-0, but the Gunners are locked into 3rd place in the standings with almost no hope now in catching leading Leicester City.   Yes, another year with no title for Arsenal, again......I have had enough for the next while of taking my shots at the Kardashians and their antics.  With Killary Klinton now almost assured as being the Democratic choice for the next President of the United States, it would make more sense to attack that vile creature than a family of losers....See you all next week with another rant..... Until then...More to comeNTS